Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member

    Argh, what a day. All was going well, voting completed, picked up my library book, got home and did a bit of work for my poor car, vacuumed, filled the windshield wiper fluid, cleaned out ‘stuff’ from the car and then the neighborhood was invaded. A second company is installing fiber in most of this suburb. We had Google out installing fiber for months but now, another company and they are installing in some places where apparently they are cutting electric lines, existing internet cable, water lines, etc. They hit an electric line across the street from me and then trucks were everywhere until dark tonight.

    I have a headache. It was so stressful not knowing what else would happen. I wish they had finished but it goes quite slowly.

    I am watching my Tuesday night live video but am ready to give that up and just go to bed!

    Jackie, I hope you are able to sleep more soundly. ❤️❤️

    Sandy, coming around the bend to the last day of looking after the kiddos and the doggies. We have lots of rain in our forecast with dropp No temperatures. Another nice day would be great.

    Hello to everyone else. Barbie, I hope the puppy training is getting a bit better.

    Be safe.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member

    :) We officially adopted Annie today.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Congratulations Barbie and Jake on your new addition, she is so lucky to have you. <3
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Last day of sitting for both kiddos and dogs. It's going to be a long day as Lisa has to take Max to karate and religious ed tonight. I will admit I am tired but it really hasn't been bad since the kids are in school from 8-3. Today is an early release day so I will pick them up at 2:15. I just feel bad the two dogs can't be together but Ewok gets aggressive and Obi still has stitches. It will be good to sleep in my own bed and not have to wake at 6am.

    Have a good day everyone, we are expecting some rain the next few days.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Barbie, congrats on the adoption. Lovely photo! ❤️🥳❤️

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    Congratulations Barbie and Jake. Annie is beautiful and definitely fallen on her paws! 🐶

    Ive had a busy day after a lovely walk on the moors and after a longer than anticipated task hanging a heavy trellis on the outside wall for a climbing rose, I still didn’t get round to fixing the heater on the snug wall. Never mind; I’m pleased with the trellis and the rose will be happy. One thing at a time! It did remain dry all day and relatively mild. The trouble is the grass keeps growing when usually the mowers have been put away for Winter. I just let the dogs out for their last garden visit and it’s raining!

    Wow Lin, lots going on around you and how frustrating when contractors hit the wrong cables and pipes. Don’t they have charts showing them what’s buried in the ground or is that a silly question? Scrumptious teapot!

    Gosh Sandy, you must be exhausted! Enjoy your own bed tonight.

    I’m off to mine! 🥱😴
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :)Sandy We are exhausted with a puppy and a mellow older dog and there are two of us. Dealing with three children and the special conditions for the two dogs sounds nearly impossible

    :)Jackie You are amazing with all you do. We moved 12 years ago to get away from too much yard care

    :)Lin what a mess with the contractors

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good evening… vehicle is back home and has had a thorough checkup. Happy to have that work finished.

    I hope everyone gets some rest because darn it—-it is needed. Charge your batteries friends.

    And as to why so many errors are being made on the cabling project, I do not know. We have a service that when called comes out to locate all the lines and places flags. The quality of the work is poor. It is also widespread.

    Nothing else of interest here today.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Slept in my own bed last night and feeling good. Rob's plane was delayed by a couple of hours so I don't think he got home until close to midnight. I have my meeting today and then the birthday dinner probably followed by a little gambling. It is a dreary day but temps in the 60's.
    It's good to be home even if I am so busy all the time.

    Lin, glad your vehicle is home and in good running condition. It reminds me I should probably bring mine in for an oil change even though I did not get the warning sign to take it in. These newer cars go longer in between oil changes but i would like to make sure all is okay for winter.

    Barbie, it wasn't too bad putting one outside and one inside except yesterday it was drizzling and I was afraid Obi would get his stitches wet. He is small enough to lay under the eave of the house so he was fine. In reality they did not need two dogs but no one listens to me. lol

    Hello to all but I need to eat and get ready so have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Its Thursday! Just got home. Deb and I shopped several stores to get some extra steps. We are on the lookout for Christmas gift ideas. Yikes, I said the word. Yep, not even Halloween. We needed to stop at Dollar store for cards. Then I was tired. Back still hurts from when I broke myT6 over a year ago. I was thirsty. I was hungry. So we stopped at Westwoods….a nice little BbQ place. We both had Cobb salads…hers with steak and mine, chicken. We had the dressing on the side. Servings so huge, we have a big bowl for tomorrows lunch. It will still be crisp and delicious.
    Sandy, Jackie, and Lin…..I agree with Barbie’s post!
    My grandson is here and leaves on Sunday night. So Sunday we will have him over to play cards and eat Lo’s spaghetti.
    For the next two days, I plan to read and do puzzles….the only work I will do is finish my closet cleaning. We are getting some blankets ready to donate and clothes we are not wearing, too.
    So happy weekend to all.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    Thick fog first thing so I didn’t rush to walk the dogs but the sun soon burned through and we enjoyed another gorgeous walk. I let George take the lead and he wanted to climb to the very top so that’s what we did. On my way to town to pick up Betty’s diet kibble from the vet, I drove past the turning to Sheila’s village and turned off to check she was ok. A builder was there repairing doors to an outside storage area so we spoke briefly and agreed we might walk together Saturday, depending on the weather. I’ve pottered, cut branches out of a tree to give the hens more sun now it’s low in the sky and that’s about it. David phoned this evening to arrange to meet in the usual car park tomorrow because he has some Wallflower plugs for me. I was going to exchange with a couple of cucumbers from my greenhouse but the damper air and lack of warm sun has stunted their growth. Never mind, I’ll chop them up and add to a bowl of salad tomorrow.

    Bedtime! 🥱😴
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hi…..I was struggling with getting and staying online yesterday. Internet service was really sporadic Not feeling up to par either my digestion is fighting me. Ack. Went to bed relatively early and will try to accomplish more today. Drinking water and tea this morning. I am not sure I will get to my favorite beverage (coffee).

    Okay, temperatures dropping all day wet weather over the weekend with a possibility of a bit of the white stuff. And a hard freeze. Just in time for the kids to freeze if going out to trick or treat.

    Jackie, what are Wallflowers? I am drawing a blank. I will look it up later. Sorry about the cucumbers. End of the season produce can be the most appreciated. I hope you will be able to go for a walk with Sheila on Saturday. Hello to George and Betty.

    Sandy, my vehicle is quite old and although I do have synthetic oil which means more miles between changes I have gotten in the habit of taking it in annually for an oil change, fall check up, any maintenance required per mileage. It has turned into a pre-winter ritual. My service advisor told me that the technician told him he got kind of shocked when it was time to change the oil, he said it looked like it had just been changed. 😄😁 I did have a new timing belt installed so I have new coolant. Anyway, that’s the best I can do to try to keep it on the road! Are you over your cold now? Keep getting your rest.

    Joy, I haven’t donated any blankets. I have thought about it but it can get crazy cold here so I tend to hold on to those and all my quilts. I do my best to stay warm! I may get rid of some afghans though again, a hard decisions as they are made handmade by either my mom or myself. 👀 Enjoy your reading and the puzzles. Good activities.

    Barbie, are you getting any rest? Or rather is your pup letting you get any rest? Glad the adoption is final. Happy for you and Jake.

    Hello Diane, Anne, Patsy, Jeri, and all other Sneakers.

    Hopefully a productive day here. I did setup my InstaPot to cook quinoa. First time since I did my best to fix it. It seemed to cycle all right (just heard the end of cycle beeping) but when I finally open it after the pressure comes down, we will see. 🤞🏻

    Best wishes friends.



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :) Among the great things about puppies is that after running around crazy, they suddenly crash and nap for a long time to get more energy. I can nap easily sitting at my computer during the day. Even though we get up in the middle of the night and early in the morning to walk dogs, I am able to sleep well in between. For now, I am sleeping in my dog walking clothes (except for shoes) so I can get up and put on shoes and coat and hat and be ready to go outside.

    :) This morning the temperature dropped to just above freezing. Annie has a sweater that is almost too small. We ordered a jacket but goofed and ordered the wrong size so we ordered something else that will be here tomorrow afternoon.

    :) We have hired a dog trainer who is coming to the house this morning to teach us all.

    <3 Barbie
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    edited October 2023
    Happy Friday. It turned out I wasn’t offered Wallflowers but Sweet William! Just as colourful and probably easier to care for. I walked with David and Hattie for an hour on the moor but not too high because rain clouds were threatening. On the way round he mentioned how painful one of his hips is and he can’t bend to pick things off the ground so when we returned to our cars I gave him a grabber that was in the boot and also offered a shoe horn that I was given by the physio at the hospital when I had my hips replaced. So, home again and my first job was planting the Sweet William then more pottering.

    Erysimum is another name for Wallflowers Lin and they were very popular in gardens about 50 years ago. These so-called old fashioned plants are becoming popular again and David is apparently growing dozens each year to cover ground as he clears it, along with Sweet William! When I phoned Sheila earlier to make a plan for the morning walk she didn’t sound too keen although it was originally her idea, so I’ve told her what time I will be in the car park and left it open. I hope you got to enjoy at least one coffee but I know from experience it’s the worst beverage when feeling icky!

    A trainer is a great idea Barbie and I hope it goes well. Friends who took on a Labrador puppy a couple of years ago didn’t and are still struggling to control her!

    Hello to everyone. My log burner is lit and feet are up so time to relax.
    Jackie 🥰

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Friday! :) I won a little money last night so I was happy. I went for a haircut this afternoon to the girl that used to do my hair before Bryanna got her license. I was happy she took me back after such a long time. I also ordered some Halloween gifts for the kiddos to be delivered by Amazon tomorrow. I also had groceries delivered from Walmart with two substitutions which I approved. Tonight I am just chilling and catching up on my shows.

    I wish Rob and Lisa would take Obi for training, he is so wild and a jumper. Hopefully he calms down as he gets older but I am ready to take him myself. lol Ewok does listen but still jumps when someone walks in the door and he had training. lol

    Almost dinner time, I don't know where the time went today. Have a good evening.

    One Day at a Time

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :) The dog trainer came yesterday for her first visit. She spent time talking to us about what goals we had for Annie. Then we spent an hour learning and practicing techniques using the clicker, hand signals, and one word commands. Annie is a fast learner and Jake and I were almost as fast. She gave us clickers to use and e mailed us a training plan so we have it in writing. She'll be back again next week for another hour of training and practice. It's more expensive that the group training that's available at Petco but fits our needs of staying home and getting personalized help. Training us is as important as training the dog.

    :) Jake and both dogs slept nearly all night and there was no middle of the night walk. I was awake at midnight and for awhile after that but no one else woke up until about an hour before our usual wake up time. That extra hour has allowed me to have some time to do things before my dog walking friend comes for our usual walk.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited October 2023
    Happy Saturday! :) Chilly day here with more to follow. I have a zoom call with family this afternoon, later going to Church and then Cheryl is picking me up to meet her SIL for a play in my area. Right now I am washing the sheets on my bed. That's my exciting day. :D

    Barbie, good luck with the dog training, it sounds like Annie is a quick learner so hopefully her parents do the same. I took Daisy to classes but still ended up with personal training. She listened to me, but Babe just let her do what she wanted so it was difficult.

    Lin, you inspired me to make an appointment for my car on Monday. I still have 30% oil but as you did, I want it to be good for winter driving.

    Have a great day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good super cold afternoon! It was our first official freeze last night. I am wearing my winter parka every time I go out of my house. I think there are snow flurries North and West of us. I put some mail out this morning, made a trip to the library and now I have to go back out to pick up the mail that was delivered a while ago. I was hoping the winds would die down but maybe not. Brrrrrrr.

    Sandy, have a good evening. Wow, you won some money?! Lucky lady. I am impressed that you could get an appointment for your car so quickly. Something must be wrong in this area, cannot get any service quickly.

    Jackie, how was your day? Did you go for a walk or not? I looked up the Wallflowers and they are lovely and very colorful. I have heard of Sweet Williams.

    Barbie, the training sounds like a sensible approach. Good for you. Lots of practice and repetition!


    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    edited October 2023
    Good evening. I’m watching the rugby World Cup final and for once don’t mind who wins! The wood burner is keeping us warm and cosy. Sheila decided she would walk this morning and we stayed on the moors for over an hour and she admitted she felt better mentally from being out in the fresh air. I got home just in time because torrential rain arrived, so heavy it felt like icy hail. It was a good day to sort out pots in my greenhouse and prepare cuttings taken from a blue Salvia in case it isn’t hardy enough to get through Winter.
    Cousin Andy, whose wife passed away last month, phoned for a chat. He’s desperately lonely, missing her and finding being on his own painful but accepts grief is never easy. He hopes to get to my brother’s funeral if there is one. No news yet.
    New velvet curtains bought from Marks and Spencer were delivered this afternoon for my dining room but I can’t hang them up until I purchase more rail hooks.
    It took me a while to train stubborn George but have found the use of one word commands works every time. Betty is always happy to do anything to please me, bless her!

    Our clocks go back tonight so an extra hour in bed!!
    Jackie 🥰

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited October 2023
    Happy Sunday! :) Another gloomy dreary day. Lisa wanted to go to pumpkin farm but I think it is too cold and we could get rain. I told her let's do something inside so waiting to hear from her what she decides. We had fun at the concert last night, there were musicians playing to different animations so something different. We had dinner first at a restaurant I wanted to try to see if I would like it for my funeral luncheon when I die. It wasn't quite up to par as far as service so I will keep looking. As of now I still like my favorite restaurant Wildfire. Don't think me crazy but I just want everything written down the way I would like my funeral to be. Cremation, no wake, just a Mass and a fun luncheon to celebrate my life. Hopefully I am here for another 20 years with a strong body and sound mind but we will see.
    Now that I depressed everyone, have a wonderful day and stay healthy.

    One Day at a Time