Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    That's very cool that you can and preserve @pondsbb. I think we're a dying breed. It was my mother and grandmother's era really, but my generation saw the Martha Stewart types give this kind of thing a try. I just like the idea that I grew it, and I preserved my own food for future use. I get so much satisfaction from it.

    I have frozen my beans already, never canned them. I do can tomatoes in jars, and really enjoy using them.
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    @Kate how wonderful it is that you are able to get back on track and don't have to deal with bloat. I hope your knees are recovered.

    @cdpits I am so happy for you and your new man. I'm in the beginning of a romance too and it's just wonderful. We met online. Distance ain't nothing but a number.

    @aquaticbliss I find it fascinating that this WOE helped with low blood sugar. It's the first I heard of that. Congrats!

    @rruthy. You and me both in regards to expediting menopause. I'm 53 and no end in sight. I can't even tell that it's near lol

    @NewSue52. Welcome. I don't have s strategy either for vacation eating other than just sticking to the plan without deviating. It is possible, just not as fun.

    @MissMaggieElizabeth (Maggie) Welcome. We seem to require similar macros. I think 5 lbs per month is excellent!

    @Janice. What a lovely compliment. Someone asked my new boyfriend this weekend if I was his mother! I hope she was just being a b#^}h. Great news about your work. Come join us in dating. It is fun even if some of the dates are duds.

    @Ellen. Thanks for the reminder about Dr Fung. I do very well fasting and have been meaning to read his posts. I was doing 60 hour fasts a week last month and about 36 hour fasts a week this month. No BPC for me, just sips of water.

    I had a wonderful vacation with my new fella. Just perfect. Except I ate the SAD too much and packed on water weight. I'll lose it but what a pain. I know better. I'm trying a bod pod body composition device tomorrow. I've been curious about it for ages.
  • Scorpiotwin
    Scorpiotwin Posts: 124 Member
    Hello there. I hope you all don't mind me sneaking into your group. I'm 41 and I have diabetes and Pros. I start LCHF about a couple of weeks ago and I'm really not seeing any weight loss. I'm seeing the non scale benefits like much lower blood sugars, little to no cramping during my TOM, way more stamina during workouts, and definitely more energy. My question is how do I get the scale to start moving? Should I go ahead and try to do full on Keto? I'm usually between 50g and 100g of carbs a day. I really want to see the scale start to move down. I started around 226 lb and I've been hovering around 224.5 and 225.5. I just feeling a little frustrated and discouraged. Any suggestions or advice would be great.
  • MissMaggieElizabeth
    MissMaggieElizabeth Posts: 71 Member
    Hello Scorpiotwin, I started about the same weight as you . I was 230. Today I finally hit 185. The last pound was a boogar to get shed. BUT when I was feeling very discouraged after 7 days no loss I measured my waist and had lost another 2 inches from it and also from my hip which includes my belly.HA my belly sags to my hip now it is flattening out.

    I did not have much loss other then constant bouncing until I really went low carbs and now it is consistent and this is the longest I have gone with not seeing the scale go down. I hope the next 45 pounds do not go as slow as this last one did.I usually average about 5 pounds a month. I am not into exercising much. I work hard in my garden. Enough for me. My calories are usually in the 1000 range. Carbs under 5 and I do not pay much attention to the fats and proteins. I just force myself to stick with it no cheats and keep with the same plan and not keep switching things around.
  • Scorpiotwin
    Scorpiotwin Posts: 124 Member
    Hello Scorpiotwin, I started about the same weight as you . I was 230. Today I finally hit 185. The last pound was a boogar to get shed. BUT when I was feeling very discouraged after 7 days no loss I measured my waist and had lost another 2 inches from it and also from my hip which includes my belly.HA my belly sags to my hip now it is flattening out.

    I did not have much loss other then constant bouncing until I really went low carbs and now it is consistent and this is the longest I have gone with not seeing the scale go down. I hope the next 45 pounds do not go as slow as this last one did.I usually average about 5 pounds a month. I am not into exercising much. I work hard in my garden. Enough for me. My calories are usually in the 1000 range. Carbs under 5 and I do not pay much attention to the fats and proteins. I just force myself to stick with it no cheats and keep with the same plan and not keep switching things around.

    That wonderful that you were able to lose so much weight. That gives me hope. I've been contemplating drastically slashing my carbs even more until things get moving. I'm staying under my 1600 calories so maybe I should cut back on those as well.
  • MissMaggieElizabeth
    MissMaggieElizabeth Posts: 71 Member
    edited August 2015

    That wonderful that you were able to lose so much weight. That gives me hope. I've been contemplating drastically slashing my carbs even more until things get moving. I'm staying under my 1600 calories so maybe I should cut back on those as well.

    I started 20 carbs then down to 10 and still bouncing up and down. Finally 5 carbs was the winner for me with continued loss. Very little bouncing up now. If so it is just tenths of a pound at a time not the two or three pounds I was bouncing up. so frustrating to have to keep losing the same dang pounds over and over.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Hello everyone! Welcome to all the newcomers! This woe is worth it so hang in there!

    Taking care of my mother, then husband, a wedding in Indianapolis and then a weekend in Florida has taken me away from the forums, and this wonderful group of ladies! I have missed you all and think of you often! I had 143 posts to read, and read everyone of them! It's so interesting to see what is going on with everybody! I hate that I don't remember all names though!

    @May- I use a Kindle or an I Phone to do mfp I'm so glad your holiday went well! It sounds so relaxing! I hope the miniatures are coming together as you hoped. Such hard work! Also, the monitors are genius! I've been known to use pen and paper to remind me of topics I want to address with each of you. What a great way to keep things easy as possible! :smile:

    @Ellen, plugging right along. Not giving up on what works is so important! Glad you are hanging in there! :smiley:

    @Jane, the heat has been unbearable here, I can't imagine it where you are. Happy you are getting a holiday in the UK. I truly hope all goes well with the family time! :smiley:

    @Janice! The IF sounds like your thing, for sure! I'm so glad that's working out well for you! Glad your back is better too! Having the needed, properly administered, healthcare helps so much. Your work situation these past couple of months has been unbelievable! Happy that's better for you! I am jealous of all of your fresh produce too! Your hard work has definitely paid off! :smile:

    @Kathie ? (Name) Your struggles with the loss of your brothers had to be terribly difficult! Hugs for you!! Glad the construction is coming along, though not as fast as you would hope (I'm sure). Before you know it, it will all be done, and over with!

    I am still stuck at 200 pounds! So much better than 212, but it will be nice to see it below 200 again. Human impatience is tough, but I will get there. A couple of cheats while in Florida and I believe I still have some water weight from that. I will continue this woe forever. The cheats didn't feel right and the yucky side effects were not worth it! I have been adding a side of mushrooms, or cauliflower, cooked down then smothered in hwc and sour cream, to go with my meat. Hubby thinks it's gourmet. Otherwise I haven't added any more carbs back in to my diet. These are only a couple times a week too, not everyday.

    I sincerely hope that everyone is doing well and I have missed you all, terribly!

    Hugs! :smiley:
  • pennell12
    pennell12 Posts: 190 Member
    How's everyone doing? I feel stalled again, but when I look at my spreadsheet it's truly only been about a week, and my macros yesterday were way out of whack. Brunch threw me off plan and there was nothing I could do with dinner to bring me back to goals. Oh well, this is a long journey, not daily perfection exams *shrug* o:)

    Sorry to ask a basic question- bit what does it mean by "setting my macros" and how do I do that? Thank you!

  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Good morning/evening ladies. Hope everyone is well. I finally had Dr appt to compare lab results from right before I started this WOE to 3 mos in. They were great. My thyroid is the best it's been for a long time. In April I was in hyper stage of Hashi's, and now levelled out. Still on Synthroid 125, my electrolytes were good so no need for supplements and my cholesterol numbers amazed her. The bad ones were low end of normal and good ones high end of normal. (I think that's how she explained it). She told me her mother follows similar WOE but eats her fruit before noon & all her veggies raw & has been doing it for 5 yrs. Only suggestion she had was for me to try & reintroduce more fruits & veggies & exercise where my heart rate goes up. She said I looked better than she's ever seen me, which normally she only sees me when I'm ill or Hashi's is way out of control. All in all I was very pleased with the appt & happy she didn't poo poo this WOE. Having my last morning coffee before heading into my yard(jungle) for the day. Have a good one.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @pennell12 , setting your macros determines the percentages of carbs, protein, fat...recommended daily. You can go to ketocalculator.com to find assistance with setting your macros based on the levels you want. Then you plug them into mfp (if you log your food here) to help you keep track of your intake each day. They help you learn what foods are best for you. I learned a ton of information by logging, but I haven't for a while since I got more knowledgeable about this woe.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @Sk8Kate, I am so glad your labs look good and your healthcare provider is on board with this woe! Times, they are a'changin!
  • ea101367
    ea101367 Posts: 175 Member
    Good morning, afternoon or evening to you all. My name is Emily. I am 47, premenopausal, pre-diabetic and have high blood pressure. I have about 40lbs to lose. I am married to my soul mate and have 2 teenage girls (13 and 14). My oldest daughter has suffered tremendously for the last year and a half. She has not been able to attend school. The psychologists say she has Conversion Disorder . She loses consciousness for up to an hour at a time and has non-epileptic seizures any where from 10 times a day to once a week. I have spent the last year in deep worry, having to work and leave my daughter at home, alone during school hours, but able to dash home for her at the drop of a needle. So much stress for my family. The nearest Children's Hospital is a 4.5 hour drive, and we just do not have the specialists here (Grande Prairie, AB, Canada) as we need and it takes months to get to see a qualified Dr. We have been seeing a neurologist, and epilepsy specialist and now a sleep specialist, to rule out any organic causes of her condition. In February my Father passed away adding to my already shriveled spirit. I have looked at conventional and unconventional ways to help my girl, she is slowly starting to become more "normal" but does not seem to be able to recognize her triggers. I am ready to get off the self pity boat. I have spent the last month reading this thread and wow! what a wonderfully warm group of women! On Monday I started my journey back to health. I have always thrived on a low carb WOE finding it resulted in feeling and looking my best. I am currently following the Keto Menu plans from "I Breath...I'm Hungry..." and what a terrific web site it is. Here is the link if anyone has not heard of it: http://www.ibreatheimhungry.com/ . Hope you don't mind me tagging along for encouragement. So many of you have or are going through exceptionally difficult times. My hope is we can all be strong together.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @ea101367, my, what a stressful time this must be. Finding proper healthcare for your daughter is a terrible challenge that any parent should not have to face! I sure hope things come together soon! This group of ladies are amazing. The support of friends here is like nothing I have ever seen. Don't forget to take care of you, too. You can't be there for her if you aren't in a good place yourself! Wishing you all the best! Remember, we are here for you, even when you just need to vent! Hugs for you too!
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    Hi Emily, and welcome! I'm so sorry about your daughter's health and the difficulties of finding good medical care for her! I hope the doctors are able to able to determine the cause and help her! It's wise of you to attend to your own health, too, and we on this forum believe this WOE is the best way to do that. Yes, the IBIH website is a great one for recipes and tips; so good that you found it already. All the best for you and your family!

    @Kate, so good that your labs are good and your doc isn't giving you grief about this WOE!

    @Karla, it's nice to hear from you more often again! We missed you! Glad you're hanging in there and getting those numbers back down. It sure has been a crazy time for you...

    @May--speaking of missing somebody....where are you? Hope all is well and it's just busyness that is keeping you away. Jump in and say hello when you get a chance! <3

    I've been doing IF every day this week and it's going well. The scale was up .6 this morning, but I kind of thought it would be, since I'd lost 2 days in a row. Can't have that kind of success going on for too long! ;)

    Hope you all have a great weekend!
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    Can I just say that I find it really awesome that this thread is now 1200+ posts strong? I just :heart: that. :)

    Would you ladies be interested in a sub-group of your own? We've got a couple sub-groups linked to this one for the sub-groups of people that grow large enough that seem to warrant it. That way, you can talk about stuff at the convergence of 50+ and low carb, without either feeling relegated to a single thread or feeling like you're inundating us young whippersnappers ( :wink: ) with not-really-applicable topics. If you think you'll use it, just let me know and I'll get one up for you (also, if someone wants to be a mod for it, let me know so I can promote you, as I'm rather hands-off when I can be and would just be a "mod" by virtue of creating it and being a mod of the main group).

    It's so kind of you to offer to set up a sub-group, Dragonwolf! I'm fine with that, but not sure what the others---particularly @GrannyMayOz, who started this thread---think. Has anyone else responded?
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    Hello Ladies. Welcome Emily, you'll find lots of support here. And so glad to hear that your IF is working well Ellen!

    I have been a little stressed, trying to finish up mountains of work at work, make 2 more batches of pickles, one last night and one this morning, do laundry, errands etc, and I am now packing my suitcases getting ready to leave on my train trip tomorrow. Whew! I'm really in kind of in a daze, can't believe the time has come already. I'm finding I don't have a heck of a lot of clothes to take with me that fit me right now. Some of my work stuff is too dressy, other stuff is either too big or too small yet. Weird to think that all my casual clothes fit into one very small case. I'm trying desperately to figure out what I might need....never done this kind of thing before. I don't travel really.

    For those who don't know, tomorrow, my mother, sister and I are taking a train trip to Churchill Manitoba to see the friendly beluga whales and hopefully some polar bears. At least it will be cooler there, as we're having a heat wave here right now. Now I was excited about the trip months ago, but now I'm kind of nervous. We 3 women don't spend much time together and don't really get along, but for the next week we will be sharing a cabin for 3 on the train ( I'll be on the top bunk.) then spending every waking moment together. I am hoping for a wonderful bonding experience, but know from experience that tempers could fly. I'll be biting my tongue a lot I am predicting. I've always been the peacemaker in the family, but it takes a lot of work. My knight in shining armour at work has been giving me pep talks to prepare my strategy for dealing with my mother. ( I secretly think this was the purpose for our meeting, to help me with some of my anxiety issues, so far, so good.)

    I'm also nervous about possibly getting motion sickness. I've never slept on a train before, hoping I'll be OK, not only on the train, but also on the boat etc when we get there. I'm going prepared with 2 kinds of Gravol just in case. Also a little worried about the food, but after doing keto for so long now, I should be OK just by picking out the eggs and meat from the meals they serve us. I could also fast as well.

    Not sure what kind of weather to expect, look like we may have rain the whole time we are there. Sure hope that changes. No wait a minute, just checked the weather in Churchill....lows of 8-11 C, and daily highs of 12-19 C. Can you believe it ? It's 33 here right now and extremely muggy. Looks like one sunny day after all. We'll see. I've got pants, capri pants, T-shirts , hooded sweatshirt and a lined rain jacket with hood, runners, socks, and a mesh hat for the bugs. I should be OK. Oh....and vodka and club soda ! I will be going over in carbs for sure when we drink the Dubonnet my mother is bringing. Oh well, I'll be on holiday and actually travelling somewhere special....so I plan to enjoy it once I relax....sure hope the booze will help !

    It doesn't look like I will have cell service for most of my journey, so not sure if I'll be able to log in, but I'll be thinking of you. Take care !
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    @Kitnthecat --Have a wonderful holiday! I hope the time with your mom and sister is enjoyable and all you hope for!
    I've gotten motion sick all my life. Ginger capsules are my favorite remedy--they really help me on plane trips and don't knock me out like Dramamine, etc. They're fantastic for settling upset tummies. We'll miss you if you can't check in, but we'll look forward to hearing all about it when you get back home. Have tons of fun, and safe travels to you!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Hope it's a marvelous time from beginning to end! Sounds like a great adventure. Choose to enjoy the time with your mom and sister and try not to let the little things affect your fun! Enjoy that cooler weather too! I would love some of that right now!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    Thanks Ellen and Karla. I do have the ginger extract Gravol and the regular kind. I even packed a ziploc bag just in case I get sick. The last time I threw up, I was sitting looking backwards in the limo at my MIL's funeral 2 yrs ago. So I'm worried about not being able to look forward at all time on the train so I can orient myself to the motion. My motion sickness started in childhood, but then the inner ear injury made it worse.

    I must say that I have coped well these last few years, and think that I am even better since eating keto. And I am in better shape, slimmer, 194 pounds now. I have now lost 90 pounds, 50 of them in the last 11 months. I feel fitter and have greater endurance. I was hoping to have shed a few more pounds by now, in order to climb up on that top bunk ( worried about that too). But I am generally happy with my condition compared to before. I feel I need to be the strong one since my mother and sister are both much more overweight than I am, and have various health concerns.

    I will try not to let my fears about spending time with my mother spoil my fun. Maybe it won't be as bad as I fear. Maybe the drinking will help.

    I must say that I sure need a vacation. I am so used to go, go, go all the time, always worried about what needs to be done next...that I need to slow down. And it should be amazing to see the scenery. Getting on the train will be exciting, and cut off from cell service and civilization and right up close with nature will be cool. I hope to see lots of animals and eat them too. Hoping for wild game but not sure it will be possible in the summer. OK, deep breathe, sip of vodka, it will be fun !

    I'll check in if I can, but not likely I will be able to log. I'll fill you in when I get back !
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi Emily, So sorry to hear of your daughter's health concerns. I really hope you get some answers soon. Good for you for looking after yourself during this time. It is very difficult to do but so important. This group is great for support. You will be glad you join in here.

    Kitnthecat: You will have a great time! Vodka helps most situations, in moderation. Enjoy!
