June check in and chat:June-o mess with these chicks



  • IamOnMywayNow
    IamOnMywayNow Posts: 470 Member
    Hi ladies!!

    Workout A for me today:)

    Squats - 84.5 I am getting fed up with squats........my hip flexors are hurting when I go down into the squat:( I have rolled, stretched, prayed and still they hurt. I have try different form fixes but nada. I have watched so many squat videos my eyes feel like they are going to start bleeding and I dream about them every night.....UGH! I have posted videos in the past and implemented all the form critiques but as soon as I get to 80something lbs my hip flexors scream in protest. I was going to post another one of today's workout but it had WAY too many curse words, even for the internet LOL. My husband says my form looks good but it just does not feel right to me. oh well may have to deload and stay at 75lbs for ever. It does not hurt at 75lbs:)

    Bench - 74.5 YAY!! Totally rocked it today

    Rows- 73.5 getting tough but doable!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I was doing stronglifts all last summer and then I got rid of my gym membership because it was too expensive... I finally got a new membership somewhere else because i moved so I have started SL up again :) Super excited but I'm sad because I've lost so much strength. I squatted 75. Bench 45 (lol) overhead press like 40!! Deadlift 85. Rows I don't know because I suck at them. I'm not sure I'm doing them right.

    Hopefully I will work up my lifts to where I used to be soon enough.
  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    Numbers are so-so. I just have to keep reminding myself that this is a slow process!
    I am kinda stuck on squats...have been at 120 for 2 weeks now. I can do 5x5, but if I go up my form suffers. Today I went down to 115 and did 6 reps each time. We'll see if it helps me progress.
    Bench 82.5, sigh, still.
    Rows 97.5.
    Got a backpack trip coming up, can't wait to see how my pack feels!
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    I am loving the title and loving all the ladies joining in, I must have missed when they all surged in...

    I am doing lotsa bench presses today (still doing Wendler's 5/3/1) and it looks like my foot can be run on again, phew, the triathlon is in 17 days duh duh duh...

    You ladies stay strong, am just popping by, will have a proper read the weekend or so.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Ladies that are feeling like you are stuck on certain lifts.......have you tried using fractional weights to progress 1 or 2lbs at a time instead of 5? Also, I don't know how far into the program you are, but you can try moving from 5x5 to 3x5 :smile:
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Ladies that are feeling like you are stuck on certain lifts.......have you tried using fractional weights to progress 1 or 2lbs at a time instead of 5? Also, I don't know how far into the program you are, but you can try moving from 5x5 to 3x5 :smile:

    This is what I do. I often just go 2# a session for most sessions/lifts.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Tee-hee. I got read the riot act by my chiropractor today about needing to take a deload or a week off completely. He works with lots of athletes, so I trust his advice. I already knew I needed to do it, but now I have doctor approval! :smile:

    And even though I don't find eating 2000 cals to be that challenging, I am so excited about the maintenance week that coincides with my deload. Wheeeeeeeeeee! You all may need to stage an intervention in two weeks to get me back on track. Nah, who am I kidding - I'll be craving some heavy squats by then. How different my life has become !
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Yesterday was my first refeed day. I ate about 2000 calories. (2100 was suggested by Sara), I feed great today, hungry-weakness wise, just sore from my workout yesterday.
    My normal calorie goal is 1600 daily, defecit to lose bodyfat %

    And I weighed the same this morning as I did yesterday before my refeed.

  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    Ladies that are feeling like you are stuck on certain lifts.......have you tried using fractional weights to progress 1 or 2lbs at a time instead of 5? Also, I don't know how far into the program you are, but you can try moving from 5x5 to 3x5 :smile:

    I need to do this. There is actually a fastenal shop down the street from where I live. I really have no excuse.
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member

    Had a job interview as a tour guide at a local winery today after my workout, so I didn't get to work on pull ups or anything else afterward, which was kind of a bummer. But I was asked if I'd have trouble lifting 35 lb cases of wine for the job. I was like... How many at once? :wink:

    Love this! Doesn't it feel good to be strong? :wink:
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    Hi ladies!!

    Workout A for me today:)

    Squats - 84.5 I am getting fed up with squats........my hip flexors are hurting when I go down into the squat:( I have rolled, stretched, prayed and still they hurt. I have try different form fixes but nada. I have watched so many squat videos my eyes feel like they are going to start bleeding and I dream about them every night.....UGH! I have posted videos in the past and implemented all the form critiques but as soon as I get to 80something lbs my hip flexors scream in protest. I was going to post another one of today's workout but it had WAY too many curse words, even for the internet LOL. My husband says my form looks good but it just does not feel right to me. oh well may have to deload and stay at 75lbs for ever. It does not hurt at 75lbs:)

    Bench - 74.5 YAY!! Totally rocked it today

    Rows- 73.5 getting tough but doable!

    For what it's worth, squats are my nemesis too. I get to 120 and then just cannot seem to progress from there. I got to where I just totally dreaded doing them. It helped when I switched to 3x5, but it helped even more when I switched to Nia Shanks's (s)Hero and now only squat once a week. I love them again when I don't have to do them so often!
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    For what it's worth, squats are my nemesis too. I get to 120 and then just cannot seem to progress from there. I got to where I just totally dreaded doing them. It helped when I switched to 3x5, but it helped even more when I switched to Nia Shanks's (s)Hero and now only squat once a week. I love them again when I don't have to do them so often!

    I'm quite happy to not be doing heavy back squats 3x/week anymore. Right now once a week is enough. Am having some fun with lighter varieties such as overheads and goblets though.

    Today I skipped lifting cause I was in the mood for some serious yoga, and I actually managed to make it all the way through Rodney Yee's Power Yoga DVD with only a couple minutes of taking a breather and converting the backward bends into bridges instead. Last time I did that DVD I gave up about 20 minutes in (it's like an hour long). Pretty doggone satisfied right now. :smile:
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Checking in!

    Workout B for me today since I skipped Tuesday

    Squats: 130lbs 3x5
    OHP: 60lbs 3x5
    Deadlift: 160lbs 1x5

    I made a few tweaks to my form per the guy I talked to on Tuesday, and holy poop-****s! It helped so much! I felt my glutes engage in my squats, which I usually don't, and I got well below parallel with no problems. I was going to do 55lbs again for OHP, but the warmups went up really really easily, so I bumped it up. I'm sure next week I'll be crying again that I can't get it up (that's what she said). I did my regular deadlifts and threw in some sumo deadlifts for funsies.

    I had a guy stop and tell me that I had better squat and deadlift form than 95% of the people at the gym. Internally, I was saying "Yeah I know, but thanks." :wink: I really only thanked him. And I didn't point out that those 95% spend a majority of their time on biceps, shoulders and chest. Regardless, it was an ego boost and made me happy-pants.:happy:
  • 6550mom
    6550mom Posts: 206 Member
    Woot woot... Deadlift 175 for my 1X5... Look out 200 - I am coming for you! (Squat 5x5 at 125-crap form on last 2 reps of last 3 sets, OHP 60 where I may stay for the rest of my natural life-grrrrr).

    (But going to keep it there at 175 until I watch the videos again. It's heavy enough that one could get hurt with poor form :) )
  • 6550mom
    6550mom Posts: 206 Member

    I had a guy stop and tell me that I had better squat and deadlift form than 95% of the people at the gym. Internally, I was saying "Yeah I know, but thanks." :wink: I really only thanked him. And I didn't point out that those 95% spend a majority of their time on biceps, shoulders and chest. Regardless, it was an ego boost and made me happy-pants.:happy:

    Awesome numbers! And this is funny because I saw someone do a double-take when I squatted all the way down. Then I realized it was the woman who does partial (and I mean short of halfway down) squats forever- forever in the squat rack and then go tell her friends how much she did. She still did partials when it was her turn though- who knows, maybe she has some kind of injury, but those barely moving 'squats' do not look helpful.
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    @checkers - love the response to the wine guy

    So, still basically drive-by updates what with the house move and other associated chaos this week and next.

    Bench day today - easier than last time. More sleep, less stress and I had pizza AND dough balls last night, so way up on the carbs. I shall see how much DOMS kicks in tomorrow.

    Ladies who have swapped between dumbbells and barbells - I'm doing dumbbell shoulder presses as an accessory and my form is all over the place. Is that normal? I'm thinking it might have something to do with 1) new lift 2) two independent weights waving around above my head instead of a single bar?
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Ladies who have swapped between dumbbells and barbells - I'm doing dumbbell shoulder presses as an accessory and my form is all over the place. Is that normal? I'm thinking it might have something to do with 1) new lift 2) two independent weights waving around above my head instead of a single bar?

    Dumbbell work calls on your stabilizers much more than with the bar. For example, if you do 60 with the bar, you will probably need to go a bit lower than 30 lb dumbbells to start with while your muscles learn control over the individual arm lifts. It is normal to have that lack of control to start with so just drop a little of the weight to gain control and really focus on stability and form.
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    Ladies who have swapped between dumbbells and barbells - I'm doing dumbbell shoulder presses as an accessory and my form is all over the place. Is that normal? I'm thinking it might have something to do with 1) new lift 2) two independent weights waving around above my head instead of a single bar?

    Dumbbell work calls on your stabilizers much more than with the bar. For example, if you do 60 with the bar, you will probably need to go a bit lower than 30 lb dumbbells to start with while your muscles learn control over the individual arm lifts. It is normal to have that lack of control to start with so just drop a little of the weight to gain control and really focus on stability and form.

    Great, thank you.
  • amyaroja
    amyaroja Posts: 66 Member
    First, my NSV! I have a pair of pants that I've been waiting to squeeze into. (Since you all say to NOT use the scale, I picked this pair because they are just a little too small.) Well, today, they fit! Wahoo! I've lost a LOT this first month in! The scale says only like 4 pounds, but I know I've lost more chub than that. My muscles are the reason! Thank you, friends! Now, to decide the next incremental goal pants!

    As for my lifting last night... I'm on session 10 and it's getting hard! But I still finished all my sets. I may need to start adding a warm up soon. Especially for squats. I find with each set I go lower and lower.

    I'm also starting to look at your numbers ladies. I had sort of dismissed them before because I'm just starting out. But I feel like I can start chasing you soon! LOL

    I also think my new inhaler helps a lot with my post-workout coughing. I'm not doing a lot of cardio. But I signed up for the Warrior Dash, so I have to run 3 miles every now and then.
  • ninakale
    ninakale Posts: 49 Member
    First, my NSV! I have a pair of pants that I've been waiting to squeeze into. (Since you all say to NOT use the scale, I picked this pair because they are just a little too small.) Well, today, they fit! Wahoo! I've lost a LOT this first month in! The scale says only like 4 pounds, but I know I've lost more chub than that. My muscles are the reason! Thank you, friends! Now, to decide the next incremental goal pants!

    As for my lifting last night... I'm on session 10 and it's getting hard! But I still finished all my sets. I may need to start adding a warm up soon. Especially for squats. I find with each set I go lower and lower.

    I'm also starting to look at your numbers ladies. I had sort of dismissed them before because I'm just starting out. But I feel like I can start chasing you soon! LOL

    I also think my new inhaler helps a lot with my post-workout coughing. I'm not doing a lot of cardio. But I signed up for the Warrior Dash, so I have to run 3 miles every now and then.

    Congrats! That is a great victory!

    It is fun watching the weights creeping up, but I completed work out 15 today, and I am getting stuck, BP mostly. I did get my squat to 95 this week which I failed to do last work out. Slow and steady, baby!