November ETL thread: No nonsense November



  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Good for you for taking the day off anyway - and rebooking in January makes perfect fiscal sense.

    I went out to grab lunch and I was going to get a sinfully delicious veggie sandwhich that I just *love*, but instead I bought a week's worth of veggies and a tub of red roasted pepper hummus. Lunches at work for the week are now taken care of. Point, ETL!

    Now I just need to buy some groceries to make some soups and salads for my evenings and I think my first week back to 100% ETL will be all set!! Soups: Acorn Squash & Roasted Veggie, and then I think I'll do the OSG Tortilla Soup. :smiley: Salads: Roasted Beet with Dijon Mustard Dressing (from my nutritionist - soooo tasty) and maybe a greek quinoa salad... mmm!!!
  • tryingvegan
    tryingvegan Posts: 79 Member
    I'm not cheating again! About 3 weeks ago, I had a piece of cake with cream cheese frosting from Whole Foods. I think some people who don't eat plant based try to sabotage your eating style. Anyway, I got shingles; not real severe (thank God). I swear the cheese & sugar started the shingles. I'm better now, but no more SAD food for me! I feel posting what I eat here is a duplication; my diary is open to friends. I'm in the healthy zone on the BMI calculator!!!!!!!!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    tryingvegan awesome accomplishment getting to a healthy BMI, congrats! Sorry you had shingles, I have heard that is extremely painful.

    Karrie, good job avoiding the sandwich. I would like the acorn squash and roasted veggie soup recipe when you have a chance please. It sounds delightful. I love squash, especially when the weather starts to get colder. I have the OSG tortilla soup bookmarked, I don't know why I haven't got to it yet. All of my cookbooks have dozens of post it notes sticking out of them for recipes I want to try. I tend to cook more often in the winter though so I should be getting to more of them.

    I took an inventory of my refrigerator and planned out dinners for the week. The store had cauliflower on sale this morning so I got two and going to make some of the red lentil cauliflower curry from Veganomicon this week. I am really going to try to get up a little earlier and put in 20 minutes on the stationary bike before my shower in the mornings. My days so often get out of control and I am so worn out that I don't get to working out in the evenings. At least if I do something in the mornings I've got some exercise in no matter what. And like Karrie, I'm going to get to bed earlier this week. When I'm tired everything is harder to do.
  • squiggysmama
    Well here you are :) Been a crazy several weeks and my ETL has sometimes been more "ish" than not, but all in all still good. I'm down 74 pounds right now. It's going slow and steady, so I'm happy. What I am most happy about is our local ETL group -- We've been meeting for 10 weeks now and as of last Thursday night, the 7 regulars who were present had lost a total of just short of 112 pounds as a group! Go them :) I'm loving being able to be a catalyst for change by the information I share. Tonight I met one of our group regulars in the store and she proudly showed off to me her entire shopping cart FULL of fresh fruits and veggies :) Loving it.
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    Wow, some real success getting through Halloween for most of you. And me, too! I'm so proud of myself. We still have some mini-Snickers in the freezer and I'm not even tempted. I'm feeling pretty solidly ETL these past few days. Glad to see the group arise from the ashes. (No, I don't like this new format, but I'm slowly getting used to it.) [Bump for later]
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    Squiggy and Lisa, glad to have you back :) Squiggy that is awesome your group is still doing so well and going strong. Lisa, glad the snickers aren't tempting you.

    Jean, that is great news about your loss and that your thyroid meds are getting adjusted. Excellent restraint at the bar! I need to try the overnight oats.

  • cherrima
    cherrima Posts: 30 Member
    Hi, I'm new to ETL. I did go shopping a couple days ago and loaded up on lots of veggies and fruits. I also got a few items that I will avoid in the future like dried fruit and extra dark chocolate.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    Hi cherrima, good plan! I use frozen berries in my oatmeal rather than raisins now.
  • tdh1991
    tdh1991 Posts: 511 Member
    We off to a great start for November.

    Squiggy congrats to your group what an accomplishment!

    Welcome to sweets and cherrima. This is a great eating plan and all of us do it to the best of our ability.

    Tryingvegan hope you are feeling better from the shingles. I had one time 20 years ago when i was under a lot of stress. No fun :frowning:

    I am hosting Thanksgiving this year as always. So, it is time to start planning. I am not sure if I want to do both vegan and traditional dishes or just go traditional and just take 1 day.
    I was thinking of trying Dr. Fuhrman's stuffed pumpkin recipe and see how that turns out. It received a lot of pretty good reviews on line. Will definitely need to do a practice run before the actual day.

    Yesterday was a pretty good day and I made it to the gym. :smiley: I made 2 of the 3 dishes I had planned to make.
    three sisters harvest stew
    curried chickpeas and sweet potatoes

    The recipes made more then enough food for the whole week.

    usual oatmeal
    three sisters harvest stew, pear lunch
    dinner; salad curried chick peas
    gym: 40-50 min.

  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Mihani, the squash soup is really easy (and so delicious!!) This quantity makes about 10 servings.

    Fill a big roasting pan FULL of
    - carrots (4+ cups),
    - yellow onions (2 medium), and
    - celery (2 celery hearts)
    Drizzle with a little olive oil (just a bit) and some pepper.

    Then, cut 2 acorn squash in half, remove the seeds, then brush them with a bit of oil and add pepper to those as well.

    Put the squash on a cookie sheet and put that and the roasting pan in the oven at 375ºF for about 70 minutes.

    Then, scoop the squash out of the skin and put all the veggies in a big pot on the stove. Add 6 cups of veggie broth.

    Use a submersible blender to make a smooth soup, then add:
    - 1.5 tbsp cumin,
    - 1 tbsp coriander and
    - a little more pepper (to taste).

    This is one of my favourite soups of all time. I just love it! (And it always tastes better on the 2nd day - which is today!! Mmmmmm...)

  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi guys. Thanks for starting the new group Mihani! It's really too bad the old one got deleted!

    I've had a rough couple of days. I managed to slip on the stairs on my way to leave to work yesterday and badly hurt my right foot. Luckily nothing is broken but I can't drive because I can't put pressure on it! Also I woke up with a bad cold today. So I'm missing two days of work this week! I feel useless just staying at home.

    I packed my fridge full of fresh ETL foods for the week! I made tortilla soup again and have plans for a swiss chard/white bean/potato stew and my regular rice/avocado/tomato/seed dish too. I'm better with ETL when I'm prepared of course. And back into a recipe groove!

    Mmm Karrie, your soup sounds delish, thanks for sharing.
    Terri, you're always so great with the planning too! Fantastic you are thinking about success with Thanksgiving too.
    Squiggy, amazing job with your local group!! What a great idea.
    Mihani, you're on a roll too! I hope you have a great week ahead. Too bad about the EMG though, but hopefully January doesn't feel too far away (for the sake of your hands ONLY! haha).
    Welcome cherrima! Welcome back tryingvegan too!
    Lisa, you're my hero. I did not do as well with the mini snickers around!

    Anyway hope you all have a great Tuesday :)
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Sorry to hear about your foot, Lia. That sounds pretty bad.

    This, from Olivia would make it appear that they are working on fixing some of the still nagging issues with groups.
    Olivia wrote:

    Important Updates: Please see the OP for general status updates. This week we rolled out changes to the text size, avatars, location and formatting of timestamps, and toned down the white.

    We are continuing to work on improvements and fixes; in addition to other fixes (see above) this next week we are going to be focused on getting groups, including most recent group discussions, back on the main forum page.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    edited November 2014
    Terri the stuffed pumpkin sounds good, I have made stuffed acorn squash several times but never tried pumpkin.

    Karrie, thanks for the recipe, sounds delicious!

    Lia, sorry about your foot. Ouch. :(

    I had a horrible headache yesterday. I thought it might be a sinus headache so I took a sudafed, went to bed super early and slept straight through like 9 hours! I feel better this morning.

    On the bright side, yesterday was a good ETL day and I feel more in the groove than I have for some time. I hope it lasts a little longer than it has lately.

    Sloth, it will be nice to have the groups back on the main page. Should I hold my breath though?
  • tdh1991
    tdh1991 Posts: 511 Member
    Lia; sorry about your foot. No fun, so I hope you feel better quickly.
    Mahini: glad you had a nice sleep and a good ETL day.

    yesterday went really well until...the end of the day. I ended up eating some popcorn w/ butter. :frowning: For some reason I was so hungry last night. Oh well, back at it today.

    working all day from 9 to 7 so I have packed my lunch.

    breakfast usual oatmeal
    lunch curried chick peas
    dinner; salad harvest stew

    New eye study out. Thought you might like to read it:

    Better diet quality benefits vision, study finds
    Am J Ophthalmol. 2014; doi: 10.1016/j.ajo.2014.05.011.
    October 30, 2014{d47dd284-33d1-410b-9096-032868cb49a5}/better-diet-quality-benefits-vision-study-finds?ecp=B072DED4-B70E-E411-8548-A4BADB296AA8

    Adherence to dietary guidelines was associated with a lowered long-term risk of visual impairments in a study recently published in the American Journal of Ophthalmology.

    Hong and colleagues conducted a population-based study of 3,654 participants from the Blue Mountains Eye study. The participants were examined at baseline and after a period of 5 and 10 years.

    Researchers measured best-correct visual acuity as well as dietary information.

    "The Total Diet Score (TDS) was developed based on a modified version of the Australian diet quality index to assess adherence to the Dietary Guidelines for Australian Adults and the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating," they noted.

    The TDS included energy balance and diet quality, as detailed in the study.

    Researchers utilized software and discrete logistic regression models to analyze collected data.

    Of the 3,654 baseline participants, 1,963 completed the food frequency questionnaire, were suitable for analysis and participated in the 10-year follow-up and were included in the results.

    Results showed that as the quality of a participant's diet improved, the risk for visual impairment decreased. Additionally, participants in the highest group of the TDS had a lower risk of visual impairment than participants in the lowest group. Researchers reported that the association was not significant in participants younger than 65 years but significant in participants at least 65 years old.

    "In an older population-based cohort of Australians, we documented a possible long-term benefit on vision from higher diet quality, indicated by adherence to published dietary guidelines," the authors concluded. "Further research on diet and health outcomes including vision and ocular diseases is merited, given that dietary consumption is the most frequent, but modifiable, lifetime environmental exposure that affects health directly in the longer term."

    Have a good ETL day
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    I'll add to that. Since going vegan, my vision has improved and I went from a -5.5 and a -5.0 (for my contacts) to a -4.75 and a -4.25!! So yes, eating your veggies does help you see better!!! :smiley:
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Wow, Karrie, that's amazing. Such cool side effects, things you wouldn't expect!

    Still sounds like a great day, Terri!

    Phew, great news Scott. Thanks for the update.

    Mihani, yay for you being in the groove! Woo! It's so nice feeling like that.

    Thanks for the foot sympathy. I'm back at work today but have that foggy sicky feeling. Yesterday, being at home meant one longgggggggg neverending snack day though, so it's better being here! lol. I'm still being taunted by Halloween candy but I've been talking myself through it today... ie. you've tried it all over the past week, there is no novelty anymore. So I need to cut it out!

    B - grapefruit and granola
    L - tortilla soup with avocado; a plum, some crackers
    s- apple
    D - big salad with cucumber; this delicious stew I made last night too with swiss chard, potatoes, onions, and white beans (recipe is here: )
    It's pretty easy to make it ETL friendly too.

    I figure at least it's a good sign I've been craving romaine like crazy lately!?
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    Quick check-in, had a good ETL day, but still battling a headache. Have realized it is sinuses and sudafed is helping. Going to make it another early to bed night. Hopefully less headachy and cranky tomorrow and will catch up more.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Finally did it - I finally went to bed early last night. The fact that I had a wicked sinus headache and that little tickle in my throat that tells me I'm getting a cold certainly helped. But I do feel a bit better this morning. I think I need to make a run to the drug store for some sudafed too..... We can wallow in our colds together, Mihani!! :stuck_out_tongue:

    But I still haven't gotten my butt on the treadmill yet. That's a goal for Saturday (I'm not going to make myself wake up early while I'm fighting a cold...) It's a 4-day weekend for the kids & I, so I figure that might be a good start for me to continue into the work week (and drag my butt out of bed earlier). It's so funny that just 4 months ago I used to get up at 5:30am for work, and now I'm having a really hard time getting up at 6:30!! :tired_face:
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Sounds like there is a cold circulating on our ETL board. My sinus headaches have finally gone, now I'm left with a runny nose and constant kleenex need! haha. Poor clients... Hope you guys both feel better and have good sleeps tonight!

    I've been reading more about McDougall and his ideas and its relation to ETL lately too. Have any of you guys read much of his stuff? Just curious.

    Something finally clicked and yelled at my brain that I need to get off the sugar! So today is day 1. I don't think I'll make it to hot yoga tonight though because I can't breathe and I still can't put too much weight on my right foot.

    B - Banana with pb; granola cereal with milk
    L - Potato/swiss chard/white bean stew with crackers; pineapple
    S - apple
    D - romaine salad; tofu;
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    I looked into McDougall a little bit. I printed his free recipes and some information, but I haven't had a chance to read it yet. I'd be interested in more information and any thoughts anyone has about it...

    I hear ya on the constant kleenex, lia! That's where I'm at right now... (joy)