Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,205 Member
    edited September 2023
    Good evening. It’s been a busy day—on the phone, lots of email messages and texts. I also have been sorting out paperwork of my dad’s to take to a shredding event in a little over a week. I’d like to include some of mine as well but we will see if there’s time.

    We still have severe thunderstorm watches in effect until 10 pm.

    Joy, enjoy your grandson’s visit. You have a revolving door! 😄

    Jackie, what good news. Time to get back to an old hobby. Excellent.

    Anne, maybe you will have time for writing and painting. And yes, I think although your family has let many of your needs lapse, they will give you a verbal thrashing for moving furniture, just like normal.

    Sandy, we have rain expected again tomorrow so maybe not a pool day anyway? Enjoy the day whatever you do.

    Barbie, well done, a very organized approach to notifying people.

    Sorry friends, but if I am unable to contact you, I have no one to do anything for me so I will just have to fade away. ☹️

    Be safe everyone.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,143 Member
    edited September 2023
    Happy Sunday! :) We had a nice time with Spencer and Bryanna and I cried when I hugged Spencer since I don't know when I will see him again. Saying good bye to Bryanna will be much harder and I expect a lot of tears between us both. Today I am going to Lisa's Mom's house before she flies back to Florida Tuesday. Tomorrow I go to let dogs out and pick up kids from school so Rob can go to Chicago to work in office. Tuesday airport and mani/pedi, Wednesday Bryanna doing my hair and Thursday I leave for Wisconsin until Sunday with Cheryl to go to her sisters place. Home for one day and then to the casino for three days. October is another busy month so I am like the goodyear bunny who just keeps going and going. lol
    Just heard from Anne, glad she is able to communicate with us once again.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,778 Member
    I’m enjoying a relaxed Sunday and staying in because we have some strong, blustery winds, along with showers. George and Betty were walked round the block late morning and now seem to be enjoying our chilled day except George does get spooked by the sound of the wind howling down the chimney. At least I feel I’ve done all I can to keep the property cozy and dry after all the work carried out these past few years.
    Jam jars with their lids have been sorted and washed ready for apple chutney but I will have to shop for whole nutmegs and more onions than I’ve currently got before starting the process. I’ve always kept the nutmeg to grate but seem to have forgotten to restock.
    Sheila told me yesterday she is to have an internal examination on Wednesday and was embarrassed because she has got rid of all her skirts and hates the idea of wearing trousers so I rummaged through my wardrobe and found a couple with elasticated waistbands that will hopefully fit her. They’ve been washed after hanging unused for over 10 years, ready for her to try on when we meet Tuesday. It should be dry and sunny tomorrow so I’ll strip my bed later… exciting times!

    I’m so pleased we are back in touch with Anne and Jilly and not at all surprised she is making friends with a mix of people. We can’t necessarily choose our neighbours even in private or rented homes so it is pot luck whether a grumpy individual has to be avoided!

    Goodness Sandy, I thought I was always on the go but you are way ahead of me! It is definitely good to keep moving but take care little Duracell bunny! 🐰

    Lin…. So you must NEVER fade away; that’s an order!

    I’m continuing to sneeze daily which has gone on for 3 months, or since our early summer ended, so boxes of tissues at the ready!🤧
    I’m following the Rugby World Cup in little bursts so I will put the kettle on and watch Scotland then Wales play their opponents.

    Happy Sunday everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,205 Member
    edited September 2023

    The Energizer Bunny!!

    Sandy, I hope you have a minute to drop us a line in your next busy flurry of activity. I am amazed! You definitely keep going and going.

    Jackie, a nice day other than the sneezing? Allergy season produces chronic sneezing and coughing here. We haven’t had any frost yet (which should help). Going to shop tomorrow and get that needed nutmeg?

    I watched online church this morning and this afternoon, I have been sorting through old legal papers and got through a nice stack. Then I moved some things upstairs that I hope to package up to take to Goodwill tomorrow. And I do need to make a trip to the library. Excitement!

    Anne, so glad we are in touch now and happy to know you are making things comfy and homey!

    Joy, Diane, Barbie, Patsy and the rest of our Sneakers, all the best!



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,778 Member
    edited September 2023
    Hello everyone. I’ve learnt something today…. There is a difference between British and American bunnies. Our Duracell bunny doesn’t wear sunglasses and is apparently a different breed!

    I shopped early and yes Lin, bought more onions but the store I use doesn’t sell spices as such, just salt and pepper so I’m putting off making the chutney another day and meanwhile see if our local convenience store sells whole nutmeg. If not, it will have to be a jar of ground nutmeg.
    After shopping I drove on to the moors to give George and Betty a good run and as I was getting them out of my car Sheila drove up and stopped to chat. She has decided being at home all day is making her depressed so she had been for a short walk and fresh air. We have arranged to see each other tomorrow morning. In spite of the forecast being for warm sunshine, I could see rain clouds coming off the Atlantic in our direction and before long we were wet! I had left washing out to dry but luckily it hadn’t rained at home. As we returned to the car I recognised a large Border Collie racing towards us who after greeting me, engaged George in a game of tag. He belongs to the walker who lost his wife to Covid at the beginning of the pandemic and also caught it himself. He says his breathing hasn’t been right since but he pushes himself to walk a couple of miles every day. We chatted while our dogs played then I came home for coffee.

    Humorous teapot Lin but it gives me a strange sense of claustrophobia. Someone let the little guy out!

    One more phone call to make, then I will do some gardening because there is so much needing to be done and I see we have yet another storm, this time called Agnes, heading in our direction!

    Happy Monday.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,205 Member
    Hi friends. Limping by with cell service. Internet is out in my area. They are aware and no guarantee or estimate regarding regaining service. 🥹

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,778 Member


    Have a wonderful day, whatever you get up to. Just make sure you give yourself a treat because you deserve it. ❤️

    Hugs across the pond
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,143 Member
    Have a wonderful day doing something for yourself because you deserve it!!❤️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,143 Member
    Happy Monday! :) I didn't have to sit after all today so it is a me day which we all need once in a while.
    Nothing else exciting going on so I wish you all a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIN THE LIBRA GIRL. Have yourself a lovely day my friend. Hugs, licks, and kisses sent from Anne and Jilly Bean.

    Well we’ve had an interesting day. Mainly because it’s cleaning day and Jilly adores Fatima our cleaning lady. I do too. (Well she gives me candies!) So after lunch, and after a warm but windy walk I decided to sit in the beautiful room which overlooks the inner courtyard garden and has a huge brick fireplace. This was partly because Jilly won’t leave Fatima alone when she’s trying to vacuum etc. but I also want to try and acclimatize her to mixing with lots of people so she’s not stuck in the apartment all day. She was as good as gold and sat on my knee with her nosy little head turning this way and that. I had to bring her home after one hour though because folk kept giving her treats, milky bones etc. Earlier, after lunch I had 4 people in my apartment wanting to view her. The verdict “she’s SO sweet”. I think between petting and treats, Jilly will adapt to living in a senior home quicker than me! One lady said her cat was bigger and I’d say that goes for most cats who aren’t kittens, lol.

    When I went to lunch one old chap said “here comes trouble”. ME? I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve that! Oh, and Santa Claus has moved in! A pleasant chap with an enormous bushy white beard. And that’s
    Monday so far. Bean is fast asleep on the sofa, on her back, four paws in the air. Quite exhausting for a nosy wee dog.

    Bye for now. Think I’ll join her.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,143 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Back from taking Lisa's mom to the airport, I even got up at 7am to do so. Going to go for a mani/pedi sometime today to be ready for my two upcoming trips. Bryanna coming to do my hair tomorrow and sitting for volleyball tomorrow night. The weather is supposed to be good for our girl's weekend which will be great except I am still bringing layers just in case.

    Anne, love to hear the stories from your new place and when the old chap says here comes trouble, it sounds like he was flirting with you, don't take it serious. Maybe at Christmas time you can sit on Santa's lap and tell him what you want for Christmas. lol Enjoy! It all sounds like fun to me.

    Have a great day everyone and keep staying healthy.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,778 Member
    Happy Tuesday. This morning me and the pooches took a short walk round the block before I dropped in on Sheila to give her the skirt she might want to wear for her hospital appointment. She should be offered a gown but there is no guarantee unfortunately. When I arrived I found her at her spinning wheel making yarn to knit hats which i said I would happily pay her for as Christmas presents for friends. We did go into town for a coffee by which time the sun was shining so it did turn into a lovely afternoon. At home I have been putting away anything that might get blown over in the storm heading our way, then dragged the lawnmower out of my shed and tidied the lawns. So that was my day and all I need to do is write in a birthday card to send to my brother John who will be 80 on Friday. I was thinking of including a large photograph of him when about 18 months old that I found in a box recently, when having one of many clear outs, but don’t have a large enough envelope and we are advised not to drive unless absolutely necessary tomorrow so I can’t buy one. I suppose I can send it any other time.

    You have a pleasant social group as neighbours Anne so it does seem you and Jilly are settling in. I’m sure “here comes trouble” is a tease.

    Sandy, I always take far too much luggage when I go away, just in case!

    Hope Lin can get herself back online soon and that reminds me, if I’m not around tomorrow it will possibly be power cuts so don’t worry.

    Time to chill and then an early night.
    Jackie 🥱😴

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,205 Member
    edited September 2023
    Thanks for the birthday greetings. My Internet service came back on its own apparently this morning. The technician said if he had time he was still going to stop by and examine the outside wiring and connection. I think it was some type of outage as 4 homes on this street with the same carrier didn’t have service. Couldn’t be all of our connections suddenly at once right?

    I picked up my Rx refill this morning at the pharmacy and the lady in charge said I could stop by tomorrow morning and I might be able to get a Covid shot. They had just received vaccine and it arrives frozen so they need some time to get it ready to use. I will see!

    Made a trip to drop off some things at the charity shop and then went to the used book store and sold some more of my books.

    My sinuses are giving me fits. Sinus headache. Ouch!

    Jackie, oh no, a storm on its way!! Stay safe and definitely no need to drive tomorrow. Glad today was a good day. 👍🏻👍🏻❤️

    Sandy, busy day for you again. Amazing that you got up so early to get Lisa’s mom to the airport. ❤️❤️ And tomorrow will be a very busy day for you. Rest up.

    Anne, thanks for keeping us updated on what’s going on at your new residence. I agree with Jackie, that gent may be trying to flirt a bit with you. Watch that one! And lovely, Santa! The gardens sound wonderful indeed. All best wishes my friend.

    Hello to everyone else. Going to look for something for these stupid sinuses. Glad to have my connection back. Very unhappy when I am disconnected.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

    Am interesting teapot!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,007 Member
    :) I made an appointment online for Covid vaccines for us and yesterday I got a text that my appointment was cancelled. Jake called the pharmacy to ask about it and they said probably it was because they ran out of vaccine. The online appointment scheduler said there were no appointments available within 25 miles of our house and no info about when they'd be available again. :'(
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Well, life continues interesting here I must say, Monday, my washing was collected and Tuesday it was returned. Except my pyjamas didn’t return with the rest of the stuff. I reported the absence to the manager and a very upset Fatima came over to peer in my closet no doubt thinking I’d lost my marbles. I haven’t! Not wanting to go to bed in winter pjs or my undies I contacted the Ms and they took me shopping for very pretty new pyjamas. The pyjamas are still AWOL. I wonder if Santa Claus is wondering why he’s found Marks and Spencers ladies pyjamas in his weekly wash, lol.

    So we await what new adventures appear today. I had no idea I once led such a sheltered and boring life not so long ago. Will let you all know if the wandering pjs appear today but I wonder as Marks and Spencers clothing is quite sought after here.

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Yeah! The lost pyjamas are now found. Fatima said she found them on the floor of the big communal laundry room. Yeah and double yeah.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,143 Member
    edited September 2023
    Happy Wednesday! :D
    Anne, so happy it was just a common mistake and no one "took" your pj's. Keep bringing us these stories they make us smile. :) At least you got another pretty pair of pajama's thanks to Mark and Mary Jo.

    Rainy day here so we will see if the volleyball game is still on tonight. First my haircut with Bryanna and my teary goodbyes for her next adventure. I will really miss her and I know she will miss me as well as the rest of her family.

    Have to do a load of laundry before packing for the weekend, at least if my pj's are missing I have no one to blame but myself. lol Just kidding Anne, but it was funny.

    Barbie, I plan on getting my flu shot and covid shot when I return from my casino trip just in case there are any reactions. I better go online and try to make an appointment to see if any are available.

    Have a good day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,205 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Anne, thank goodness your missing PJ’s were located. They cannot run away on their own can they? Well, now you have an extra set of PJ’s which is good. Well, all the incidents are keeping you energized, I think.

    Sandy, I am certain you will not forget your PJ’s after Anne’s story! Give Bryanna an extra special long hug. ❤️❤️

    Barbie, I did get my Covid shot this morning. I did not double up with the flu shot. I will go back. I was able to get online yesterday afternoon and snared one of today’s appointments. The pharmacy is a busy place today at least. Every chair in their waiting area was filled and younger folks were standing. They have to stay busy once the vaccine is defrosted I guess or they have to toss it out. Best wishes in getting another appointment.

    Hello Jackie, Diane, Jeri, Joy, Patsy, and all the rest of the Sneaker gang.

    Be safe.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

    Wow, mustard?

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,778 Member
    Hello from a windswept Corner of Cornwall. Lucky for us the centre of storm Agnes flew up the Bristol Channel and on to the Iris sea and Scotland but it has been giving us heavy rain and gales all afternoon. This morning I made sure everything was put away or tied down then did drive to the post office with my brother’s birthday card before stopping on low moorland to walk George and Betty. The livestock aren’t silly and had moved down off the hills to seek shelter so we constantly dodged cattle and horses while the sheep dodged us! I managed to find a small pack of whole nutmeg at the local store so I now have all required ingredients for the Brandied apple chutney and will make it tomorrow morning before visiting my friend Les who tells me he has been busy shredding papers for my hens’ bedding.
    Sheila has phoned to let me know the skirt was appreciated as the hospital only had a small towel to offer her. She was once again told something needs to be done to relieve her pain and discomfort but as she said to me, she knows that but needs them to come up with a solution!

    Lin, when I was growing up my gran used to make a dish of Colman’s mustard to accompany beef or ham that would blow through the sinuses and make eyes water! We call it English mustard but I prefer milder German and French.

    Oh Anne, your response to the discovery of your M&S PJ’s did make me laugh! I’m with you! You do have to keep on your toes don’t you although I’m thinking you have already proved yourself to be sharp as a razor!

    Sandy, hopefully farewells with Bryanna won’t be too upsetting. Since you are always so busy, I’m sure time will fly before you see each other again, not that we should ever wish it away.

    In spite of advising my GP practice I don’t wish to receive a Covid booster or flu jab and being told they will remove me from their list, I’m receiving weekly text reminders. None of my friends that live nearby have had even one message!

    The wind is calming down just a bit but more rain to come so I’ll make myself a plate of salad and settle down for the evening.
    Take care.
    Jackie 🥰
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Lin, sorry I missed your Birthday. Hope it was happy.
    My grandson just went home. We had a great visit.
    Tomorrow I have an appointment for my covid vax