Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member

    Marney here and I am new to the forum. I am 61, Canadian, and have been on MFP for awhile. Lost 30lbs then gained 12lb back when on vacation and sick and into excuses. Just needed a break. Back to it but weight was stalled. My husband's doctor recommended LCHF to him. He is waiting until a convenient time (!) but I have jumped in. Weight is starting to shift.

    We are visiting with friends for 3 days next week and travelling in hotels for a few days after that. I am going to do my best but not get bent out of shape if I cannot follow too carefully. Just best choices in the situation.

    With all the hype about high fat no-no, I do find it difficult to get my brain around this one and I do worry about the health "numbers" but it was doctor recommended and I am going to stick to it unless he recommends not to.

    Eating fat, I do associate with more hot flashes but it doesn't seem to be any worse with this diet. I am trying to keep the net carbs between 20-30g at the moment. I am very short, 5'1" and so I have to keep the calories around 1200 to 1300 to lose weight. Watching that too. But I am not hungry on this, which is such a blessing. I do love veggies and I find I have to eat less of them than I did before which is a hard adjustment. I am getting to know the low GI ones quite well :) .

    I am looking forward to getting to know you and enjoying this forum. Thanks for being here, it is a huge help.

  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Gonna try the cheeseburger pie recipe I got on here, sounds good. How is everyone? I am tired after working the weekend. But ready to do my thing this week. Just checking in. See ya later.
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    Hi all!
    Lovely to have you back May. I really hope your break was everything you were hoping for and more.

    Kathie......you did so much that whatever happened at the wedding I am sure it would have been far worse if it hadnt been for all your hard work.....you put heart and soul into it as we all know and so too do your son and dil. I'm sure they totally appreciate it. With your style of writing I'm looking forward to the blog!!! (wink wink)

    @Emma, glad you had a good time and managed to stick with things...boy are you travelling...one end then across and up to the other! lol. I have heard New England is beautiful!? One of the things on my bucket list!
    How was your walking after your horse ride? The last time I went on a horse he did exactly the same thing...ate everything in sight and decided where HE wanted to go,lol...then I couldnt walk for a week as my inner thighs just seized up! That was when I was far younger and more flexible!!

    @Rebeccah ...so good to hear from you! Nice to hear your are getting a friendly professional ear to help you deal with everything! I'm sure time with the grandies was lovely and be a real lift!

    @Deb and Marney...welcome! Really nice to have you join us! We would love to hear your stories, woes with this WOE and successes! In return...ask us anything , vent, share, whatever. You will find an audience/friendly ear here.

    @canadjineh, poor you ! That sounds like a far more expensive vacation than you envisaged in more ways than one! Hope you still got to do everything you wanted to...apart from staying 'on plan' lol, you didnt do badly though did you!

    @Krazy.......I love your 'falling into a tub of ice cream' comments! lol. Hows the new boy doing? Still jumping up? Love that you just pop in and out so we have a snapshot!

    Havent heard from Ellen, Cindy and Karla recently...hope you are ok...really looking forward to updates from all of you! As for me....4 weeks until we go to UK and of course the 2 kg I want to lose is going to be stubborn and not move! Tomorrow I'm getting hubby to drag out the suitcases with the 'smaller' clothes in(along with coats, jackets and jumpers that only come out when we go to UK,lol) and see if any fit yet....as its about 15 years since I last wore those sizes it will be interesting...or depressing,lol. Maybe they will be all moth-eaten and an excuse to buy new!!
  • pondsbb
    pondsbb Posts: 172 Member
    Hi all! I got my fitbit zip and have been having fun with it. It is helping me to try and diary all food. It seems to be tracking well.
    Have a great day all.
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    @jumanajane thanks, falling face first was the proper description for it. Gibbs is only 8mo old and still a puppy, I am his favorite play toy. But he is learning and we are still doing obedience classes. German Shepard's don't reach "adult status" until around 18mo old. So I am on for the long haul. Sue I though about one of those fitbit zips but didnt do it. Let me know how you like yours. Still thinking about you Ratsmith. Hoping Granny is kicking up her heels. The timer only has 5 min left on the cheeseburger pie I got off here, except I used some pepper jack in mine. Let you know if its worth it. See ya
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    To try to catch up just a little…

    @Janice I can’t tell you how happy and relieved I am that true friend has stepped in to help you at work. This man has obviously seen the total… aarrggghhh… of the way you’ve been treated and is a true angel. And not an ‘angel in disguise’ one either; it’s obvious to one and all that he’s saved your sanity through his friendship and kindness. Thank goodness his generosity has made such a difference to you, and I do hope that you can now get on with your work in your customary conscientious manner. Oh gosh, I’m so sorry you’ve hurt your back. Please do let us know how you’re healing?

    @Donna that quiche, and the new friend, sound like an awesome combo. I hope the relationship develops nicely and he comes round to LCHF!

    @Syl I have a fitbit ‘charge’ but just after we got them my husband hurt his knee so we don’t do the long walks and jogging that we used to. I’ve actually taken it off over the past few days and have decided that the electromagnetism (or whatever it is) is not worth it to me for the readouts that I was getting. If it was waterproof and you could wear it 24/7 I’d probably feel more warmly towards it though ;) It was a wrist one but I believe you can tuck it into your clothing. Jane is right about the accuracy (or lack thereof) though. David and I could literally walk hand in hand and his would report he’d walked far further than mine. It got rather annoying.

    @Jane Oh wow, a trip to home? That’s fantastic and I do hope you reach your clothing goals in time!

    @Iris It’s so good to see you! I’m heavier after my holiday too so we can regain our lost ground together!

    @Sue Welcome!!! I hope you solved the macro settings problem?

    @Karen I’m glad to hear that Gibbs is coming along so well. Big dogs need to be trained well so they don’t flatten people with their love LOL

    @Liana Oh wow, that was an expensive break down, I am sorry! We did some gravel road climbing ourselves on our holiday but fortunately came out unscathed except for a few scratches along the sides of my 2-wheel drive road car. It’s good to have you back!

    @Deb Welcome!!! Feel free to chip in and chat!

    @Emma Welcome back and well done on the horse ride and staying so well on track with your food! The last time I rode a horse it grazed its way along the pathway too ;)

    @Rebecca I’m so pleased to read that you are seeing a therapist and it seems like a very good idea. We can only take so much without an outlet, and someone professionally trained must surely be the best answer in times such as you have endured. As to your Grand Flowers – I’m so happy you have them to share their love and joy, and hopes for the future with you!!!

    @Marney Welcome to you too!!! We have a few lovely Canadians in this group so you should be right at home. So pleased to read of your weight losses already and hope your husband ‘gets with the programme’ as they say.

    Our holiday was so peaceful, tucked away in a very remote area with nothing but trees, kangaroos, kookaburras and frogs as far as the eye could see or the ear could hear. Our little cottage was so warm and snuggly with a wood-burning room heater and electric blankets on the bed. And we drove around the area seeing waterfalls (Australian short ones!) and the small country towns. It was lovely to get away from the usual electronics-filled lifestyle ;)
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    Hello Beautiful Ladies ! Welcome back May ! You paint a very cozy picture of your holiday, so glad you had a nice time.

    Welcome new comers Emma, Sue, Deb and Marney. Marney, I'm Janice and I'm from Winnipeg, Manitoba. Where in Canada are you from ?

    Well I'm on my last day of 6 days off from work. Kind of strange not to be rushing around frantically. It would take some doing to get used to this, not accustomed to having time on my hands to do as I choose. I have had some "me" time, which hasn't always been as constructive as I'd like, but I figure I need to learn how to slow down too. I've had one day at the beach with my two daughters....while fasting, that was a first. A couple of days just taking it easy and reading my book or sunning myself. One of my good friends came in from another Province and we met for dim sum, and that was enjoyable, as was the girl talk I so needed.

    I was also in the garden a couple of days. My veggies are finally coming in. I've picked peas, green and yellow beans, rainbow Swiss chard, lettuce, one zucchini, a few beautiful pickling cucumbers (so good,) and some herbs. I've eaten a few fresh raw peas and a few small cucumbers....just wash the cucs and eat them skin and all. I froze three bags of beans, which I find so satisfying. I'm making a point of going over to my mother's house to check the garden and pick 2-3 times per week. I don't want anything to get too old before I pick it. I'll freeze more beans, and try to keep up with the zucchini before it gets too big. I love it raw as well as cooked. The tomatoes aren't ready yet, picked one cherry tomato so far ! But when they are ready, I'll be canning them and freezing sauce. And right around then, I'll be making pickles as well. Maybe if I do it little by little, I'll be able to keep up. Today I am also making beef/pork bone broth, and that's a comforting feeling.

    My back is getting better much more quickly this time around. Luckily I see Dr Randy twice per week. I know the bending over picking veggies isn't doing me any good, and he suggested taking care of my health and not picking the beans, but I can't waste them ! So I am pacing myself, and had one daughter help me yesterday. Yesterday I also had my first walk in a few days, and that felt good. But my lower back is still a bit sore and the right hip especially. Tomorrow I will get another adjustment and that should help.

    I'm still enjoying the fasting, and plan to continue throughout August. Especially since I anticipate eating a lot more garden produce next month. When I went keto, I naturally started to eat twice daily, so eating one meal daily is so doable, as long as I eat a substantial meal for my one meal. This made skipping that one meal for a day or two easy as well. And I think I've found a way to mitigate damage done by my carb excursion days. I can't give up meeting my friend for dim sum, or eating garden tomatoes, or having a small dish of ice cream in the summer, so I need to make this work in the long run and be able to incorporate treats every month or two, in a way that I am comfortable with. And the fasting for undetermined amounts of time feels like freedom to me ! I have lots of energy, feel good and feel most importantly, in control. And the scale is down, but I'm just a bit more conservative in posting new lows until I know they will stay low. It seems that I have less weight fluctuation eating this way, so that feels good.

    Ok better end this long post. Take care everyone !
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    To try to catch up just a little…

    @Donna that quiche, and the new friend, sound like an awesome combo. I hope the relationship develops nicely and he comes round to LCHF!

    Our holiday was so peaceful, tucked away in a very remote area with nothing but trees, kangaroos, kookaburras and frogs as far as the eye could see or the ear could hear. Our little cottage was so warm and snuggly with a wood-burning room heater and electric blankets on the bed. And we drove around the area seeing waterfalls (Australian short ones!) and the small country towns. It was lovely to get away from the usual electronics-filled lifestyle ;)

    @May - what a wonderful vacation. I love waterfalls and nature in general.

    The combo is very awesome. The relationship is developing very nicely. I am cooking him duck (LCHF) this weekend and we are going away next weekend to the mountains and a lake.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi Janice,

    I am living rurally in southern Ontario. Your garden and preserving sounds so yummy! But hard work. Take it easy on that back. I have to admit that the 5 minute drive from my home to our area farm market is just so easy. and others pick! The produce is so good. I retired here from Toronto and food is so much better in the country or growing your own.

    One thing I have noticed with this WOE is that there are more dishes. Cooked food seems to be part of each meal especially breakfast. But I will get used to it soon, I am sure. i have a few gatherings coming up and I find it difficult because the munchies are usually carb based and the cheese isn't lactose free. Sigh. However, I have made it through other gatherings without eating much of what is there. lactose intolerant does limit a number of things when there is finger food on offer. I'll manage.

    I tried fasting or the 5:2 diet and it did not work for me at all. I was so hungry, I could not control my appetite at all. I tip my hat to you, Janice, for doing it. If it works, go for it.

    Lunch time.

    RATSMITH69 Posts: 127 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Trying to get caught up at work. Seeing all of the mistakes and things I've missed over the past month, UG! I'll get it corrected and caught up soon enough. Work is good for me as it allows me to bury myself in other things for a while.

    I'm giving myself until Aug 1st to get fully back into this WOE. I've been really horrid to my body of late and it is paying me back in kind. :s Thinking about doing a 5 day fat fast to get fully back into it. I was watching to see what the Aug challenge would be to see if I could join in. Walking is going to be an issue as it is well over 90 by the time I get my first break at work. So I either walk at 4 a.m. in the dark or join a gym.

    Thanks again to all of you just for being here and being wonderful!
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Hey all, just got in from walking Gibbs. Its so hot and humid outside, like a wool blanket over your head. The cheeseburger pie was good, but I'm going to half the recipe next time because it makes too much for me. @ratsmith I have several friends who get up st 3am to run before it gets too hot. @granny glad your back and had a wonderful time. @kitinthecat fasting for a few days helps me. Watch that back. Working my extra job tomorrow for a few extra pennies. Take care, we do obedience class tonight.
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    Hi all, lovely to catch up with your news!
    @Donna...sounds as though you are working on him a treat! Enjoy the mountains and lakes.
    @Krazy.... only 8 months...OMG all that energy! lol.
    @ Janice...so happy your back is feeling better! Dont go overdoing it! I am soooo jealous of your veggies...especially the peas! I was banned from going into mums garden when the peas were ready cos she knew I would go and eat them all straight from the pod and there wouldnt be any left! Never had swiss chard. Is it similar to anything else? How do you cook it? Here we only get little cucumbers, around 5 or 6 inches long and really tasty.....it will be weird buying the big long ones when we go to UK!
    So glad the fasting is proving a positive experience and you are benefiting from it!
    @Marney, I cant imagine how you cope with this woe being lactose tolerant! I know a lot avoid dairy but what makes this woe bearable for me is the cream and butter! Hope you find things to eat this weekend.
    @ Rebeccah, I'm sure you will settle back in and feel the benefits soon. A fat fast should do it but be kind to yourself after everything you have been dealing with! A 4am walk sounds nice....dawn breaking, cool and that special feeling of a new day........I wouldnt do it,lol, but if you can go for it! Thats my sleep time!

    Today I am friends with my scales as they showed a drop of 1kg which puts me under 90 kg for the first time in about 16 years and then it was just because I was superstressed, before that I was heavier. Tomorrow, as we know only too well, it could be a totally different story and the scales could be up over 90 again! Expecting it.

    I have a friend who is in Toronto at the moment. She is there until the end of sept and has asked me if theres anything I want her to bring here? Anyone got any suggestions of things that could make my like easier that I cant get here? I thought about Mio to make my water palatable...any good flavour suggestions? Anyone tried liquid flavoured stevia? Any concentrated flavorings etc. I would really appreciate any suggestions or recommendations! We can order from the US and get it delivered too.
    Have a good week everyone!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    @Jane the only thing I can think of that I think you mentioned once is Udi's brand baking. I generally stay away from such things, but tried the salted caramel cashew cookies and fell in love. They are thick chewy cookies, almost the size of 2 cookies. One is enough and that's good, because one has a whole day's worth of carbs for me. Real sugar in those though. They don't seem to take me out of ketosis as long as I am eating very LC that day. And they are something I can have on hand that not only us gluten free people in my house will eat, but non-LC company as well.

    What about pork rinds, can you get them there ? Not really sure what else you can't get there that we have in Canada.
  • pondsbb
    pondsbb Posts: 172 Member
    Hey everyone have you heard there is suppose to be a pill coming out that helps gluten intolerance? Like using it and you then have a couple hours you can indulge and your body rejects the gluten or something. Sounds weird but I think the gluten just gets coated in something from the pill. Suppose to be out by 2017 I think.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Hello ladies. Hope everyone is well. Finally starting to feel rested after wedding weekend. Late Mon. afternoon daughter calls in tears having total breakdown. Hubby & I convinced her summer class she's taking isn't worth all the mental stress & to come home for month before fall classes start. Rather she be rested & start fresh in fall. She has quite a class load as she is finishing 1 degree to enter law school in 2 yrs. She is normally a very sunny, positive kid so this came out of nowhere. I came in to city yesterday to get her apartment tidied & ready for fall (was used as drop off point for wedding so is quite upside down). We cuddled on couch all day & ate junk (Chinese, ice cream, & popcorn). I told myself 1 day wouldn't hurt too much. But boy was it hard to stop once I started piling all those carbs in. Felt uncomfortably full all night & woke with migraine this morning. Obviously whole weekend & yesterday knocked me out of keto, but starting new today doesn't feel too challenging. Unlike other times I've dieted & would give up after slipping(binging). Might try Janice's fasting tricks although brain & body aren't on same page where no food is concerned. Does diet coke count when fasting, lol.
    Have a great day/evening everyone.
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    Hello friends. It's so nice to read all your updates. Welcome to all the new ladies joining the thread! I love to read how you're all coming along, whether things are going great or not so much.

    I'm still as I was the last time I posted. My body loves to go up and down the same three pounds---must have an internal track I'm stuck on. ;) It gets discouraging, but I'm not giving up. I have to not think about it so much and just keep on with what I have to do regardless of how my body is outwardly responding. I'm feeling better than I did when I started LCHF in February, so that is a huge plus.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    That's great to hear that you can tell that you're feeling better eating this way @Ellen ! That's something to celebrate!

    And @Kathie, why not try to fast ? If diet coke helps, give it a try. I can't imagine the thought of giving up coffee when I fast, mainly since I know I will get a headache without a certain amount of caffeine daily, but I only have 2-12 oz cups instead of the 3 daily that I have when I am eating.

    I do find that I make the transition to fasting better when eating keto and have way better staying power. I was worried about the aftereffects of the dim sum I had on Sunday, but did not have more cravings while fasting afterwards, so that was a plus, even though I ate a delicious barbequed pork bun that obviously was made with wheat, gasp! My weight went up by 2 pounds the day after the dim sum, but went back down to exactly the same place post fast. And I feel normal again. I look forward to not eating, just as much as I looked forward to having the treat, so all is good.

    Well I dreaded returning to work, since I would have a mountain of work to do, but learned that we had another 2 floods while I was away ! Everyone in a cranky mood too. I don't want to move my work location anywhere else, so will stay down there in the flood zone. It's dry where the desk is anyway. At least we can say the "F" word down there and the folks above us can't hear. Not looking forward to the full moon coming. Oh well, 2 more days until the long weekend.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    @Janice Thank you yes, the holiday was lovely. Your break sounds well-deserved and I’m so pleased you’ve enjoyed the down time, and dim sum (I’ve never had that). You sound so perky and happy and I’m so thrilled for you <3 Your building sounds as if it was badly designed in the first place; or something. Architects and engineers are supposed to make buildings safe to cope with ‘1 in 100 year events’ (earthquakes, cyclones, nearby river levels…). Why does your building flood so often? Seems strange to me, but then I live in a dry, sandy area LOL

    @Donna I love nature too. The sound of birds, rain, waterfalls… heaven! I’m so pleased you’re doing well with your guy! <3

    @Marney I hope you learn to accept, or not even notice, the extra dishes soon. It must be difficult being lactose intolerant. My eldest son suffers that and I often wonder if it’s because of the *gallons* of milk I drank while I was pregnant with him :(<3

    @Rebecca If you are noticing your work mistakes it means your head is clearing. I can’t tell you how relieved I am to hear that. We’re all here for you and sending support and love for all we’re worth <3 If you want a challenge of some sort here, perhaps along with others, I’m in. I’ll get David back to work but then need to fully get back to behaving myself. I hear you on the heat of summer making exercise difficult, we’ll be the same by Christmas.

    @Karen Thank you <3

    @Jane Those scales would be in the bin if they were mine ;) Ask your beloved for a new set eh? I find that lifting my t.shirt when he’s half way through a sentence works miracles for getting his attention. I love to do that particularly when he’s on the phone to his parents and throw him for a 6. Except one day he told them ROFL <3

    @Kathie Oh, your poor daughter! I do hope she’s OK soon. One thing I do know – she has a wonderfully loving and supportive mother and she will come through this. If you want a challenge of some description in this thread (maybe with @Rebecca as well?) perhaps we can do that? I may need help getting fully back on track starting next Monday <3

    @Ellen So good to see your sunny sunflower here again, I was missing you! Just need to find @Karlotta again now. Dang, I’m so sorry you’re still doing that same 3 pounds, that’s just ridiculous. But if you’re feeling well, that’s a huge bonus! <3

    I'm still enjoying having David at home. We had our beautiful granddaughters yesterday for 3 hours - the time goes so fast! Hoping I can have them for a few hours Sunday afternoon for Georgia to finish her miniature cafe ready for the show on 15th and 16th August. My miniature gazebo garden is very close to 'sufficiently finished' now, but there are many extra touches I want to add. Maybe something like this is never finished o:) I'll take a video soon and show you the (intermediately) finished product. My food is kind of largely LCHF, with treats, at the moment. I am content with that until Monday but then I'm back on track 100%. I've put on a little under a kilo since we went away, but wasn't properly on track for a couple of weeks prior to that really. So my lowest weight was 80.7 kgs on 3rd July and the highest I've been in the past few weeks was 82.6 kgs so obviously something needs to be done ;) That's a tad over 4 lbs gained so not the end of the world, but I can do better/healthier moving on with my life and treating my body with respect.
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    Greetings Ladies!

    @Janice Enjoy your long weekend! I wish I could rebound so quickly after eating a pork bun. I am happy you were able to do so!

    @Ellen I hate, hate, hate losing the same weight over and over (3 hates for 3 lbs). I am glad you are feeling better. While, I would love to lose weight my current focus is feeling great!

    @Jane Way to go on your new low!!

    @Rebecca there are 2 August challenges: food and exercise. Have you had a chance to look at them yet? I signed up for both but may have to ease up on the physical one. I am praying for you, that you feel better soon.

    I've been busy with my new man. I never thought I could feel this way again. I've been able to stay mostly on track with food choices. For the first time in years, I stuck to my eating plan for the most part when I visiting my son last weekend. I tasted 4 new types of potato chips (1 each + 1 of the best!) and ate a bit of the birthday dinner and cake. My weight did not fluctuate and I did not use this as an excuse to eat more! My son has a plan to eat healthier too. Not keto but much lower carbs that he used to. He still eats rice and pasta frequently.

    I'm finishing up my July fasting tonight and looking forward to August. If only I could get to menopause...ugh!!

  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member

    Marney here and I am new to the forum. I am 61, Canadian, and have been on MFP for awhile. Lost 30lbs then gained 12lb back when on vacation and sick and into excuses. Just needed a break. Back to it but weight was stalled. My husband's doctor recommended LCHF to him. He is waiting until a convenient time (!) but I have jumped in. Weight is starting to shift.
    Eating fat, I do associate with more hot flashes but it doesn't seem to be any worse with this diet. I am trying to keep the net carbs between 20-30g at the moment. I am very short, 5'1" and so I have to keep the calories around 1200 to 1300 to lose weight. Watching that too. But I am not hungry on this, which is such a blessing. I do love veggies and I find I have to eat less of them than I did before which is a hard adjustment. I am getting to know the low GI ones quite well :) .

    I am looking forward to getting to know you and enjoying this forum. Thanks for being here, it is a huge help.

    Hi Marney, I'm from South Central BC (Okanagan) - welcome to the 'Group!' I find that Udo's oil (1 tbsp for me a day) works for hot flashes. Mine disappeared when I took it, and come back when I'm off. Tried on & off several times and the results are the same. Granted, mine were never the freakin' meltdowns, more like extra warm glows, lol. Anyhow, that seems to be the only issue re: (peri)menopause for me, except for never quite knowing if/when I might get a visit from 'good old' Auntie Flo still (as I'm 51).
    I laugh about the 'convenient time' statement! Really, when is it ever convenient to change your W O E??

    Still readin' y'all, and catching up... I have been working like a maniac due to a summer shortage of employees at the company I work for... injuries, vacations etc. This week I got called off my night patrol to work day security for a bank that was robbed, perp is still at large & used a balaclava (in summer!!) and a sawn off shotgun(!). Luckily no one was injured, but a traumatizing experience for the staff anyhow. I used to be a teller, so I totally 'get' the bank environment and what to look for. It is an exhausting experience though, being eyes everywhere at once and looking at distinctive features on every patron that enters (except those familiar to me as I have lived in this area for 33 yrs). Both my boss & a workmate showed up with large black Timmie's for me this afternoon and I am just buzzing this evening, lol. One more shift, and then I am scheduled to go to Vancouver area to visit MIL with DH as she is in the hospital and we need to look for assisted living residence for her. She will no longer be able to properly care for her basement apartment and there are stairs involved so that's our BC Day long weekend...
    Life is waaaay too busy again, but that is the story with gals our age, I think...
    Power to ya', Girls!!