June check in and chat:June-o mess with these chicks



  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Last workout B of my SL career this morning and I killed it with a new PR on my deads! 160 x 5 and 165 x 1! 26 weeks in and I have loved SL so much....one more workout A and then it's time to start a new journey :)

    Happy Friday all!
  • Coquette6
    Coquette6 Posts: 158 Member
    Not sure what number work out this is for me. Could only manage sets of 4 for the last two sets of squats and bench press today.
    Squat - 80lbs
    Bench - 65lbs
    Row - 65lbs
  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    Happy Friday Buff Babes!

    Workout A for me today. Stayed put on my squats but they felt good, so I'll be bumping next week. Went up on my bench and rows though, so hopefully I'll be using the big girl plates soon.

    Squat 55
    BP 55
    Rows 55 5x5 on all

    Anyway, I hope you all have a kick *kitten* weekend!!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Here's my progress so far, I'm doing week 4 currently. I repeated week 3 due to getting ill and being unable to eat for 3 days and having to get back into it slowly. So I've been at this for 5 weeks so far. Anyway:

    - I've noticed that my biceps have improved :drinker: this is in a short time compared to how many weeks of bodybuilder style training I was doing before, all different kinds of curls but never managing to increase the amount of weight I was using.

    - Last workout I squatted 95lb 5x5 and the one before that I deadlifted 130lb, i.e. my bodyweight.

    - the arm exercises are harder, I've stalled at least once on each one and I've switched to increasing the weight by 2.5lb each time instead of 5lb. I'm not complaining though, see the above point about my biceps. Also my forearms have improved a little too.
  • jogirlruns
    jogirlruns Posts: 45 Member
    Checking in.

    Last night:
    Squat 125 - will go up next time if I can get some 2.5 lb weight plates this weekend
    Bench 65 - I feel I will be here for the rest of my life!
    Row 70lbs - felt easy - will do 75 next time. Hope I can manage with the big bar - I've been using the preloaded curl bars up to now which are shorter and easier to balance.

    Haven't been getting in much cardio on my rest days apart from the odd lunchtime walk at work and short jog with my six year old (he's very seriously training for a 1km run at the end of the month - SO CUTE). Big change for me - I used to do 'all cardio, all the time' as a distance runner.

  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    ok.. workout B, new weight on squats 57.5kg (126.5lb), did 333 which I was fairly pleased with (made 5 on each, but counting 3 as decent).
    repeat of OHP at 32.5kgs, managed 334, this is getting frustrating and if it doesn't improve next time I'm going to deload and I think once I get to 30kg increase reps before increasing.
    deadlift did 2 or 3 at 70 and 80kg and managed 1 rep at 90kg. I have a session with a trainer next Saturday so can't wait for that. I noticed that my shoulders seemed to be going forward over the bar, so dipped further but that seems to push my legs into the bar, so wondering if I shouldn't be exactly 50% across the foot? Anyway, GRRR is all I can say! :)
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Amy - what a great NSV! I'm finding clothes are a much better indicator of progress than anything else.

    Lwoodroff - I hope the trainer is able to help you nail down what is going on with your deadlifts. As for OHP's, don't fear the deload - it did me a ton of good to back off and work up again more slowly.

    Lots of iron getting pushed around out there - way to kill it, everybody!

    Last workout of my first cycle today, and despite not being in a good mental space, I knocked it out of the park. Mental concentration required to lift heavy things for the win!

    Squats - 10 lb progression from 120 up to 170, 1x5 at each weight. Messed up and started at 120 instead of 130, so did a LOT of squatting - but yay for a good 1x5 at 170!

    OHP -- 3x5 at 72.5

    Deadlift - 1x5 at 210 Woot! The form work I've been doing feels like it finally kicked in today.

    It was a heavy, heavy day, but I was really happy to I pushed all the way through so that I could end this cycle on a high note.

    Now for a deload/intuitive eating week and then back at it with a 3x5 format and some superset action (thanks to the wisdom of the ladies in this forum!)

    Have a good weekend, everyone!
  • kellieem
    kellieem Posts: 53 Member
    Hey everyone!
    Those are some fantastic numbers!!

    I did workout A last night with my mom and there was a VERY chatty guy at the gym who worked in with us because he was also doing stronglifts, it was strange. And he got annoying very fast...
    Squats 55 5x5.
    Bench 70 5x5.
    Rows 50 5x5.

    My mom and I watched some videos of women doing squats last night and our form, while still not great, does like pretty similar to theirs. She said it's because men have different centres of gravity that they're able to sit so far back and not fall over. So, that has me feeling a little better about my form.

    Also, on tomorrow's work out we're both going to try flat soled shoes (hers being Converse and mine being Vibrams) to see if that changes how the lifts feel because we were both just wearing runners before. So I'm interested to see if there will be any difference :)
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Awesome kira, I'm not afraid to deload, just trying to follow the 3 strikes theory first.. if I don't get it next time I think I will deload significantly as I'm reaching the end of my first 12 weeks anyway, and drop back to 25kg. That way I can work back up more slowly and add reps as I go.. I should probably deload on everything in a couple of weeks but want to see how next Saturday goes with the trainer first!
  • IamOnMywayNow
    IamOnMywayNow Posts: 470 Member
    You ladies rock so hard!

    Workout B today

    Squats- 84lbs AGAIN:( and that *kitten* was heavy but I got it done and my hip flexor felt better today.
    OHP-64lbs! HARD work!
    Deadlift- 138.5lbs Wow, seriously I thought I might die:) only managed 4 reps so next time I will be repeating 138.5lbs
  • Amazing1985RSD
    280 pound squats 5/3/2
    125 pound presses, failed after 2 reps :(
    275 pound deadlift 1 x 5
  • inkysmurf
    inkysmurf Posts: 168
    4th work out B Minimal Strong Lifts

    squat 5x5: 15kg
    deadlift: 15kg
    plank 3x30
    kettle bell snatches: 30 either side 8kg
    3x chin ups from floor to standard door height

    (he he he:- look at my ickle baby numbers - a bit embarrassing putting these up here...) no idea what my bar weights so just counting the weight I added
  • kellieem
    kellieem Posts: 53 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Daisybee, don't be embarrassed, those are awesome numbers!!!

    Workout B today, which felt great!!
    Squats 55 5x5. These felt so much better with the vibrams and going way lower. Still bits of form stuff to fix and I may upload a video (if I figure out how to do this to get you all to check my form, if you don't mind)
    OHP 55 5x5. Yes!! Finally got all 5 sets in. I may do it once more just to make sure before I move up.
    Deadlift 135 1x5. That was so awesome! I finally got to use the 45 lb plates :D.

    I feel great!:happy:
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Lots of impressive lifting going on!

    Standard B day for me....I have planned to split deadlifts to one day and OHP to another day, but I missed lifting on Thursday so I just bunched them up today.

    Squat: 1x5 @ 65, 75, 85, 95. I did these with a pulse at the bottom, so down, up a little, down, then up all the way.
    OHP: 1x5 @ 55, 65, 75 - WOW, I can't actually remember the last day I did OHP so 75 kicked my butt.
    Deadlift 1x5 @ 135, 155, 175

    No accessory lifts today since I was still a little sore from yesterday and a bit worn out from a stressful and emotional week. I'm hoping to get my head back into the game next week.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Y'all's numbers are making my head spin! Awesomeness all around!! :flowerforyou:
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Daisybee, I'd find out ASAP what your bar weighs, if you are at a gym just ask them! I will either be standard kind of bodypump class bar (not a lot), a ladies' olympic bar (15kg) or a normal olympic bar (20kg). If at home, why not hop on the scales with and without the bar and work it out that way? :)

    Waiting for the huz to get back from his run, then down to the gym for workout A, oh joy bench and pendlay rows.. *goes to remind herself on youtube...*

    and I've made a decision on my birthday tshirt, I was looking at tank tops but they only do them in white and my sports bras are black.. so.. http://www.cafepress.co.uk/mf/77183839/t-rex-hates-lifting_tshirt?productId=822522490 in V neck in Navy!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Ok so I seem to be deloading today, whether time of day or what I don't know but warmup squat at 55kg was tough I wasn't going to retry 57.5b so deloaded to 45 and bench and row need form work so dropped to 30 bench and will see how rows feel. Guess this means I need to do some more cardio!

    Probably should have upped to 5 not 3 sets but never mind!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Today is graduation day!

    I just finished my last workout of SL after 26 weeks! I feel like I should be in mourning :laugh:

    Final numbers:

    Squat 145lbs
    Bench 67lbs
    OHP 58Lbs
    Row 95lbs
    Dead 160lbs (165 1 rep)

    So I should also say that these numbers are a bit skewed because I did do a deload between cycles and then another deload shortly into cycle 2 to work on form. I don't regret doing this at all because I have managed to finish 6 1/2 months of this program completely injury free....which I think is totally worth it :bigsmile: Plus I feel super confident in my form!

    Beautiful Badass to start June 17 after my week long Vegas vacation :bigsmile: :drinker:
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Congratulations, Vegas, hope you will be sticking around! I always say slow and steady is best, form over weight any day :-)
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Congratulations, Vegas, hope you will be sticking around! I always say slow and steady is best, form over weight any day :-)

    I am definitely going to stick around! You bishes rock!