JANUARY 2015 - Move Your @ss Challenge



  • anaconda469
    anaconda469 Posts: 3,463 Member
    Oh lets go for 150 again. Happy New Year!
  • hkristine1
    hkristine1 Posts: 950 Member

    See (but not edit) the
    spreadsheet here:

  • sussexbythesea
    sussexbythesea Posts: 1,335 Member
    Happy New Year to all MYACers and thanks to Mods for a whole year of encouraging me to move. Going to raise my target to 90 miles.
  • taxmom9093
    taxmom9093 Posts: 1,296 Member
    HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I'm in for 75 miles this month. (I want to make it higher, but I know how busy the end of the month will be and I do not want to get too discouraged if I start falling behind.)
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,341 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good morning and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :star:

    Trying something new....if you've been to the spreadsheet this morning, you may have noticed a new column that came to me this morning when I asked myself the question "Is there anything else we can add that might just provide a little more motivation?" And that was my answer. It'll be empty this month, but beginning next month if you've "made your goal" this month, you'll have the option to see a '1' there. And each month, hopefully....that number will grow! :smiley: And I'm hoping that it will provide incentive to keep on the move so you don't drop back down to '0'.

    There are no formulas involved and it will require manual updating each month but that shouldn't be too difficult at all. I also decided not to include the Dec-to-January month change in it since I didn't think it would be fair to track it when you didn't know about it yet. :)

    Like it...love it...hate it???? I decided I'd make it optional in case you feel that's too* much pressure. I totally don't want people to beat themselves up if they get injured (or whatever) and "lose their streak" and then feel bad about it... :\:( I still want this to remain inspirational and motivational and not feel competitive with each other. It's just one more tool for *you*, personally. I just thought that might give me a little extra nudge and others might like it too. Thoughts????

  • queenegreene
    queenegreene Posts: 1,376 Member
    in for 250 miles this month - biking/elliptical/walking

    Dave, I <3 the idea of a "streak" column! I've been keeping track on my own (100% so far, but it's been very close a few times) and this "official version" will be even more motivation for me- I'm in :) . Sometimes the only thing that gets/keeps me moving at the end of the month is that "perfect" streak I feel I have to "live up to" :D
  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    Happy New Year All!!

    I for one love the idea Dave, maybe it will help me after the terrible year that 2014 was for me meeting my goals!!

    My goal for this month will be 100 miles again, but this time I WILL make it! 2015 will be the year that I get back to my 100 miles every month!

    Let's make this year fantastic!!

  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    Going for a 1000 miles, hopefully can pick up miles on the less icy days

    01-01: 52.38 miles
    January Miles: 52.38

    YTD Miles: 52.38
  • amazingmummy
    amazingmummy Posts: 816 Member
    Please add me for another 60 miles in January.
  • tlacox1
    tlacox1 Posts: 373 Member
    I haven't had great success with this challenge so I bowed out for a while. I have been going good for a bit so now I am ready to get back in. Instead of walking, I am running so starting at 25 miles for January. I used to walk four to five miles but now with running, averaging 1.3 a day. I was one of the lucky ones and managed to get my hands on a Fitbit Charge HR so ready to kick it up and hopefully that will push me even further. :D
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Going for 100 again. Should up it but I'm also doing the Cathe Friedrich Ripped with HiiT series and work is going to change up & I will be on my feet for 8 hrs straight 5 days per week instead of 3. On my feet for that long of time KILLS my back. One more year & I retire!


  • momof2boyz832
    momof2boyz832 Posts: 682 Member
    I am back after a drop off the face of the earth.. I am looking forward to getting back on track with setting a realistic goal walking 100 miles for this month.
  • JTH11706
    JTH11706 Posts: 2,947 Member
    Dave, I love the idea of the streak! Of course I've been calculating my own silently. This is my 36th month in the challenge and I've made my goal every time but one (two years ago when I pulled my IT band). Some months I've really had to push it to make my goal, which is the point of the challenge.

    For January I'm in for 100 again. It's a strange month for me, starting out with Disney's Dopey, so I *should* be over, but I'm sticking with my usual 100 until I figure out what is reasonable to expect for my new lifestyle.

    Happy new year to all!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,436 Member
    edited January 2015
    Dave - I love your idea! It'll be cool to look at it this time next year!

    Please put me down for 150 miles in January 2015!!



  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    edited January 2015
    Dragged my butt out into the cold for a 3.2mile run!!

  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    100 miles for Jan. Happy New year!
  • _canuckrunner_
    _canuckrunner_ Posts: 364 Member
    Hi all, I'm back in for 100 km
    Happy New Year and thanks to everyone for keeping this going!
  • sussexbythesea
    sussexbythesea Posts: 1,335 Member
    Good start with 3 miles today
  • scarfe9991
    scarfe9991 Posts: 778 Member
    3 mile run


    Dave, I think it's a great idea!! Thanks for always thinking of new ways to keep us motivated!
  • lee134
    lee134 Posts: 280 Member


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