Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @Janice, we KNOW this woe now. I've found that travel doesn't eliminate good choices, a little challenging, but doable. The things I miss are butter and hwc. Most restaurants that I've been to don't have real butter, just that terrible vegetable oil spread. You are at the point where the top bunk is doable. Doesn't it feel wonderful?! I see it so much more now than I ever have too! Look forward to updates when you can!

    @Ellen, I believe the 15th was a deadline for May, for the miniatures that she and David have been working on. At least I hope that's why she has been missing here. Hopefully she will check in soon!

    Once I was able to get back into the group forum I had over 140 posts to read, and it's impossible for me to remember what's going on with each of you. I sincerely wish you all the best and look forward to getting to know you all better.

    Happy Sunday everyone! :smiley:
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Hey all. Very long and busy weekend at work. Just sharing... I have a job interview Wensday for a Hemodialysis position I randomly applied for. This would be an excellent opportunity for me. So if you pray say one for me please. Gibbs and I just got back from a shortened walk, it started to rain on us. Still stuck at 175 and have been really craving sugar badly. I'll chalk it up to stress. Hope everyone is well and staying strong. I will try my best not to get that darn chocolate milkshake I'm craving. Water is my friend, right? Talk at ya later.
  • ea101367
    ea101367 Posts: 175 Member
    So... week one of LCHF under my belt and I lost a total of 4.2 lbs! That's a nice start. I feel better. My calves have released some water as my pants sit a bit more loose there now, and I feel more energetic. I was having some terrible emotion on day 3 and 4 by the time supper came. I think because I still cook for the rest of the family and hubby is a real convenience eater. Everything breaded and fried or canned, not much into veggies. Makes it difficult to set an example for the kids. Oh well, hope you all have a terrific week!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    Hello ladies, I'm here in Churchill after a 45 hour train trip. The train experience wasuch better than I had imagined it would be. The meals were OK with bacon and eggs or omelet for breakfast and beef, chicken , burger or fish options for lunch and supper. The cabin was fine and it was good to have our own real bed and our own bathroom in our room. Meals in the dining car, hot showers down the hall and the dome car was really cool, two levels and spectator views. There were only 12 or so of us on the sleepers so we got to know each other and had many great conversations. The folks in coach could not access this car. It was so cool to see all of nature around us at any time of day. I'm not sure if we will have this car on our way back, so I made sure to really enjoy it on the way here. We watched the tall dense forest sprinkled with lakes dwindle down to very short sparse trees, some of which are hundreds of years old. It was very helpful to have a local resident of Churchill on our train as he provided much background knowledge to every situation that arose. Also impressed that the Americans were very knowledgable about the location and history and all of us have such a keen interest in seeing the North.

    We've walked through town so far, saw the Eskimo museum, talked to super friendly locals. Had some great conversation with the grocery store manager about availability of food and how he takes care of the residents and promotes the community. He even drove us to the museum, amazing friendliness. I bought a pair of elk skin mitts with sculpted caribou whale designs, made in town at the place where I bought them. Beautiful arctic fox and wolf pelts for sale. all ethically killed, wish I could afford to buy more, just gorgeous. Also wish I could buy a real Inuit parka but that won't happen.

    Supper tonight will be out at the best restaurant in town, and I'll order either elk, bison or Arctic char. Tomorrow we will be out on the tundra buggy for 6 hours, hoping to see polar bears and other wildlife. Thursday will be out on the water with the beluga whales.

    I'll try to give updates. Having a great time !
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    I forgot to say that there are people here from all over the world and I honoured to be from here, but I have never been this far north before. Northern lights have been out, but I haven't been able to stay up late enough to see them !
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    @Kitnthecat: I doubt you will see polar bears as it's 2 months early for them to be congregating waiting for the ice - usually happens in late October. But the Belugas are awesome, do you get to don a drysuit and swim with them? We have done a fair bit in the Western Arctic flying in to remote places like the hamlet of Aklavik (that's what they call it on their website, lol... hamlet, smaller than a village) and Tuk. The Arctic is fascinating, and the fact that you can access from a train that far south because of the Canadian Shield is great! I love train travel, but it's so expensive in Canada. Much easier in Europe, lol.

    Been busy with work y'all. But at least it's fun Security at Roots & Blues Festival, and this weekend at a beer garden at a Bluegrass Festival. Good to catch-up read, and welcome to the new gals.
  • azcowgirrlup
    azcowgirrlup Posts: 207 Member
    Good morning sunshine girlfriends! I had my spinal surgery on Tuesday the 11th and I am doing well. I miss you all and I will try to get in here more often, but please know that even if I am not here on the forum, I am thinking of you all and making sure you are all in my prayers. Love you dear friends. xoxoxox, karyn
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Saying hello to everyone! The return to pre artificial sweetener state on the scale has been hard to overcome. It's been over a month without any and the scale is still up seven pounds from my lowest point. Definitely a hard lesson learned from that! I'm still eating VLCHF, with salad a couple times a week and some mushrooms sauteed in butter once a week. Otherwise I am all animal kingdom. Intake is right at 1600 calories a day with carbs always under 20/day. I still feel so much better that I won't be changing that anytime soon. I am happy with how I look, but want to be comfortably under 200. I think 180 would be nice. I know it will happen, so that's enough for me.

    I have enjoyed the trip to Churchill! It's been so neat seeing it through your descriptions! Love it! I truly hope GrannyMayOz is on a well deserved break! I miss a lot of the time spent here with you all too! Enjoy catching up when I can! Much love, and big hugs to you all!
  • SuesNewImage
    SuesNewImage Posts: 743 Member
    Hi all.
    Yay I qualify to be here at 52.
    I have tried nearly every diet or eating plan on the planet & yoyo'd up and down & up & up all my adult life.
    Now doing low carb. Been 12 weeks (the longest I have ever focused on something) & down 14kg (32lb). Feeling good. Not hungry & tracking vitamin intake now with MFP.

    First 10 weeks I was focusing on just quitting sugar & reading labels but did no food diaries.
    I was too heavy at the start to use my Doctor's scales so used a commercial scale to get start weight (so embarrising). Then a long 10 weeks later during a checkup tried my Doctors scales & I was 1kg below their max. Yay that meant 10kg lost on my own without tracking etc.

    After that Dr. visit 3 weeks ago I have upped the anti to count to go beyond counting sugars to all carbs. I am on 35g carbs daily which is higher than others on low carbs but I am a big person still.

    For the 1st week continued blind with printed carb charts but it was hard to track totals for day. Then I found MFP 2weeks ago. How liberating!!!!

    Looking at my weekly nutrients this week compared to the last I should have a great weekly weigh in this coming Monday.

    Also measured myself 2weeks ago & today down 34cm (13.3") all over (15cm from waiste - 5.9"). Wish I measured earlier but didn't think.

    Not hungry, got through carb & sugar detox weight dropping, getting more energy.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @suzie642, sounds like you are doing very well with the successes of this woe! Also glad you found mfp too! I have learned so much about the foods I eat (and used to eat) from using mfp that I am fully comfortable with my food choices now and don't feel it's a priority at this point. Welcome! :smiley:
  • ea101367
    ea101367 Posts: 175 Member
    Hi everyone! I have a question: Is it common to become a monster the first few weeks of this WOE? I am just about done 2 weeks, have lost 5+ lbs. I'm happy with that. My husband has pointed out to me that my mood has been , lets just say less than desirable. I have been lashing out at him and the kids. I wasn't even aware of this until he decided I wasn't worth hanging out with last night. I've always been emotional, no question there, but lately its like I'm not even me? Has anyone experienced this and if so does it level out? I know I have to start making conscious decisions about how I react to things, I also know my hormones are playing a role as well.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    @ea101367. I found I was a bit over reactive the first few weeks too. The menopausal mood swings seemed to be really exacerbated. Now 129 days in they seemed to have levelled out. I still get that weird angry over nothing (basic housework can set me off sometimes), but doesn't last too long. The mood swings are fewer & farther apart too. Hang in there, it will get better.
  • ea101367
    ea101367 Posts: 175 Member
    Thanks @Sk8Kate you have given me hope! It's always house work and cooking that set me off! We have so little summer here that I want to enjoy every last bit and not be distracted by cleaning house on the weekends. The leaves are starting to fall here and Winter will soon be upon us!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    I did it ! I figured out how to post photos from my phone ! No time to give proper commentary now, have to clean up the mess from my flood.

    There's a shot of a sunrise from the train, me drinking red wine on the train, me on a quad....walk into the grocery store in Churchill and drive out on a quad. Then you see my yummy bison burger with bacon, cheese and sweet potato fries. A shot of the whaling boat. The water was so rough it knocked me right off the seat, and it was hard to maintain my balance while standing taking pictures. Then a shot of the beluga whale cam , live footage available at Explore.org. Lastly a shot of my last breakfast on the train. I tried to stay as low carb as I could and put butter on everything. Back to routine now.

    Gotta go clean and figure out what to do with my flood and hot water tank.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    Oh, there's a picture of me in the middle between my sister and mother. I am now the smallest one, but seeing the pictures, know I have a ways to go yet before I am happy with my picture.
  • azcowgirrlup
    azcowgirrlup Posts: 207 Member
    Thank you thank you thank you!! Omg I was in tears at the beauty of the Beluga Whales. I can't thank you enough for sharing your journey with us. Xoxo
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    You are welcome @azcowgirl ! Here we see a few more random photos: me in a part of the dome car that we didn't use, a chef's salad I had for lunch, a cool trading post type store where I bought my elk skin mitts, a shot of the dome car, my favorite Inuit carving at the Eskimo museum - it's a wolf chasing a caribou as see partially submerged in the water, a shot of the kind of terrain we drove through on the tundra buggy, another view of the tundra, we also drove right up to the water's edge while the tide was out, a shot from the Prince of Wales fort, which was built about 1725, not quite sure, but the cannons are rare in that they are original British cannons that were not confiscated during WW I or WW II. Then we see a view from the train, lots of dense forest, then a shot from the tundra buggy...such flat ground at Churchill, but such beautiful textures, colours, and something we have down south in Manitoba as well, the large beautiful presence of the sky. I am in love with this country and so proud to live in Canada.
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    Such wonderful pictures! Especially the ones of you---you look great, and so happy! Your trip looks fantastic; thank you so much for sharing it with us!