November ETL thread: No nonsense November



  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
    We made the texmex casserole last night, as requested by my meat-loving 14 year old stepdaughter. She did a great job of helping with making it, as well. Trying to help her learn to make stuff. They all wonder how I know how to do, my parents made me learn, lol! Not so much "made" me, as included me. Haha.
    Yesterday I felt like a failure because 2 of the 3 pounds were back. Today those 2 pounds are gone again. Sigh. Scale weight is so weird. I try not to base everything on it, I don't think I have a flawed relationship with the scale, it is an important metric and I am not yet in a weight category where I feel like measurements are more important.
    It is snowing and blowing today, but there is school on. I think I will venture out later, maybe make a trip to the Y to do my 20/20/20 cardio trifecta again...that was a great cardio burn! I would like to do it 3 times this week, but may only get twice in due to other activities...that is OK, I have plenty of exercise to do at home...I do also need to go ride this afternoon, fortunately don't have to go far for that....
    Better get started...
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    Terri I'd definitely say the OSG tex mex casserole.

    Jean, I remember helping my mom in the kitchen all the time. I agree, the scale is mean and fickle.

    Been a good day so far. I just ate a quick bowl of soup and have to run shortly to get my hair done. I have calories left for later if I want something.
  • tdh1991
    tdh1991 Posts: 511 Member
    Good morning

    So tired this morning, ending up working from 8 am till 8:30 pm yesterday. So busy at work due to the masses having Veterans day off.

    On a positive note: I was so busy hardly had a chance to eat yesterday.

    Today's plan:
    usual oatmeal breakfast
    lunch: veggie soup/salad
    work 2-8
    dinner: some left overs

    Jean: I love doing the trifecta 20/20/20. I do that all the time. I think I shall do that today!

    Already Wednesday---working on no sugar until Sunday. So busy this week should not be a problem.

    Everyone have a great day.

  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    I would probably bring veggies and hummus and guacamole so that I knew there'd be something there that I can eat. And then maybe a box of crackers or corn chips for other people (Or I'd consider stepping it up with the OSG Warm Cheesy Nacho Dip and the OSG strawberry-mango guacamole if I had more time to do prep).

    I've gotta watch some of those videos again. They are always motivating and get me back on track!!
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    I second the OSG tex mec OR the OSG nacho dip, Terri! I used that for a casual dinner at our place and it went over really well. Funny we all seem to have some similar tastes here :)

    Great job with the exercising and focus, Terri, especially since you're so crazy this week. I'm joining you with the sugar free this week :)

    Jean, awesome that you're including your daughter too! I regret not watching my mom more often. My sister got the cooking gene, and I've been a late starter. Now I've come into my own but it has been more of a struggle. Also, sorry it is snowing there!

    Woohoo Mihani, great job on two great days!! Awesome. Did you have fun getting your hair done?

    I had an awesome day yesterday too. I actually tried to focus on the nutrient dense stuff rather than on just filling my face with whatever was around and I found that I was totally satisfied and not wanting junk or sugar after dinner. I also had hot yoga in the morning and it totally wiped me out for almost 2 hours afterward! lol. I managed to get my christmas tree up and do some baking.

    I made Dreena Burton's "caramel" for apples. It's just dates and cashew butter with vanilla. Holy smokes, it's fantastic! My brother's birthday is on Saturday and I know he is going to request some super sugary sweet cake, so I thought I would be prepared with my "caramel" apples!

    Have a great day all :)
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    Terri will things slow down for you after this week?

    Karrie just looked up that nacho dip. Must try!!

    Lia, glad you got your tree up! I don't host Christmas here anymore so I don't even bother. The cats seem to consider Christmas tree to be their own personal cat toy and I spend too much time sweeping up broken ornaments anyway lol. Good for you doing the hot yoga again. I think that would kill me.

    I've been concentrating on nutrient dense this week too, and it really helps. This is day 3 on track yay! I feel so much more in control when I avoid the starches completely. And I took on the 30 day shred tonight. Something seems to be clicking, not sure what but not going to question it.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Great job, Mihani. You're on a roll this week! I had another really awesome day yesterday, so a good week so far. Sooooooo when is this extra ten pounds just going to fall off again so I can get going? Haha.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    I'm going to have to try that caramel - sounds yummy, and I already have everything I need to make it! I have some really tart apples, too, so that'd be very tasty...

    Mihani, you've been doing amazing - way to go!!!! I'm still waiting for that something to click with me, but I think that for me, it's more of a slow climb. I'm getting there, but it certainly hasn't been all at once.

    Lia, I'm with out on the ten extra pounds thing! I hadn't weighed myself in at least a week, maybe 2. So when I got on the scale this morning, I was a little afraid... And then relieved that it wasn't as bad as it could be, but certainly not anywhere near where I should be. Darn carbs!! :angry:
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    Lia, sounds like you are on a roll too!

    Karrie, I've actually been practicing getting back in the zone for a couple weeks. I kept hoping eventually I would fool my brain into believing it.

    Day 4 on track done. Tomorrow will be a bit of a challenge. Going out to dinner, but the restaurant is not terribly vegan friendly so there won't be too much temptation. My choices are pretty much salad or a wood fired pizza (they will make one without cheese for me), but I'm reluctant to indulge in the pizza and possibly trigger my starch cravings again. I'll decide tomorrow, but I know there will be one glass of wine with dinner.

    Heading into the weekend feeling confident!
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Yay Mihani, good for you! Mm pizza would be hard to turn down. I guess see how you feel and how your day has been to that point.

    I'm going to a wine and cheese event tonight. I'm going to drive so that I can only have a limited amount of wine (also because it's far!) and both of us are off cheese right now, so that will keep indulging to a minimum I think.

    Ugh Karrie I hear you!! So frustrating! They come on so easily and it's so hard to get rid of them lol. Good for you though for sticking with it, I'm always inspired by your resolve.

    Going for a big long walk with the doggie tomorrow morning and am confident for a good weekend too :)
  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
    Ah, finally Friday. It has been a busy few days. I worked yesterday, and indulged in a little junk, but not what I may have had before. I always count that as victory! I brought along raw veggies and hummus, and guacamole, and then for a hot meal I had veggies with 1/2 cup brown rice.
    I had a conversation last night with a coworker who has suddenly been all over this Paleo thing...just extolling the virtues. None of them can ever answer me when I ask where the cavemen bought their bacon....She was silent when I asked whether she thought the weight loss was because of eating bacon, or because the gigantic cupcakes she loves so much are no longer on her menu? I don't care to fight with coworkers or friends about this kind of stuff, so mostly I don't say anything. It isn't worth it. I did, however, mention my feeling that mostly the cavemen ate what was available, and died young. LOL.

    We are going to a formal dinner thing tonight, and I have lots of stuff to get ready, so I had better go. No rest for the sleepy...
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Mihani - I've been thinking the same way, but the mantra I'm trying to adopt is "fake it until you make it".

    My plan is to act like an athlete (runner) on a perfect diet and maybe one day soon, I will be!!

    We are talking about a trip to Vegas in January. Maybe if I get it together NOW, that could be my shopping spree for a new wardrobe... Now I just have to convince myself that I can do it, and JUST DO IT!! :blush:
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    You guys have probably noticed by now, that the groups show up on your main (Community) tab? B)
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    Last night was fun. Stuck to one glass of wine and had the pizza with no cheese. It was okay, kind of dry which it usually isn’t. I just logged it as an Amy’s roasted veggie pizza since I have no idea the calories in it. Today was a weird day, had some leftover soup for breakfast, skipped lunch but ate a bunch of pistachios which are so dangerous, and then made a super yummy dinner. Roasted veggies (potatoes, carrots, celery, onion, a tiny bit of olive oil, smoked paprika, rosemary, pepper) and the tofu scramble from the Minimalist Baker website, and a slice of Ezekiel bread toast with earth balance. Over on fat for sure, but calories are okay and I enjoyed it.

    Lia, hope you enjoyed your wine and cheese night, and your long walk with your pup.

    Jean, did you have today off? I know a lot of people love the paleo thing, and have been successful with it, but I don’t think it would have worked for me even before I was vegan. I just never liked meat much. Hope you had fun at your dinner party.

    Karrie, fake it ‘til you make it will be my new motto. I like it! Your Vegas plan sounds like great motivation.

    Scott, ‘bout time huh?

    I think I’m going to head to bed early. Going to the office tomorrow to do some catching up.

    Oh, and I am slowly but surely creeping back down to my ticker weight! Still mad I let myself go so much, but nothing to be done but fix it.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    edited November 2014
    Happy Monday! We are currently getting our first real snow here! Quite a bit actually. Which made this morning also my first commute during a snow fall (aka super slow and accident-prone!). I'm not looking forward to the winter lol. Although right now it's beautiful and puts me in the holiday spirit!

    I had a good wine and cheese night and was proud of myself for my resolve! But we got to bed so late, and still woke up so early, that I had that hangover feeling you get even though I didn't drink! I'm not sure why. Saturday and Sunday were too carb heavy but what else is new? I was a bit disappointed in myself. I brought healthier food options to my parents on Sunday but barely touched them lol. We had veg sushi Saturday night with soy sauce that of course blew me up!

    I made yummy burrito bowls for lunches this week - rice with chopped lettuce, tomatoes, corn, black beans, spices, and some avocado too. I think I could eat homemade bean burritos every single day and never get sick of them!

    Mihani, your lunch on Saturday sounded yummy! Congrats on working your way back down, should be so proud!
    Jean, I feel the same way about arguing with people about good diets and bad diets... it's too frustrating and too many people know their facts from word of mouth, or think about what they need to do to lose weight only without being healthier. .. How was your formal night? Sounds fun!
    Karrie, I like your mantra!! I've heard that that actually is a great attitude to have to reach goals (ie. assume you already have, act like how a healthy person acts, etc.) - which may be obvious, but kind of enlightened me anyway!
    Scott, thanks for the heads up - I hadn't noticed!
    Hope you all had a great weekend :)
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    mmm those burrito bowls sound awesome! I could probably eat those every day too...
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    Lia we had snow too! I left for work early and was still 10 minutes late. The roads really weren’t bad, but people either freak out and go too slow, or they go too fast and follow too close and cause accidents which holds everyone else up. I am not ready for full blown winter yet. Your burrito bowls sound delicious!

    Today was good. I had a better weekend than I have had in quite some time so I feel good about that, and I was back on my usual smoothie breakfast, salad lunch today. I haven’t had dinner yet, had some work to do and thought I’d better get at it first thing, but I am going to have some soup now.

    Karrie, I took my cue from you and turned my leftover roasted root veggies into soup last night. It was delicious! I think I have enough left for two more dinners. It had potatoes so a bit more starchy than what you shared, but I spritzed a pot with oil, sautéed some garlic then added a can of great northern beans and mashed them a bit. Added the leftover veggies and veggie broth and used my immersion blender to make it somewhat smooth but left it a bit chunky. Simmered for about 20 minutes then turned off the heat and stirred in some nooch. I didn’t add any other spices since I had spiced the veggies pretty heavily when roasting with rosemary, smoked paprika and cracked pepper.

  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    mmm, that soup sounds delish!! I'm going to make a chickpea stew tonight, I think... :stuck_out_tongue:
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Mmmm yummy soup, Mihani! I'm going crazy for soup lately. Also, I recently discovered the art of the immersion blender in soup too!! I made curried green lentil soup last night - it's basically onions, curry/cumin/roasted red pepper flakes, green lentils, 1/2 c of coconut milk, and broth. Then using the immersion blender to puree. I like lentils like that so much better!

    Argh I was a sugar crazy yesterday again. It's a sugar rollercoaster... two days on, two days off. Today has been much better though. I had my nice lentil soup and a salad for lunch, fruit and a homemade sugar-free muffin for breakfast. I'll carry that on until tonight, I'm determined not to have any junk today...

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    Lia that soup sounds tasty! Can you share the measurements of your ingredients or do you just play it by ear? I love my immersion blender! I got it for Christmas probably 5 or 6 years ago and never even got it out of the box until last year. Now I specifically look for soup recipes that require it so I can play. I'm such a kitchen geek.

    Karrie, chickpea stew sounds good too. It's funny how much more into cooking I am now that the cold weather is here. I want to have the oven going and soup simmering on the stovetop.

    Another good day. I have not been tempted at all the past two weeks at work. I have just said no to myself about snacks in the morning, and then after my salad at lunch I might snack on some fruit, but once I stopped the snacking on pretzels and crackers the cravings nearly disappeared. I also credit the fact that I have been going to bed earlier. Fatigue = munchies for me.

    Tonight I'm making more of the red lentil kale soup from the OSG cookbook. I have some kale that looks like it has a death wish and I think I better do something with it quickly.