November ETL thread: No nonsense November



  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    I think for me it's been a lack of food during the day - when I don't eat enough at work, I come home and raid the pantry. And what is easy and readily available when you're starved? Oh yeah, processed carbs... Blah!!!

    So I brought more food for myself today; an orange and a banana and some cashews. I'm hoping that eating around 2:30 or so will conquer my after-work binge...
  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
    That root veggie soup sounds wonderful! I am going to need to experiment...I have some leftover roots from making a crockpot stew a couple of weeks ago...roasting then turning into soup sounds lovely..hmmm...

    I also love my immersion has made so many things so much better/easier. Especially during canning season. I make tons of marinara/tomato sauce, and the immersion blender has made that so simple...

    I am stuffed at the moment. Usual oatmeal breakfast, this time with fresh sliced cranberries. Yum yum! Lunch was a veggie noodle soup and a salad...simple with spring greens, apple, mandarin orange, and pomegranate...and a treat of some chocolate almond milk...

    Have just been busy with working kind of every other day, extra hours this week. Tons of house stuff taking up time...we are having a new roof put on right now...scaring the dog half to death...I can't believe they are up there in the cold but they seem ok, I guess they are very busy/active and doing ok. They brought along the cutest little microwave oven ever, it is plugged in in my garage and they come heat stuff up when they take a break. They have the biggest leaf blower I have ever seen for blowing snow off the roof. Then, we are redoing ALL the floors, so right now I am going to go paint for an hour while I don't have to worry about flooring or trim....then, heading to the barn for some equine time, finally! Sigh....I need a nap!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Good Morning ETL'ers! My hands feel better today thank goodness. Yesterday they were still pretty sore. I think I'm just going to have to try to move quickly to get the EMG and surgeries done after the first of the year. It's so irritating though. Who has time for that?

    Jean, I love home makeovers! I haven't done anything with my house in ages though. But sometimes something simple like a couple new pictures and rearranging the furniture can do wonders.

    Karrie, did your extra food help?

    A couple clients are taking me to lunch today so I will see what my choices are. The place they usually like to go is pretty fancy and they are happy to do a special vegan meal for me.

    Have a great day ya'll! <3
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    yes, my extra food was a success, I still snacked after work, but not as much, and more out of habit than anything else, so I kicked myself out of the kitchen and distracted myself with some of my sewing books. I bought 4 or 5 new patterns for a new wardrobe for myself, including a lovely jacket: Lady Grey Coat. I'm hoping that getting some lovely figure-flattering patterns will get me back into my ETL groove!!
  • mormonmonkey
    mormonmonkey Posts: 12 Member
    Hi everyone!!!! It's Jane here again! How's everyone doing. It's over half the way through the month of November. I just got back from 2 weeks in Peru. I was not ETL or even vegetarian there - long stories. Anyway, I'm doing the ETL thing still with a little twist. i'm trying not to eat nuts and seeds and I have been eating grains. I would like some advice because I've been stalling on a certain weight for over 2 months, no budge. It's because I cheat on weekends. Does anyone have any way that they specifically deal with this? I lose and gain the same three pounds every weekend.
  • mormonmonkey
    mormonmonkey Posts: 12 Member
    I was also wondering if anyone else would like to friend me?
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Hi Jane! Glad you found the group again. I have been having the same issue for a year now so I don't think I have any words of wisdom! But all we can do is keep tweaking it and find what works for us. I definitely do my best at least maintaining if I stick with mostly ETL, but if I want to lose I'm going to have to be more strict with it. I do love my starchy carbs.... sigh.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    The lunch with the clients was really fun. They are so nice and I enjoy their company. I ordered a pasta and pesto dish but the chef said it wasn't vegan and he made it vegan for me. Not sure what he did or how many calories it had, but it was good. I am not going to sweat one totally decadent lunch.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Ahh Jane you are in the exact same boat as me!! I am great during the week, but three pounds comes back so easily on the weekends! It's actually three pounds for me too. Ridiculous!

    I find that I do much better if I have healthy starts on my weekend days though, ie. smoothie or oatmeal, rather than something more sugary or starchy. And same with making my own dinners. Otherwise it's a tough spiral! Glad to have you back :) I'll add you too!

    Glad to hear your lunch was lovely and totally delicious!! Yum. Pesto and pasta is a great combo! PS we are going to hound you here until you book your EMG and surgeries too! Only one month and a bit left...

    Karrie I am going to take your words of wisdom! I have crazy after work munchies too, and I think it's because it's sometimes a 2 hour gap between finishing work, getting home, walking the dog, and preparing dinner. I will try to have more healthy things at lunch and at work on hand. Glad it's working for you!

    Also, that Lady Grey Coat is beautiful!!! I wish I could sew, or even knit. I'd love to take a class sometime.

    Made it to hot yoga last night and it felt so good! I was so pleased. Have a healthy day planned! And lots of yummy stuff on hand for a healthy tomorrow. I'm going to see if I can break the trend! Seeing Book of Mormon at the theatre tonight :)
  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
    I ran today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    First time since I crossed that finish line in August! I was going to wait until January but, my tibia has been OK the last couple of shifts that I worked that I didn't wear the boot...I did switch shoes, though, wearing my Danskos that practically have the same sole as the boot, lol!!! Tomorrow I am going to take the boot with me, but wear my Danskos...hope it keeps going well.
    That first running minute interval, oy, did I feel like lead. But it got better and I really felt like I could run more...but shouldn't, and didn't.
    Ah, satisfaction :smiley:
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    The pasta yesterday seemed to trigger some starchy carb cravings, which I thought I had under control, but they are sooooo sneaky! So today was kind of a fail. Not horrible calorie-wise but not very ETL. Luna bar, some popchips, things like that. Sigh...

    Karrie, sewing is something that has totally stumped me. I bought a sewing machine many many years ago and you got a free sewing course with purchase. I learned to make a skirt in this class. Over the next year I bought material like a crazy woman, I bought patterns, I bought all sorts of stuff. I made many skirts, but never quite got the hang of anything else. Then the sewing machine sat for a couple decades, unused, and I finally got rid of it because it was mocking me with my failure to learn to sew. Your planned coat looks beautiful.

    I did the same thing with scrapbooking. I have hundreds of dollars worth of scrapbooking supplies that haven't been touched in 15 years.

    In my favor, I can knit. I can only do a straight stitch, nothing fancy, but I can do it! I can make a scarf. I make very nice scarves. I can't knit anything else. And I don't want to. I have finally accepted the fact that no amount of trying is going to make me good at crafts.

    Lia, I have the EMG scheduled for the first week of January and plan to move quickly to get all this done. Yay for you doing the hot yoga again. I have heard Book of Mormon is really fun.

    I am totally with y'all on the weekend problem. I think we need some sort of intervention support group thing to get us through the weekends!
  • tdh1991
    tdh1991 Posts: 511 Member
    Hi all,
    Just a quick check in. sorry i have been MIA. I have had a severe headache for 12 days now and am going for a cat scan tomorrow. Will keep you posted when I have results.

    hope you are all doing well. I will catch up later.

  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
    Also a quick check in. I need to get back to painting, but pausing for breakfast. There is a guy downstairs banging out the guest bedroom floor, and I need to get the room across the hall painted so they can get in there tomorrow. I started last night, and the rest of the walls have big windows, so I should make it, lol! But I have a kid to pick up at three and I HAVE TO ride today, so...
    Best wishes to all getting their health issues sorted out...good luck with your CT tdh, that is nerve wracking.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Ah Terri, that is so scary! I hope everything is okay with you or at least that they can help figure out what might be causing the headaches. They are so debilitating, especially when you are trying to work!

    Jean congrats on the run!! How does your leg feel today? Great job. I keep putting off trying running again because it's been so long, I'm scared my first run will be so grueling lol.

    Speaking of, Karrie, looks like you had a great run on the weekend too!

    Mihani, I laughed out loud about your craft attempts. I go through phases too, although mine is often photography. I end up buying lots of frames and never developing pictures for them, lol. I wish I could knit though! I'm not very creative either. I put up my outdoor christmas decorations and I'm afraid it might look like a kid did it! Oh well.

    This was actually my best weekend food-wise in ages and ages. Definitely not perfect ETL but we didn't binge on junk or order in or go out and that helped a lot. I made some of my own Dreena Burton cookies that are relatively "healthy" (for cookies) and ate some of those, but it was much better than indulging at starbucks or something! Plus I fit in a nice long walk with the pup yesterday :)
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Yay utah!! I ran yesterday for the first time in ages, so I hear you about the lead feet - boy it's tough to get started again, isn't it!?! And yes, I totally feel you on the satisfaction bit too!! Feels great to be back into it. I know that in about 8 weeks I'll be rockin' the 10km runs on a regular basis (hard to believe since my 2.5 minute intervals felt like forever!!)

    I talked to my hubby about sewing a new wardrobe, and he's on board - if anyone watches Once Upon a Time, I want to get some outfits like Mary Margaret (Snow White). She's got a classic, timeless style - and the lines on her clothes are so feminine and flattering. Love them all!!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Terri, hope everything is okay. Sorry to hear you've been dealing with that.

    Lia, I think crafting is a gift like people who can sing or play an instrument. I just don't have the gift. The cookies sound good!

    Jean, hope you got your painting done.

    Karrie, I have not seen Once Upon a Time. Will have to check it out.

    I am slowly but surely bringing my house under control. It has been let go far too long. I just realized I can't do marathon cleaning sessions every few weeks like I used to, it's too hard on me. So I'm finally learning to do a little at a time every day or two.
  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
    The runs have been awesome! Not from a time or distance standpoint, but from a satisfaction one. I am just restarting C25K, so in 8 weeks I will only be rocking the 5K, but will continue on to 10K after that. I am trying to behave and progress slowly, due to the fracture and all. But by the time I am warmed up, I feel I could fly, which is cool ;-) I have not been feeling sore in any way, and in addition to the C25K that takes about 30 minutes, I do 15 on the bike and 15 on the elliptical, so keeping the heart rate cooking for an hour. By the time my legs get to longer runs, my heart will be like, "About time you got here"!

    I have not seen Once Upon a Time either, but just from your description, I have a pretty, elegant picture.

    Oatmeal and cranberries/chia for breakfast, we will see about lunch...I get to go to the dentist again today, round 2, for filling replacement. My teeth are in better shape than my old fillings...which I guess is a good thing. So probably soup for lunch, haha.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    oops - I'm only seeing your post about crafting now, Mihani - not sure how I missed it!! Learning a new craft is definitely challenging. I can't tell you how many times I've been reduced to tears! But there's never been a better time to learn (any craft) because of all the online resources. You can find a tutorial for ANYTHING these days, which I find EXTREMELY helpful!!

    And I'm a crafty one - I do it all, baby! I knit, sew, crochet, cross-stitch, scrapbook (but mostly do cards) and I even do stained glass (my mom & I made a stained glass studio in her basement). But of course there's never time to do it all, so I have to choose what I want to do one project at a time. I just finished knitting a tam and a scarf for my daughter, and now I'm knitting a throw for a Christmas gift. I'm also knitting a cardigan and some socks for myself, but those are a project I fit in whenever I have a chunk of time (like when hubby is driving us to the cabin).

    So when I get rid of these next 20 lbs or so, I think that's when I'll start sewing up a storm - dresses, skirts, pants, shirts, jackets, I'm going to make it all!!! I'm pretty excited about it!!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Jean you are doing great getting back into running. Yay!

    Karrie, I am in awe of your crafting skills. I will never be there, but I do enjoy knitting. I like the clicking of the needles.

    I can't WAIT for tomorrow to be over and have 3 days off. "Off" being a relative term since I will be working at home on Friday or Saturday, but will be taking one of those days off to do nothing much at all. Back in the office Sunday with my boss so we can wrap up some things before he leaves for vacation.

  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    As always, I am jealous of everyone's culinary skills. I also often feel like a whiner, when I see some of the obstacles others face.

    Terri, I hope it's nothing serious.

    Jean, you are always an inspiration.

    And Karrie, if I understand your treadmill statistics correctly, I am in awe.

    You see, I just bought a $100 used treadmill off Craigslist. I wanted some variety from my stairclimber, but I didn't want to pay much. It has a few annoying characteristics, but, all in all, I'm pleased with my purchase. I cruise at 3MPH with 2 or 3 min bursts up to 4MPH, with the rare slip of the finger winding up at 4.5MPH for a min. I can only hope to get where some of you guys are.

    As some of you might have seen on my wall.... I'm coming out as a dessert binger. The after dinner sweets binging has gotten so bad, that I think I might finally have to admit, I'll never be able to control it, and give them up entirely. And, I have some experience with addiction. :drinker:

    For some reason, I gave myself permission to stop logging, and just 'wing' it....and then, imagine my surprise, when the scale needle started accelerating like a race car speedometer. It was mostly the binging, which had gotten really out of hand.

    So, I'm back to logging, I have ( almost ) 12 days off, to go to the gym, or swim, everyday....and treadmill, of course. :smile:

    And most importantly, I've put the Krispy Kremes down. I believe we are blessed with the only Krispy Kreme location in Canada within a couple miles of our house. I am pretty much convinced now, that delicious sugary dessert treats are just one more substance that I can't do in moderation.