so there was this guy in the gym . . .



  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    overheard between two late-teenage bros in the dumbbell zone.

    bro 1: you only do 6 reps at that?
    bro 2: yeah. girls don't like bulky guys, see -

    i lol'd.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    pfft... funny

    Only a few people at the new gym even at 6 pm, but had one guy worthy of mentioning. His main workout aside from the end cardio while wearing hoodie was curls. He did curls with the cables, then came over to do dumbbell curls, (though did also do some dips on the assisted machine), use the ez curl bar for some curls there and after I was done with the rack and everything, he went and used the regular bar in the rack to, you got it, curl.

    Ah, fun times.
  • DeadsAndDoritos
    DeadsAndDoritos Posts: 267 Member
    edited January 2016
    ^^Didn't realise guys worried about getting "too big". :lol:

    ^Sounds like a proper curl bro! :smile:

  • andylllI
    andylllI Posts: 379 Member
    I generally work out at home but yesterday I was at personal training in a commercial gym and there was a guy huffing and puffing through half squats. Who then proceeded to put more weight on the bar so he could quarter squat his work sets. I am hoping he is on the quad only program for a good reason.

    I mean if you can't full squat you should deload. And if you can't full squat unloaded for mobility issues pick a different exercise.

    I take my wedding rings off when I lift/ exercise, and the other thing that happened was a 20 year old tattooed and pierced kid who kept looking st me and shy smiling. I though hey, still got it, but I could be your mom! Then I looked in the mirror and realized my ponytail had migrated to the side of my head and I looked like Cyndi Lauper.
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    andylllI wrote: »
    Then I looked in the mirror and realized my ponytail had migrated to the side of my head and I looked like Cyndi Lauper.

    Snort! Heehee, I bet you looked cute... Next time you can crimp it, too.

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    that sounds like you still got it to me. i realised i was being constantly watched once and it just made me go 'something must be wrong with my form.' i was SO relieved when he finally said he'd been admiring my shirt.

    suddenly it all made sense. it's pale army green and says B*U*SH** .
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    great couple today. her: dark glasses, springy piled-ringlet black hair that made me double-take and go 'did she come to the gym in a wig??' neon-eye-fracture pattern on tights, runners in clashing colours. him: blond short-hair, floppy fringe, nondescript grey-scale t-shirt and sweats, square-frame glasses.

    the great part was she was the trainer. she got him doing body-ball stuff while i was stretching and it was so worth being there. 'okay, now i want you to [...] good doggie! okay now hold it, hold it, one whole minutes [counts down] 15! good going, buttercup! hang in there 5 more . . . 3. 2. 1. well done, pumpkin!'

    it was clear that they were great friends, even maybe a couple.

    loner loser guy was there too. on the plus side, he attaches himself to any conversation that people will hold still for, so it isn't just me. on the negative side, it kind of is me. he was just wandering around, still without any kind of a plan, looking for a social life, not doing any actual work. i did the nod-and-blank think fairly well, i think, but he was watching me and kind of orbiting. i squat, he goes in the smith alongside. that kind of thing.

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    trainer guy is a keeper. i was in an ugly childish go-to-your-room kind of mood on friday because my whole squatting thing's such a mess. he was telling me i go too deep and that he'd cue me to come up, and my ungracious response was 'i hate it when you do that riot-cop yell'. i'm ashamed of myself as i speak.

    anyway, then i did my next rep and mr trainer said in the eeentsiest, teensiest, squeakiest tiny-tinkerbell voice "[tiny text] up! [/tiny text]" when i reached parallel. it was really funny, and i totally deserved it.
  • andylllI
    andylllI Posts: 379 Member
    trainer guy is a keeper. i was in an ugly childish go-to-your-room kind of mood on friday because my whole squatting thing's such a mess. he was telling me i go too deep and that he'd cue me to come up, and my ungracious response was 'i hate it when you do that riot-cop yell'. i'm ashamed of myself as i speak.

    anyway, then i did my next rep and mr trainer said in the eeentsiest, teensiest, squeakiest tiny-tinkerbell voice "[tiny text] up! [/tiny text]" when i reached parallel. it was really funny, and i totally deserved it.


    Yep. Keeper.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    When you don't have people in gym there are other places to get stories. Like guy in the sports nutrition shop. hehe

    Overheard him talking to a guy about bulking. Or well, he was trying to explain bulk versus recomp but didn't quite know what term to use for recomp. I think he was trying to reassure the guy that some fat gains were okay with a bulk and progress will be faster than doing a recomp, just didn't quite know how to word things.

    Didn't have any advice for me. ;-)
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    Oh boy. When I have headphones in, that means I don't want to talk to you...

    This guy tonight came over and was waving at me, so I thought something was wrong. I took one earphone out, grumpily, and he said he wanted to tell me how to change my squat form. And then showed me this crazy move where his knees splayed waaaaaay out. And I ... was polite when I really should have told him to f-off.

    As he walked off I saw from his t-shirt that he's a personal trainer! So, not just some mansplaining fool. Presumably looking for clients? But I swear - what he was showing me was so far from what my original trainer showed me, and from all the squat form videos I have just watched to check I wasn't mad...

    Anyway, I ignored him, carried on doing what I was doing...
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,440 Member
    So, there was two guys in the gym last night. I've seen them around. Early twenties. Pretty quiet. Do their thing without any observed drama. They asked me if I wanted to work in on the squat rack and even set my plates for me each set. It was pretty awesome!
  • christch
    christch Posts: 238 Member
    Last night when I was finishing up my benching a young guy came over to see if I was finished with rack, so I said they could have it if they didn't mind me taking the bench with me as I wanted to do db benching so the lovely guy even moved to bench across room for me even when I said I could manage it myself. Some guys are sweet.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,440 Member
    christch wrote: »
    Last night when I was finishing up my benching a young guy came over to see if I was finished with rack, so I said they could have it if they didn't mind me taking the bench with me as I wanted to do db benching so the lovely guy even moved to bench across room for me even when I said I could manage it myself. Some guys are sweet.

    TBH, I like this kind of story much better!
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Ariadnula wrote: »
    Oh boy. When I have headphones in, that means I don't want to talk to you...

    This guy tonight came over and was waving at me, so I thought something was wrong. I took one earphone out, grumpily, and he said he wanted to tell me how to change my squat form. And then showed me this crazy move where his knees splayed waaaaaay out. And I ... was polite when I really should have told him to f-off.

    As he walked off I saw from his t-shirt that he's a personal trainer! So, not just some mansplaining fool. Presumably looking for clients? But I swear - what he was showing me was so far from what my original trainer showed me, and from all the squat form videos I have just watched to check I wasn't mad...

    Anyway, I ignored him, carried on doing what I was doing...

    I'm just picturing a guy with a trainer shirt and tutu plieing in the squat rack.
  • icemaiden37
    icemaiden37 Posts: 238 Member
    Yesterday we had three teenage girls lounging around on the mats with their mobile phones - for 40 minutes. This meant nobody could use the mats for stretching or ab work and as the mats are under the TRX frame, nobody could effectively use that either. So I went over and did some hanging knee raises from the trx frame and they left after my first set. I've already had a run in with this trio before when I verbally blasted them for taking selfies in the changing rooms whilst some poor woman was half naked, struggling out of a sports bra. I know we should encourage kids come to the gym to stay fit, but I really wish these three weren't members!
  • Vetticus_3
    Vetticus_3 Posts: 78 Member
    This morning there was the noisiest guy at the gym. He was doing upright rows - about 30kgs - and every rep was *NUUUUUUUURRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHTTTTT*... *PISSSHHHHTTTT* and repeat. It sounded like he was giving birth. He didn't look out of shape (quite buff, had definitely trained before)... but wow. I had to stop what I was doing to see if he had hurt himself.

    Also, between my squats sets, I do some non-barbell squats (usually sumo or plie *i wish i could wear a tutu at the gym*)... anyway, I was checking my form in the mirror, my arm just-so, and OMG I have deltoids. I spent the remainder of the gym session with a massive smile. Deltoids... I have them. :D I am this close ** to taking a photo of them. Yes, they're under a bit too much insulation... but they're there.
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    Woo, deltoids! Good news, @Vetticus_3 :smile:

    And ha, I promise this guy wasn't showing me sumo squats. His feet were normal squat position, facing 90% forward, and yet his knees went waaaay out. He even demonstrated it against a wall. I actually tried it this morning (in pyjamas at home, no bar or anything) and it felt so unstable, like my knees would snap sideways if you added weight.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    It's almost impossible to push knees out too far while squatting. Maybe he was doing high bar? They look further out then. Or his feet were angled out far.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Now that I'm on my computer instead of my phone I wanted to clarify for anyone new reading along that you should always push your knees out while squatting. When I first started squatting I read a well known MFP'er saying you shouldn't push your knees out *too* far while squatting. I ended up with pretty severe LCL and MCL pain from listening to this person, and thought I was doing something else wrong. If only I had known then what I know now! Unless you have some kind of pathology you literally cannot push them out too far. They should always be in line with the toes. Foot angle and depth can make the knee path look quite a bit different.