Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Hey all, how is everyone. Worked extra yesterday at my 2nd job. Just spent the last hour on my hands and knees scrubbing the kitchen floor with a brush. Yes I mop, but to me its only moving dirt from one corner to the other. Walked Gibbs this morning before it got too hot. Need to go out back into the garden and pull weeds. The scale seems to be stuck right now, but not up any, oh we'll I'll keep plugging along. I think I'll do a water fast soon to maybe get things moving along. Plus I feel better after one. OK gonna go and try to pull some weeds now.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    A quick poll - what device do you use to read and reply to this thread...

    Desktop or laptop computer
    iPad, Tablet or such
    Smart phone

    If it's more than one thing please specify.

    I use a laptop (strictly speaking, but it's) set up with an ergonomic keyboard and 3 monitors, so when I reply I have the thread on the centre monitor to read easily and Word on the right-hand monitor so I can type replies as I read. That's the easiest way I've found to read and reply to everyone since my last post.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I use a little tablet for my computer so it becomes impossible to see what is said before. I simply have to remember it which can be a feat now a days!

    @### was happening to my body that no matter what I seemed to do, it got bigger. Although I do not have children, my niece was going through a lot of stuff and we were the only ones living in close proximity, so I remember those tearful crisis too. Good old days of being busy and needed but too busy and needed. Take time for yourselves ladies.

    Parents now gone and I miss them but I don't miss the last few years of their lives. They were so unhappy with the choices that were forced on them. Stoic but unhappy. Good luck with the move this weekend canadjineh, I will be thinking of you.

    Fasting. Hummm. And you feel better. Hummmm. Contemplative phase of change here. Think I will get the diet I am on solid before going there.

    We are visiting friends for the weekend so diet may have to take a back seat for a few days. As you say, there is no convenient time (despite what my hubbie thinks) for changing your WOE. Best choices I can is all I can do.

    I am trying to make the sat fats stay off the diet plan. It just feels wrong to eat much of them. Everything I read says that in LCHF you don't need to worry. Has anyone here had blood work improve, even when eating sat fats?

    I don't know Udo's Oil. What kind of oil is it? Health food store? Evening primrose?

    I hope the fires out west are under control. They have fallen off our news cycle here.


  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member

    Don't beat yourself up over the gallons of milk you drank while pregnant! :p Mothers have a lot to answer for but not that. Probably more likely because he stopped drinking gallons of milk himself.

    Lactose and gluten problems run in my family. My nephew found that once he got gluten out (he was tested by doctor), he could drink milk and eat cheese. Nephew, two nieces, brothers, Dad and me and a few other brothers who just are in denial. Men! I do find with LCHF, the gluten falls away too and I feel better. But I have not been tested.

    But, except for genes, this is not a mother's fault!

    PS my husband from Oz,
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    I think this answers my concerns over fat. Love this forum!

  • fangirlish
    fangirlish Posts: 100 Member
    @dasher602014, to answer your question about saturated fats, my lipids initially rose a bit but I also dropped my statin when I went on the LCHF way of eating, so that might have been part of the issue. This last checkup, my total cholesterol and LDL dropped by about 30 points, well into the "normal" zone. Triglycerides have been in the 80's forever. However, I do take a conservative approach. My fat macro is set to 85%, but I try to balance that amount between monounsaturated fats like olive oil, olives, nuts, walnut oil, etc. and the saturated fats like meat, butter, coconut oil, etc. I don't eat saturated fats exclusively and try to keep them under about 40 - 50 grams per day, with the rest coming from monounsaturated. Definitely keep away from polyunsaturated fats if you can, though.

    Good luck with your LCHF way of eating. I think you'll be very happy with the results.
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    @May ---well that's quite a fantastic system you have going with your three monitors! I wondered how you do it. I can't remember names and am afraid I'll get people's new bits all mixed up, so I haven't been responding very specifically anymore. There are so many more of us now to keep track of! It's great, but my brain is old... ;) Glad you had such a wonderful holiday--it sounded really lovely and relaxing.

    I use a laptop exclusively to read/log.

    @dasher After a month on LCHF my blood work definitely improved. The elevated numbers were back down into normal range, and my doctor was very happy. She had wanted to put me on a statin, but I refused and said I'd try to
    lower my cholesterol, etc through diet. That's when I found LCHF. @fangirlish is right---I think you'll be happy with your results on this way of eating. Good luck!
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Hello ladies. Hope everyone has a great weekend. It's a long one for us Canadians don't know about everybody else.
    @May definitely would be up for something with you guys. This past week really kicked the crap out of my LCHF plan. But good thing is I'm ready to get back on the horse & try again.
    @wheatlessgirl66 me too. I have terrible memory for names so it's been fairly general posts also.
    Daughter has decided maybe a pet would help. Building doesn't really allow them, so we've been scoping out sneaky ones. She fell in love with a bunny at pet store & one at SPCA, but after researching thinks maybe not. Now looking at short-haired guinea pigs. (Not a lover of pets inside myself). Research is taking her mind off depression tho, so guess it's worth it.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    Good morning/evening Ladies ! Yes, it's the long weekend, and it will be busy for me. I was going to do some major housecleaning this weekend, since I have been letting things slid with so much to do outside, but that will now have to wait. My daughter and I made plans yesterday to go to Kenora again to visit my girlfriend. This time for sure we will look for berries. There are still wild blueberries and raspberries a well as Saskatoons. The weather won't be as hot so should be good picking weather. We're not heading out until early tomorrow am, since Anna has to work.

    Today I'm going to stop in at work and get my payroll done, because the deadline on Tuesday won't leave me enough time to complete it. I'll just sneak in and out. Got to get into the garden today too. I bet I've got a lot to pick today. My back is feeling much better, but still a bit sore. If I pace myself it should be OK. @Jane, I missed your question about the Swiss chard. I plant the rainbow kind so it is very beautiful with orange, magenta and yellow stalks leading up to bright green leaves. I used to put it raw into my veggies smoothies and it gave a very pleasant mild beet-like flavour to the smoothie, but I don't make them anymore lately. Now we just chop and saute in butter. You can cook the stalks down a bit before you add the leafy parts if you like, add some garlic or not, just like with spinach. You get a lot more to chew with chard though. We like out greens here, threw some into the soup I made, or with eggs. I'll likely pick more today. Wish I could send you some peas. I'm eating them so slowly ( raw) since they are starchy. I should just shell them and cook them and eat them tonight to get rid of them.

    Well, I'm happy that my stress level at work is much improved by working in my little haven in the flood zone. You know, the building has such a history of flooding and despite countless efforts to repair the issues, it is never fixed. They just do repairs and complete them only to find that it floods again. The trouble is that the sewers in that neighbourhood are combined with the storm sewers, so if we have a lot of rain and the system is over capacity, the water has nowhere to go but up through the toilets and sinks like geysers. Odd since we really don't get that much precipitation here. It would take the city redoing the sewer system in order to fix it for good and that's not going to happen. It is kind of a joke, because our facility is called "Poseidon". But the main thing is right now, that I can work in peace.

    So ladies, the scale is down again today for me. The fasting thing seems to suit my body. I saw the weight dip below 200 a few days ago, but didn't trust the number, and sure enough it went up again. Yesterday I was below 200 legitimately, but still didn't want to count my chickens before they hatched. Today I am down further, so hopefully this time it will stick. 90 kg / 198 lbs. I've reached the mythical "Onederland" that I have heard about.

    Ok, I'd better get going, lots to do. After the gardening, I'll make 2 dozen bacon and egg muffins to take with me. Have a great weekend !
  • azcowgirrlup
    azcowgirrlup Posts: 207 Member
    A quick poll - what device do you use to read and reply to this thread...

    Desktop or laptop computer
    iPad, Tablet or such
    Smart phone

    If it's more than one thing please specify.

    I use a laptop (strictly speaking, but it's) set up with an ergonomic keyboard and 3 monitors, so when I reply I have the thread on the centre monitor to read easily and Word on the right-hand monitor so I can type replies as I read. That's the easiest way I've found to read and reply to everyone since my last post.

    Cell phone, Samsung tablet, Kindle and desktop. ..
  • azcowgirrlup
    azcowgirrlup Posts: 207 Member
    Good morning dear friends. I hope everyone is well. I have been absent due to life getting in the way lol. I am staying on course with this WOL, but stalled and probably due to stress. I will try to be in here more, but I am always thinking of you all. XO
  • saraphim41
    saraphim41 Posts: 205 Member

    @Jane, I missed your question about the Swiss chard. I plant the rainbow kind so it is very beautiful with orange, magenta and

    Ok, I'd better get going, lots to do. After the gardening, I'll make 2 dozen bacon and egg muffins to take with me. Have a great weekend ![/quote]

    Couple of questions: Where do you get the seeds for "rainbow" Swiss chard?
    May I have your recipe for bacon and egg muffins, please?
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Fangirlish and wheatlessgirl66, thank you so much for your first hand accounts. It does make me feel better to hear your results and yes, I will try to keep the good fats up over the sat fats. I will be doing more investigation and get to know fats in foods better. Your responses are much appreciated.

    I am struggling while visiting friends. Just trying to make the best choices I can.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    saraphim41 wrote: »

    @Jane, I missed your question about the Swiss chard. I plant the rainbow kind so it is very beautiful with orange, magenta and

    Ok, I'd better get going, lots to do. After the gardening, I'll make 2 dozen bacon and egg muffins to take with me. Have a great weekend !

    Couple of questions: Where do you get the seeds for "rainbow" Swiss chard?
    May I have your recipe for bacon and egg muffins, please?

    Hi, I just get them where I get my regular seeds, probably at Canadian Tire, but last year I bought them at Lee Valley Tools. I'm not sure if they had them at Walmart.

    For the bacon and egg muffins, I partially cool tons of bacon, then line muffin tins with bacon, crack an egg into each, salt and pepper, maybe some chives, maybe some cheese on top, and bake for 20 min. That's it, yummy, portable and good hot or cold.

    Oh phooey I'm on my phone, should say partially cook the bacon, since using raw bacon makes undercooked bacon muffins
  • saraphim41
    saraphim41 Posts: 205 Member

  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    You're welcome @saraphim41.

    @May, I use my laptop or new iphone here.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    @Marney Yes, I can see the problem in only having one small screen to read and reply. Unless you’re really keen on scrolling up and down and remembering where you’d got to eeeek! LOL I love being retired too, but there are never nearly enough hours in the day. I have just begun my housework binge after being away and having David at home, during which, of course, I did virtually nothing. Now thoroughly cleaning everything from the light fittings down, and still 4 weeks to Spring har har! Thank you for your words about milk and lactose intolerance.

    @Syl thank you for sharing.

    @Ellen I do a lot on my computer, including the production of a few websites. That can involve needing to see a *lot* of data at the same time and flicking between windows makes the task a read headache where, with the 3 monitors it’s just a case of being organised and always putting each thing in the same place each time so it’s easily read or reached.

    @Kathie OK, so do we just all promise one another to do our best to be 100% on track? And of course post on here about how we’re doing.

    @Janice I’m glad to hear that you’re taking it kindly with your back and hope you continue to fully heal quickly. I’m sorry you have to ‘sneak in’ to work and get things done, but I know through experience that it’s worth it for peace of mind. ‘Poseidon’ gave me a chuckle. Funny how names can become more meaningful than first intended. I always log my lowest weight whenever I first get to it and don’t log anything again until I reach a new low weight. But we must all do these things the way we are most comfortable. I may put my holiday gain in though.

    @Karyn wow you’re well kitted out. I’m glad that your real life takes precedence over this forum, but am sorry to read of the stress. Used to be just ourselves to worry about didn’t it? But our families grow, and our hearts along with them and we get more folks to be concerned about.

    Thank you all for posting your electronic weapon of choice, and yes, I can see how difficult it would be with a small screen and so many replies to write. It has crossed my mind to put us all into small groups and ask those 3(?) people in each group to particularly write replies to the others within that group, as well as any others you feel moved to write. But we have our basic core and quite a few ladies that come and go so I suppose that won't really work. Better just to leave things as they are *hugs*
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    Hi Ladies, just a quick note to say it is lovely out here in the forest. We picked blueberries and raspberries in a meadow. Now drinking chokecherry wine with friends, having a lovely visit.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    We're taking mother out to lunch today. Neither of us feel like it, but it should keep her off our backs for the next 2 weeks until her surprise 80th birthday party. The party is putting me through my emotional paces. Making decorations and a photo board, making sure everything will be lovely and a credit to <strike>her</strike> me, and knowing how much all her friends will gush over her and tell me how lucky I am to have such a mother. And how much I am like her - may God forbid!!!!!!!!! I feel so empty. In fact I feel tearful as I write this.

    What a happy occasion this would be for 'normal' mothers and daughters with loving relationships. Even a partially normal relationship with some degree of love in it. And what began, in my plans, as a bring-a-plate (that means with food on it ;)) afternoon tea and a lovely cake made by my D-I-L has been forced into having to purchase all the food and the cake. Requirements of the restaurant/hall in the village where mother and most of her guests live. I had to ask a friend of hers for the guest list and this woman kept emailing me with extra names who we *can't forget*. We don't have money to flash around. Partially planning my own 60th next year I would not dream of spending the $400 this is costing me. And all for someone who doesn't even deserve me to cross her threshold, never mind go to efforts and expense for her. My brother recently offered to pay 'something towards it' but whether he will, or how much, I'm not sure. It was really kind of him and lifted my spirits no end at the time.

    And please don't ask me why I am doing it at all, I feel 'down' enough already without having my motives questioned <3 I'm just being dutiful I suppose. Going through the paces as a daughter 'should'. And as I said, it started out planned as a friendly little bring-a-plate that I was going to have here, but we couldn't have 20 cars parked all down the street - most of the oldies couldn't walk that far, so it ended up asking to hire a hall at the village and then finding out we're not allowed to bring food in. David keeps saying "It's only once" or "It's only money". And it's him that earns it. Bless his giving heart and soul. And it'll be over by 5pm on 15th and then we can go to our granddaughter's 10th birthday disco for the evening and dance it out of our system.

    I won't be doing it again. If she lives to be 90 or 100, and I'm sure she will out of spite alone o:) I don't care. My brother was always the favourite, let him do it. The other brother died 10 years ago. He was picked on mercilessly too.
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    I use a desktop, laptop, or smartphone depending on my location. Most often it is a laptop.