Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,195 Member
    edited September 2023
    Hello. We finally got some measurable rain Sunday evening. 🌧️🌧️

    I am doing laundry again today.

    Thanks for your update Barbie. I hope the doctor does not find anything serious while examining Jake’s knee. 🤞🏻

    Jackie, I did not sell my treadmill. It was being disassembled to go to the city’s annual junk collection morning. It was too big and complicated for me to handle so I am glad to have had competent help with that project.

    Oh and Jackie, was 10 Mr. bean with his teddy bear?

    I am chucking as much as possible in my trash bin today. I think this will become a weekly routine. I already pulled out a storage bin in the basement in anticipation of starting to sort the contents.

    I hope everyone is safe.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    edited September 2023
    Happy Monday! 😀. Kristy and Carl dropped me off at Durango airport at 9:30 for my 1:40 flight because they still had to drive 3 hours to their airport. I will have another 2 hour layover in Denver before getting home around 10pm. The good thing is Bryanna is picking me up. It was a wonderful long weekend being with my daughters family and extended family. I adore my great granddaughter Aloha as well as her parents.💕uo7dfoixoxrz.jpeg

    Very tired as I didn’t sleep well with the altitude. Had to buy a can of oxygen to help with my breathing after walking up hill. I will be happy to sleep in my own bed tonight.

    Sorry picture is so big,
    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Sandy, adorable pic. My great granddaughter is Keilani! She is now 4. The grow so quickly.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,772 Member
    Happy Monday. Before I set off for a morning walk I phoned Sheila to ask if she would like to join us and she thought it a great idea so I drove first to her village to pick her up. It was cloudy so I took a couple of light raincoats for us to wear as a just in case. We kept to flat, level ground and walked for over half an hour and Sheila admitted being out from the four walls made her feel much better so we will do it again, depending on weather. I spent more time clearing rubble and mess left by Peter then phoned the local rubbish disposal man who will hopefully visit tomorrow afternoon to see what needs to go and give a price. Four sweet pepper plants have been potted on but are only now beginning to flower so they will definitely have a late season. It did rain late afternoon so I think our heatwave is over.

    Lin, the scarecrow certainly looks like Mr Bean doesn’t it. It also looks like my brother Bernie so I forwarded the photo to him! Ok, so the treadmill has gone as junk. That’s a big job out of the wall. Another barge painted teapot that looks able to produce many cups!

    Lovely photo Sandy. Delighted you got to hold your gorgeous great granddaughter.

    Time for my bed.
    Jackie 🥰
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,000 Member
    :):'( Things are rocky here today. Jake's doctor saw what she thought might be an infection in his leg possibly connected to a bite he got from Bodhi many days ago. She ordered labs and ultra sound and sent him to the ER. They still have him and will keep him in the hospital for a few days. Only the dogs slept well last night. I slept in my clothes thinking I'd have to go back to ER in the middle of the night. Instead, Jake texted at midnight that they were keeping him and called this morning to ask me to bring him some things.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,195 Member
    Barbie, I hope they find a cure for Jake and that he will be home soon. Sorry you were unable to sleep last night. All best wishes.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Home safe and sound, but wasn't able to sleep in as I had hoped. Doing laundry and sitting later for volleyball. Had a wonderful time but didn't like the altitude, glad to be home. I leave again on Saturday for family day at Marisa's college. Will be back Sunday. Busy times.

    Barbie, I am so sorry to hear about Jake. I do hope they can give him a quick fix and he can come home soon. I am sure it is hard for you not to be with him all the time but I know he understands you have to take care of the dogs. Keep us updated and give him our best wishes for a speedy recovery.

    Have a great day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Very sorry to read about Jake BARBIE. Hope he’s home very soon after a speedy recovery. Take of yourself now.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,000 Member
    :'( Jake will be in the hospital at least one more night. He has great doctors and a comfortable bed. I just borrowed a walker from one of my neighbors (a former line dance student),

    <3 Barbie

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,772 Member
    Barbie, I do hope today brings good news and Jake can return home.

    A beautiful morning so I will be picking Linda up later to investigate a new pastry shop and cafe! The electrician is here bright and early to connect an outside light so I’m off for a doggy walk. I’ve just about cleared up all the mess left by the builders so hopefully can now relax!

    Happy Wednesday.
    Jackie 🥰
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,000 Member
    :)Jackie, You do an excellent job of juggling dog walking, spending time with friends, dealing with chores, and connecting with workers. Scheduling is an art and you seem the master of it.

    :) Jake won't be coming home today but I was able to put off visiting him with all the things he wants until later so I was able to take my walk this morning. The tricky thing is that I host a meeting on Zoom at 9 AM so I have do things either early or late. Today seems to be going well. It helps that I got up at 4:20.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) I finally get a day to myself before my life gets busy again. It was great seeing the kiddos yesterday and Ewok and Obi and of course Rob and Lisa. I have one errand to do today and that's just a small pickup at Target where they will bring items to me in my car.

    Barbie, still praying for Jake and hoping for an easy recovery. It has to be difficult for you to take care of all that you do and get to the hospital but I know you will manage. 4:20am? I was still turning over.

    Jackie, glad you are having a little time for yourself with your friend. I agree with Barbie, you are so organized.

    Anne, how is it going in your new home? Any crazy storied to share with us?

    Lin, still purging?

    Have a wonderful day and grateful we are all friends to confide in and share whatever we choose.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,195 Member
    edited September 2023
    Hi everyone

    I took a load of stuff to charity this morning. I had problems with my internet connection and have lost a lot of time today trying to get pages to load and resetting my modem and router. Some pages and email messages still I’ll not load. I do not understand this selective problem. Anyway, I am getting ready for the plumber’s visit tomorrow. I hope he does not have to rip things up on this visit. 🤞🏻

    Yes, there really is no end to my slow removal of possessions from this house. Sorry to be so dull. But I cannot do anything about it unless I give up. Someday, that may happen.

    Barbie, I hope Jake is feeling better. Did they discover whether he had an infection in his leg? And is he on antibiotics? Hoping for the best.

    Sandy, I like picking stuff up without leaving the car. Plus if I don’t go inside the store, I will not buy anything extra. 😂

    Jackie, you are a great friend to schedule so much time with Linda to visit different shops and of course to find treats and new plants to purchase.

    Anne, I hope you’re okay and enjoying more veggies in your meals. Hi to Jilly.

    Joy, I hope you are having a good week.

    Hi Diane, Jeri, Patsy, and the rest of the Sneaker clan.

    Be safe.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Hi all. Life ontinues pretty much the same here. I’m making a few friends, but mainly the staff who are a quarter my age, and that goes for Jilly bean as well who ended up getting patted all the way back to our quarters after our chilly morning walk, including from the nurse who came out of her office to cuddle my wee dog.
    However, no progress with the woman who lives opposite us and still comes out of her place to say, “there’s the barking dog woman” although Jilly is much improved on that score. She definitely has some sort of problem and I asked a lady who moved in about the same time as us how she finds her. Caroline hails from Calgary and has the misfortune to sit at the same meal table, and Caroline pulled a wry face and said she is horribly sarcastic all the time so it was good to know me and Jilly aren’t her only targets. I’ve been privately calling her “Frosty knickers” because no one likes freezing cold undies on a winters day, but apparently she’s an Ida. I was told by managements to not make eye contact or retaliate and this I’ve managed to do. This is difficult me being me but we are succeeding. The last time I retaliated was after she said here comes the barking dog woman as usual and I retaliated with “woof woof”. So ladies, I continue to be a sweet sensitive soul, lol, and honestly, apart from this one thorn I’m adapting pretty well to this new life. I think I’m the only one to wear jeans though. The general ladies dress appears to be pink lacy jumpers and pearls. - pretty but not me.

    Mark and Mary Jo are bringing over apples from my old trees and Michael has fixed me up with a microwave just as the cook is beginning to notice I’m not a big fan of meat and I actually got a lovely carrot salad for lunch with a grilled cheese sandwich. So no complaints and I’m just going to take Jilly Bean for an amble.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,772 Member
    I’ve taken in all sorts of news today. On my way back from our dog walk Sheila pulled up behind me in her car all full of the joys of Spring because one of her hospital doctors had phoned to let her know they will have a conference meeting about her back problems in a couple of weeks and probably suggest injections. Of course she is happy if anything can improve things. Just before I saw Sheila I received a text from George’s groomer, whose mother I was going to visit tomorrow informing me she had another visitor at that time so I said I would check my calendar when I got home to rebook.. This I did and suggested next Tuesday but in the time it took to get home an ambulance had apparently been called for her mum and I don’t know why! I’ll have to wait for an update. Anyway, seeing Sheila I asked if she fancied joining me for our early doggy walk in the morning so that’s a plan!

    Linda and I went to a new coffee shop on a local farm for our usual and she updated me on the dreadful situation her sister in law has been put in by a son and his wife using their Power of Attorney to put her in a cheap care home rather than sell the ladies home to pay for decent care. This way they inherit the house when she dies. Linda has tried every avenue to help her late brother’s wife to no avail because the Power of Attorney can’t be challenged. She is heartbroken because her nephew insists she can’t even visit the home without him in attendance but she is going to drive there tomorrow without telling him and see if she can see the lady one last time. They were very close before all this flared up!

    Barbie, I’m not sure I’m organised. It is usually that my best laid plans get altered when other commitments arise and I have to try to squeeze a quart into a pint pot! There are times I kick myself for even trying!

    Lin, don’t we rely on the internet! It seems not too long ago I thought I would never need it! At the weekend I spent hours trying to retune my “smart tv” that suddenly decided it wasn’t receiving a signal when it obviously was but half the stations were missing; mostly BBC. There were a couple of times when the remote control came close to being thrown across the room!! 😲

    Funny Anne, Linda and I were talking today about the clothes we wear compared to what our parents wore at our age. Anything goes as far as we’re concerned, including denim jeans! It seems that grumpy lady is spoiling for a fight and the best thing you can do is ignore her because that will annoy her the most! Woof, woof!! 🐶. It does seem the staff are doing their utmost to offer fresh veggies and salad and they sound very nice.

    Enjoy your day Sandy.

    9pm and probably nothing on tv worth watching so I will read until my eyes droop! 👀

    Jackie 🥰
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,000 Member
    :) Jake is very much improved. He is in less pain and is walking better. I brought him the things he needed to take a shower and put on clean clothes along with the hospital gown. The hospital has great food and he has been enjoying his meals. One of his symptoms when he went to the doctor on Monday was that he didn't feel like eating anything.

    :)Sandy, To match my early awakening, I go to bed before 7:30. I tell people to think of me as living on Eastern time instead of Pacific.

    :)Lin, I spent more than ten years clearing out things from my parents;' house. I was fortunate to have the time to deal with things at leisure.

    :)Jackie You may not be organized but you seem to be able to deal with all the stuff that life throws your way.

    :)Anne, I think you and Jilly are finding your way in your new place. That unhappy woman is unlikely to get along with anyone.

    :) I had wanted to become more familiar with the new car and these last few days have given me all sorts of opportunities. I love the car more now that I've been able to drive it more. I still have a lot to learn but I can do the important stuff.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    edited September 2023
    Happy Thursday! :) Chilly out right now but getting up to 74. Letting Cheryl's dog out before my meeting as she is Milwaukee all day. I hope to get my car washed after my meeting and then go to Comcast to try and get my bill reduced, wish me luck.
    I am meeting Lisa's mom for lunch tomorrow. She came home to have an ablation on her heart and it went well as an out patient. She leaves on the 26th but I wanted to see her before she left and I have a busy week coming up.

    Barbie, glad to hear Jake is doing much better. Hopefully he will be coming home today.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,000 Member
    :) Jake is home, feeling better, and walking without the walker or cane.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,195 Member
    Wahoo!! Barbie what good news! ❤️❤️🙌🏻🙌🏻
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    Wonderful news Barbie!❤️