FEBRUARY 2015 - Move Your @ss Challenge



  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 886 Member
    As of February 11, I have walked 75 miles. I am beyond my half way mark before the halfway of the month. Which I am glad. I might take it easy this weekend.
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    2/11 - 3 miles

  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    Lazy day yesterday...no excuses


  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    February Goal: 112 miles
    Yearly Goal: 113/1500 miles

    February 1 - 3 miles
    February 2 - 4 miles
    February 3 - 5 miles
    February 4 - 6 miles
    February 5 - 4 miles
    February 6 - 4 miles
    February 7 - 5 miles
    February 8 - 3 miles
    February 9 - 3 miles
    February 10 - 5 miles
    February 11 - 6 miles

  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Forced myself outside yesterday, even though it was cold. Managed to run 10k plus some walking:

  • postolache
    postolache Posts: 187 Member
    1/1/2015	10.84	km
    1/2/2015	2.09	km
    1/6/2015	3.31	km
    1/7/2015	2.46	km
    1/9/2015	3.17	km
    1/10/2015	2.75	km
    1/11/2015	1.32	km
    1/12/2015	1.55	km
    Total	 27.94	km
    Goal	100.00	km
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Feb 1 - 8.35km
    Feb 3 - 5.05km
    Feb 5 - 5.05km
    Feb 7 - 5.74km
    Feb 10 - 5.1km
    Feb 12 - 5.1km

    Total - 34.39/70km
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member

    2/5 - 2/11 15.54 miles walking.
    Ordered a bike so hopefully will be able to start riding soon. Should come in today...of course now it is snowing. :smile:

  • KariD1114
    KariD1114 Posts: 1,214 Member
    2/11 = 3.31

  • queenegreene
    queenegreene Posts: 1,376 Member
    2/11 - 13.88 walking/biking
    Total to date: 102.18 of 240 miles - so close to green! I should make it into the green in tomorrow's post but then sadly it's the weekend and I usually can't move as much on the weekend and so I'll be out of the green again. What am I saying?! "SADLY" it's the weekend?- forget that! I <3 the weekends ;)
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,341 Member
    So a week or two ago I teased you all with saying I had this great announcement to make about the final January numbers and then I dropped the ball... *palm-forehead-smack*

    Last month we set a couple of records, but the BEST one, which we CRUSHED by the way, was the percentage of those that made GOAL for the month! The old record was 59.6% and the new one is 73.5%!!!!! The average since the challenge began is only 42.5% :drinker: If you navigate the spreadsheet to the 'Summary' tabbed page, you'll see a new purple row (or lavender, depending on your display). I just came up with that and added it a couple of weeks ago, but calculated it back to the beginning. :smile: You know me, I'm always looking for new ways to geek out on the data. :laugh:

    Another record was the number of miles moved versus miles pledged....the old record was 107.5% and the new one is 109.5%. The average since we began tracking it is only 72.7%. :star:

    Another record was the 'Weighted Score' which awards more points the higher level everyone achieves as a group....the old record was 3.13 and the new one is 3.35! The average since we began tracking it is only 2.20. :drinker:

    ANYWAY....LONG STORY SHORT....in my opinion, it all adds up to a FANTASTIC MONTH! Arguably, the best month ever! Maybe it wasn't the most total miles, but of those that participated, we all joined together to be the most successful ever!! :heart:






  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    MDLNH Posts: 587 Member
    Goal for February: 100 miles . . . Going to be mostly spin and some swimming (indoors) for this month.
    *Feb. 3rd = 15 miles (Spin)
    *Feb. 5th = 15 miles (Spin)
    *Feb. 10th = 15 miles (Spin)
    *Feb. 12th = 15 miles (Spin)

    Total (*to date):60 miles

  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,157 Member
    Thanks for all the numbers Dave! Nice to be a part of it.

    Didn't think I was still in the green after working the last two nights, but happy to see I am. Today's a very windy 3.3 mile walk. I probably could have blown down the road even more, it's really picking up out there.

  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,341 Member
    You betcha, Karen! I love playing with numbers :smiley: And the wind sure is great to run in when it's at your back as long as you don't have to turn around and run back into it! :mrgreen:

    I got a very chilly 2.2 mile lunch walk in again today and I'm very grateful that there was very little wind today or that would've been miserable...it was like maybe 6F again? Brrrrr.

  • lee134
    lee134 Posts: 280 Member
    14 miles today
    MTD 113 miles
  • Lovemyalex
    Lovemyalex Posts: 3,851 Member
    Exercise total for


    Exercise bike 40.22 miles & walk 1.25 miles

    Total 41.47 miles for today

    465.46 miles done and 434.54 miles to go .... :)
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,157 Member
    You betcha, Karen! I love playing with numbers :smiley: And the wind sure is great to run in when it's at your back as long as you don't have to turn around and run back into it! :mrgreen:

    I wouldn't mind it at my back, but it seems to follow me head on, no matter which direction I go in. Mother Nature has a sense of humor. I'd have made some hot chocolate when I was done, but my stuffed nose makes it hard to taste anything and I didn't want to waste the calories.

  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Adding another 33 miles for 138 out of 300. That should put me back in the green if the spreadsheet gets updated before tomorrow. :smile:

    Karen - I feel the same way when I'm bicycling. The wind always finds a way to be in my face on the way home. :smile:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Got in 8 miles again.

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