Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Sunny and cold again, but today I am staying in and staying warm. ( I hope)
    I had my hair done yesterday and really blonde but I do like it. Also went and had my nails done so I am all spruced up. One more time for nails before Christmas but hair is done for the holidays. I really hate the stress of the holidays with sending cards, buying gifts, getting things ready, but I do love Christmas itself once it arrives. Especially with the younger grandkids who two out of three still believe in Santa.
    I am pretty organized as far as gifts, now it is just ordering and having delivered from Amazon since most of my family lives out of state. I just have to send Aloha her first birthday present and then all the pets for Christmas. The checks will go in the cards to the older grandkids and other than the mailman that should be it. The good news is that Bryanna is coming in for Christmas and that makes me very happy. I really can't wait for this year to be done, it has not been a good year and I am ready to move on.

    Anne, great news about more veggies, glad you talked to the dietician. Do you eat some meat or do they just put it on your plate whether you eat it or not? Otherwise you should just insist on veggies. Sorry, just my opinion.

    Lin, I love my hair even though she put more highlights than Bryanna did but I do feel brightened. And you are right, I am cheap for stuff for myself but generous to others, maybe too much sometimes. lol

    Have a wonderful day everyone and keep being you.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    Hmmm? I typed a post after our walk this morning but it seems to have disappeared. I met Sheila at the usual car park on the moor and we walked slowly on level ground for about an hour. She has received manipulation on her back and neck which seems to be helping with pain and also now has a back brace so she will hopefully be able to get about more often. It’s a cold, damp day so more laundry hangs in my dining room but not a lot has been done about housework and tomorrow I have a hair appointment so it might have to wait until Friday! Nothing else to report and time to cook an evening meal. The pets are hungry too!

    A good move Anne but my offer of a Red Cross parcel still holds! 😆😂
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited November 2023
    Hi, I made a trip to the grocery store this morning. Got a few things but hope to get to While Foods this week to fill in the rest of the items I would like to purchase. I am off to crush boxes since the weather is nice and it’s not too cold in the garage.

    Anne, good for you and I hope you will receive more vegetables from now on! Very brave of you to have a talk with the dietitian.

    Sandy, our super blonde! I am sure it is lovely. Wow, Brianna is making a trip home! Wonderful. I hope you get to spend time with her.

    Jackie, I heard many parts of the British Isles had one of the coldest November nights last night. One of the Spaniel people posted a reel with their newest dog seeing snow for the first time. He was quite fascinated by the white stuff. He was running about sniffing continuously. 😁 Glad Sheila is getting some help. I trust she will feel better and better. Good luck with getting that laundry dried.

    Time to run along. Be safe.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    I forgot to say Lin, I loved what looks like a chocolate camel teapot. Not a good idea for hot tea though!! 😁
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :) My well organized morning has changed. Waiting for Jake to wake up so I could take the dogs out was no problem for either the dogs or me, but my dog walking friend got up with an alarm and then had to wait until we were ready to come over for the walk. The time varied by an hour or more from day to day. She was a good sport about it but it was hard for her. So I changed the plan and starting yesterday we walked together at 5:30 PM with the dogs and then without them. Today she'll start waking up without her alarm and not walk with us and then we'll have a late afternoon or evening walk that will include seeing the lighted holiday decorations in the neighborhood. I feel much freer this morning not having to coordinate with her but knowing that we'll walk together later. She welcomed the idea. She said that without me, she might not walk at all. In the spring and summer she gets lots of exercise working in her garden but in the winter she could easily get no exercise at all without a planned walk with someone else.

    :) Annie's new winter jacket arrived from Chewy. She outgrew the last one days after it arrived. The new one fits over her sweater so she can be extra warm.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) It's going to be a little warmer today but rain might come over the weekend. I am hoping it holds off during rush hour tomorrow as I have to drive pretty far south for a surprise party.
    It's my meeting day and dropping off paperwork for an appeal with social security. I doubt I will win but giving it the old college try. Later meeting friends for dinner.
    There are two activities I would like to do with the kiddos if I can fit it in without any rain. One is a farm with reindeer and Santa but it is outside so will bear the cold but I don't want to walk around in rain.
    The other is a drive through at Santa's Village and at the end a photo op with Santa. Lisa and I will coordinate this weekend.

    Barbie, would love to see a picture of Annie in her new coat. I am like your friend and do not like to wake up to an alarm clock. An afternoon walk sounds perfect to me.

    Lin, super blonde is right, but it is growing on me, (no pun intended) I am hoping Bryanna and Spencer will be able to spend Christmas Eve with us but she will be here for over a week so I know I will spend some time with them.

    Jackie, housework can always wait in my opinion, it won't clean itself. Hope your hair is everything you want, any new color in mind??

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Hello everyone. Thanks for the offer of a Red Cross parcel JACKIE, but I actually had a very simple but absolutely up my street meal at dinner last evening. I declined the half portion of ribs, LIN and got instead two large scoops of mashed potato, baked beans and a fistful of green beans. So the dietician listened and we will see what tonight brings. It turns out that Caroline from Calgary the home of t bone steaks etc is also a vegetarian and has been suffering silently along with me! Anyway, she’s a very quiet lady and has been rejecting the meat and existing on very little I guess. I’ve persuaded her to talk to the dietician as well, and maybe a small corner of the menu will be devoted to us lot. I HAD been buying canned carrots and peas Jackie which the dietician said are full of sugar over here.

    SANDY you are our blonde bombshell once again. I’ve never dyed my hair and it’s a sort of brown with chestnut highlights, but peering shortsightedly in the mirror the very front of it is finally turning as befits an 88 year old. But, it’s neither white or grey, it’s a sort of pale silvery gold! I rather like it if the rest of it matches!

    Other than that, I did a bit of ironing in my apartment yesterday afternoon, then sat on the sofa for a while with the Bean, whereupon we both fell sleep and so missed a visiting singer singing in the lounge. This was probably just as well with Corvid looming and I’m not really into lady’s singing about being over some rainbow anyway. So a boring post and quiet day enlivened by Michael recovering from Corvid and texting me bits of stuff he was reading. The last being the death of Mr Kissinger who seems to have led a very eventful life, NOT dozing on sofas at 100 years.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    edited November 2023
    Hello everyone. My plans went awry this morning because it was snowing heavily when I got up and we don’t get our roads gritted across the moors so I didn’t think it safe to drive. I messaged my hairdresser about 8.30 to tell her if things hadn’t improved in an hour I would have to postpone my appointment but in that hour the snow became heavier so we agreed I have another appointment next Tuesday. Yes Lin it is bitterly cold with winds arriving from Scandinavia and when I took the dogs round the block at midday we all froze but when we got home I did drive to the local convenience store for a few items so I can make a casserole and not worry if I don’t then get out for a couple of days. The road is still closed while a cattle grid is repaired so what would normally take 10 minutes took half an hour, not helped by a farmer deciding to run his slow tractor with a hedge cutter along the road, holding everyone up!
    I’ve had to sweep snow off the clear plastic roof on the hen run because it was blocking out light but the chooks decided to stay in their house anyway! Both George and Betty become silly when snow is on the ground, George in particular.

    Sandy, my hair will get some colour added in the New Year but I haven’t decided how much or what shade yet. At least in this weather I have to wear a hat when I’m out so no one can see how much it needs to be trimmed and tidied!

    My laundry is dry 36 hours later, folded and put away so I’m not having to squeeze round the room anymore.
    A freezing night forecast but at least we should see some sunshine tomorrow…. Frozen fingers crossed!

    Cup of tea time!
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Oh dear, the others at my table completely rejected lunch except for caramel dessert.!!!!! I had:

    Mushroom soup full of mushrooms.
    Ravioli in a tasty tomato sauce and Parmesan cheese.
    Caramel mousse.
    I’m glad I talked to the dietician. Not so sure about the meat lovers though!

    Dinner tonight will be better for them. Among other things like mashed potato, leek and ham pie.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited November 2023
    Hello friends. I did get Whole Foods this morning. Most things I wanted to purchase were available. Yes!

    Barbie, what a change in your schedule. I hope it works out for everyone. Wow, a new jacket for Annie. Is she okay with wearing doggie apparel?

    Sandy, fingers crossed for a good outcome with Social Security. 🤞🏻

    Anne, happy to hear your life is now apparently filled with veggies! Wonderful news.

    Jackie, I am sorry the weather is dreadful. I hope the roads will be fixed soon and the weather will improve. Most of our snow melted just in time for some flurries over the next couple of days. Yep, it may not be officially winter but it seems like it is.

    Have finally decided on which stamps to use for most of my holiday cards. I am setting up to get started on the cards. Must make sure the stamp is straight. A bit difficult with the red rubber stamps I use. With the clear stamps you can see if they are straight, the red ones have to be tested. Isn’t that really interesting? 😂

    That’s my project for tomorrow.

    I hope everyone is well. Stay safe and always happy to hear from you.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited December 2023
    Happy Friday! :) Laundry has been started. It's a rainy day and I am having second thoughts about driving in rush hour in the rain when it is getting dark for an hour. I might just pass but will see how the weather is this afternoon. Dinner last night was fun, good seeing old friends.
    I scheduled therapy but they are full until January, hopefully by then I will be good and can cancel.

    Lin, thank you, we will see if social security is understanding but I do have my doubts.

    Jackie, no matter what color I am sure it will be great, you have such nice thick hair.

    Anne, glad to hear you are getting your veggies, if others have complaints let them talk to the chef.

    Not too much going on so nothing exciting. Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    I heated a shelled hard boiled egg in the microwave and bit into it. It exploded everywhere including up my nose and upper lip. So painful. I hope it doesn't blister. So dumb! Needless to say I am staying home tonight.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited December 2023
    Decembers arrived with great big sloppy wet snowflakes which is a shock after it warmed up yesterday. Mark and Mary Jo came over with yet more of my stuff. Cushions and a thick duvet etc. Stuff like that which is difficult to store. Today’s pretty quiet with the rain and then snow. I finally got my plasters off and the nurse who is about 60 years younger than me gave me a small lecture on not to pick at my scabs. As though I would!

    I’m having a bit of trouble with this site. My posts show up ages after I’ve written them so did you get my thank you JACKIE for the offer of a red cross parcel!!!!! I was buying my own canned peas and carrots but the dietician said the cans here are packed with sugar. I believe it’s trout on the menu tonight.

    I decided to stay home today. Out of 90 residents 5 are in the local hospital. The staff won’t tell the residents why saying it’s a private thing but on the inevitable grape vine I gather Freda who had Corvid and was in isolation for two weeks is one of the patients and another lady is as well who sits at the same dinner table. Probably other issues but it seems strange with them sitting together.

    Anyway a strangely quiet day here. So nothing much going on for me anyway. And just as I type Anne, my youngest arrived with my padded trench coat and to fix my tv which was wonky. He’s just left.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    edited December 2023
    Brrrr 🥶, it stayed below freezing all day so before taking George and Betty round the block, I prepared a bean and chorizo casserole in my slow cooker. It was a quiet walk because the road is still closed off, although I was surprised how many cars drove past the diversion and closed signs as if they didn’t believe it. A minute later they were either reversing back or doing a u-turn! No sign of workmen so I’m guessing we will be like this into next week. After the walk I cut up more wood for kindling with my new lightweight chainsaw, set the 2 wood burners, made cheese on toast and relaxed. Naughty really because I’ve still only hung the one new curtain and really should finish the job.
    I’m concerned about plants in my greenhouse like the Hibiscus and Lemon tree because my remote thermometer that sits in my garden room reading a radio signal, tells me the temperature inside is less than minus one. I don’t heat it because such cold air is rare in Cornwall. Too late to do anything now!

    Anne, that’s a shame about the canned vegetables containing so much sugar although it’s probably not that long ago sugar and salt amounts were reduced drastically for health reasons in Britain. Yesterday’s lunch was the sort I regularly enjoy. Remember when several of us followed the Mediterranean diet? I missed your thanks but not to worry. 😁. If you think there is an outbreak of Covid, you are doing a sensible thing isolating as much as possible.

    Goodness Sandy, that egg exploding must have been a shock as well as painful. What a mess but I do hope your face doesn’t blister. ❤️. Enjoy your day at home.

    I love the teapot with the two birds and bamboo Lin. Its shape as well as pattern. Yes, Winter has definitely arrived early!

    I’m already in bed surrounded by snoozing pets so time for lights out! Sleep tight everyone when it is your turn.
    Jackie 🥱😴
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited December 2023
    Good evening. I did some laundry this morning, joined in on the first Advent unboxing video. One of my favorite card supply companies put out an Advent calendar again this year. The first day was a set of mini stencils. They are cute. There will be one video each Friday morning until Christmas. Tried to track down a couple of orders that seem to be lost in the mail. One has a set of small ink cubes that I hoped to use on Sunday. It arrived in a huge Amazon warehouse facility not far from me a few days ago. It arrived but never emerged. I can put in a claim for a lost package Monday. Doesn’t help me get the inks but oh well. A couple of other things seem to be off the rails as well could be a long shipping season!

    I talked to a friend for a while but as usual we talk for a bit but then she had to hang up and take a call from someone else. She called back later and we talked for a while once again. This is our usual pattern. I don’t think we ever have a call that isn’t interrupted one or two times. I will say, that’s okay, I will talk to you another day but she always calls back. 🙃

    I worked for quite a while on Christmas cards. I stamped greetings/sentiments inside a total of 50 cards today. That’s progress. Yes! I have two other card designs that need some greetings but haven’t found anything appropriate yet.

    Jackie, sleep tight. Stay warm. Wow, a new lightweight chainsaw. My neighbor was out this afternoon with his electric lawnmower. It apparently is one that you charge up and no cord drags around. His mower is quiet. Gotta love that. Hope tomorrow is a warmer day and that your plants survive.

    Sandy, oh no! An exploding egg!?! I hope your mouth isn’t burned. I have never had an egg explode like that. What a mess to clean up! Wow!! Staying home is probably a good idea. Parts of our state had freezing rain today and another area had a bit of snow. I guess some other areas will see precipitation overnight. I would like to take a pass on that!

    Anne, I am glad you got some of your stuff, although it is difficult to store. But did they bring your chair? Sorry some of the people are in the hospital. I am glad the grapevine provides some information. Take care of yourself my friend. Keep advocating for veg. I am always glad to hear from you.

    Best wishes to everyone.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    It wasn’t the best sleep last night because indigestion woke me up and at one point I imagined I was having a heart attack! I got up and walked around until it eased and am guessing the bean casserole had something to do with it because I have a small hernia above my stomach that sometimes causes issues. Just gone midday after a lovely dog walk in sunshine. After going round the block I took us past the road closed signs to see what exactly is happening to the cattle grid. Answer - nothing! The nasty wind from Scandinavia has gone so although the ground is slow to thaw, it feels quite balmy. Even the hens are sitting out in their bus shelter where a bit of sun hits and I’m so pleased I planted garlic cloves earlier in the week because the frost and snow is just what they needed to split them and encourage shoots. Watch this space!
    Today’s plans are to whiz round with my vacuum cleaner, tidy the kitchen, then call my brother Bernie for a catch up.

    Lin, my chainsaw is powered by a rechargeable battery so is quiet, like your neighbour’s lawnmower. Two of mine own petrol chainsaws that scream so loud I have to come indoors and shut windows! A cute red squirrel teapot. In my garden they are grey so look like rats with tails! 🐀. How annoying that Amazon didn’t yet deliver your ink cubes. I’m waiting for a new dog tag for George’s collar because the old one is broken. In Britain it’s against the law to allow a dog outside without ID tags so oops, I must be careful where I take him or maybe borrow Betty’s spare until the package arrives!

    A sandwich for my lunch then on with some chores. I might even hang the 2nd curtain.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Well, I have a nice fat lip but at least it isn't painful like it was yesterday. Hopefully, it will be fine for my teeth cleaning on Monday. Rainy day here but staying in except for mass later.

    Jackie, it was quite a mess but the noise it made was just unbelievable, it sounded like a bomb. I googled and saw that there is or was a tic tock challenge with this very thing. People were getting hurt and burned but thought it was funny. Me, not so funny, I am hoping a piece didn't go into my eye because it is bothering me a little. I do have an eye appointment in another week.
    Do you have a hiatal hernia? My mom had that and they say at times it does feel like a heart attack.

    Lin, you must have a lot of friends making 50 Christmas cards. I only send to family and my 3 close friends. Not many people send cards anymore but I do try and send one for birthdays.

    Anne, are they requiring masks with some people getting sick? Do you have any storage in your apartment or do they offer a storage room? I am glad you are adjusting and liking your new digs.

    Family zoom call at 12:30 so I better eat some breakfast and get in the shower. Have a good day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited December 2023
    Hi! No sunshine here today. We didn’t get any snow or freezing rain last night but once again, flurries are expected tonight.

    Some of my orders have emerged from their hiding places. There’s a possibility the ink cubes may arrive this evening. 👏🏻👏🏻

    Tomorrow will be 100% packed with videos and chats. I have decided to just watch unless I really feel like pulling out supplies to join in. I will replay the classes another day. I wish they would put bookmarks in between each technique. Some people on YouTube place section markers like, “16:45 ink blending.” That is very helpful as you can just skip to the section you want to watch. Especially in a 2-hour long session.

    Finished a birthday card for a friend this afternoon and got my cards for charity all boxed up and ready to take to the post office.

    Sandy, wow, I hope your mouth is in good shape for your appointment on Monday. I send cards to friends, acquaintances, homebound in my church, former coworkers, a few people I have business relationships with now or in the past, a few living relatives, etc. I send Valentines, St. Patrick’s Day cards, 4th of July cards, Thanksgiving and Christmas cards, birthday cards, thinking of you, get well cards, and other odds and ends to some of the people on my list. This is why I am always making cards. Plus 20 cards a month to the card charity. It’s not just me, lots of people make cards and the charities are always looking for cards. Last month the place I send to distributed over 100,000 cards to various organizations. One company I purchase from regularly focuses on mass production tips and tricks. It is big business…..

    Jackie, I am sorry you didn’t sleep well. Sunshine! Wow!! I hope we get some of that soon. Meanwhile, nothing is going on with that cattle grid? They haven’t even started? Growl. And by contrast, another neighbor was out with his mower this afternoon, LOUD!! Did George’s tag arrive today? Hope you are getting some rest— and that you are able to sleep all night.

    I hope everyone is doing okay. Be safe.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) A little blistering and a little scab but hopefully will be gone soon. I am still going out to dinner with Rob, Lisa and kids, a little make up should cover my lip up. It is another gloomy depressing day with temps in the 30's. I miss summer.

    Lin, I have a feeling I will be cancelling my dental cleaning, too hard to open my mouth that wide. You are probably the most thoughtful person I know as far as card giving. I still like to receive cards but not many people send them anymore. I am sure your cards are appreciated and even more so because you hand make them.

    Hello to everyone else and enjoy your Sunday Funday.
    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :) Here is Annie in her water resistant winter jacket. It is big enough to fit over her sweater to keep her extra warm. She doesn't mind wearing it. She often wears her sweater indoors