June check in and chat:June-o mess with these chicks



  • jogirlruns
    jogirlruns Posts: 45 Member
    A bit behind on my updates - only got in two workouts this week:

    Squat: 135 lbs - 5x5 - need to get a bit lower
    Press: 45 - still not budging - being nervous about my bum shoulder isn't helping. Need to find out from my PT what exercise I can replace this with
    Deads: 125 lbs - so close to the big plates!
    Bench: 75 lbs - failed! Last set was only 3 - 4th rep included a roll of shame!!
    Row 75 lbs - technique feels off

    Pleased with my progress on the squats / deads - legs are progressing, upper body, not so much!

    BTW just wanted to tell you women that you are all so awesome and inspiring. Also, in lieu of dinner I had a Skor bar, pringles and 2 vodka cranberries!! Dinner of champions!!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Welcome to all the new faces!

    Cardio day for me today.....5k that sucked HARD lol Guess I couldn't come back from vacation and not digress somewhere :laugh: Pushed through though, even though it damned near killed me haha

    Probably didn't help that yesterday was deadlifts and barbell glute bridges :laugh:
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    well my progress report lol....

    currently on a rest day and I'm STARVING HUNGRY my body is craving protein. have to thaw out the chicken breasts.

    yesterday I did 110lb squat 5x5 YAY!! This was after stalling last workout (only managed 4 reps on some before my form was failing) so after working a little on form I made it this time :)

    I also did 67.5 on bench press first attempt, this was after 3 workouts of being stalled at 65lb. So it's kind of weird how that happened the only explanation is my muscles got stronger :) YAY!!!

    rows well I had to carefully review form for those as well, I made my 5x5 after being stalled at this weight (75lb) the last two workouts. The previous workout I did 5x5 but the form was very sloppy indeed so I had to work on that.

    lots of DOMS today, especially on my back i.e. pendlay row muscles lol. but everywhere really, from the squats I'd say lol

    have started doing yoga workouts each day (just 5 mins) for flexibility.
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    Hey all. Just poking my head in. I've been off for a week with a nasty cold and then a long weekend getaway. Ready to get back at it tonight. Congrats to all on the awesomeness and welcome newbies!
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Just a second before class. Here's my can't-stand-on-my-feet workout:

    Bench 3x5 @ 100
    Inverted row 3x8 (used the Smith machine bar, tee-hee)
    Back extensions 3x8
    Straight leg lifts 3x8
    Leg curls 3x8 @75
    Leg extensions 3x8 @75

    I HATE not squatting. Hate it. Whine over.
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    have started doing yoga workouts each day (just 5 mins) for flexibility.

    Do you make up your own or are you following a program? I need to incorporate more yoga into my days and I'm always looking for ideas. :smile:

    Here's my latest workout B:

    Squat 175 Back to pre-deload weight--YAY!!
    OHP 65 (stalled--Boo)
    DL 185
    Felt good about everything but that dang OHP. Why is it I can do 65lbs 5x5 with 1:30 rest, yet I can't get that 70? Frustrating.

    @kirabob: That's a nice off-your-feet workout! Inventive.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    have started doing yoga workouts each day (just 5 mins) for flexibility.

    Do you make up your own or are you following a program? I need to incorporate more yoga into my days and I'm always looking for ideas. :smile:

    I'm a total noob at it, I found a couple of videos on you tube of rodney yee, because a couple of people recommended him. I'm doing the beginner's one right now, and not very good it just yet either
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    cpiton - try increasing your breaks to 3 minutes when you're at your top weights, it made a world of difference for me and I busted through a couple of plateaux :) (ooh get me with the French!)

    B lift today, first time back after deload and I did:
    squat - 50kg 3x5
    ohp - 30kg 3x5 (yay, this felt manageable!)
    deadlift trying to remember what I learned on Saturday - 65kg x 5, faster and thrustier (ok I've atoned for the French with a made up word!)
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Kira - Hang in there. That was a good set of work so you won't have far to go when you get back into the squat.

    Neandermagnon - I hear you on the DOMS.

    Cpiton - That's a great squat number!

    lwood - I think thrustier should be a word.

    Squat and Bench for me today:

    Squat 1x5 @ 100, 110, 120
    Bench 3x5 @ 100

    Followed that with:

    3 round of 15 inverted rows (like Kira, using the smith machine :drinker: ) and 15 decline push-ups.
    1 x 5 (each arm) single arm lat pull downs @ 60 then 1x10 @ 52
    2 x 15 band pull aparts.

    My hamstrings are still sore from Saturday, but it is working itself out as time goes by. PT day tomorrow so I'm not really sure what is on the plan. If it isn't too warm, I may talk her into going to the park up the street. We all need to play now and then right :happy:
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Sorry you can't squat, kira. This will just give you a little time to work on upper body. You'll blow the rest of us away!

    Lwood: I think thrustier should be added to the dictionary.

    cpiton: I agree with resting a little longer. It really does help.

    jstout: you're a beast!

    Workout A today--repeat weights
    Squat: 140lbs 3x5
    Bench 85lbs 3x5
    Row 100lbs 3x4--didn't get the last rep to my chest area on any of the sets.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Took a week-long break due to some personal stuff, got back to lifting yesterday and am definitely feeling it today. Onward and upward! Welcome to the newcomers!
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    I've been feeling down and out-of-sorts since I got home from vacation. I came very close to blowing off the gym today, but in the end I talked myself into it by promising myself that I would work VERY light.

    Squats 70 lbs 3X5 That was too light but everything was stiff and tight so I just listened to my body.

    OHP 40 lbs 3X5 That was about right for the first day back

    Deads 115 1X5 That felt great. I guess I love deadlifts.

    Then I cycled for 30 minutes.

    While I was gone my gym did some rearranging. I like the changes, except that they moved the lifting-from-the-floor area away from where the majority of the plate racks are. They'll figure it out I'm sure.

    So... I did my first-day-back. I don't feel enthusiastic about it but I showed up and I did it, and that's what success is all about, showing up no matter what. Hopefully in the coming days I'll be getting my mojo back.

    ETA: And I finally got on board with the pic-of-the-month -- that's my upper thigh in that picture!
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Wow, you are all amazing. Glad to be a new face seeing "oldies" back at it from vacation, etc. :)

    Week 4 started today - Workout B

    Squats 5x5x85 (wow, felt these)

    OHP: 5x5x50 (definitely my hardest one to do - using fractional plates-up from 47.5 last week)

    Deadlifts: 1x5x125 (woohoo!)

    Also, 1x10 push-ups. Plus, still working on achieving a chin-up - got my nose to the bar twice.

    As usual, I'll be interested to see how this effects running tomorrow. My legs suddenly love my one rest day a week, lol.
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    have started doing yoga workouts each day (just 5 mins) for flexibility.

    Do you make up your own or are you following a program? I need to incorporate more yoga into my days and I'm always looking for ideas. :smile:

    I'm a total noob at it, I found a couple of videos on you tube of rodney yee, because a couple of people recommended him. I'm doing the beginner's one right now, and not very good it just yet either

    That's the same guy I'm following. I bought his DVD years ago and finally pulled it out of the plastic. I'm a noob, too. Had my first yoga class ever this year. It's pretty expensive, so I haven't been back. Also, I don't want challenging as much as stretching and relaxing type yoga. Whatever that would be called. Rodney is good. I'll have to look up his YouTube stuff. Thanks.

    lwood & CC: Will give 70 OHP another try this week, but I couldn't even do my first 5 reps to get to my 3 min rest. I think it might be mental. I shall overcome. Lol

    Jstout: Thanks! Your bench is awesome :)

    I agree that "thrustier" should be a word. Also, "squattier" which I have been using with increasing frequency--As in, "Now that my hips are more flexible, my squats are much squattier." (Note: Squattier does appear to be a real word, but I like my definition better)

    Brandi: Nose to the bar is good! Chin ups and pull ups are tough.

    BikerGirl: I love deadlifts, too. Also, beautiful tattoo :)
  • inkysmurf
    inkysmurf Posts: 168
    Ladies you kick so much *kitten*! every post I read, every achievement just makes me want to burst with happy thoughts.

    So just to say shucks you guys make me so happy and make me believe that I can do this.

    today work out a
    Squat 5x5 @ 25kg (55lbs)
    bench 5x 5@ 15kg (33lbs)
    pendlay row 5x5 @ 15kg (33lbs)
    3x 13 sets of reverse crunches
    5 x chin ups from floor to door height
    20 x air squats - waiting for coffee machine
  • JamBlaze
    JamBlaze Posts: 90 Member
    Since I started lifting I have been SO BLOODY HUNGRY. Already eaten two breakfasts and it's only 11am! Running didn't make me feel a fraction of this hunger. I get so hungry that after I eat, I feel this flood of RELIEF because all the stress of hunger has left my body. That's not normal.

    I know in theory I should eat smaller meals, more often, but it's not my style. I really like a bigger meal in the evening. It's just really hard!! Sometimes I even think about cutting back on the workout just to calm down the hunger a bit, which is stupid.
  • Coquette6
    Coquette6 Posts: 158 Member
    I'm with you on the hunger, Jam. About a month in, as my weights started going up, so did my hunger. I feel like I'm constantly eating! Whenever I see people complain they're too full on 1200 calories and they "just aren't hungry", all I can think is, "Start heavy lifting! You'll get hungry!" I think I've got it more or less figured now though.

    Workout B this morning.
    Squat - 85lbsx6 - Sixes felt good like I almost could have gone for seven, so I'll bump up to 90lbs next time.
    OHP - 50lbsx6 - Again, sixes were good, I'll go for 55lbs next time.
    Deadlift - 110lbsx5 - This was hard. 105lbs last time felt pretty good, but I felt this a little too much, so I'll be sticking here. Still - I'm approaching lifting my bodyweight (127lbs) which will be very exciting when it happens!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    ugh Jam I hear you. My problem is that my eating has been out of control and I've put on nearly 1/2 stone. *sigh* I know I just need to be disciplined, but it's hard!

    what are your cals set to? you need to ensure you are fuelled for your lifts, so don't have a huge deficit :)
  • JamBlaze
    JamBlaze Posts: 90 Member
    I'm with you on the hunger, Jam. About a month in, as my weights started going up, so did my hunger. I feel like I'm constantly eating! Whenever I see people complain they're too full on 1200 calories and they "just aren't hungry", all I can think is, "Start heavy lifting! You'll get hungry!" I think I've got it more or less figured now though.

    How did you figure it out then? Spill!

    @lwoodroff - MFP is set to 1,800 calories a day, which gives me conservatively a 200 calorie deficit, but to be honest I go over 50% of the time anyway, so it balances out.
  • Coquette6
    Coquette6 Posts: 158 Member
    No real secret - mostly just by eating lots and eating often. I originally had my calories set to about 1550, but after a few weeks, that just wasn't enough, so now it's more like 1700-1800, with about 100-120g of protein depending on the day and what else I'm eating. Overall I end up at about TDEE-15%.