12 week challenge for 2015



  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    edited March 2015
    Woohoo, pudding!

    I stuck with workouts, but diet needs improvement! Another challenge would be great....I'll start another thread.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Time for a final update. 12 weeks later...

    Lose maybe 10-15 lbs. - 163. Makes for 6 lost. This month it's been dropping so I'm happy, just have to see if it slows some or adjust calories at some point cause mmm food.

    Lower body fat percentage - Smidge. I will check again some time middle or near end of next challenge.

    100 bench - Nope. I can do 90 a couple reps but haven't gotten up to even trying 100 yet. Maybe in summer.

    OHP - can do 3x8 at 55 and we'll see how the sort of squat/push press goes in stage 2.

    Squat - Made it to goal much earlier so yay. One day will see number again, maybe in a different stage.

    Deadlift - February success so now it's just working my way slowly back up.

    Start NROL4W - accomplished and well in progress. Will start stage 2 in the next challenge.

    Couch to 5k training is still going on. I am on week 3 but should start week 4 soon. I also posted progress pictures in my profile so anyone on friends list can see them.

    Overall - a pretty good couple of months. I've been working on protein intake and now get 80 pretty much every day. Some days food is a struggle between shopping and how much time I've spent working during this challenge. Hopefully during the next one I'll have some weeks with 2 days off instead of just 1. I like the number goals on the big lifts but it's a little easier in stronglifts to work towards them than the changing stages of NROLFW. I will have to come up with some good goals for the next challenge.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Sounds like we're off to a great start already!! I reserve the right to adjust these, but here are my goals (so far)

    1. Lift 3x/week - this is my main goal. I've gotten good with this and want to keep this as a habit!
    2. Add weight to DLs and squat-get to my body weight by end of year. (Not a first 12 week goal, but progress will happen in there).
    3. Lose the holiday gain, then 5 real lbs. I would like to reach 152lbs solidly by the end of 12 weeks (losing fat that is).
    4. Continue to keep my metabolism humming :). Been doing metabolism repair this year and made good progress (body temp is my metric).
    Sorry I haven't been posting as much :(.

    Final update:
    1. now that my new gym is open I'll be able to lift more often, so 3x a week wasn't hit consistently :(. I did at least 2 every week though!
    2. Haven't done true deadlifts lately as I'm follwing the strong curves program and only single leg dLs are included. I went back to my squat today and it's crummy :(. Not sure I'll hit that weight goal?
    3. Not going well with the weight. I'm around 160 these days :(.
    4. This one I've been focused on. Balancing calories and protein while keeping my metabolism happy (meaning enough carbs, but not too many). I'm quite happy with this one goal at least and looking forward to a new challenge!! :)