Senior Golden Sneakers



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :) We took both dogs to the vet yesterday. It was an adventure. The staff was running late so we waited a bit in the waiting room with people and five other lovely dogs. Bessie and Sasha interacted well with them.

    :) In anticipation of the arrival of our new washer and dryer today, Jake hired his handyman friend to help him move the old washer and dryer so they could clean under them. They decided that the water connection faucets needed replacement so they'll buy new ones this morning and install them before the delivery.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Sun is out and going to be a little warmer. Nothing much going on, washing my sheets and then Mass later. We will have our Saturday zoom call with family which is always nice.

    Barbie, did you mean Annie and Bessie? Congratulations on new washer and dryer.

    Lin, no the church had them printed for a $2.00 donation. Yes, I agree, Charlie has been sick a lot lately, I wish they would do blood work and chest x-rays but that is just me. She is still running a slight fever today and has aches and pains. I guess the doctors want this virus to run it's course but I hate hearing she is miserable.

    I have booked our room for Vegas, but we are waiting a little while to see if airfare comes down at all.
    The free room is not exactly free as you have to pay resort fees which come to $135 for the 3 nights. :s

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :) LOL. Of course I meant Annie and Bessie. Yesterdsy Jake and I talked about people we knew who named all their dogs the same name to make the name easy to remember. There was a man in our neighborhood who introduced me to his 8th dog named Prudence. Annie is cuddly and long legged like Sasha.

    :) After 12 years of being petrfectly happy with our stone age washer and dryer, I am enchanted with the new set that looks like science fiction

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    edited November 2023
    Good afternoon. The weather today has been pleasant and we have even had sunshine. Yippee!

    I have started the work of changing clocks (the ones that are not pre-programmed or hooked up a satellite or Apple or Amazon). Funny how many are still independent. 😂

    Other misc. stuff to do and is quite bizarre that I tuned in to a U of I football game. Playing Northwestern and both teams are considered home teams. Bizarre. I am paying for a streaming service that happened to broadcast the game. I doubt it will be a habit. I didn’t go to school there.

    Started to clean off a shelf in the basement but I cannot decide what to keep so I quit for now. I will try another day.

    Barbie, wahoo, what a change! And both a washer and dryer. I hope you love the replacements as you become accustomed to them.

    Sandy, I thought they probably had printed them but I know you might have found a place to make them for you. Well, you have a start on your Las Vegas trip. Happy hunting for lower air fares. Also hoping Charlie is better.

    Hope everyone else is well and having a good weekend.

    Best wishes.


    Now this teapot is interesting to look at, impossible to use. 👀


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,712 Member
    I was caught up with family phone calls and messaging yesterday but did also notice someone on social media offering a bath, free to collect bath, something Linda had been looking for to create a water feature in her garden. I made contact and arranged for us to collect from Plymouth this morning so off we went and managed to find the property, load the bath into the rear of her vehicle and head back to Cornwall. We returned via a ferry service and took the scenic route but did stop for coffee and cake before having fun trying to push the bath through a gap in her garden hedge from outside so that it dropped down a bank into her garden without the two of us following it!
    It was a bright, sunny morning but we are now getting more rain so I’m contemplating housework.

    The Lego teapot is clever Lin but definitely leaky!

    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Another beautiful sunny day with temps reaching 60. I do have the heat on to get the chill out because it got down in the 30's last night. Crazy weather but at least it's not snowing. (yet)
    Has anyone reached out to Anne? Do we know if she is okay?

    Jackie, I would love to see a picture of this bath thing you are talking about. I presume it is not a bathtub but more like a bird bath? I get confused easily so bear with me. lol

    Lin, I am leaving the airfare to Cheryl unless I spot a good deal before her. I am excited for Vegas it has been many years since I have been there and I probably won't recognize it.

    Nothing much going on today. I again will either try to ride my bike or maybe even take a walk. We will see. Have a good day and stay healthy.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,712 Member
    Sandy, this is the photo that appeared on the social media site. It was actually in a more disgusting state than it looks but luckily Linda had an anti bacterial hand wash in her vehicle so we could clean ourselves! It will be filled with water and aquatic plants with an overflow into a bog garden!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
    Thanks Jackie, it really is a bath tub! Please send another when all is done so I can see what you mean. 🧐
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    edited November 2023
    Hello friends. Sorry I didn’t post yesterday. I did attend on-line church, watched a movie that somehow grabbed my interest but really wasn’t noteworthy. It was an original movie by Roku and I had never watched any of their content before. Kind of interesting. I also read a book I borrowed electronically. A short mystery and I did enjoy that. I worked a bit on that overstuffed shelf and made some progress. Texted with a friend yesterday afternoon, planning a trip this week to what she told me is a lovely gift shop with unusual things but has relocated from her side of town to mine so we are figuring out when she has time to drive over. The shop has very odd hours. I am looking forward to seeing it.

    Jackie, well, it looks like Linda has quite a bit of work in store to incorporate that into her garden. But maybe it is easier than I imagine. 🤞🏻

    Sandy, I did hear from Anne around Halloween. She said she would get back to the Sneakers. I forgot, what is on your schedule this week? Have you started physical therapy?

    Have a wonderful day everyone.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
    edited November 2023
    Happy Monday! :) I am at Rob's house to sit for Charlie because she is sit slightly sick and unable to go to school. He wants to go to the gym but he has been on a business zoom call since I walked in the door so not sure if he is still going or not. Tomorrow and Wednesday he is going into the office so I will have to be here at 7:15am both days. Saturday the boys have a karate tournament which I am going to in the morning and then I am needed to sit at 5:00 so Rob and Lisa can go to a dinner from their program.
    I am thinking of just keeping the kids at my house after the tournament since it is in my area and letting them spend the night. It would give the parents a night to themselves which I think they need. Just thinking about it right now so we will see.

    Lin, I don't start therapy until next week and although my knee feels better I will follow through. My weeks are always busy with something or other, I kind of wish I could stay home more but at least it keeps me moving. I miss Anne and wish she would check in to say hi.

    Have a good day everyone.
    One Day at a Time

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,712 Member
    Our unsettled weather continues so after our walk this morning, when staying on lower moorland helped avoid blustery winds, I checked the log store and coal bunker then phoned the farmer I buy my fuel from to order extra to top them up. I didn’t get much else done outside because heavy rain arrived. Betty’s nails need cutting and we had our usual battle because she won’t keep still, so I’ll probably have to get her an appointment at the vet although I wasn’t happy the last time.
    Tomorrow morning my power will be cut off while repairs are carried out by the national grid so hopefully I can get out walking with the pooches while that’s done.
    Linda’s water feature sounds complex to me too but she seems to have a clear idea of what she wants so watch this space!

    Nearly midnight so I had better get myself to bed.
    Jackie 🥰
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,712 Member
    edited November 2023
    This morning I’ve been busy collecting up heavy items that need the tip rather than refuse collection and feel very satisfied that it has all gone so I now have more space in my garage as well as the area at the side of my cottage. That’s where I created a flower bed a couple of weeks ago and once the gardener, booked for a visit Thursday, has trimmed hedges, I can look forward to the Spring to see what grows. My back is complaining but before driving to the tip I swallowed a couple of strong painkillers because I knew that I wouldn’t find help from staff. As I climbed steep steps to the top of each huge skip they watched eagle eyed in case I was trying to dump something toxic but that was all! Never mind, I’m home and when I’ve finished a cup of tea I will work outside because it is mild and sunny between an occasional rain shower. I won’t risk hanging washing out to dry. Instead it is hanging around my dining room!

    This is the sort of idea Linda has in mind

    Happy Tuesday to everyone who pops in.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Day one of waking at 6am but went to bed early so not so tired. Still might try to grab a few winks but we will see. Charlie still fighting a cold with running nose and cough. I just hope I don't catch it cause I am finally feeling good. I will pick Max up from school at 3:00 after Robby gets home so he can stay with Charlie so I don't have to have her leave the house. The dogs can be outside together again but I just put Obi in his crate for a nap and Ewok is also sleeping on the open area of the stairs.
    My car insurance is going up $300 so I will have to shop around to find the best deal. I guess they don't like old people driving.

    Jackie, interesting idea for the bathtub, I assume she has a lot of room to do something like that? I hope it all works out for her.
    Sorry about your power going out, but it sounds like it something that needs to be done. Hopefully, it won't be for long.

    Our group seems to be getting smaller and smaller, I do hope we hear from Anne soon, I really do miss her.

    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    edited November 2023
    Hi 🌬️ cold wind today. I picked up a small grocery order and stopped by the library to pick up books on hold. My sinuses have put me on notice that yes, they will try to make my life miserable during the cold weather season.

    I found some tiny Japanese sweet potatoes. Sort of like the more well known fingerling potatoes. I baked some and it didn’t take much time at all. I am cooking beans now. Tomorrow may be soup day once again.

    Jackie, thanks for the example photos. Not exactly what I had envisioned but I hope it turns out the way she wants it. I hope all goes well with that power cut. Stay warm and dry. And I hope your back feels okay tomorrow. I think we are expecting showers tomorrow.

    Sandy, I hope you do not catch a cold! That is something you do not need at all.

    Well, hello Anne, Joy, Barbie, Jeri, Diane, Patsy and any other Sneakers that I may have missed. Be safe everyone.

    Time to check on that InstaPot.


    Think summer, think pink.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Didn’t have to be here until 10 but didn’t sleep well so very tired. I should be able to leave by 5:30 and will be happy to be home. Robby is also home today because he had a headache and a temp. I gave him some aspirin and the feels much better. Almost time to pick Max up from school.
    Will check in tomorrow.
    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 168 Member
    A Wednesday hello to all. I Like the pics of the bath tub set up thx for posting it Jackie.
    Lin, I am in the mood for soup, so far I only made chicken noodle and lentil. Just did pantry inventory this morning and have some beef broth I need to use up. I am making minestrone with it. I like to make enough for lunch and one for the freezer!
    Did I say already that Cha came over to help winterize the yard. So that's done. I am also cleaning up closets and drawers, etc. We will have a few bags to drop off tomorrow by the time Lo and I get through today. My head is feeling stuffy today. Hope I am not coming down with something. Still haven't decided whether or not to get RSV vax. Or is it RVS.
    Sandy, have you considered masks at this point. I am thinking about but dont have too many places to shop. We do groceries at Walmart pickup. No contact. Its really convenient. They never make mistakes and the produce is good.
    Well, times to get back to chores. Too much sitting and I will never get things done.😲

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
    Happy Heavenly Birthday Marie! We miss you every day!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    Hello friends. It has been a day of extended phone conversations with numerous friends. An odd occurrence but so nice to catch up with people. I wanted to stop by and say hello as I will be off shopping tomorrow for a while but I have no idea how long.

    Sandy, did you see the nice photos of Marie that Alice posted on Facebook yesterday? Very nice. I went to Messenger and my string of messages with Marie now shows as with a Facebook user. Her profile is gone so doubly nice to see what Alice posted.

    Joy, soup! I like soup, particularly as we get to these short days and it was interesting that one of my friends was going through her list of soups she is craving. Top of her list is potato with ham! 😁 A few of my friends have had the RSV shot, at least 2 are still trying to decide if they will get one.

    Have a good night’s sleep everyone.

    Oh, Jackie, I saw this photo, an available tub in the Yorkshire area. No details provided.


    Best wishes.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,712 Member
    Drat, I typed a long post this morning but it isn’t here! 😢 I’ll pop back later.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Finally caught up on sleep. :D Meeting today and a couple of errands. Nothing else exciting going on. The sun is shining so that is a plus!!

    Jackie, sorry you lost your post, I hate when that happens.

    Lin, I did see the photos of Marie and sent some well wishes to Alice.

    I have some catching up to do on computer before my meeting so I wish you all a good day.

    Joy, I did consider wearing a mask but ended up not doing it. Hopefully my flu and covid shot will protect me from getting sick. Still thinking about the RSV vaccine.

    One Day at a Time