Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,143 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Cool morning but warming up. Meeting Lisa's mom for lunch at one, then going to Xfinity as I didn't make it there yesterday. I went to bring Babe flowers at the cemetery for our anniversary. I did get my car the VIP wash so they did the inside and out, looks great.
    Will be leaving early tomorrow for Western so not sure if I will have time to check in. Will be home Sunday.

    Barbie, I am glad Jake is home and back with his adorable family, I am sure you all missed him.

    Take care everyone, Covid is going around again, just be careful
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,777 Member
    Happy Friday. I’ve already lost my post once so short and sweet. Good news Barbie, Jake is home and doing well. Our mild weather continues so walks and gardening are pleasant. This morning I really wanted to stay in bed for longer but knew I needed to shop for groceries so it was up and at ‘em! It was perfect timing because I almost had the store to myself. On to another store for pet food, then filled the car with fuel before coming home to collect George and Betty and drive to the moors.
    While out with Linda on Wednesday I bought a tray of leeks to plant in my garden and also cabbages so decided to look through my seed box to see what else I can grow in the Winter months. My heated propagator is now switched on on a window sill with trays of perpetual spinach, red kale and Chinese cabbage so I will hopefully keep the veggie garden producing.
    More problems with my smart tv losing its signal and another hour wasted retuning so many times that when I finally regained the channels I had no idea what I had done to fix it!
    I’m doing my best to lose a few pounds and do find if I keep busy I don’t get hungry. The best trick of all of course is to not buy chocolate biscuits, ice cream and starchy food so we’ll see how that goes!

    The page is moving about and rolling so I will finish before Imlose another post.
    Take care everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,204 Member
    edited September 2023
    Hello friends. The plumber did finally arrive yesterday and he did some work to stop the leaks. He said I should try to descale the shower head myself and if that didn’t help, I should purchase a new one. I have no idea how I would purchase a new one and I definitely could not install it. The current one is welded in place with lime and scale. I am trying a bag of vinegar tied to the shower head and will see tomorrow if it has helped. If not, I will call my handy man again.

    I got up quite early today to pick up a small grocery order from Walmart. Again, not all items were available but I do seem to get the same person each time I pick up early morning orders. She says you never know what will be in the store. Too true! And once again, I was too early to go to Trader Joe’s.

    I am working at cutting paper for the fronts of my Thanksgiving cards. Haven’t decided on what will be inside.

    Hallelujah, it is raining this afternoon. More than just a tiny sprinkle for once.

    I picked up my mail and ended up needing a call to my insurance agent, bills to pay, a call to the bank needed to sort out a CD. And I need to change license plates on my vehicle. I am guessing that will require a handyman visit as well as there is normally one or two screws that do not cooperate.

    I have laundry and cooking on my schedule for the weekend. The excitement never ends.

    Jackie, I am sorry you lost your TV tracking once again. I do not think the TV is that smart!

    Sandy, safe travels once again.

    Anne, are you getting veggies regularly now? I hope the nasty woman is not bothering you dear dear Jilly.

    Be safe everyone.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,143 Member
    Busy at Marisa’s college all day for family day.
    Sandy One Day at a Time
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,143 Member
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,777 Member
    Happy Sunday Sneakers. Our weather is changing so this morning’s walk was a soaking one but at least it remains mild. Before we left, I noticed Betty was constantly licking nails on her back paws and when she finally let me look I could see one nail on each was pressing into a pad, those the practice nurse missed last time but did cut her toes!
    It was a struggle but I’ve managed to clip those hurting her and will take a closer look at the rest of them later. I’m in pottering mode so this afternoon I’m washing the garden room windows and sills then tidying indoor plants ready for Winter.
    The coming week I have plans but most on hold until I get some confirmations. I do have a checkup with my dentist on Thursday and that will mean driving to Plymouth so I’ll combine it with a trip to a furnishings store because I need winter curtains (drapes) for my dining room.

    Take care everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,143 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) I am home after a great day yesterday for family day at Marisa's college. There was a great tailgating party before the football game where we could sample all kinds of bbq. Played bags, a game where you throw bean bags into holes if you are lucky. We left to go to Walmart before the football game which we had to evacuate because of lightning so we went to have dinner. The game was postponed but resumed again and we stayed until after the half time show. It was wonderful seeing Marisa and I think she was happy to see us. We spent the night at a hotel and went to Church and then met Marisa for lunch before heading home. Makes my heart happy we are reunited. <3

    Busy week and Bryanna leaves for California on September 29 and I hope I can hold it together. I am taking her and her significant other out for dinner Tuesday and it will be hard. She is like my 5th child and we are so very close but it is time for her to spread her wings. Even typing this I am tearing up.
    Sometimes life isn't easy is it?

    I hope you are all well especially Jake and have had a wonderful weekend.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,204 Member
    edited September 2023
    Good evening. Just doing stuff around the house and reading this weekend. It was a long church service this morning. Enjoyed it. After lunch, I worked through some of the clothing in my closet. I tried on everything I looked at. That takes a while but I felt better about eliminating those items after spending time with them. After a bit of work there, I moved down to the basement and I continued to clean and straighten things on my built-in shelving units. Closer to having those straightened. Then I have 7 free standing shelving units of various sizes to work on. And several stands for my dehydrator and other items. Such an interesting life.

    Sandy, another very enjoyable weekend. I am sorry that Bryanna is moving away. I know you will miss her so much.

    Jackie, oh my, poor Betty. I hope her nails are trimmed enough now. I hope you got some rest today.

    Barbie, how are things going at your house? Any problems walking both of the dogs on your own? Is Jake able to walk without assistance now?

    Hello to Anne, Joy, Diane, Jeri, Patsy and all our Sneaker gang. Be safe.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,777 Member
    edited September 2023
    Happy Monday. I don’t seem to be getting much done today. Some hoovering and phone calls made, including Sheila to make a plan for coffee on Wednesday. No news about George’s groomer’s mother I was going to visit tomorrow. A message told me an ambulance had been called and I’ve tried to find out why but so far no luck. Also left a message for my cousin whose wife has passed away and far less important, the man who is supposed to collect and dispose of bags of rubble left by Peter! It is dry after some early rain so think mucking out the hen house could be the most constructive thing I do today!

    I love that teapot Lin. An owl keeps calling out during the daytime so I must do a Google search why it isn’t snoozing and saving it’s voice for night flights!

    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,143 Member
    Happy Monday! :) I have to go for a mammogram today but then nothing else. Busy week again so I will be happy to stay home today.
    So funny story. When Cheryl told me about the weekend she said it is family western day which I took too mean wear western gear. So I wore jeans, boots and a hat only to find out she meant it was family day at Western University. So we took a picture only because we all were laughing so hard. Growing old is not for the weak. lol
    This was the last day after eating lunch and then leaving to go hom.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,006 Member
    :) I have been able to walk both dogs on leashes in the morning. Bessie is older and plodding, Bodhi is young and enthusiastic. It is a challenge

    :) Jake is able to walk without the walker and uses his cane to go outside

    :) Bodhi is still cautious around Jake and barks a lot but is able to get a little closer every day

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,204 Member
    Good evening. I ran a few errands this morning. Did a bit of straightening in the basement this afternoon and once again stuffed as much as possible in my trash can. I waited for my neighbor to finish mowing his lawn before rolling out the barrel. Haaaaa.

    I talked to a friend for over an hour. Watching the iON + Channel on Roku. My once a week chance to see the TV show “Hudson & Rex.”

    Barbie, it sounds as if Jake is doing much better. Yes!

    Sandy, glad you didn’t have a jam packed day.

    Jackie, you probably got more accomplished than you might have thought at first glance.

    Be safe everyone.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,006 Member
    :) Socializing a rescue puppy is a full time job. Not much time for anything else.
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Hello to all….have been busy days. The sun setting early now and we feel the change of seasons. Had a nice surprise when my granddaughter called and said she will come down today and stay two days. Jackie is from Georgia and it is so lovely that she moved to California and we can now visit at the drop of a hat. She has received some job offers, but has an interview on Thursday and this is the one she really wants to work. We talked a lot and laughed a lot and she seems to have matured so much since i was back there. Deb and Cha going to diabetic dietician and doc tomorrow, so we ate pizza today so tomorrow we can get on the Dash Diet together. Not Jackie tho!
    Hello to Lin, Jackie, Sandy, Barbie, and all you Sneakers out there.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,143 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Rainy day but hoping it clears up by dinner time. I am taking Bryanna and her boyfriend out to wish them well on their new journey. Plus I will tell him he better take good care of my little girl. lol I got my mammogram and they have new machines that are much easier than the old ones thank goodness.

    Joy, nice hearing from you and glad to hear your granddaughter is coming to spend a couple of days with you. Enjoy!

    Barbie, a new puppy and/or dog is just like a baby until you get them trained. lol

    Lin, still busy purging, soon you should have an empty house.

    Have a good day everyone and keep staying safe and healthy.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,777 Member
    It has been raining all day so apart from a walk round the block, I haven’t done much. Yesterday evening I received a text asking if I could postpone my visit to see Maddie until later in the week so I’m now planning to go on Friday morning. At least Wayne arrived to remove the bags of rubble and I had to laugh that although I had been unable to even drag one of them across the ground, he lifted them into a wheelbarrow 6 at a time and trundled down the path to his truck. A nice man so I will use him again if needed. It’s my usual time for a cup of tea so while in my kitchen I’ll prepare chicken breasts for the oven.
    Seeds I planted in the heated trays last Friday are already showing themselves which was quick and I must work out how and where to plant them on to protect from pigeons and slugs!

    That was funny about you wearing a western outfit Sandy. You look great anyway. 😁

    Tomorrow I’m supposed to be picking Sheila up after a doggy walk to take us somewhere for coffee. The forecast is storms so that might restrict where we go!

    Happy Tuesday.
    Jackie 🥰

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,204 Member
    Hello, we did get rain today. Actual rain! I worked on some card elements and did more sorting. Today I ran across a box of papers from when my dad was building his house. There are also some things related to the farm interspersed. This box is going to take a long time. My handyman was supposed to stop by but he did not show up. I also got some bills paid and funds transfers submitted. I pulled some more tops from my closet. No size tags so I do want to try them on before deciding on whether to toss or keep.

    Sandy, there is no worry of having nothing in my house. There is no end in sight, I am still on the on ramp. 😁

    Jackie, I hope you find a nice place to go tomorrow. My gosh, Wayne is super strong! Wow!

    Joy, you have a busy life. Great that your granddaughter lives close to you!

    Be safe everyone. Fall is approaching fast. 🍁🍂🍁


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,143 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Rob cancelled me for sitting today, he said it was too complicated with the rain and he wasn't ready to go to office in time. He will go another day if I am available.
    Dinner last night was wonderful with Bryanna and Spencer. I will see Bryanna again two more times before she leaves and I cave.
    I will just stay in today and do nothing unless I can make an appointment with my daughter's finance guy to ask a few questions.
    Tomorrow is my meeting and then picking Cheryl up to go to her old neighbors house for pizza before going to the library for bingo night. No money involved just prizes and we are bringing can or dry goods as a donation. Friday it is time for the one man band again as he is having surgery and will be out of commission for a while. Saturday going to Rob's where Bryanna, Spencer and Lisa's mom will be joining us for their last time with Bryanna. She will do my hair for the last time next Wednesday which will be my parting day with her. It is bittersweet because I want them to be happy but I will miss both of them.
    I did ask him last night if he loved my granddaughter and he said I love her very much. <3
    It won't be easy for Bryanna leaving her younger siblings especially her teenage sister who lives with her and her mom. She will always have a home to come back to if things do not work out but I pray they do.
    They seem very happy and compatible with each other.

    Have a great day and keep staying healthy. Where is our Annie???

    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,006 Member
    :'(:'( We are returning Bodhi to the Humane Society shelter tomorrow. He is clearly afraid of Jake and barks almost non stop when they are together. The woman at the shelter said that Bodhi's littermate is being fostered by a couple that found the same thing. The puppy is fine with the woman in the couple but not with the man. That reinforces our speculation that the puppies were abused in some way by a man and now men scare them. I am sad but Bodhi can't be happy in a home where part of the family is scary to him. We will look for another dog in awhile.

    <3:'( Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,204 Member
    edited September 2023
    Hi, it’s been a busy day and I am quite tired.

    Barbie, I am sorry to hear the bad news. Sorry Bodhi couldn’t adjust. 😢

    I adopted a Husky rescue a long time ago and she had been abused by the man in the house. Kept her on a log chain, yelled her but never admitted to hitting her. I always had my doubts. She got along with my male Husky and we got along well but she didn’t trust men. She never bit anyone but she really did not want to get trapped close to a man. Luckily I was divorced and there was no man in the house.

    Be safe everyone.


    If I put this in teapot a post in the last few weeks sorry to repeat.
