Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Feeling good except from some potty issues from all these pills but will endure until Sunday when they are done. I will be walking Cheryl's dog one more time today but just once this time. Rob also asked if I wanted to go let his out since he went downtown but I don't have enough time to do both since it would be around the same time. It is going to be another beautiful day so the fresh air will feel good. Since I still have 3 days before Saturday I am hoping to be able to go see the Downton Abby Exhibit and then lunch. I am not contagious unless I have an open lesion and they have an open lesion so I should be good in just keeping my tiny rash covered. Who knows maybe it will be gong by Saturday. Also have my cleaning girl coming next week and hair appointment and dinner on
    Tuesday and then of course Thanksgiving with my granddaughter and her boyfriend driving here from Minnesota. Bad time to get shingles but as Jackie said I hope I caught it early and I am on the mend.

    Have a wonderful day and keep smiling.
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited November 2023
    Okay, just lost my post when I tried to add a blank line to start a new paragraph. Color me a bit frustrated.

    The weather is lovely again today so I decided to seal up the rest of my Thanksgiving cards to take to the post office. I set out and found—new stretches of road construction. 👀 But I am glad I went when I did, the parking at the post office was basically available so I got a good spot for walking inside. I did look for a small cardboard container as I am sending a birthday card next Monday to a friend and it is lots of layers and fragile. I would like it to get to her in one piece. They had soft side cushioned envelopes and the cardboard options were huge so no success.

    Found a new route home and hunted for the small cardboard box that I was certain I still had. And wahoo, found it, addressed it, put the card in some tissue paper, sealed up the box and now I am ready to mail the card next week.

    Moving on to the next birthday cards and must get to finishing and addressing my Christmas cards. I sent one to Anne a while ago and I wonder if it arrived? And I need to start thinking about what I will make for my December donation to the card charity.

    Jackie, I am glad you were able to stream the service and sorry you wore out your hand holding your phone to share the service along. Technology can be very good but also very unpredictable. Take care today and I hope the weather is calm now and maybe you could hang some laundry outdoors?

    Sandy, busy days! Keep on keeping on. Sorry the pills are causing some side effects. I hope you get to the Downton exhibit and that all goes as you have it scheduled. Have a good day.

    Hi Barbie, Diane, Joy, Jeri, Anne, Patsy and all our Sneakers. Please stop by!



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Bad night of sleeping and not sure why, my mind just wouldn't shut off. Another beautiful day here with warm temps and sunshine, tomorrow it all changes. Needless to say I am not going to my meeting today so will just be staying in and doing nothing.
    I did get the kiddos Christmas gifts bought except for Robby who prefers a gift card. I also have time to send my great granddaughter her present in Hawaii so will probably wait closer to Christmas. My older grandchildren get cash and my son's finance has 3 granddaughters so I will send them something small as well. No gifts for my adult children, they have everything they need.

    Have a good day and hope you are getting some sunshine.

    One Day at a Time
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Hi all you sneakers. I tried to post and lost the message. Then no time to retry. Wish that didnt happen on this site. There must be a bug fix. Never happens on other web sites.
    We are doing errands and getting ready for the holidays. My granddaughter started a website for Secret Santa gifts. That way our large family draw names and exchange gifts. I have two great grands and everyone likes to give to them. But truthfully they have everything. And their birthdays are in December. I really need to work on a donation system for us. Meanwhile we are making soups and doing chores.
    Sandy you are ever busy. Your shingles isnt slowing you down.
    Lin, I enjoy your card travails and luv the tea pots.
    Jackie, I always picture on the moors. I go to Google Earth to view.
    Hello to everyone.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    <3 🚗👩‍🦯👣🐾🧤🌻
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited November 2023
    Good evening. I got to the library to pick up a couple of books that were being held for me. I received a call from one of my bankers and we got my business settled and talked about lots of other things. I had plenty of things to do but after making my lunch from leftovers, I got absorbed in reading one of the books I brought home.

    I just noticed I have a bit of a sore throat and swollen lymph nodes in my neck. I hope I am not getting ill. That would be a poor outcome of my trip to the book store. 🤞🏻

    Good to hear from you Barbie and Joy.

    Sandy, you are quite organized in your gift giving. 🙌🏻🙌🏻

    Joy, great that someone has organized the secret Santa exchange. That helps.

    Back to this interesting book. 📖

    Be safe.


    Interesting color, love it.


  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Lin, love your library tales. I only read on my IPad. Have not read a regular book in ages. The best part of this is the library. If I am awake at midnight I can go visit the shelves of the library and choose a book and it is in my hands….I mean Ipad….instantly. I sometimes browse the books for hours, day or night!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Sunny but chilly day. Laundry day and having groceries delivered this afternoon. I am excited to have my granddaughter and her live in come here from Minnesota with their new puppy for Thanksgiving. They will only be here a short time but we should have fun with the 3 dogs at Rob's on Thanksgiving. They will arrive Wednesday night and leave Friday to spend a night at a doggie hotel in Chicago before heading home Saturday. Short but sweet.
    Tomorrow is the exhibit for Downton Abby and lunch, other than brining pills with me, I am looking forward to an afternoon out. I hope to get back in time to go to Mass but we will see.
    I am feeling good and so far no open lesions just a pink little rash. I pray I caught it in time and should be fine with no after effects. Will get my shingles vaccine right after Thanksgiving and then schedule my therapy that I had to cancel.

    Hope your days are better than mine and you are enjoying life to it's fullest.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    I see another post of mine disappeared yesterday. How annoying! Lots going on but only 10% power left so I will return in the morning. It’s wet and windy again so I won’t be going far. Meanwhile happy Friday.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hi. Sorry I missed posting yesterday. I seem to be fighting some type of bug. Drinking loads of tea and resting.

    Take care everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

    A glass teapot in a familiar shape
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :) We had a long talk about what to do about Thanksgiving. I would treat the day like just another Thursday, but Jake likes to do something food related to mark the occasion. A local restaurant has take out Thanksgiving meals for about thirty dollars per person with all the trimmings but what we really like is turkey and mashed potatoes. So, we finally decided to order a small turkey and Bob Evans mashed potatoes to be put on our grocery pickup order for Sunday, We'll roast the turkey and serve it with mashed potatoes and gravy and finish the meal with some Ben & Jerry's ice cream that we added to the order. We ordered bread so we can have sandwiches for a few days with the rest of the turkey. No need to drive anywhere, or dress up, or make conversation with other people.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Not much time as Cheryl is picking me up to go see a Downton Abby Exhibit at ten and lunch after. Two more days of pills but I am feeling good and not contagious.
    Enjoy your day and the holiday week.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    edited November 2023
    Another rainy miserable day so apart from doggy walking and a couple of small tasks in the greenhouse I’ve not done much. I’m not inclined to repeat past disappearances so will just report that although I offered to drive Sheila to any hospital appointment for the injection she has been booked for with a private company, it was offered the one day I have a hospital appointment for one of my cancer checks. Different hospitals of course, in different cities! I did say if her people could give her a time to be there and it was morning, I would drive her there since mine is an afternoon appointment but she would need to find someone to bring her home. She was told she won’t be told a time until the day before so she has cancelled. The next thought was that she could wear a back support brace to see if it helps so, because she doesn’t have a computer, I offered to order one online and get one for myself while I was at it. That I’ve done but I’m now wondering if the website is a scam because although it shows five star reviews, an independent reviewing website has some terrible stories about them and lots of just one star reviews! I’ve contacted my bank just in case the goods don’t arrive or are shoddy and we now wait to see!
    I was worried George was slowing up suddenly but since his groomer discovered a tight ball of grass between his pads he’s back to behaving like a puppy!

    Im sorry you are feeling rough Lin but hopefully rest will help you recover. An Eiffel Tower teapot! I don’t know if you have ever been to France but the tea they serve up is ghastly! My brother John, whose funeral was held on Wednesday, married a French girl in his 20’s and I’m sure such differences in food and drink tastes led to a divorce because they disliked each other’s countries!

    Have you carried out a Google Earth search of Minions village where I walk most days Joy? Lots of green grass with sheep dotted about! 🐑🐑

    Enjoy the Downton exhibits Sandy. I hope it stays warm for you. It will shorten the Winter!

    I’m now in the middle of hanging my new Winter curtains in my dining room. They are plush and heavy so I’m getting a crick in my neck as I try to slip the hooks into curtain rings on a pole. Betty snoozes in front of the fire while George does the same on my old Victorian wingback chair. I’ve fresh vegetable stir fry with a few prawns this evening and a glass of red wine to celebrate at least one curtain hanging!

    You sound organised for your Thanksgiving Barbie and you did make me smile about not making conversation with others because there’s no stopping me once I get started! 😁
    Happy Saturday. Stay safe.
    Jackie 🥰
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Hello everyone. Sandy sounds like you are not slowing down. What is the Downton Abbey exhibit?
    Lin, yes sorry bout you being under the weather…hope its only a 24 hr bug and you are feeling much better by the time you read this.
    Jackie, I will go to Google Earth as soon as I finish this post. Sorry for the weather there.
    Barbie, I luv your post about Thanksgiving.
    This year…due to work schedules and in-law obligations, nobody is coming to ours. So, Deb, Lori, and myself will be eating cracked crab the old fashioned way to celebrate but on Wednesday night. On Thursday we are low key…will have shrimp salad. It seems to be best for this year. Have never not had the traditional meal.
    Well, bye for now. Will get back to my book.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :) This morning I discovered that the fingerless glove I just finished knitting had been found by Annie, the puppy, and chewed up beyond repair. Boo hoo. Later I found a fingerless glove that I thought I'd lost l last winter, so I came out even. Yippee. I have plenty of red wool yarn to knit another pair and the time and energy to do the knitting.

    :) My 12.22 pound turkey is in the fridge to thaw. Mashed potatoes are in the fridge. Ice cream is in the freezer. Thanksgiving will be a day for thanks.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited November 2023
    Happy Sunday! :) Our girls afternoon out went great, the exhibition was wonderful, the lunch was good but expensive and I made it home it time to go to Church.
    Tonight we are having game night since Marisa is home for the holiday. I am trying to decide if I should get my nails done today or cancel my hair appointment Tuesday and get them done then.
    I am liking my hair right now so not sure I want to change anything. Decisions, decisions.

    Barbie, funny little Annie. Obi, Rob and Lisa's dog is not losing his baby teeth and the vet wants $1200 to pull them. My friends told me to have him play tug of war and yank the toy to loosen his teeth. Anyone have any suggestions?

    Joy, Downton Abby is a PBS series that ran for six seasons. It was set in England and Jackie probably knows more of the background than I do but I did google this.
    In short, the Crawley family isn't real, but they are based on the Carnavons who reside at Highclere Castle, otherwise known as the real Downton Abbey. The impressive property was bought in 1679 by Sir Robert Sawyer, a direct ancestor of the Carnavons.
    It was a great show and they ended it with a movie.
    I am now watching the Crown which is back for another season on Netflix.

    Jackie, I did enjoy the exhibits and the history of the show. Be careful with those heavy curtains and do it slow. The pups are smart they are just relaxing while watching you do all the work.

    Have a great day everyone, another busy week coming up for me, I am grateful I am well again.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited November 2023
    Hello Sneakers. I have settled into sinus issues and a cough. The chest tightness and pain has vanished so I will credit my hot tea for the assistance. I just watched church and found a package on my doorstep. It wasn’t scheduled for delivery until Monday. Hummmm. I opened the box and the company shorted me one item so I can write to them and see if they will make some sort of adjustment or just forget about it. The package took several weeks to arrive.

    Jackie, I studied French in college and our upper level courses were taught by a kind of unique woman who invited us to her house for treats—French, not American. So no tea, extremely strong coffee and some little savory or sweet crackers, cookies, etc. we were too young for her to serve wine but I think that is what she would have preferred! I was quite glad when it was over. Oh, and it is spaniel Harry’s birthday and he is 5. He didn’t heal well and the screw they put in his elbow became infected. It was removed and if all goes well, they will soon try a new piece of hardware. Poor dog. The others are running around, as spaniels love to do, and he is on a lead and has to take great care.

    Barbie, all ready for Thursday. Excellent. Sorry there was an ‘accident’ with the fingerless gloves. Thank goodness you have more yarn and time to make replacements.

    Joy, I do use the Libby app to check out some books. The problem is my library doesn’t have access to many of the books in the database. I put in a request for some of them but it isn’t likely that I will be able to get it that way. My friend has trouble as well, can never get books needed for her book club and she told me she has read about everything that she is interested in that had a reasonable wait time of 4 weeks or less.

    Sandy, I watched all of Downton Abbey but not the movie. Interesting show and very interesting as some of the actors appeared in other shows. The exhibit looks like loads of fun. Who got the low person in that photo? Best wishes on your busy week.

    I heard from Anne yesterday as she received her holiday card. She said again she hopes to get back soon. Jilly is apparently a special favorite with many people there. No surprise of course.

    Has anyone heard anything from Patsy? She never picked up the electronic card I sent. I have sent a couple of paper cards as well and none were returned. I will mail a Christmas card in the next couple of weeks.

    Be safe everyone. Time to start crushing boxes and gathering up trash. I haven’t done anything in that regard this week. I did foil a number of panels that may turn into cards one day.



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    A slightly wet Monday morning. Resetting my tasks for today. My furnace went out yesterday afternoon and I had an emergency call. Thankful for my maintenance contract. It took a few hours to try to find the source of the error code. He got the furnace going again but was unable to find the source. So we will see. There are lots of possibilities. Time will tell. I was glad to have heat overnight and no new error code showing on the thermostat panel this morning.

    Off I go, post office and library bound.

    Have a great day everyone.



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Hello, yes it’s me the pest from the past. I can’t believe how many posts I’ve missed. And I can’t believe how time speeds by at an alarming rate in a senior resident. Well it did until yesterday when I fell in the apartment. Sort of tripped whilst wearing new sport shoes, which I shan’t wear again. Tripped and stumbled across the apartment into the chest of drawers from which I lay on the floor, every bone aching it seemed, thoroughly winded and Jilly Bean licking me better. I finally managed to crawl upright and went to the nurses office to be wiped of blood, disinfected and plastered. A Tylenol this morning helped enormously and I thank the Lord that I didn’t break anything. There, you didn’t expect a moan from the wanderers return did you, lol. The moral of this tale is if you want anything done, fall down. This brings the kids over with hammer and nails to put your pictures finally on the wall to make a sterile apartment all homey.

    I simply haven’t the room to tell you all the happenings here, some hilarious, so I’ll just mention the latest. Halloween came, and we were hosts to every kid in the neighbourhood I think, all avoiding a chilly Canadian evening and collecting candies all at once. The staff dressed up as monks and witches, as did some of the residents and Jilly attended as the Hound of the Baskerville which I thought funny because she is now loved by all here, dubbed the friendliest dog anyone’s ever met and is in danger of exploding from all the treats offered her after she’s sniffed them out of various mobile walker pockets.

    Until yesterdays sail through the air we two start the day by walking the corridors that surround the inner courtyard and garden. Four complete trots equal 1 mile. After Tylenol this morning I managed my first half mile, oh brave Anne. Otherwise, after the coyotes have gone to bed we go to the park and playing fields at the back of this building.

    I’ve been here three months now and it’s finally beginning to feel like home. A very attractive place with a cheery fire burning in the public lounge. So if anyone is contemplating a similar move, stay put for at least three months to aclimatizd.

    Won’t bore you further, but honestly I could write a book already, thicker than the bible. Aah another story that I’ll save for tomorrow.

    Bye dear sneakers. You have always been in my thoughts.

    Anne and the Homes mascot, the tail wagging Jilly the Beano. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️3
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Wonderful to hear from you Anne, but sorry about your fall. It sounds like you are loving your new home and I am so happy for you. Please stay in touch, we miss you when we don't hear from you.
    I am all mended and going to sit for a couple of hours this afternoon. First, I have to go to the social security office and plead my case because they are lowering my social security payment by $400. It is all confusing and I hope I can straighten it our so wish me luck.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time