June check in and chat:June-o mess with these chicks



  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    Workout A today

    squat 55#
    bench 50#
    row 50#

    I didn't up anything today, but I felt good getting through my workout. 20 mins of cardio afterward. I actually feel like I'm changing shape in just 2 weeks. I love it!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Kira - Yep, always awesome to get an educated outside opinion!! Especially when they tell you that your form is solid!!

    ChunkMunk - Don't feel bad about moving to another program. I think there are a few of us doing that, but sticking around for the great community!

    sraffel - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! 30 really isn't bad at all!

    Great numbers on this thread!!!

    No SL for me at this point. I'm doing more of a Madcow hybrid with cardio and accessory lifts on non-primary lift days. Today was a 2 mile run with core and shoulder accessory lifts. The lifts broke down to 2 sets of each group:

    20 incline situps with a 6 kg med ball, 20 incline russian twists with the 6 kg med ball, 15 back extensions with a 10 lb bar.
    15 (each side) 8 kg kettle bell single arm crossover and snatch, 15 band pull aparts, 15 (each side) 35lb cable wood chops.
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    So Friday was a B day and I strained my neck but I had 2days if rest and today I am better :bigsmile:

    Week 5
    Day 1
    Workout A

    Squat 80x6x5
    Bench 70x6x5
    Row 80x4x5/1x4 (I'll kill it next time)

    Think I am going to record my next 2workouts to see my form. Things are good!
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    Love the title!:heart:

    Beginning week 10
    Chiropractor prescribed deload (Great excuse to drop my weights by 20% and concentrate on form :smile: )

    Squat: 145
    Bench: 75
    Row: 90

    Watched the "So You Think You Can Bench" YouTube videos someone wonderful here suggested and it really helped me. I didn't realize you were supposed to be so uncomfortable when benching. Lol
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Hello, all!

    I had a pretty good workout today considering I've done more than the usual in cardio the last day or two. Didn't PR, but I did equal my most recent PR on deadlift. Hoping to go up next time!

    Hubs and I have actually been discussing renewing our gym membership at our local place. It's a 5-minute drive, plus now our older daughter is old enough to babysit her younger sister meaning we can go together from time to time. Not sure if it's TOTALLY realistic, but we'll see. It would be nice to go together. It would also be an excuse to get out of the house. Just not sure if we can justify it for how many times per month we might actually use it. We're thinking...

    Also he is still figuring out which program to do because he has multiple old injury issues. Shoulder AND knee. So we'll see. (If I let him he would just do upper body workouts. :angry: IT'S NOT THE 1980s ANYMORE, BUDDY!!!)
  • Amazing1985RSD
    Squat 275 lb. 3 x 5
    Press 120 lb. 3 reps
    C&J 55 lb. 5x3
    Snatch 55 lb. 6 x 2

    Most of the snatches were split snatches. I could not believe that I was able to squat so much. So far Advanced novice seems to be working pretty well!
  • amyaroja
    amyaroja Posts: 66 Member
    Well, I had my first fail. I'm disappointed because I just started SL like 3 or 4 weeks ago!

    I maxed out on my barbell row at only 80. I kept checking to make sure I added right. But I just couldn't finish the sets. It feels awkward, and I just feel clumsy doing the barbell row. I'll keep watching the videos to check my form while I'm stuck at 80. But I'm seriously bummed. I can keep going on the other lifts. Why is the barbell row so hard?
  • amyaroja
    amyaroja Posts: 66 Member
    Oh, and one more vent...

    I hate those stinking clips! I need to work out my hand grip strength just to be able to work out! Seriously! SO hard to to squeeze those springy handles, it takes two hands. But I need another hand to push it down the bar! I even fish through the bin to find the easiest ones. Takes me forever to load those things on, and I feel like such a boob!

    Okay, I'm done.
  • Skrymmorie
    Skrymmorie Posts: 30 Member
    Workout B today, still a newbie, only a few weeks in. Couldn't start with the empty bar at first, but I have hit or passed 45lbs on all the lifts as of today.

    Squat 45lb 5x5
    OHP 45lb 5x5
    Deadlift 75lb 1x5

    And I lurve the title, Lol.
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    Oh, and one more vent...

    I hate those stinking clips! I need to work out my hand grip strength just to be able to work out! Seriously! SO hard to to squeeze those springy handles, it takes two hands. But I need another hand to push it down the bar! I even fish through the bin to find the easiest ones. Takes me forever to load those things on, and I feel like such a boob!

    Okay, I'm done.

    I hate those metal clips! I bought a pair of Lock Jaw clips on Amazon and I love them. So easy to use. Here are the ones I bought: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005DHKJJ2/ref=oh_details_o07_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

    Might be worth it to buy a pair to take to the gym with you. They're $36, I believe. So worth it.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    welcome to the newbies, and seeing some great numbers and personal milestones with everyone else!

    A for me tonight, need to see more bench videos and sort my pendlay form out *sigh* the more I do this the harder it gets lol!

    and I'll do another kill-myself-with-HIIT-on-the-bike session at the end.
  • Sugar_Junkie
    Sugar_Junkie Posts: 366 Member
    At a slight stand still on my squat. I should be at 105, but am not comfortable at anything over 95 right now. I can do 100 but only for 3 out of 5 sets then I have to drop it down. Advice? Should I work at 95 for a week or two to build up or should I start at the specified weight and decrease if needed??

    Otherwise all is well. A lady in my gym stopped me the other day and said she has saw me working it and was proud, but that my form wasn't quite right on my rows. She showed me the proper way, and I tried it yesterday with the appropriate amount of weight! I had only been doing 65-70 lbs and that was a struggle. I was able to do 90 lbs the correct way yesterday.. WOOHOO!! :happy: :bigsmile:

    Try adding an extra rep at 95 on your squats (so 5x6) and see if that helps you get up to 100. And yes - good form on rows is pretty much essential!

    Yup this ^^^ is what I was going to suggest. Also try going up in smaller weight increments....so like 2lbs at a time instead of 5lbs. If you don't have fractional weights, I highly suggest them. I use contractor size rolls of masking tape lol Try both of these and then let us know if you are still having difficulty :smile:

    Ok thanks I will try the added rep. Sadly my gyms smallest plates are 2 1/2 lbs. I checked a place or two saturday to buy my own smaller ones, but haven't found any yet.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    A lift day, squats 55kg 3x5, hip feels great, and the trainer came over to introduce himself on my final warmup set at 50kg, then said what good form I had, was going lower than parallel, and was putting most of the guys there to shame. YES! Hoping to sort out a Saturday for me to have a diagnostic session with him (at £30/hour this is NOT going to be regular!).

    Bench - dropped down a little to 35kg to try all the things my head is full of from watching the videos the girls linked the other day. Boy have I got a long way to go on form with this!!!! *sigh* but 35kg 3x5 with shoddy form.. however it didn't feel too hard other than the final couple of reps.

    Pendlay - something else I'm not 100% on form on - with my new technique of propping the catch arms against the rack on the floor rather than stacking weights - 42.5kg 3x5, felt much better than last time.

    The whole lot only took 55 mins (I guess with the no new weights + slight deloads) so did some pull-ups with 50kg of support and the dreaded HIIT on the bike.

    Feeling it, but feeling good! :)
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    Trail run day. I thought of another nature preserve that's even closer to where I work, and they even do a series of 5K runs there, so there's already a route marked out. Well, pretty much marked out. I've been hiking there a few times, so I knew what general direction to go in, but there were a few intersections I had to double back on because the 5K marker was down. There were a ton of hills. I took a lot of walking breaks, but I still did had an overall pace of 11:30/mile. Not bad considering all the hills.

    I really don't like to run, but I like to be able to run, and really the only way to be able to run is to run, lol. I think trail running is really the way to go for me to get over my dislike for it.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    No workout for me today, and I'm in a weird aggressive mood.

    There's a barbell club/weights only gym in my city that I finally went to check out today. I emailed the guy several weeks ago wanting to set up an appointment so we could go over form, epecially squats and deadlifts. He finally got back to me today and I went over there during my normal workout time.
    I loved it. Loved :heart: loved. They knew what the were talking about, we laughed about women getting bulky, the guy said my form looked good (and gave me a few adjustments on my squats), and he said that I had really solid quads (what every girl wants to hear lol). They want me to join because they're trying to build up their women's program. I'm really considering it but, there are some things to mull over first.

    So I'm excited/anxious/nervous about it and I want to keep talking about it, but it'll get annoying. :happy:
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Keep talking sounds exciting! :-) you got roid rage or something? Lol!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    At a slight stand still on my squat. I should be at 105, but am not comfortable at anything over 95 right now. I can do 100 but only for 3 out of 5 sets then I have to drop it down. Advice? Should I work at 95 for a week or two to build up or should I start at the specified weight and decrease if needed??

    Otherwise all is well. A lady in my gym stopped me the other day and said she has saw me working it and was proud, but that my form wasn't quite right on my rows. She showed me the proper way, and I tried it yesterday with the appropriate amount of weight! I had only been doing 65-70 lbs and that was a struggle. I was able to do 90 lbs the correct way yesterday.. WOOHOO!! :happy: :bigsmile:

    Try adding an extra rep at 95 on your squats (so 5x6) and see if that helps you get up to 100. And yes - good form on rows is pretty much essential!

    Yup this ^^^ is what I was going to suggest. Also try going up in smaller weight increments....so like 2lbs at a time instead of 5lbs. If you don't have fractional weights, I highly suggest them. I use contractor size rolls of masking tape lol Try both of these and then let us know if you are still having difficulty :smile:

    Ok thanks I will try the added rep. Sadly my gyms smallest plates are 2 1/2 lbs. I checked a place or two saturday to buy my own smaller ones, but haven't found any yet.

    Many of the ladies here purchased washer from Fastenal and apparently there weren't too expensive either :)
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Keep talking sounds exciting! :-) you got roid rage or something? Lol!

    I could have! I slept really really well last night and a combination of that and nervous/anxious energy is making my brain all buzzy.

    There was a woman working out when I got to the gym that teaches self-defense and kickboxing classes. She was just back from a fitness competition, so she was showing pictures and complaing about the people that won (like the woman that won the symmetry competition had an uneven butt).

    There were squat racks and barbells everywhere and not a treadmill in sight. ETA: They also had fractionals galore. Lots and lots of them. :happy:

    Edit 2: http://thedirtygym.com/blog/2013/5/29/call-to-arms-june-1st-julie-palmer-bodybuilding-show This is the lady I was talking with. She seems to be quite the badass.
  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    Keep talking sounds exciting! :-) you got roid rage or something? Lol!

    I could have! I slept really really well last night and a combination of that and nervous/anxious energy is making my brain all buzzy.

    There was a woman working out when I got to the gym that teaches self-defense and kickboxing classes. She was just back from a fitness competition, so she was showing pictures and complaing about the people that won (like the woman that won the symmetry competition had an uneven butt).

    There were squat racks and barbells everywhere and not a treadmill in sight. ETA: They also had fractionals galore. Lots and lots of them. :happy:

    Edit 2: http://thedirtygym.com/blog/2013/5/29/call-to-arms-june-1st-julie-palmer-bodybuilding-show This is the lady I was talking with. She seems to be quite the badass.

    That IS exciting!! My gym has very few lifters there when i go in the mid mornings, but I would be super irked if I had to wait around for the rack. I had to once and was a little huffy with the dude who was doing his curls on the rack. I hope you join. Sounds awesome.
  • Coquette6
    Coquette6 Posts: 158 Member
    Very exciting checke! Your enthusiasm is practically radiating from the computer screen!