Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member


    Wishing you much happiness.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited October 2023
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Finally the sun is shining, it sure makes a difference. I am doing absolutely nothing today, not even showering. (sorry TMI?) I have another busy week coming up starting with a doctor's appointment for my knee. It has really been hurting lately and since it has been ten years since my knee replacement I want him to check it out. Tuesday my cleaning lady is coming and I will be ordering groceries for my visit with John and Laurie. They are coming Wednesday through Saturday. My new laptop came and John will set it all up to match my desktop so I can take it with me when visiting.
    Next Sunday I am spending the nights with kiddos until Wednesday so I can get them off to school while Rob is in Austin and Lisa leaves for work around 6am.

    Enjoy your Sunday Funday and I hope the sun is shining where you live.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    It has been a beautiful Autumnal day that started with a long walk on the moors. There were few people about at the start because it was early and I loved the peaceful stroll with George and Betty. They sniffed and ran about doing zoomies while I took in the views with small pockets of mist in the valleys below. We bumped into David and Hattie so walked back to the car park together. He was then going to the farmers’ store to buy a pair of very expensive wellies that someone recommended and I came home to finish hedge cutting and bagging up the branches and brambles. This afternoon I watched World Cup rugby when England beat Fiji, only just, then cooked a stir fry to use up a mix of veggies and lit the log burner because, with the clear skies, the temperature dropped considerably.
    I’ve a quiet week coming up with only a pedicure booked Tuesday morning but no doubt there will be a coffee morning or two thrown in!
    The dogs are both snoring and I know Brady is already up on my bed so I’ll get ready to join him.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good evening. More laundry today, attended online church, finished one of the birthday cards I will be sending soon. I straightened up a stack of boxes in the basement. I keep thinking these are ideal for packing items to take to charity so I do not want to throw them out. I have a list of phone calls to make tomorrow and need to make a trip to the library. A lady I know sent me a message about purchasing my Ugg boots. I keep feeling odd about it though. I wonder if it is her or someone who hijacked her information. We will see I guess.

    I hope everyone had a wonderful day. Another happy birthday wish to you Anne.

    Sandy, very little sunshine here today. We missed the eclipse yesterday with heavy cloud cover. A busy time coming up for you again my friend!

    Bye everyone!

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

    A crystal teapot!


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :) Happy Birthday, Anne. Heartfelt wishes but no clever graphics.
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 184 Member
    Happy Birthday Anne !! Hope you have an enjoyable day !!
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Thank you so much dear sneaker friends for your happy birthday wishes. I’ll try and get down to writing more during the day.❤️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Another gloomy day here, I miss summer. Have a knee appointment this afternoon and waiting to hear if they are playing volleyball tonight. Nothing else exciting going on.

    Anne, I hope you had a wonderful birthday and are enjoying your new digs!!!

    Have a good day everyone and keep staying healthy.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    Happy Monday. I’m afraid I won’t be seeing the sun again for weeks! This morning’s walk was freezing but George didn’t mind because his breed is Himalayan. Betty wasn’t so sure though, especially as she had to get out of a cosy, warm bed to walk! It has been day 3 of pruning and picking up so I’m not lacking exercise and enjoyed the fresh air but we have another storm on the way and nearly 2 weeks of the wet stuff! I did manage a load of laundry and included the car seat cover for the back seat Betty sits on so I’m up to date! Spoke to Linda who is now on antibiotics for her chest infection and Sheila who has had another migraine so I must think myself lucky! A pedicure after walking tomorrow but nothing else planned. Lots to find to do indoors so I’ll keep busy.

    Time to cook an evening meal.
    Stay safe everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello friends. We have sunshine today but it is cold. Looks like the high temps will be in the mid-50s. I did my errands this morning which included meeting the lady who wanted to purchase my boots. It really was her! No scam and lovely to have a conversation with her in person. Home again, filed some online paperwork, received a message from a friend regarding MedicareAdvantage plans. It was nice of her, I logged on my AARP account and found the article since I don’t seem to have received my usual paper copy.

    Some church business popped up although I don’t think ultimately I will have more work to do. Maybe just an opinion once in a while. Never short of those.

    Time to start putting together the trash for tonight’s trip to the curb. 😄

    Jackie, you are a hardy soul indeed. You have caught up on a lot of things. I always enjoy my time indoors, hot house flower that I am. 😂

    Sandy, a knee appointment? What are they doing? Just a follow-up exam?

    Anne, hope to see you more often. Hugs for the Jilly!

    Best wishes all round.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Chilly morning but supposed to warm up this week. My cleaning lady is coming soon to get the house ready for my son and DIL's visit tomorrow. We will be going out to dinner tomorrow night, to the kiddos on Thursday, not sure about Friday yet and they leave Saturday. Laurie bought a really expensive sewing machine in my area and will be going for a class Saturday morning.
    I will be ordering groceries for delivery sometime today but staying in as I have a little scratchy throat, either from Charlie or my vaccines. Nothing I can't handle. I went to my knee doctor yesterday and it turns out my pain is from hamstring tendonitis so he is sending me to therapy once again. I really can't start until after I am done sitting for the kiddos next week so will try and do some home exercises that he gave me. Always something. I did not sleep well last night so I think a nap is in my future.

    Lin, glad you were able to sell your Uggs with no scammer.

    Jackie, you stay as busy as I do which is probably a good thing but does get tiring.

    Have a wonderful day everyone no matter where you are. (we miss you)

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    It’s nearly midnight so I must get to bed but the wind is roaring and sleep might not come easily. This morning was dry but because I had a 1030 appointment in town for a pedicure I only walked to the next village and back with George and Betty. While treating my feet, Tracey told me an interesting story about her SIL who moved to New Brunswick from London 10 years ago, so went from busy city living in England to a Canadian cabin in the middle of nowhere and absolutely loves her new life, so much so she has just become a Canadian citizen. She had been overweight and unhealthy but now walks or cycles everywhere, only bulk shops once a month so is slim and very healthy; a lesson for us all!! Before coming home I bought Sheila’s Feverfew tablets at the Health shop then stopped off to see her and have coffee. I won’t be going anywhere tomorrow if the latest storm arrives but we made a plan to meet Thursday. She will pick me up, drive to her surgery to collect a prescription then we’ll have coffee at a favourite farm shop. The dogs just went into the garden for their last pee and It’s very mild. I’ve taken down potted plants from window sills and rolled up the outdoor umbrella but my poor lemon tree had been blown over again so tomorrow I will collect the few green tomatoes left in the greenhouse, remove the plants and make room for it and my more delicate plants to overwinter. It looks like a green tomato chutney will be added to tomorrow’s cooking plans, along with a bean casserole and vegetable soup that will include carrots from my raised beds.

    Lin, that’s a relief the sale of your boots was genuine and you got to have a chat!

    Sandy, I hope that scratchy throat doesn’t get any worse. A painful knee too but hopefully exercises will help.

    Brady just came in from outside and wants to sit on my lap and wash but I really must get to bed so I’m guessing he will sneak on to my bed while I’m brushing my teeth!

    Nite, nite 🥱😴
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited October 2023
    Hello. I will be leaving in a little,while to pick up my Walmart grocery order and I hope that if the fresh veggies I ordered are not available that another stop at Trader Joe’s will help to fill out the order. (and hoping the roads are open today)

    Yesterday I did finalize both my furnace service appointment as well as work on my car. I will have to leave it with them for most of the day but my service advisor said they wouldn’t strand me without a car overnight. 🤞🏻🤞🏻 Hoping all,is well and checked out by the end of the month.

    The day was filled out with emails with a friend and a long phone conversation with another friend (and her hubby) as they were driving together.

    Last night was a live video with the presentation of a new collaboration product and I do like both companies so I was tuned in for about an hour and a half.

    Jackie, I hope you got some rest and that if the storm arrived that it is not severe. Poor lemon tree. I hope it survives. Take care.

    Sandy, I hope you are not coming down with a severe respiratory virus. And also sorry that you need physical therapy once again. Happy visit with your family! Game night coming up?

    Hello Barbie, Anne, Joy, Diane, Jeri, Patsy and all the Sneakers! Be safe.


    The lady that shared this said it was made by a local artist. I think it is lovely.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :) Jake's daughter is coming for a visit for a few days. Her plan is to fly to Seattle today, stay in motel by the airport and rent a car to drive to our house (about two hours) in the morning. She and Jake have a great relationship so this should be fun for them. The challenge for me is to have food to eat. I can double the recipes I make for the two of us to have plenty for three and Jake is looking forward to having an excuse to go out to eat a few times. It should be interesting. I will remember to find every opportunity to keep my mouth shut. We'll be staying up until we hear from her that she arrived safely. She won't be staying with us so we'll all have our privacy.

    <3 Barbie
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    I’m not sure what happened to Storm Babet because when I took George and Betty out yesterday everything was calm so, when I got home I phoned Sheila to suggest we go to pick up her prescription and have that coffee. Made the most of the dry morning and I later cleared a bunch of nettles growing next the the chicken run because it was stopping light on a gloomy morning from opening their automatic door. The green tomatoes were cut ready for chutney and with their pots now out of the way, my lemon tree is finally safe from gusty winds. I phoned Linda to check how she was and felt very guilty when I realised I had woken her from a nap because she hadn’t slept the night before. Her chest is still infected but she says she is feeling better than a couple of days ago so that’s progress. I will visit her tomorrow so that we can finally sort through our vegetable seeds and make plans for the Spring.
    Today is windy and wet but I managed to walk the dogs, then returned to Sheila to help her take curtains down in a spare room. I had to stand on a chair which didn’t help my back ache, then found myself volunteering to carry rubbish bags some way to where they get picked up. I refused to pick one up because it was so heavy so she said her cleaning lady can do it tomorrow so all in all, I’m feeling she does expect a lot from those of us she knows because she has a way of leaving her problems hanging in the air for us to pick out and solve!
    I shopped for a few items and now I’m home and have prepared the bean casserole that’s baking in the oven and when my coffee is finished I will finally make sweet potato and leek soup, something I’ve planned for two days but couldn’t find time!

    I love that teapot too Lin. It’s so colourful but clever too. You too are keeping yourself busy. I think it’s this time of year that turns us into bears preparing to hibernate for the Winter!

    Enjoy Jake’s family visit Barbie.

    I trust everyone else is safe and well. Time for me to make the soup!
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited October 2023
    Happy Thursday! :) I now have a cold and my son made me test for Covid which was negative because my DIL has lung problems and doesn't want to get sick. Rob also has a cold so I think we both got them from Charlie. I might end up going to sit for the young ones myself so Rob can take Robby to karate.
    Laurie doesn't want to go with both of us having colds and John is on the fence. Obi was neutered yesterday so not sure how he feels as well. This too shall pass.

    Have a good day and stay healthy.
    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member

    :) Welcome to Laney, our new puppy from the Humane Society.

    :) Jake's daughter's flight was canceled because of fog so she drove the 600 miles to our house. She stayed in a hotel half way and arrived at our house minutes after we got home from picking up Laney. It has been very exciting here. There is no rest with a puppy

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited October 2023
    Barbie, Jake and Sasha!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Welcome Laney. Aren’t you cute!!

    Congrats Barbie and Jake ❤️❤️