June check in and chat:June-o mess with these chicks



  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    @kell I found OHP in particular got easier when I switched to plain plimsolls instead of my super-supportive-and-padded-because-my-ankles-roll running shoes.That and stepping off the stretching mat to the solid floor...
    Squat 40kg/88lb 3x5 today and really concentrated on the hip hinge since I'm deloaded
    OHP: 19kg/42lb 4x5 - was supposed to be 3x5 but got distracted. New PR! Full Oly bar next time.

    Had . my first "helpful" male helper today: I'd missed reracking the right side on my first attempt after my second squat set and hecameover to say that if I needed a catch to let him know and he didn't want me hurting my back. I smiled.sweetly, pointedbout the safety bars and that I'd done more weight before and thanked.him

    I may have a weekend lifting buddy: a woman came over as I was.setting up the.rack for OHP and worked.in with some lightweight squats. We're going to try to.lift together on Sundays for a bit and see how it works :-)
  • amyaroja
    amyaroja Posts: 66 Member
    I wrecked my back. I'm so mad. And only on my second set of squats at only 90 pounds. Felt the small of back hurt on the way up, and it still hurts hours later. I'm not even sure if I can vacuum or anything. This stinks. I'm sure it was my form. My plan is to rest for at least 2 days. And take Motrin. Lots of Motrin.


    Squats, 90 pounds.. fail and wrecked my back
    Bench Press: 70 pounds.
    Barbell Row: Didn't even try after I wrecked my back.

  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I wrecked my back. I'm so mad. And only on my second set of squats at only 90 pounds. Felt the small of back hurt on the way up, and it still hurts hours later. I'm not even sure if I can vacuum or anything. This stinks. I'm sure it was my form. My plan is to rest for at least 2 days. And take Motrin. Lots of Motrin.


    Squats, 90 pounds.. fail and wrecked my back
    Bench Press: 70 pounds.
    Barbell Row: Didn't even try after I wrecked my back.


    RICE - Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation

    Granted, elevation may not be possible, but rest and ice along with the motrin will be good. I hope you start feeling better soon!
  • jogirlruns
    jogirlruns Posts: 45 Member
    Worked out at my dad's gym on a visit home, yesterday. Lo and behold - 2.5 lb weights! Soo...

    Squats:130 lbs x 5
    OHP: 45 lbs x 5 - NOT GETTING EASIER - still shaky on the last rep of each set
    Deads: 115 lbs x 5 - still a bit worried about my form when I lower the bar to the ground

    Happy to be progressing. I still need to work on fitting in some more cardio.

    ATE this weekend. Nothing too crazy, but didn't worry about staying in target. Felt good - was starting to feel a bit hungry some days.

  • inkysmurf
    inkysmurf Posts: 168
    looking good ;-)

    Amy - I wrecked my back last Thursday doing a mad kettle bell class - so I feel your pain. Hope it eases off soon.

    work out B this morning - didn't bother weighting my bar - as it is really pretty light .
    Squats 5x5 @ 17.5kg
    Floor press 5x5 @ 7.5
    Power Clean (really need to watch a few more youtubes on this ) 5x5 @ 10kg
    reverse crunch 3x12
    3 x chinups (standing to door height)

    so excited that next week I'll be squatting 50% of my body weight - very excited.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Amy--sucks about your back! Hopefully a little rest and ice will do some good.

    Vegas--Congrats on "graduating"! Enjoy your Vegas trip!

    I did workout A on Saturday and it was bad. I was stiff, sore, and not fully awake. I got it done but it wasn't satisfying.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Amy--sucks about your back! Hopefully a little rest and ice will do some good.

    Vegas--Congrats on "graduating"! Enjoy your Vegas trip!

    I did workout A on Saturday and it was bad. I was stiff, sore, and not fully awake. I got it done but it wasn't satisfying.

    Thank you on both accounts! I can't wait to get to Vegas tonight.....omg so excited!
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member

    RICE - Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation

    Granted, elevation may not be possible, but rest and ice along with the motrin will be good. I hope you start feeling better soon!

    I'm sorry you wrecked your back, Amy. But I can't be the only one who read this as "Rest, Ice CREAM, Compression, Elevation"???
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member

    RICE - Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation

    Granted, elevation may not be possible, but rest and ice along with the motrin will be good. I hope you start feeling better soon!

    I'm sorry you wrecked your back, Amy. But I can't be the only one who read this as "Rest, Ice CREAM, Compression, Elevation"???

    Definitely read ICE CREAM as well :wink:
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    I'm reading some really great progress, ladies!

    We went up to the Adirondacks for my birthday weekend. Took the kids on a 10-mile up&down 7.5 hour hike on Saturday when it was muddy as heck and drizzly off and on. But we all made it and had a nice dinner and a good night sleep afterwards :)

    I didn't determine a plan to substitute for round 2 of Stronglifts yet, so I decided to do old school 5x5. I did a slight deload from my last week's progression maxes. It has been working well for me, so I think I will stick with it until I get really bored.

    Squats - 5x5 @150
    OHP - 5x5@80
    DL - 1x5@195 (PR!)

    These all felt pretty good but HEAVY. I will probably repeat all of them again. Might even take 5 lbs off squats to make sure I'm getting as low as I want on every set.

    I am totally jelly of Vegas going to Vegas for a week!
  • Sugar_Junkie
    Sugar_Junkie Posts: 366 Member
    2 workouts missed last week due to being involved in my cousins wedding and it took up my thursday-saturday and sunday i could barely drag myself out of bed to do much I was so wore out. Back to routine today, and picking up where I left off. Technically this would be my 6th week but I am gonna count it as 5 since i missed those two workouts :(
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I'm reading some really great progress, ladies!

    We went up to the Adirondacks for my birthday weekend. Took the kids on a 10-mile up&down 7.5 hour hike on Saturday when it was muddy as heck and drizzly off and on. But we all made it and had a nice dinner and a good night sleep afterwards :)

    I didn't determine a plan to substitute for round 2 of Stronglifts yet, so I decided to do old school 5x5. I did a slight deload from my last week's progression maxes. It has been working well for me, so I think I will stick with it until I get really bored.

    Squats - 5x5 @150
    OHP - 5x5@80
    DL - 1x5@195 (PR!)

    These all felt pretty good but HEAVY. I will probably repeat all of them again. Might even take 5 lbs off squats to make sure I'm getting as low as I want on every set.

    I am totally jelly of Vegas going to Vegas for a week!

    Those are some serious weights! You can also move to 3x5 instead of 5x5 :)

    Thanks! I'm so excited! I really need a break from everything!
  • sraffel
    sraffel Posts: 66 Member
    Vegas, congrats on your graduation, and enjoy your trip!
    Workout B today, which felt great!!
    Squats 55 5x5. These felt so much better with the vibrams and going way lower. Still bits of form stuff to fix and I may upload a video (if I figure out how to do this to get you all to check my form, if you don't mind)
    OHP 55 5x5. Yes!! Finally got all 5 sets in. I may do it once more just to make sure before I move up.
    Deadlift 135 1x5. That was so awesome! I finally got to use the 45 lb plates :D.

    Awesome numbers! And glad you like the vibrams. I just got a new pair to replace my really worn ones. Love them!

    I did workout A today. The racks were all full when I started, so warmed up a bit and benched first.
    Bench - 85, did 6x5 to make sure I could move up next time.
    Squat - 125 felt awesome. Must have been the leftover birthday cake last night.
    Rows - Finally moved up to 80! As I was doing these, a guy who I've seen around the gym before came up to me and suggested that I try to elevate my chest and arch my back a little (I do them with a flat back). He said that would protect my lower back more so I could lift more weight without worrying. I tried it his way for a few reps and they felt better (and easier), but all the form stuff I have watched suggests a flat back... However, I've also heard that they should be the opposite motion of the bench, and I don't bench with a flat back. So now, after finally thinking I got the hang of these, I'm questioning myself again...
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Rows - Finally moved up to 80! As I was doing these, a guy who I've seen around the gym before came up to me and suggested that I try to elevate my chest and arch my back a little (I do them with a flat back). He said that would protect my lower back more so I could lift more weight without worrying. I tried it his way for a few reps and they felt better (and easier), but all the form stuff I have watched suggests a flat back... However, I've also heard that they should be the opposite motion of the bench, and I don't bench with a flat back. So now, after finally thinking I got the hang of these, I'm questioning myself again...

    if you watch the video pendlay does (it's linked I'm sure in the helpful video sticky!) he specifically mentions that the guy demoing doesn't look as though he's arching his back because his muscles are so developed (or words to that effect) but you definitely want your lower back arched :)
  • amyaroja
    amyaroja Posts: 66 Member
    I've been putting ice cream on my back all day. Definitely feels better.

  • Coquette6
    Coquette6 Posts: 158 Member
    5th Workout B today.

    Squat - 80lbs - Still stuck here, but getting all five reps now.
    Overhead press - 50lbs - Still stuck here. I tried to go for 55lbs, but my arms didn't share my ambition and only got 2 sets of 4 at 55.
    Deadlift - 100lbs - Felt good, will go up next time.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I've been putting ice cream on my back all day. Definitely feels better.


    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    5th Workout B today.

    Squat - 80lbs - Still stuck here, but getting all five reps now.
    Overhead press - 50lbs - Still stuck here. I tried to go for 55lbs, but my arms didn't share my ambition and only got 2 sets of 4 at 55.
    Deadlift - 100lbs - Felt good, will go up next time.

    But you are still improving if you are able to hit more reps today than the last time you did it! It may not feel like progress, but it is!
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Didn't get my workout in today-- bad headache. so my lifting days will be T/Th/Sat this week- which fits in better with my plans- we will be gone Friday.
  • dafoots0911
    dafoots0911 Posts: 347 Member
    Wow!!! You all have some great numbers. This is such an awesome group. I haven't posted much because I have been busy but I just want to post my progress with a little history.

    Started the 5x5 April 8 of this year. Took off May 7 - May 19. Just busy wasn't feeling the heavy lifting because it was taking me longer to complete the workout. My eating was not so good because of travel. May 6 my numbers were pretty good -- at least for me because I had never reached those numbers before. (I lifted weights in my 20's and I am 54 now but have always been into working out, just not heavy as this.) Anyway, my numbers when I took a break on May 4 my numbers were: Squats 95x5x5/ Bench 75x5x5 and Barbell rows were 70x5x5 On May 6 my numbers were: Squats 100x5x5/ OHP 65x5 @3x 5x 4x 3x 4x / Deadlift 120x5.

    I had to do a deload when I came back May 20. But Friday, June 7: Squats 90x5x5/ Bench 85x5x5/ Barbell rows 90x5x5.
    Sunday, June 9: Squats 95x5x5/ OHP 65x5x5 (tough but I did it with husbands pushing me and cheering me on) DL 135x2 and did what my husband called a "rest pause" and did 3 more. I almost didn't try because it seemed too heavy but he pushed me and I conquered that lift. And Sunday was Exercise 22B

    I think after this week I will do a deload...maybe or at least go to a 3x5 because they are getting to be over an hour. We'll see.

    I just wanted to chime in my results here because you all are so awesome and inspiring. Have a great workout and happy lifting.