January ETL - Nutritarian New Year!



  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I made it home from my whirl wind work travel and the first thing I wanted was a smoothie. So good. Tomorrow I get totally back to "me". I did great workout wise, and not too shabby eating wise, and MAN am I glad to be home.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    PS: no weekday wine starts this week. Le sigh.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi guys! Wow I just discovered the community tab on my phone. So nice to be able to check in on the weekends from now on! I failed and totally delved into the cupcakes... Sigh. Though I did really well on Friday night when I went out. I actually passed on the dessert! A first for me! But I still feel a bit puffy today. Less sugar but a few too many carbs. I have a good menu planned for this week and a ton of fresh fruit and veg so I'm excited to get going on a good week.

    JCN, welcome! And sooo great on your progress too, how inspiring. How did you find your first 3 weeks?

    Mihani, how was your break day? I hope you got some nice time to yourself. Even house cleaning is sometimes a nice feeling!

    Jean wow I wouldn't resist a cake like that either. My mouth was watering reading the description! Great job with all the healthy eats though.

    Sabine, so nice that you can home looking forward to more ETL! Glad you had a good trip.

    I'm so sleepy today and can't wait for bed... I played two straight hours of beach volleyball yesterday (which was so much fun) and my body is aching so badly today. Night all.
  • tdh1991
    tdh1991 Posts: 511 Member
    Hi all

    Having a relaxing time in Florida. Eating lots if veggies and fruit on my trip. But also some non etl food.

    Lia I am sugar addict too. Sigh. But find if I follow etl more strictly and eat lots of salad it helps.

    Back to the grind on Wednesday. Need a plan for etl eating the rest of week. I am sure my husband did not buy etl food.

    Any suggestions?
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,927 Member
    Jean, sounds like a great baby shower, and that cake sounds beautiful.

    Sabine, good luck with your no wine week. I am trying to avoid alcohol completely for a bit. I have 2 weeks behind me except for one glass when I was out to dinner Friday.

    Lia, that would be really tough to stay out of those cupcakes. How did they turn out?

    Terri, glad you are having a relaxing trip.

    I was kind of out of it this weekend. Food was pretty on track but slacked on the workouts. Got quite a bit done around the house yesterday. I’ll probably be sorry I didn’t go to the office but I think I’m going to have to start taking a day out of there on the weekends or I’m going to go insane. I tried to mix things up a bit last week and went from smoothies to oatmeal for breakfast. Nothing against oatmeal, but I do better when I stick to smoothies. I have less cravings for starchy carbs throughout the day and I’m more energetic.

  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    I had a great session on the treadmill yesterday - I started at a grade of 3%, and increased it by 1% every 10 minutes until I hit 8%. I was considering going all the way to 10%, but I was already at 1 hour, and I didn't want my back to hurt afterwards. So I had to stay satisfied with 8%. :smile: It felt good. So I'm taking today off to make sure that my back is really okay. If it is, I think I'll try to go every day for the rest of the week. (and I think it is - no pain yesterday, and I was still good when I got outta bed this morning, so I think I'm back at 100% - yay!!) I still haven't done any sprints since my slip on the ice, but I'll wait a couple more sessions before I throw that into the mix...

    I'm struggling with food right now. I can't seem to stay away from the carbs. I definitely need a reboot, and I'm going to juice for 3 days at a time for as long as I can. So tonight I will make juice for 3 days. Then on Thursday, repeat. Sunday, repeat. And so on. For as many 3-day repeats as I can handle. I want to say I'll juice for 30 days, but that just seems like a really long time. So if I only think of it as 3-day stretches, maybe it won't feel like such a daunting task... Maybe I'll be on the 10th repeat before you know it... Wish me luck!!

    Alright, have a great week everyone!! Mihani, try to take it easy -- you work too hard!!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Good for you Mihani! Whats_her_name glad your back is feeling better!
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    oh, I'm also still waiting for my fitbit to arrive. I'm hoping it gives me that little push I need motivation-wise. I like the idea of everything it can track for me. Looking foward to playing with it!!
  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
    Monday, Monday...I am up but moving slow, having some oats, chia, blueberries, watermelon, and a small orange for breakfast. I came down with some ridiculous illness yesterday, we can only guess influenza A since it hit like a train...but I think I feel too much better today for it to be influenza. The flu shot is a known "fail" this year, and there have been lots of my coworkers going down with it. Many have swabbed positive, but I didn't go in. Am just hanging out at home today.

    I too have lots of tasty ideas planned for food...am on a sweet potato bender lately. If I still feel like eating at lunchtime, I am making a dish of sweet potato, black beans, and whatever else I dig up. I may be sick, I may be having a hard time typing, but I am doing ok eating, lol!

    whats_her_name, look forward to hearing how you like the fitbit. I sometimes feel like it would be a good idea, but then sometimes not, and I haven't gotten one yet. I did like how mihani described hers as judgmental, lol!

    Mihani, it might be tough to stay away at first, but after some growing pains I bet it just becomes the new status quo that you won't be there to take care of everything, everyday. The setting of boundaries can of course be challenging but it does feel good.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    oh, I'm also still waiting for my fitbit to arrive. I'm hoping it gives me that little push I need motivation-wise. I like the idea of everything it can track for me. Looking foward to playing with it!!

    Let me know when you get it!
  • tdh1991
    tdh1991 Posts: 511 Member
    HI All,

    Karie: winter is tough. So cold and our bodies crave fuel to help keep us warm. I always eat less in the summer. Hang in there. Your plan to get back on track seems sound.

    Mahini: yeah for you to take time for yourself. Maybe if you do your boss will finally hire another worker.

    Today is my last full day. Plan on going to the beach then to the gym again. Fly home tomorrow night. Can't say that I am ready. So little stress down here.

    My last work project is finally coming to an end. Have 2 more days devoted to it and it will be completed. Yeah! No more projects for awhile, I am going to concentrate on myself again for awhile.

    Going to make the Vegetable shepherds pie for dinner. One of my favorites.
    big salad for lunch
    1 to 1/2 hour workout again today.

  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi all, happy Monday! It's supposedly Blue Monday but doesn't feel that bad? Haha.

    Terri, hope you've soaked up lots of sun to hold you over until the next time you get to warm weather. Great job with all the veggies. It's tough that the sweet tooth never goes away! I am trying to just "crowd out" the bad stuff but eating so much good stuff though. It's been helping.

    Karrie, great job on the treadmill. Glad you are doing better! I think the idea about short juice goals is such a great idea... I find those kind of short goals so motivating for myself because they seem more attainable too! I think I'll brainstorm some short-term goals for myself now.

    Jean, horrible horrible horrible about the flu!! That is awful. Do you find you usually are sick more often or less often being in an area with lots of people getting sick? I hope you feel better today, glad you're taking it easy!

    Mihani, the cupcakes were SO good!!!! I am such a sucker for chocolate too. I even made cookies and cream icing. Sigh. Oh well, on to a healthy start back today. Glad you got a day at your house without work too! How is 30DS this go-around going for you?

    Yesterday I tried out my slow cooker for the first time. I attempted a vegan minestrone soup with lots of veggies. Speaking of problems with recipes... I didn't read the whole thing first! I just presumed you put all ingredients in the cooker for 6 hours and left it. It wasn't until I got to the bottom of the list that it said to add canned beans, pasta, and spinach at the end. Ugh.... disaster! My shell pasta was SO bloated and mushy, my white beans turned pink from the tomatoes, and the spinach is non-existent lol. Seems like such a waste... I'm still eating it, but I know it could have been so much better!!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    liapr wrote: »
    Hi all, happy Monday! It's supposedly Blue Monday but doesn't feel that bad? Haha.

    Terri, hope you've soaked up lots of sun to hold you over until the next time you get to warm weather. Great job with all the veggies. It's tough that the sweet tooth never goes away! I am trying to just "crowd out" the bad stuff but eating so much good stuff though. It's been helping.

    Karrie, great job on the treadmill. Glad you are doing better! I think the idea about short juice goals is such a great idea... I find those kind of short goals so motivating for myself because they seem more attainable too! I think I'll brainstorm some short-term goals for myself now.

    Jean, horrible horrible horrible about the flu!! That is awful. Do you find you usually are sick more often or less often being in an area with lots of people getting sick? I hope you feel better today, glad you're taking it easy!

    Mihani, the cupcakes were SO good!!!! I am such a sucker for chocolate too. I even made cookies and cream icing. Sigh. Oh well, on to a healthy start back today. Glad you got a day at your house without work too! How is 30DS this go-around going for you?

    Yesterday I tried out my slow cooker for the first time. I attempted a vegan minestrone soup with lots of veggies. Speaking of problems with recipes... I didn't read the whole thing first! I just presumed you put all ingredients in the cooker for 6 hours and left it. It wasn't until I got to the bottom of the list that it said to add canned beans, pasta, and spinach at the end. Ugh.... disaster! My shell pasta was SO bloated and mushy, my white beans turned pink from the tomatoes, and the spinach is non-existent lol. Seems like such a waste... I'm still eating it, but I know it could have been so much better!!
    I did that exact thing recently. I was so mad at myself!
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    oh, I'm also still waiting for my fitbit to arrive. I'm hoping it gives me that little push I need motivation-wise. I like the idea of everything it can track for me. Looking foward to playing with it!!

    Let me know when you get it!

    You bet I will!!! :smiley:
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,927 Member
    Karrie, great job on the treadmill! I’m glad you’re being cautious about increasing speed and incline too quickly. The juicing plan sounds great.

    Jean glad your bug didn’t last too long. I think you’re right that I just have to make myself take a weekend day for myself. It’s not good for me mentally or physically to be in the office 7 days a week. It’s not that my boss “makes” me work weekends, it’s just the only way I seem to stay halfway on top of things.

    Terri, enjoy that last day of sunshine and warmth! Glad to hear that things are going to lighten up a bit for you at work.

    Lia, I’d never heard of Blue Monday so I looked it up. Oddly, today the temps got up into the 40’s and the sun was shining, so I felt pretty happy about that despite not feeling well. I didn’t do 30DS Friday or Saturday, but I got it done yesterday. I figured if I let it go 3 days I was sunk. Too bad about your slow cooker recipe! It’s probably still pretty good though.

    Sabine, how goes no wine Monday?

    I have felt kind of blah all day today. I had a headache and felt kind of woozy this morning. Went back to bed for a bit before leaving for work. And my stomach was a tad upset. I just baked some potatoes to eat this week and going to have one, figured that would be easy on my stomach, and then I’m going to go to bed super early. I’m sort of thinking it’s just sinuses which sometimes affects my ears and messes with my equilibrium. So no workout tonight.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Mihani wrote: »
    Karrie, great job on the treadmill! I’m glad you’re being cautious about increasing speed and incline too quickly. The juicing plan sounds great.

    Jean glad your bug didn’t last too long. I think you’re right that I just have to make myself take a weekend day for myself. It’s not good for me mentally or physically to be in the office 7 days a week. It’s not that my boss “makes” me work weekends, it’s just the only way I seem to stay halfway on top of things.

    Terri, enjoy that last day of sunshine and warmth! Glad to hear that things are going to lighten up a bit for you at work.

    Lia, I’d never heard of Blue Monday so I looked it up. Oddly, today the temps got up into the 40’s and the sun was shining, so I felt pretty happy about that despite not feeling well. I didn’t do 30DS Friday or Saturday, but I got it done yesterday. I figured if I let it go 3 days I was sunk. Too bad about your slow cooker recipe! It’s probably still pretty good though.

    Sabine, how goes no wine Monday?

    I have felt kind of blah all day today. I had a headache and felt kind of woozy this morning. Went back to bed for a bit before leaving for work. And my stomach was a tad upset. I just baked some potatoes to eat this week and going to have one, figured that would be easy on my stomach, and then I’m going to go to bed super early. I’m sort of thinking it’s just sinuses which sometimes affects my ears and messes with my equilibrium. So no workout tonight.
    Heh. So far so good on no wine monday! Going to have some licorice tea tonight instead.
    A baked potato should be good for your woozy. Maybe a humidifier too?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited January 2015
    Made a vegetarian version of this tonight: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/giada-de-laurentiis/white-bean-and-chicken-chili-recipe.html
    I served it over hubs' mom's brown rice mixture (adzuki beans etc are part of it. With a little chipotle tabasco it turned out really well!!

    It's tasty!
    Hubs made a fabulous squash soup. We should be set for a few meals!.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Bad sleep last night - so I couldn't drag my butt outta bed at 5 this morning when my alarm went off. Workout missed. (boo). So I guess I will have to do it tonight after I feed my family. (which actually might be a great idea since it's day 1 of juicing, so I can avoid watching them eat).

    Speaking of juicing, my lunch juice is making me nervous. It's red peppers, apples, kale, green onions, tomatoes, celery, lemon and lime. I don't know if I've missed any ingredients or not - I left the recipe at home... I've never made any juice with onions before! But it did smell pretty good while it was going through the juicer, so I'm trying to think of it as a soup and I'm hoping that it tastes as good as it smells...

    Sabine, your supper sounds delish! Thanks for the link; might have to try that one.

    Lia, I'd love to hear what you came up with for your short-term goals!

    Mihani, I hope you're feeling more yourself today. Take it easy!!

    Terri, I am so jealous of your beach time!! I hope you had a great trip.

    Alright. That's all we have time for today, folks! Have a good one!
  • JCN80
    JCN80 Posts: 29 Member
    Eating has been going well. We made a vegetable soup and Thai Braised Kale and Tofu, which is one of my favorites. Unfortunately, the babies got my husband and I sick, so I've had a fever for the last two days. If I get better at the same rate they do, then I should be able to go to work tomorrow. *fingers crossed* I also learned that being sore from a workout plus being achy from a virus is a very unpleasant combination. I advise against it.

    Also if anyone wants to be my friend on MFP, I would love to have some ETL friends :)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Bad sleep last night - so I couldn't drag my butt outta bed at 5 this morning when my alarm went off. Workout missed. (boo). So I guess I will have to do it tonight after I feed my family. (which actually might be a great idea since it's day 1 of juicing, so I can avoid watching them eat).

    Speaking of juicing, my lunch juice is making me nervous. It's red peppers, apples, kale, green onions, tomatoes, celery, lemon and lime. I don't know if I've missed any ingredients or not - I left the recipe at home... I've never made any juice with onions before! But it did smell pretty good while it was going through the juicer, so I'm trying to think of it as a soup and I'm hoping that it tastes as good as it smells...

    Sabine, your supper sounds delish! Thanks for the link; might have to try that one.

    Lia, I'd love to hear what you came up with for your short-term goals!

    Mihani, I hope you're feeling more yourself today. Take it easy!!

    Terri, I am so jealous of your beach time!! I hope you had a great trip.

    Alright. That's all we have time for today, folks! Have a good one!

    funny you should say that, I added onion to mine to complete the g-bomb. It was pretty good! In a weird way.