January ETL - Nutritarian New Year!



  • tdh1991
    tdh1991 Posts: 485 Member
    Sabine glad you are feeling better.

    So excited I can see the the etl group from my phone. Will be easier to stay caught up with everyone's posts. :smiley:
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    Long weekend in the office and working here at home as well. Just wrapped up for today at 9 p.m. I made a serious dent in the pile of files in my office though, so yay for that! Had a really great week, got a bit off track this weekend but nothing too ugly. Some lemon sorbet, and overdid the starches although they were things like potatoes, rice, sprouted grain bread and not crackers or snack foods. I think I’ll score that a win.

    Terri, glad to see you. Yay for getting back to Florida again, and that your daughter will be home soon.

    Jean, are renovations close to being done? I think I am done logging food for a bit too. I did it last week and I’m already tired of doing it.

    Sabine, I feel so much better when I eat nutrient dense food too. It really makes me wonder why I seem to fall back into bad habits so easily.

    Karrie how was your potluck?

    Lia what do you use to marinate your chickpeas? I have tried a couple different recipes. They are kind of addictive though.

    I need to get to bed, I'm worn out. I am going to do this for one more weekend I think, and then I am going to take a 3 day weekend and stay completely away from work for a few days. We’ll see how this week goes.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,251 Member
    Monday thought: you know you've drunk the koolaid (pomegranate juice) when hubs is cooking dinner and you muse whether tofu counts as a "bean" and finishes up your G-BOMBS for the day. lol. I'm up, having a VERY hearty smoothie, then off to walk to work for the first day of classes. So not ready.

    Lia, I'd also know what you marinate your chickpeas in!
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 680 Member
    Yay plants! :smiley:

    My son was sick ALL weekend - up Friday at 3am, 5am and 7am throwing up. So him & I just hung out at home all weekend cuddling and working on getting better. Poor kid. Him & I are both at home today, too. I was sure he was going to have an ear infection, but was relieved this morning when the doctor said no. He is definitely doing better, but yesterday had a LOT of ear pain. So far today he says it just hurts a bit, nothing at all like yesterday, so I've got my fingers crossed that he will be all better and can go to school tomorrow...

    He did let me slip away yesterday long enough to do a workout on the treadmill, so that's good. I just took it nice & slow yesterday - speed of just 3.5 mph (I usually do 4mph) and no sprints - I just did some incline work. Felt good. I had no pain, but I was fatigued after. I haven't decided if I should try it again today or if I should do a day off in between for this first week. My back is feeling ok, it was a bit sore this morning, but I had no stiffness or impaired mobility at all, so that's great! But I don't want to overdo it and set myself back. I have some cleaning up to do first, because the house got pretty messy while I was caring for my little man, so I'll see how I feel after that.

    Anyway, I should go take care of the mess before I get too carried away on the computer and lose all motivation... :wink:

    Have a great day (even though it' Monday!)
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    Sabine, I think tofu counts as a "bean" as far as ETL goes. I have been trying to make sure I have beans at both lunch and dinner the past week. It seems like it is helping me avoid the urge to graze on random food that sometimes hits me in the evenings after dinner.

    Karrie, hope your little guy is feeling better. Glad your back is not giving you much trouble.

    Work was busy and I'm so tired. I shouldn't have worked so late last night. I made a vow I would do nothing productive tonight, and I have stuck to it lol. I am going to go watch some TV and probably fall asleep very quickly.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    I actually did the 30 day shred tonight. Exercise has been really difficult for me to get back into and I'm happy that I finally got something done. Now to keep doing it!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,251 Member
    @mihani yes, tofu counts as a bean and MAN does that rock!
    Tmw I'm off for a four day work trip. I have my colleagues thinking about G-Bombs too so the goal for the weekend is: good wine and G-Bombs every day!
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 680 Member
    After 2 days off the treadmill, I got back on this morning. I kept the walk slower again, and did incline work again - this time I went a bit more steep - 7%. I can feel a bit of a twinge in my back this morning now, so I'm definitely taking tomorrow off, then back to it Thursday and Saturday, and hopefully by Sunday I'll be okay to add the sprints into the mix again.

    Mihani, I really like the 30-day shred, even though I've never made it past about day 12... :blush: My plan is to get to a point (probably in about 6 weeks or so) where I can do my treadmill workout, then get right into 30DS immediately afterwards. But I've got a lot of building-up to do before I can do that!!

    Tonight I'm making a sweet chili. It's a recipe that my DH has always loved, but tonight is the first time I'm making it without meat (it's been at least 2 years since I've made this dish!) I hope he still likes it just as much!! I am using a 13-bean blend, and I've had them soaking since last night. WOW do they ever expand!!

    Have a great day!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,251 Member
    After 2 days off the treadmill, I got back on this morning. I kept the walk slower again, and did incline work again - this time I went a bit more steep - 7%. I can feel a bit of a twinge in my back this morning now, so I'm definitely taking tomorrow off, then back to it Thursday and Saturday, and hopefully by Sunday I'll be okay to add the sprints into the mix again.

    Mihani, I really like the 30-day shred, even though I've never made it past about day 12... :blush: My plan is to get to a point (probably in about 6 weeks or so) where I can do my treadmill workout, then get right into 30DS immediately afterwards. But I've got a lot of building-up to do before I can do that!!

    Tonight I'm making a sweet chili. It's a recipe that my DH has always loved, but tonight is the first time I'm making it without meat (it's been at least 2 years since I've made this dish!) I hope he still likes it just as much!! I am using a 13-bean blend, and I've had them soaking since last night. WOW do they ever expand!!

    Have a great day!
    Do you have a recipe?
    Hope your back continues to improve!
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 613 Member
    Hi, my name is Lia and I'm totally addicted to (processed) sugar in a big way.

    I feel like I've told you guys this 1000 times, (it's getting really embarrassing) but I'm actually going cold turkey. I think I finally hit the end of my rope yesterday. I know I'm undoing any ETL goodness I'm putting into my body but also putting in so much sugary crap. I keep thinking I can do moderation and allow myself treats, but I really can't. The good ol' all or nothing approach. Here I go. Day 1!

    Karrie, awesome to hear you're back on the treadmill! Your poor son though. Seems like everyone is getting some sickness or another, and a lot of really rotten ones lately. BTW, I didn't even know there were 13 different beans?! Haha.

    Sabine, have a great trip! Sounds like you are armed with a plan too (GBOMBSW). What classes are you taking?

    By the way, I am bad, I don't marinate my chickpeas really. I do really easy roasted chickpeas with a tiny bit of olive oil and then just sea salt or chili powder or curry powder and bake them! Or I try this recipe: http://ohsheglows.com/2010/08/03/easy-salt-vinegar-roasted-chick-peas/

    Mihani, great job fitting 30DS into a tough week! I'm glad you got a night to do nothing too. I hope you get your 3 day weekend too! Sounds like you're having a successful ETL week.

    Terri, have a great trip tomorrow!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    Sabine, hope you enjoy your trip. Sounds like you’re going with a fun group. and you have things balanced nicely with the food, exercise and wine!

    Karrie your chili sounds really good. I seem to only be good for about 2 weeks of the 30 day shred myself. I’ve never moved on past the first workout. My goal is to do it daily until the end of the month though, and then maybe start mixing it up, but I think I can commit to 20 minutes per day no matter how busy or tired I am.

    Lia, I have tried and tried to practice moderation. I am not a moderate person. If I was, I probably wouldn’t be here! Your simple chickpeas still sound good. I made some teriyaki ones one time, and I’ve had spicy chili or something like that. They are so good! I should roast them more often to add texture and flavor to my salads. I’m so lazy, I generally just rinse a can of beans and throw some straight on my salad.

    Food on track again today. And I did the 30 day shred again. Yay me! I want to be back in my 5 pound range, and maybe even at the low end of the range, by the end of this month. I don’t know if I can do it, but I’m sure going to try! The month is slipping by fast.

  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 680 Member
    The month IS slipping by fast, isn't it!?

    My back was a bit sore all day (and night) yesterday, so today is definitely another day off. I guess 7% incline was too much too soon.

    OK, for your entertainment, I will share with you my Wednesday night chili-cooking fiasco. Get ready...

    First, I am lazy and I have always used canned beans. I have never cooked my own beans (until last night). I figured it wouldn't take long - maybe 20 minutes, right? Well after 20 minutes went by and the beans were still not soft, I checked the label for the 13-bean blend, and it said 3.5 hours - what?!?!?! holy smokes. I guess we're not having chili tonight -- oops! Maybe I should have read that sooner??? Like on Tuesday, perhaps...?

    Next, as I'm going through the recipe, I see that it calls for pork & beans. Well that sauce clearly contributes to the overall flavour, so I go onto all-recipes.com to find out how people make baked beans without pork. I see the sauce is pretty much molasses and bbq sauce. OK, I've got that (right?)! So I throw in 1/4 cup of molasses. Go to the fridge to grab the bbq sauce. Oops, we're all out. Nuts. OK. Now what. So I added some brown sugar and some extra water. That should do it (right?)! Geez, I sure hope so... Note to self: get ingredients out and onto the counter before you start throwing things into the pot all willy-nilly...!!!

    And then I have to run my daughter to her evening activity, so my hubby has to watch the pot on the stove all night. He had to add more water twice as it simmered away... Of course that's because I didn't pre-cook the beans. Had I done that, most of this whole mess would have been easily avoided!! Note to self: pre-cook the beans before making chili!!!

    But the house smelled wonderful, so I'm hoping it's tasty. And the molasses gives it a very dark, rich color that looks quite appetizing too... FINGERS CROSSED!

    I'll give you the full update tomorrow. I sure hope I didn't waste all those beans... :blush:

    I hope your night was better than mine!!
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 613 Member
    Oh man, Karrie, I am notorious for finding out I'm missing ingredients halfway through a recipe!! My mom and sister are the cooking gurus and they make fun of me all the time. Especially for things like beans and canned tomatoes or whatever, I always take for granted that I always have some... until I don't! I hope they turned out.

    Mihani, awesome job with the 30DS!! I can never stick to the same exercise for an extended period lol. By the way, I am really bad, I hate uncooked beans on salads.. so I'm trying to figure out other ways I can incorporate them. Lately I've been having cooked lunches so it's been okay. Sigh.

    Okay today is DAY TWO sugar-free!!! Yesterday was awesome and honestly having one day until my belt made me proud. I feel like if I can get 3 or 4 days under my belt (or 1 weekend) then I'm golden!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    Hilarious chili adventure Karrie! Let us know how it turned out, I bet it was great.

    Lia, yay for avoiding the sugar! If you don't like beans plain you could try some of your roasted chickpeas, or sometimes I make black bean salsa and dump it on a bed of lettuce and call that taco salad, really good with some avocado and crushed tortillas added.

    Getting ready to go do the 30DS again and then to bed.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 680 Member
    The beans were still a little bit more solid than I would have liked, but it was soooo tasty! Great flavour - even my hubby said so; but we both agreed that next time the beans need to cook all day in the slow-cooker first!

    I am SO glad it's the weekend. I can't even tell you what a long, tedious week this has been. Really looking forward to a weekend of relaxing and crafting!!

    Have a good one, everyone!!
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 613 Member
    Yay Karrie, great job on the dish. Glad it worked out :) It does feel like it's been a long week, although I had a super productive day which was nice!

    Yessss I'm on to day 3 of no sugar!!! If I can make it through today and tomorrow, I will be so so proud of myself! Going out for dinner tonight, so the trick will be eating on until I'm satisfied, and not more than that.

    Mihani, thanks for that delicious idea. I love any kind of mexican dish!! I definitely am going to try that for my salads! I wish I had thought of that before...

    I made vegan cupcakes last night for a birthday party tomorrow. The real test will be turning them down tomorrow night! The ingredients aren't all ETL, so I'm hoping that will be a big enough turn-off. I am going to fill up on yummy healthy stuff before I go too...

    have a great weekend guys :)
  • JCN80
    JCN80 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi. I just joined this group. I recommitted to ETL about 3 weeks ago after about two years of not eating very well (partly due to having, nursing and caring for twins). I want to lose weight and get in better shape, and I'm trying to completely avoid non-ETL foods. So far I'm doing pretty well; I've lost 10 lbs so far. But I think some support from people eating the same way as me can only help!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    Hi JCN, welcome! Congrats on your twins. It's usually pretty quiet around here on the weekends. Three weeks is great, and 10 pounds already, woohoo!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    Karrie, sounds like the chili turned out pretty well, and now you know. I like to mix up different kinds of beans in my chili too. Gives it more texture. Happy crafting!

    Lia, I also like black bean and corn salsa with lettuce in a wrap. I love everything in wraps. You are superwoman making cupcakes and not eating any. Good luck!

    Went to the office for a while today. Feeling burned out and don't want to go back tomorrow so I think I will take a day to catch up around here. My house is a disaster and I need a break.
  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 239 Member
    Hey all....we had a baby shower today for one of my stepdaughters. Tried to do lots of healthy eats, including a raw veggie "pizza", cut up raw veggies and a spinach dip, hummus, whole grain chips (better than white bread I guess!), cut up mixed fruit. Cheese and sausage- a small tray, too...but I stayed out of that! We did have cake, of course, made by one of my coworkers, and I did not stay out of that! She makes the most delicious cakes...it was a lovely tender white cake cut into four layers, with a lovely strawberry frosting/filling...just the lightest strawberry flavor, delicate and perfect, made from strawberries and not a nasty artificial flavor. She works with fondant, and while the beautiful pile of "bow" and tendrils on top of the cake were not edible, the fondant covering the cake was delicious and lovely. Often one cannot eat fondant, but she makes this from scratch and it was soooo ridiculously good. The crew went quiet eating it...everyone was so involved in savoring their cake! And that...is where I would never be 100% ETL. NO WAY I am staying away from that cake. I will always make room in my world for that kind of cake in my life, lol!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,251 Member
    I made it home from my whirl wind work travel and the first thing I wanted was a smoothie. So good. Tomorrow I get totally back to "me". I did great workout wise, and not too shabby eating wise, and MAN am I glad to be home.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,251 Member
    PS: no weekday wine starts this week. Le sigh.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 613 Member
    Hi guys! Wow I just discovered the community tab on my phone. So nice to be able to check in on the weekends from now on! I failed and totally delved into the cupcakes... Sigh. Though I did really well on Friday night when I went out. I actually passed on the dessert! A first for me! But I still feel a bit puffy today. Less sugar but a few too many carbs. I have a good menu planned for this week and a ton of fresh fruit and veg so I'm excited to get going on a good week.

    JCN, welcome! And sooo great on your progress too, how inspiring. How did you find your first 3 weeks?

    Mihani, how was your break day? I hope you got some nice time to yourself. Even house cleaning is sometimes a nice feeling!

    Jean wow I wouldn't resist a cake like that either. My mouth was watering reading the description! Great job with all the healthy eats though.

    Sabine, so nice that you can home looking forward to more ETL! Glad you had a good trip.

    I'm so sleepy today and can't wait for bed... I played two straight hours of beach volleyball yesterday (which was so much fun) and my body is aching so badly today. Night all.
  • tdh1991
    tdh1991 Posts: 485 Member
    Hi all

    Having a relaxing time in Florida. Eating lots if veggies and fruit on my trip. But also some non etl food.

    Lia I am sugar addict too. Sigh. But find if I follow etl more strictly and eat lots of salad it helps.

    Back to the grind on Wednesday. Need a plan for etl eating the rest of week. I am sure my husband did not buy etl food.

    Any suggestions?
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    Jean, sounds like a great baby shower, and that cake sounds beautiful.

    Sabine, good luck with your no wine week. I am trying to avoid alcohol completely for a bit. I have 2 weeks behind me except for one glass when I was out to dinner Friday.

    Lia, that would be really tough to stay out of those cupcakes. How did they turn out?

    Terri, glad you are having a relaxing trip.

    I was kind of out of it this weekend. Food was pretty on track but slacked on the workouts. Got quite a bit done around the house yesterday. I’ll probably be sorry I didn’t go to the office but I think I’m going to have to start taking a day out of there on the weekends or I’m going to go insane. I tried to mix things up a bit last week and went from smoothies to oatmeal for breakfast. Nothing against oatmeal, but I do better when I stick to smoothies. I have less cravings for starchy carbs throughout the day and I’m more energetic.

  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 680 Member
    I had a great session on the treadmill yesterday - I started at a grade of 3%, and increased it by 1% every 10 minutes until I hit 8%. I was considering going all the way to 10%, but I was already at 1 hour, and I didn't want my back to hurt afterwards. So I had to stay satisfied with 8%. :smile: It felt good. So I'm taking today off to make sure that my back is really okay. If it is, I think I'll try to go every day for the rest of the week. (and I think it is - no pain yesterday, and I was still good when I got outta bed this morning, so I think I'm back at 100% - yay!!) I still haven't done any sprints since my slip on the ice, but I'll wait a couple more sessions before I throw that into the mix...

    I'm struggling with food right now. I can't seem to stay away from the carbs. I definitely need a reboot, and I'm going to juice for 3 days at a time for as long as I can. So tonight I will make juice for 3 days. Then on Thursday, repeat. Sunday, repeat. And so on. For as many 3-day repeats as I can handle. I want to say I'll juice for 30 days, but that just seems like a really long time. So if I only think of it as 3-day stretches, maybe it won't feel like such a daunting task... Maybe I'll be on the 10th repeat before you know it... Wish me luck!!

    Alright, have a great week everyone!! Mihani, try to take it easy -- you work too hard!!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,251 Member
    Good for you Mihani! Whats_her_name glad your back is feeling better!
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 680 Member
    oh, I'm also still waiting for my fitbit to arrive. I'm hoping it gives me that little push I need motivation-wise. I like the idea of everything it can track for me. Looking foward to playing with it!!
  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 239 Member
    Monday, Monday...I am up but moving slow, having some oats, chia, blueberries, watermelon, and a small orange for breakfast. I came down with some ridiculous illness yesterday, we can only guess influenza A since it hit like a train...but I think I feel too much better today for it to be influenza. The flu shot is a known "fail" this year, and there have been lots of my coworkers going down with it. Many have swabbed positive, but I didn't go in. Am just hanging out at home today.

    I too have lots of tasty ideas planned for food...am on a sweet potato bender lately. If I still feel like eating at lunchtime, I am making a dish of sweet potato, black beans, and whatever else I dig up. I may be sick, I may be having a hard time typing, but I am doing ok eating, lol!

    whats_her_name, look forward to hearing how you like the fitbit. I sometimes feel like it would be a good idea, but then sometimes not, and I haven't gotten one yet. I did like how mihani described hers as judgmental, lol!

    Mihani, it might be tough to stay away at first, but after some growing pains I bet it just becomes the new status quo that you won't be there to take care of everything, everyday. The setting of boundaries can of course be challenging but it does feel good.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,251 Member
    oh, I'm also still waiting for my fitbit to arrive. I'm hoping it gives me that little push I need motivation-wise. I like the idea of everything it can track for me. Looking foward to playing with it!!

    Let me know when you get it!
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