January ETL - Nutritarian New Year!



  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Mihani wrote: »
    I will have to watch that one Sabine, thanks for the tip.

    It's free, so if you hate it, nothing lost except your time! But seriously, it did seem more well rounded than the first one.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Sabine, I totally agree - I really was impressed with the second documentary. It actually questioned their own findings in the first FS&ND, by asking how do we keep the weight off? And continue eating healthy? I really enjoyed it, "well-rounded" is a good way of putting it!

    I have three awesome days behind me which is making me pretty happy. My meal plan has been so helpful! I don't feel like I"m going to waste produce and I feel confident about eating ETL this whole week. I made my first homemade hummus yesterday from the OSG cookbook, and I was scared, but I like it better than storebought! The only problem is my fiance REALLY likes it, and it is more than half gone :( I was hoping it would last the week, haha.

    Great job everyone! You all sound like you had strong weekends!

    Scott, of course we will notice! Just make sure you eventually return to us :) I have those phases too though where MFP gets me down.

    Mihani, let us know how the EMG goes today!
    Peas, so awesome about the Muay Thai championship! But also very good you (and your coach) listened to your poor body.

    Happy-ish Monday all :)
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Ahhh help! One of my favourite realtors that I work with a lot just brought me in this massive basket with all my favourite chocolates! I am writing to you guys instead of tearing into it....
  • calicofrey
    Hi everyone,
    I'm new to this group but I've been trying to ETL since I read the book several years ago. I too am rededicating myself to the plan for the new year. I'm getting married in June, so that's my short term motivation--long term, I just want to feel good about myself and for my body to feel nourished and cared for. I've found that when I ETL, my digestion is great, my skin glows, and my energy is sky high while the weight drops off--so why is it so hard to get back on the plan?!
    I come from a family of food addicts, so that is what I'm trying to overcome. Loving fruits, vegetables, and beans is easy and I was a vegan for many years, so I don't have a great attachment to meat/dairy--it's the elimiating sweets/fats/convenience foods that is hard...
    I'm currently a vet student with a very demanding schedule, so getting the exercise in has been hard as well as having time for meal prep. This semester I'm committing to food prep sundays and at least 2 visits per week to the gym--even if it means getting up at 5am. I'm also giving up alcohol--the wine and beer consumption was a real crutch last semester, and I want to find ways to relax and reward myself that are calorie free! Any suggestions are welcome ;)
    I hope to get to know you all better and participate in this group as a way to keep on track.
    Wishing you all a happy monday--thanks for being here :)
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,936 Member
    Hi Calico! Welcome. I completely understand what you are saying about how great you feel when you are eating ETL based and yet still finding it difficult to stay on plan. I really, really wish I had an answer for you because then I’d have one for myself! There are many self-confessed all or nothing types in this group (I’m one of them) and when I start to go off the rails I keep going. So that’s my big goal this year, that no matter what happens I won’t let a day or two of indulging turn into a month (or three) and keep undoing all my hard work. And I will have days here and there where I will indulge in something sweet or some wine or whatever, that’s a given.

    Lia, that is so unfair! The holiday goodies are supposed to be behind us! That was really nice of your client, but yikes. Hope you were able to hold out. I like your meal plan idea and need to think about something like that. I tend to buy way too much stuff figuring I will do something with it all, and then I end up letting half go to waste because it’s more than I can eat. I will have to try the OSG hummus.

    Peas, good luck with your move, hope all goes smoothly!

    So today, after my EMG, I stopped back home to let pups out again so I could stay at work later. The EMG wasn’t so bad I guess, for having electric jolts shot through me and needles stuck in me. Since y’all are mostly on my friend list you probably already saw my newsfeed saying the doctor confirmed carpal tunnel. Fortunately, I have not been in nearly as much pain the past few weeks, so I feel comfortable putting surgery off for a couple months to get more caught up at work.

    A good ETL day today. Usual breakfast smoothie and lunch salad. Had the leftover roasted potatoes and Brussels sprouts for dinner, followed by a bowl of chopped apple with a small handful of raisins and chopped walnuts, and a little sprinkle of shredded coconut. So glad I am back to fruit when I am having cravings. The more I eat fruit the more I crave it, and the less I crave other less healthy options.

    Is it really only Monday?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited January 2015
    Happy Monday!!!
    I had a pretty good day today despite obstacles. Had my standard HUGE green smoothie for breakfast (I use the 24 ounce "cup"). Lunch was supposed to be a salad, but the salad bar at work had "no lettuce" (wtf?) and all the on campus restaurants were closed. So I got an amy's spinach pocket. Meh. Dinner was a cup of vegetable soup and a BIG BIG salad. Snack was some almonds in the morning and a little popcorn in the afternoon.
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    Just tucked into a huge amount of home grown watermelon....so so full!
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Kymmu, yummy! Do you grown your own?! That sounds delicious. And considering the freezing temps here, unbelievable right now too! haha.

    Sabine, great job with all the yummy stuff yesterday. I've never heard of a salad bar with no lettuce, loll. Ridiculous.

    Mihani, I feel like one day our ETL group will have to have an intervention with you. And I know I sound like my mom, but I really really hope you don't put off the surgery too long! Work will wait, and I worry for your poor hands! Your fruit "dessert" sounds scrumptious, and a great idea.

    I had a really good day yesterday and made this lovely red tofu thai curry last night with a ton of veggies, although it had some coconut milk in it (and I know some ETL sticklers don't use it?). I felt queasy at lunch yesterday and couldn't stomach my kale and avocado though, so I'll try again today. I am still not a huge avocado lover.

    I did open up the goodie basket last night (Bah!) and have an indulgence though! Argh. It was yummy and now I have hidden everything else or given it away. I was kicking myself, but kept saying that the point of doing trying to stick with the plan is to stick with it even after my slip-ups, so berating myself probably doesn't help. On to a fresh new ETL day!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Kymmu wrote: »
    Just tucked into a huge amount of home grown watermelon....so so full!

    Lord I love watermelon.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Mihani: I'm so sorry you have CTS. Not fun. Not fun at all. Do any home remedies (hot wax, contrast baths etc.) ease the pain?
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi Calico! Welcome here :) You sound like me, haha. My problem is sweets too. I'm also getting married in June and starting to feel the pressure to be comfortable in my own skin too. We can motivate each other :)

    By the way, this sounds so lame, but the other night, I gave myself a really nice bath. I never have baths, but I was surprised how relaxing it was. Especially since it's cold here. Maybe you could try that? Even buying yourself a movie ticket or an iTunes rental as a relaxation reward, or even trying that idea with some non-alcoholic wine or juice in a fancy wine glass to trick yourself?
  • calicofrey
    Thanks for the welcome, I already feel at home!
    Liapr--congrats on your engagement/wedding, I hope we can support each other through these next months. I like the idea of a bath reward! I love baths, but rarely find the time. I could get some fancy bath salts to make it even more enticing.
    One way I've found to treat myself with a ETL safe (mostly) beverage is to get the unsweetened flavored seltzer water (I love Talking Rain peach/nectarine) and combine it with a splash of grape or orange juice in a wine glass. It's so refreshing and a little sweet and tart.
    Mihani--have you noticed any change with your CTS while on ETL? I hope you're able to rest your joints and not aggravate them when you work. I understand wanting to avoid surgery for as long as possible--sometimes it doesn't help the pain much anyway. I wish you a full recovery.
    My day is off to a good start--green smoothie (banana, spinach, raspberries, flax seeds, a dab of peanut butter and soy milk), and my green tea (can't totally give up caffeine) for breakfast.
    Have a great day everyone--keep your stories, challenges, and victories coming--I love reading them!
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    I'm late to this party, but I guess that's pretty normal for me... My New Year's is going *okay*, but not great. I had a slip on some ice and jarred my back. I can barely move. I should have just let myself fall; I bet a bruised bottom would be better than a wrecked back! I am hobbling around like a granny again. BOO! I think I might wait another day or two and then try a **slow** walk on the treadmill - I'm hoping it will loosen me up.

    In the last 2 days I've made 3 OSG recipes and I'm starting to stock up my fridge and freezer with some yummy options. But I think I may have overdone it in the kitchen last night, because I am extra stiff today.

    Next up I need to make a chili and a couple of soups to round out my ready-to-go options. I need to make more of an effort to have one huge salad every day. That's a great goal. Or I might focus on 5-6 different kinds of veggies with hummus every day for lunch as another option, too... gotta make sure I get all my beans in!

    I am also up a few lbs after the holidays. I really *hate* losing the same pounds over and over again. I have to break up with my starchy carb love. He's no good for me.

    My other mini-goal for 2015 is to get on the treadmill at least 5 times each week. That is, once my back is okay again.

    Fortunately, I drink very little - only once or twice a year, if even that. So I don't have to worry about cutting back there (and I'm one of those wierdos who does not like wine at all - sorry!)

    After 2 weeks off work, this week is truly going to be the death of me. Is it *really* only Tuesday!?! Feels like I've worked a full week already... lol.

    I am in for a full gung-ho New Year's round of the 6 weeks of ETL. I'll plan to start on Sunday, since that gives my back a few more days to heal.

    REQUEST: Please list your absolute favourite huge salad recipe - ESPECIALLY the dressing!! I need to have at least 5 good go-to salads. I don't want to feel like I'm sacrificing flavour, so I need ideas!!! (Thanks in advance).

    Have a good day everyone - look forward to spending another great year with you!!
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    ooh! I just ordered a free fitbit flex with my airmiles reward points - might be a fun way to keep me motivated. Anyone else have one? What do you think? Do you use it?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    ooh! I just ordered a free fitbit flex with my airmiles reward points - might be a fun way to keep me motivated. Anyone else have one? What do you think? Do you use it?
    I've had one for a couple of years. I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,936 Member
    Kym, I miss watermelon! It’s just no good here in the winter so I don’t buy it. But in the summer you can’t keep me away from it.

    Sabine that is crazy no lettuce at the salad bar! Hope tomorrow goes better. I am not doing anything for my hands other than I started using a wrist rest when I’m typing. The pain seems to have decreased lately.

    Lia, work is just crazy. I keep thinking things will let up and it hasn’t for a couple of years now. I hope this year we will hire some help. The curry sounds delicious, I need to try more things with coconut milk. Great job enjoying a little of the goodie basket and stopping. That’s the goal for me too!

    Calico, I love sparkling water. I go through a 12 pack a week of it. So much better for me than opening a Mike’s hard lemonade or pouring a glass of wine. Thanks for the well wishes. Your smoothie sounds really good.

    Karrie, great to see you! I was thinking about you yesterday wondering where you were. I remember you saying you’d been sick over the holidays, and now your back is hurt. No fair! Definitely a good idea to take it easy until you feel better. I think OSG is my favorite cookbook these days. I don’t use too many dressings, I just use a good balsamic. I have a fitbit one and I really like it, other than it is quite a judgy little piece of technology.

    Just finished up some work and still have laundry to finish so I’m off!
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Mihani wrote: »
    I have a fitbit one and I really like it, other than it is quite a judgy little piece of technology.

    That's hilarious! Maybe my judgy technology will keep me in check!!

    I also joined the wellness challenge at work. Starting Monday, I have to be active 20 minutes a day to be eligible to win prizes. I'm all for free stuff!!

    Glad to hear that you love it Sabine - is it easy to use? Not too time-consuming, I hope!!

    Have a great day - still looking forward to getting more dressing recipes (I too like good basalmic, especially my strawberry-peach one (yum!) but I don't know if I want to use that every day...)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Mihani wrote: »
    I have a fitbit one and I really like it, other than it is quite a judgy little piece of technology.

    That's hilarious! Maybe my judgy technology will keep me in check!!

    I also joined the wellness challenge at work. Starting Monday, I have to be active 20 minutes a day to be eligible to win prizes. I'm all for free stuff!!

    Glad to hear that you love it Sabine - is it easy to use? Not too time-consuming, I hope!!

    Have a great day - still looking forward to getting more dressing recipes (I too like good basalmic, especially my strawberry-peach one (yum!) but I don't know if I want to use that every day...)

    It's super easy. Set it up, and put it on. Charge it once a week or so. (Mine sends me an email when it needs to be charged). There are "challenges" with fitbit too. You can choose people from your friends list and set up different kinds of challenges. Those are fun.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Huh. I don't know if I know anyone with a fitbit. I guess I'll hafta ask around. Wanna be my fitbit buddy??? :wink:
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Huh. I don't know if I know anyone with a fitbit. I guess I'll hafta ask around. Wanna be my fitbit buddy??? :wink:
