June check in and chat:June-o mess with these chicks



  • JamBlaze
    JamBlaze Posts: 90 Member
    No real secret - mostly just by eating lots and eating often. I originally had my calories set to about 1550, but after a few weeks, that just wasn't enough, so now it's more like 1700-1800, with about 100-120g of protein depending on the day and what else I'm eating. Overall I end up at about TDEE-15%.

    Damnit, why didn't you tell me you had discovered zero calorie cake, or chips that are made of air!? *shakes fist*
  • Coquette6
    Coquette6 Posts: 158 Member
    No real secret - mostly just by eating lots and eating often. I originally had my calories set to about 1550, but after a few weeks, that just wasn't enough, so now it's more like 1700-1800, with about 100-120g of protein depending on the day and what else I'm eating. Overall I end up at about TDEE-15%.

    Damnit, why didn't you tell me you had discovered zero calorie cake, or chips that are made of air!? *shakes fist*

    When I do, you'll be the first to know!
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    Oh Hai! Is this the thread with ladies that can press 95 lbs over their head? Cuz I did that this morning! I did 4x5 @ 85 lbs, then decided to see if I could get a single rep @95 up. AND I DID.

    I have always had above average upper body strength. In additional to years of on-and-off weight lifting, I think it has a lot to do with my body shape. I have a short torso and broad upper back and wide shoulders. Next goal, single rep at 100 lbs, hopefully by August 1st. Still need to get those fractionals.

    Also Squat - 4x5@150, DL 1x5 @200--PR, but I still impressed myself more with the OHP.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Wow lots going on in this thread!

    Good to see Dani and Elaine back :)

    I must say.....I'm loving Beautiful Badass so far......I can definitely see the advantages to an upper/lower split and I like that each half gets a nice break. Plus the workout is just soooo......easy! I mean it's hard to do and challenging.....but I love that it's simple and sane (hey, isn't that what Nia Shanks always says? lol).

    Today was pushup and inverted row day and holy cow.....I'm feeling it! Love it!
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Oh Hai! Is this the thread with ladies that can press 95 lbs over their head? Cuz I did that this morning! I did 4x5 @ 85 lbs, then decided to see if I could get a single rep @95 up. AND I DID.

    I have always had above average upper body strength. In additional to years of on-and-off weight lifting, I think it has a lot to do with my body shape. I have a short torso and broad upper back and wide shoulders. Next goal, single rep at 100 lbs, hopefully by August 1st. Still need to get those fractionals.

    Also Squat - 4x5@150, DL 1x5 @200--PR, but I still impressed myself more with the OHP.

    You should be impressed with yourself for all of it! Those are CRAZY AWESOME numbers!
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Oh Hai! Is this the thread with ladies that can press 95 lbs over their head? Cuz I did that this morning! I did 4x5 @ 85 lbs, then decided to see if I could get a single rep @95 up. AND I DID.

    Holey moley. That is all. :smile:
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    Oh Hai! Is this the thread with ladies that can press 95 lbs over their head? Cuz I did that this morning! I did 4x5 @ 85 lbs, then decided to see if I could get a single rep @95 up. AND I DID.

    Holey moley. That is all. :smile:

  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    95lbs?! that's 43 frickin' kg. If you have to do that to be here, I'm orf!

    well done you nutcase :)
  • Coquette6
    Coquette6 Posts: 158 Member
    Oh Hai! Is this the thread with ladies that can press 95 lbs over their head? Cuz I did that this morning! I did 4x5 @ 85 lbs, then decided to see if I could get a single rep @95 up. AND I DID.

    I have always had above average upper body strength. In additional to years of on-and-off weight lifting, I think it has a lot to do with my body shape. I have a short torso and broad upper back and wide shoulders. Next goal, single rep at 100 lbs, hopefully by August 1st. Still need to get those fractionals.

    Also Squat - 4x5@150, DL 1x5 @200--PR, but I still impressed myself more with the OHP.

    I'd like to bask in your reflected glory.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Oh Hai! Is this the thread with ladies that can press 95 lbs over their head? Cuz I did that this morning! I did 4x5 @ 85 lbs, then decided to see if I could get a single rep @95 up. AND I DID.

    I have always had above average upper body strength. In additional to years of on-and-off weight lifting, I think it has a lot to do with my body shape. I have a short torso and broad upper back and wide shoulders. Next goal, single rep at 100 lbs, hopefully by August 1st. Still need to get those fractionals.

    Also Squat - 4x5@150, DL 1x5 @200--PR, but I still impressed myself more with the OHP.

  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    Oh Hai! Is this the thread with ladies that can press 95 lbs over their head? Cuz I did that this morning! I did 4x5 @ 85 lbs, then decided to see if I could get a single rep @95 up. AND I DID.

    I have always had above average upper body strength. In additional to years of on-and-off weight lifting, I think it has a lot to do with my body shape. I have a short torso and broad upper back and wide shoulders. Next goal, single rep at 100 lbs, hopefully by August 1st. Still need to get those fractionals.

    Also Squat - 4x5@150, DL 1x5 @200--PR, but I still impressed myself more with the OHP.

    A 95lb OHP is at least 15 kinds of awesome. That deadlift is pretty flipping impressive, too. I stand in awe.

    I've also got a short torso, broad upper back, and wide shoulders and I'm stuck at 65. Share your magic, please! :bigsmile:
  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    I feel like a lame-o with my struggles with OHP and the bar now. :laugh: It's good to have a role model though!!

    Workout A
    squat 65 5x5
    bench 60 5x5
    rows 60 55554 I tried 3 times on that last set for that final rep, but alas, it weren't happening today. Meh.

    Anyway, you are all bada$$ babes and I look forward to sharing some amazing numbers like yours. Happy hump day!
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    Two 5x5 PRs for me today! 180lb squat and 90lb bench! Yay! :bigsmile:
    I also rowed 105lbs, though it wasn't a PR.

    I swear, every time I go in thinking I'm going to have the world's crappiest workout I end up doing something like this. It's a good feeling.

    @aidasmom: No lame-os here! The OHP is a tough one. I'm struggling with it right now, too. :)
  • hilaryhill
    hilaryhill Posts: 156 Member
    Can I join in? :)

    I just finished my 3rd SL workout tonight with Workout A.

    I did squats 55 5x5, bench press 50 5x5 (that one was a little hard! haha), and pendlay rows 65 5x5. I think the rows are my favorite! I did them wrong the last time I did them, didnt realize it was a pendlay row so just did a regular row before, but I did a pendlay one tonight and ooooo I like the burn afterward! :)
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Welcome Hilary and congratulations, those are some great numbers for your third workout!!
  • inkysmurf
    inkysmurf Posts: 168
    I want one of these < waynes world awesomeness> one day!! (and to lift that much) - figures are mental!!
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    I didn't mean for my braggy brag to make anyone else feel bad! We all have starting and stalling points. I had a jump on a lot of people here because I've been lifting on and off since college (20+ years) and I just naturally seem to gain strength faster than a lot of women. There are probably many other women on MFP or doing stronglifts that are pressing more than me; they just haven't found this board or post here :)

    I just looked over my SL app from when I started. I didn't stall on OHP until I hit 75 lbs, about a month in. I got past that after three sessions, then failed three sessions at 80. I dropped to 65 for a couple weeks, then bam I did 4x5@85. I tried to do one rep @90 around this point and it wouldn't budge. Then I stalled at 85 and went back down to 80 for three or four sessions. I just tried 85 this past session and did 4x5. It was heavy, but I felt pretty strong and decided to go for the single rep @95.

    So just like everyone else, I stall, then bounce back and forth between weights for a few weeks, then see what happens when I add weight back in. Sometimes I stall again, sometimes I get past it.

    And this is for all the ladies who are lifting anything and working hard for your goals:

  • inkysmurf
    inkysmurf Posts: 168
    Bragg away :-) you are inspiring and you don't need to apologise for being awesome!!! I look up to you :-)

    and cheers I'm know you meant that puppy was just for me (he he he)
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Cleo - I'm a competitive person so seeing better numbers than me gives me the drive to go farther. Everyone has their strong lifts, and like you, upper body is my strong point. I stalled out at 80 and am working back up. I just like to share my awe of awesome numbers! :drinker:
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    Cleo - I'm a competitive person so seeing better numbers than me gives me the drive to go farther. Everyone has their strong lifts, and like you, upper body is my strong point. I stalled out at 80 and am working back up. I just like to share my awe of awesome numbers! :drinker:

    OK, that's how I would feel if someone posted that they lifted 110 lbs or anything way more than I was doing. Actually, that's how I felt when I first started SL and people who had been already doing it for a month or two were posting way higher numbers than I was at!