January ETL - Nutritarian New Year!

Mihani Posts: 3,935 Member
edited January 2015 in Social Groups
Thought I'd go ahead and kick off the January thread before I go to bed. It is getting close to midnight and I may as well stay up now. I usually don't make it to midnight. I went to my brother's earlier and we watched a movie and I made the OSG Tex Mex Casserole which he liked. I am so geared up for a fresh start in January. I've still got a few pounds to lose to get back to where I was this time last year. I am pretty irritated with myself, but nothing to do other than dive in and fix it.

For January, I'm planning to do fairly close to the 6 week plan for the month. I need a good run of a few weeks "on plan" to reset my appetite and kill the cravings. Exercise plan is some sort of movement every day, a walk or riding the stationary bike or something. Throw in some yoga and some strength a few times a week and I'll be set on exercise.

For anyone who might be new, for the past year we've been running a monthly thread to make it easy for us to check in and catch up with each other. Anyone is welcome to jump in at any time.

Even though our history got wiped out when the group was deleted I'm glad we got the new group going and we're still here. <3 y'all. Here's to 2015!


  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Thanks for starting the new thread! For January, my plan is to eat a huge salad at least once a day, and to have greens in/with breakfast every day. I also plan to eat almost no red meat, maybe once a month. Any "meat" otherwise will be fish, which makes my body happier anyway. And.... no more than one glass of wine on week days. The horror! lol.
    :drinker: cheers!
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    I'm ready! I'm so proud of myself for maintaining my weight loss for a whole year. That in itself is HARD. I used to lose the weight and then it would slowly creep back on, and I'd have to lose the same weight again. It has been 3 years now and I have kept it off. I finished the year 2 pounds shy of my 2014 goal, but still pleased. For 2015 I will focus on slowly shedding 6 more pounds. That's all.
    It really does get easier. This year I didn't struggle nearly as much resisting the sugary stuff. Salty, greasy stuff still tempts me. Fritos still call to me at the grocery store. But it really does get easier. I am finally feeling like this has become a lifestyle change for me.
    Mihani, I am going to try your OSG Tex Mex Casserole. Sounds delicious!
    I will have to manage my alcohol better this year. I notice, since it metabolizes like sugar, too much alcohol sets off some bad cravings for starch and sugar. I don't like that.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I want to expand on my goal a bit. I turn 50 in march of this year. In my 50th year I want to do 10 unassisted pull ups and do a 13.1 mile run. I've never done either before, to the best of my knowledge. cheers
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,935 Member
    Sabine, I can't even do 1 pull up! I feel quite sure you'll achieve your goals.

    Lisa, I agree that it gets easier, I more often choose healthful foods, and I crave fruit more often than other sweets. Still, like you the salty crunchy stuff calls to me.

    I need to get better about alcohol too. I went nearly a year without any alcohol at all, but the past few months I have been indulging on the weekends. My tolerance isn't what it used to be so I feel lethargic the following day and want to eat junky food to boost my energy.

    I've done pretty well the past week kind of easing back into a more strictly ETL way of eating, and ready to dive all the way in now.

    This really feels like Monday, but I am so glad it's Friday. I am going to spend the weekend in the office playing catch up (a never ending game).
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Mihani wrote: »
    Sabine, I can't even do 1 pull up! I feel quite sure you'll achieve your goals.

    Lisa, I agree that it gets easier, I more often choose healthful foods, and I crave fruit more often than other sweets. Still, like you the salty crunchy stuff calls to me.

    I need to get better about alcohol too. I went nearly a year without any alcohol at all, but the past few months I have been indulging on the weekends. My tolerance isn't what it used to be so I feel lethargic the following day and want to eat junky food to boost my energy.

    I've done pretty well the past week kind of easing back into a more strictly ETL way of eating, and ready to dive all the way in now.

    This really feels like Monday, but I am so glad it's Friday. I am going to spend the weekend in the office playing catch up (a never ending game).

    Here's hoping! I'm starting my pull ups again today.
  • MakePeasNotWar
    MakePeasNotWar Posts: 1,329 Member
    Wow, Sabine, 10 pull ups is an awesome goal. I would like to do 1 unassisted one day, lol. Please keep us updated, so we can live vicariously through you and your awesome upper body strength :p

    I, too, have been getting a bit too relaxed about the alcohol. I find myself drinking wine at home a couple of nights a week, something I never did until the last few months. I think after being so restrictive all year because I had 2 major tournaments to make weight for, I just started to have too much of all the stuff I had "missed out" on.

    I am getting a bit of a weird start to the year, because I am planning a long distance move on the 9th, so I've been trying to eat as much as possible from the freezer and pantry so I don't have to throw out good food. It's mainly healthy whole grains and such, but it is displacing the fresh fruit and veggies I've grown used to, and I can feel my energy levels dropping somewhat. I am looking forward to getting to California and getting back to my fresh food diet. I've been looking into dwarf fruit and nut trees and hanging berry plants for my balcony and I'm getting so excited!!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Wow, Sabine, 10 pull ups is an awesome goal. I would like to do 1 unassisted one day, lol. Please keep us updated, so we can live vicariously through you and your awesome upper body strength :p

    I, too, have been getting a bit too relaxed about the alcohol. I find myself drinking wine at home a couple of nights a week, something I never did until the last few months. I think after being so restrictive all year because I had 2 major tournaments to make weight for, I just started to have too much of all the stuff I had "missed out" on.

    I am getting a bit of a weird start to the year, because I am planning a long distance move on the 9th, so I've been trying to eat as much as possible from the freezer and pantry so I don't have to throw out good food. It's mainly healthy whole grains and such, but it is displacing the fresh fruit and veggies I've grown used to, and I can feel my energy levels dropping somewhat. I am looking forward to getting to California and getting back to my fresh food diet. I've been looking into dwarf fruit and nut trees and hanging berry plants for my balcony and I'm getting so excited!!

    Good luck with the move. What part of california will you be moving to?
    I can barely do ONE unassisted myself. Barely meaning there's lots of flailing and it may not happen. But it's a good goal! :smiley:

    It seems many of us want to be more mindful about the wine.... we can support each other.

    ps, Peas, have I told you I adore your user name?
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,935 Member
    Peas are you talking about kickboxing tournaments or something else? That has to keep you in pretty good shape. I second the adoration of your user name.

    I have noticed that a lot of us ETL'ers like our wine!

    Another good day behind me. I'm on a roll. My "official" start date of the 6 week plan is tomorrow, and that will be 4 weeks until 1/31. Then I'll reassess and see whether I want to lighten up a bit or keep going for the full 6 weeks. I just feel like I need to really buckle down and do this right for a good stretch to get my head back in the game. I do have plans for one night out in January, but I can keep that to one glass of wine and just have salad for dinner. That won't totally derail me.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,935 Member
    Super blog post from Susan Voisin (fatfreevegan.com) blog.fatfreevegan.com/2011/12/my-get-healthy-plan-to-kisss-in-the-new-year.html
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Mihani wrote: »
    Peas are you talking about kickboxing tournaments or something else? That has to keep you in pretty good shape. I second the adoration of your user name.

    I have noticed that a lot of us ETL'ers like our wine!

    Another good day behind me. I'm on a roll. My "official" start date of the 6 week plan is tomorrow, and that will be 4 weeks until 1/31. Then I'll reassess and see whether I want to lighten up a bit or keep going for the full 6 weeks. I just feel like I need to really buckle down and do this right for a good stretch to get my head back in the game. I do have plans for one night out in January, but I can keep that to one glass of wine and just have salad for dinner. That won't totally derail me.
    I've never done the six week plan... Perhaps I should. And hubs. (His parents are raw food vegans, so it's not a huge stretch for him)
  • MakePeasNotWar
    MakePeasNotWar Posts: 1,329 Member
    Hmm... maybe I will join the 6 week plan once we move. Like I mentioned I have been trying to clean out the freezer and cupboards so I am eating a lot more grains than usual, but we will in the new place in 6 days and I am sure fresh produce will be cheap and tasty in Cali.

    To answer questions:

    We are moving to West Hollywood. I actually already went down and rented and furnished an apartment, so except for a few details like cellphones, banking, etc., we can just arrive and be ready to go. I'm super excited, and I've already started researching what kind of food I can grow on our postage stamp balcony, lol.

    The tournaments were Muay Thai, which is a form of kickboxing with knees, elbows, and clinching. The first was the TBA north american championship, where I won the senior lightweight belt (in the picture above). Unfortunately, since the pulmonary sarcoidosis started after a spring lung infection, by the time I got to the second tourney I was barely able to train and had very little cardio. My coaches had to stop the fight after the second round because I couldn't get my breath. The good thing is that it was a different organization running the tournament, so I am still the TBA champ. Plus I am friends with the girl I fought, so I can be happy for her that she has a belt now, too :)

    My sister is coming to take the gym equipment and some of the furniture today, so I won't be able to walk on my treadmill next week. I guess I will probably be getting enough exercise packing, though. I hate going outside when it's cold. I am so happy that this might be the last snowfall I ever see :D
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi guys! Happy Nu New Year!! I am actually so so excited about this reboot for us all. I love the new year for that. Mihani, your post made me realize I am actually 10 pounds above where I started last year, which is horrible, but only 1 thing to do about it now.

    I am also doing the 6 week plan (for 4 weeks) and I feel a million times more prepared to do it this time around than I was last year when I tried it. My fiance and I just stocked up on a TON of produce and I created a good meal plan so this week and next week so I feel raring to go.

    Actually, last night while he was on the computer and I was waiting for him, I ended up watching Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead (1 AND 2!) which I didn't think would apply to me, since I don't have a juicer, but I found so inspiring, just listening to people feel so good. This time around, as much as I want the weight loss, I think raising my energy levels and feeling comfortable is just as important as the weight loss.

    Ugh I have to be careful with the wine too... I'm thankful January is not a social month! haha.

    Good luck with the move, MakePeas! That sounds exciting, especially looking into the balcony produce!! I am jealous, I could live in a temperate climate all year long too and never miss the snow I think!!
    Great goals, Sabine! How did the 1 pull up go?? I can't do 1 either....
    Mihani, good luck in the office today... I hope you have some fun time set aside too!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,935 Member
    I had crispy baked fries (recipe from OSG cookbook) with my tofu scramble tonight. The fries were not strictly ETL, but I had the potatoes and figured I’d use them up. Also made a batch of roasted fingerling potatoes and Brussels sprouts (another OSG recipe that I’ve tried before and love) and that will last a few days. Have half the tofu scramble left for dinner tomorrow. Today went really well as far as not craving things or wanting to overeat. Had my smoothie for breakfast, salad for lunch, and after dinner had a grapefruit. My calories came in under 1300 and I am stuffed. Good reminder of how much easier this is when I really fill up on good, nutrient-dense food.

    Peas, congrats on your title! I looked up pulmonary sarcoidosis, that’s scary. Sorry it affected your tournament.

    Lia, I haven’t seen FS&ND 2, but I liked the first one. I did try juicing, but I just couldn’t hack it. I wanted food! Glad you are going full on ETL for January too, it will make it easier having you doing it with me.

    Off to bed here. I was late going to the office this morning because of freezing rain so I want to get in there earlier tomorrow and put in a more full day. I got quite a bit done though, and felt good about it. My energy level seems to be up, which I chalk up to the past week of eating better and getting more sleep. I was feeling so lethargic a lot of last month, and I hate that.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Just a heads up to those of you on my FL. I'm gonna try to avoid logging in to MFP for a bit.... I don't think it's been that healthy for me. Please don't dump me. :\ It's not that likely that I'll be gone that long, you probably wont' even notice. :)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    sloth3toes wrote: »
    Just a heads up to those of you on my FL. I'm gonna try to avoid logging in to MFP for a bit.... I don't think it's been that healthy for me. Please don't dump me. :\ It's not that likely that I'll be gone that long, you probably wont' even notice. :)

    I was wondering where you'd been. How's it going?
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,935 Member
    Scott, hope you aren't gone long.

    Another good day behind me. I think I'm on a roll here. Have the EMG on my hands tomorrow morning. Not sure how long it takes to get the results of that. I feel like since I made it through the weekend that this week is going to be a breeze staying on track.
  • MakePeasNotWar
    MakePeasNotWar Posts: 1,329 Member
    I didn't even know there was a sequel to Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. The first was really inspiring to watch. I love the idea of juicing for health and vitality, but I just feel like I could so easily drink 5000 calories a day and still want more. There is a juice bar across from my new place so I will definitely try adding some green juices, but I can't imagine living without solid food voluntarily.

    Looking forward to joining you guys on the 6 week plan next week. I felt so good when I was having mostly fresh fruit and non-starchy veg. I really am missing my produce. I managed to get some frozen fruit and veggies in the last few days, which helped, but it's not the same.

    I had a pretty good day today, don't know the exact calories offhand but definitely below my 1500 target. I have noticed that I'm eating the same two or three things over and over again lately, so I've been on the lookout for new recipes to try after we move.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I didn't even know there was a sequel to Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. The first was really inspiring to watch. I love the idea of juicing for health and vitality, but I just feel like I could so easily drink 5000 calories a day and still want more. There is a juice bar across from my new place so I will definitely try adding some green juices, but I can't imagine living without solid food voluntarily.

    Looking forward to joining you guys on the 6 week plan next week. I felt so good when I was having mostly fresh fruit and non-starchy veg. I really am missing my produce. I managed to get some frozen fruit and veggies in the last few days, which helped, but it's not the same.

    I had a pretty good day today, don't know the exact calories offhand but definitely below my 1500 target. I have noticed that I'm eating the same two or three things over and over again lately, so I've been on the lookout for new recipes to try after we move.

    There is, and it just got to netflix. I watched the first one, and while I don't juice, I do enjoy smoothies for breakfast in phases. I'm on one of those kicks now.
    I actually just cued SFaND2 up, but haven't started it just yet.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Okay, just watched it. I'd have to say Fat Sick and Nearly Dead TWO is better than the first. It's a lot more about big picture stuff. Not just about about juicing, more about eating a nutrient dense diet and having a healthy lifestyle, including a healthy community of support.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,935 Member
    I will have to watch that one Sabine, thanks for the tip.