Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    Hi Donna and welcome. I have a question....lol...how LONG did it take you to read all our posts???
    I have nothing but respect for those such as yourself who have had a huge amount of medical issues to deal with especially when you come along being so proactive and positive. Brilliant. I'm happy to say my health is ultimately pretty good which is just as well because I am a TERRIBLE patient!!! hehehehe. They say nurses and Dr's make the worst patients dont they????

    @Cindy enjoy! I get the feeling there are no worries about your food choices, you have done so well so far!

    @Janice I am sooooo happy your knight in shining armour has appeared to rescue you from the 'nasties' you have been thrust upon through no fault of your own!1 A hug?? Wa hey...look out there girl!! You havent shared a photo with us yet but I'm sure he's right that you are beautiful! Ummm are you safe down there in his office with him??? Should we be talking contraception/birds and bees to you? Lolol.
    The new weightloss is brilliant! Well done. Yet another much needed boost for you! Enjoy Dr Randy(wink wink)

    Well, I have 2 official announcements to make! The first is that last night Chris and Tinka came onto skype to 'officially' tell me I am going to be a grandmother!! Hehehe...she's 18 weeks now and I have known since she was 6 but she doesnt know that as you know! I still found myself in tears though so....I hope she didnt suspect. Poor girl is still having a lot of sickness and nausea! Apparently Chris had to stop Low Carb as everytime he brought hope some nice meat and started cooking it she would throw up!!! Hmmmmmm. Some excuse!

    The second is that as of today I am 'officially' under 200lb! 199.45oz! Lolol. I have watched so many of those programs where the starting weight is 200+ and couldnt imagine myself ever being 100...something! Even if tomorrow the scales are back up...as we know is likely...I know it will go down again so I CAN do it! Yaaay. Thats another of my mini goals reached. The next is to get into the 80's(kg) so wait for the next happy dance!

    Hope you all have a really good weekend. Lovely food, lovely weather, lovely company! <3<3<3
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    @Jane, you crack me up ! It seems like you're feeling better, your pep and mischieviousness are back ! So glad the news of the pregnancy is out officially Grandma !...or Granny or Nana, what will you be called ?

    If I could figure out how to get a photo off my phone and onto this page, I'd post a picture of myself, but I'm not that beautiful, so don't get your hopes up too high. I have a new iphone, but use a PC. If anyone can tell me how to post a picture with the technology I have, please share your wisdom.

    If it doesn't work, here is a description. I am 5' 4", having lost one inch of my height somewhere already. I have a fair complexion, but tan very easily in the summer. I have always had good skin and I guess some of it is in my genes, but I'm sure that the rest is a result of clean eating and lots of water. I have an oval face, hazel eyes, and always wear red lipstick. I keep my grey hair, which is getting whiter every year, very short but try to aim for feminine instead of butch, don't want to attract the wrong company, lol ! I love my very short hair, and cut it every 5 wks.

    The therapeutic effect that this guy at work has ( who is younger and married by the way, with 3 kids, but still nice to get the attention anyway ) is due to the fact that I feel that he can really "see" me beyond my job description. He shows that he values the staff in his department, which is something that is lacking in my department. And the hugs and compliments boost my older-lady-trying-to-lose-weight ego, that's for sure. Kind of gives me hope that it could be possible for me to find a guy someday, hopefully soon. Yikes, can't even think about him that way, need to find someone more appropriate. The main appeal is that there is someone at work in a management position who peeks in, finds me and asks me how I am, and gets a smile on my face. And that is huge for me.

    And I'm down in weight which is good. I'm less than 1.5 pounds behind you Jane.....here I come.....

    Yes, I did enjoy Dr Randy today. I am so grateful to have him manipulate my body back into alignment. Nothing like hands on the body ! The stress at work took it's toll, and now I'm all fixed up. And it's nice to see the staff too. I know that when they ask me questions about what I have been doing to lose weight, they are genuinely interested and actually listen to what I say. I will be part of their education to clients in some way in the future. If not for them I would not have even started the path that has lead me here. They teach a particular nutrition plan, but I have taken it a step further, and can teach them all what I have learned. The woman who teaches nutrition in the office told me this am that she has done 5 day fasts, so we will get together one day to discuss our experiences.

    Oh we have a tornado warning just out. It's been raining pretty hard, but looks like it has passed my neighbourhood now, so we should be safe.
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    @jumanajane - I am not sure how long it took. 5-7 hours at least and probably more. I only got up to use the rest room. I was so enthralled, I decided not to eat my last planned meal. Awesome news on both your announcements. I'm not yet a grandmother and son is too shy to date but I remember getting below 200 lbs for the first time in about 20 years. I was lucky and never went above it since.

    @Kitnthecat - you'll hit the ones soon too! I think you can email your pictures from your iPhone and then open them on your PC. I have done it but do not remember the exact steps. Someone more tech savvy will chime in I am sure. Is Dr Randy a chiropractor or an osteopath? Both are wonderful. I miss that but am afraid to go back until I heal a little bit more - abdomen still swollen from surgery and I have two crushed vertebrae. Raining here in NY off and on today.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    Hi Donna, I'm Janice and yes, Dr Randy is a chiropractor who has helped me immensely. I met him 5 years ago, when I was in miserable physical and mental shape, more obese than I am now, on multiple prescription drugs, in pain still from a car accident years earlier. I could not walk or stand straight, had daily headaches, and many pains that I can't even remember now. I used to pop Advil 4 at a time every 4 hours, take anti depressants and anti anxiety drugs, as well as a sleeping pill, and have now ditched all of those in favour of a more natural way of life and pursuit of health.

    His practice is a Maximized Living chiropractic office, where they stress not only spine health ( very important in my opinion since the whole nervous system controls body function and if we don't take care of it we're screwed), but also nutrition, mind health, exercise and also removing toxins from daily life. I have learned so much and this has been such a gradual process that now my routine is firmly entrenched and I won't go back. I think everyone would benefit from chiropractic, but this is more than that. He knows me better than my doctor, and is more like family now. I trust him completely and he has changed my life for the better. My lower back used to swing out to the left then way out to the right before it became straight mid back. The Ex rays show that it is now straight. My neck has improved greatly as well, despite recent set backs and is well on the way to improvement that can be seen. No more headaches and I rarely reach for a pain killer. Much better overall health and my mood has improved dramatically. I still take synthroid for hypothyroidism and allergy medication, but hope to find more natural solutions for that as well if possible.

    My main reason for trusting my chiropractor is because I want to get to the root of all my health issues and let my body cure itself instead of masking things with drugs and not getting any better. I rarely get sick....don't think I've even had a cold in at least 3 years maybe ? I'd better stop, since I could go on and on. Maybe once you recover more Donna, you could try chiropractic again ?

    I'd better stop talking already......sorry for all the long posts.
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    Thanks, Janice. I was seeing a wonderful chiropractor/kinesiologist last year who was helping me with food sensitivities and thyroid health. I will look him up.

    Quick update. I made a quiche for my new friend. I was going to either eat it too in full or try to leave the crust. Instead, I bought some heavy cream and made a virtually carb free one for myself. He had some too and loved it. We went to a ballgame and I did not even get tempted by any of the goodies. One more meal to go!!
  • FaithMathias
    FaithMathias Posts: 56 Member
    Hello , Everyone been busy trying to start a business counseling, although I am considered disable. I tired to work for a few days but my back pain would not allow me to work much. So , I guess I have to accept I am really disable and my body prevent me from working. So, I guess I will just do volunteer work to keep myself busy and my mind going. I have decide to add water aerobics to my daily routine it has been great thus far. I of course have pain with any exercise but I just push on. My clothes are getting very lose on me in the waist and I see my legs are smaller. Not interested in using the scales they may not reflex any lost and I do not want to be disappointed.
  • fangirlish
    fangirlish Posts: 100 Member
    Wow, lots of amazing things going on with everyone. Faith, congrats on the non-scale victories, it sounds like you're seeing improvements. Donna, wow, your attitude is amazing. Aren't crustless cheesecakes wonderful? Janice, hope your workdays are getting a little less stressful now.

    Question for everyone: do you use a Fitbit or other device to help track your activity? I'm considering getting one and wondered if anyone has recommendations on what might be a good choice. Are there any devices other than bracelets? I don't like wearing anything around my wrist (no watch, etc.) so would prefer something that might clip on to a strap or waistband, if such a thing is available.
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    Hi everyone, hope you are all well!

    First of all......HAPPY BIRTHDAY CINDY! Hope you have a lovely day and celebrate it in style! :)

    @Janice..yes, I'm back to my usual self! I finish the antibiotics tomorrow morning so I can finish the yoghurt too! I love your self-description, you sound gorgeous! So you have a 'pixie' haircut! I always wanted to have that but with my round face it just wouldnt suit me at all!
    If you are using your iphone dont you just click on the icon at the top of this box that looks like a page with the corner turned over and then choose from your gallery? It should lead you through it. Google it!Lol.
    Awwww so your knight in shining armour is married with kids....shame! Hey, what do you mean? More appropriate....I hope you dont mean age!! I'll have to come and we can go on the 'prowl' together! LOLOLOL.
    Seriously Im so happy you finally have someone at work who seems to 'see' you and be concerned for you! About time! As to finding a new love interest....when the time is right it will happen and they will be very lucky to have you!

    Donna, I agree with fangirlish(Syl)....you have a brilliant attitude and dont you think that shows through a lot of the ladies on here who have had to deal with so much in the health and personal lives?? I have so much respect for you all. <3
    5-7 hours?? OMG! Thats dedication to finishing the job! lol. Do you think we should print the posts as a novelette?? Lol.

    @ Syl, sorry, I have never used anything like that. I keep hearing conflicting reports about their accuracy. Plus I'm not sure I want to spend that much on something I'm not convinced about. Im sure others will tell you more.

    My news of the day is that, at long last, hubby has made a decision and booked us flights to the UK!! I can go and see family and friends at last. Last time was 2 1/2 years ago. Of course, having hit a low of 90.4 kg it promptly jumped up a kilo!! arrgghh. Anyway now I have 5 weeks to try and get under 88kg. Only around 3 kg or 7 lbs to go but as we all know, its not that easy for us! I was asked if I decided that as I wanted to impress people I havent seen for quite a while....the answer is ...NO!!! I WANT TO GO SHOPPING FOR A MUCH SMALLER SIZE!!!LOLOLOL. Already most of my skirts a slipping down, trousers have 'baggy' bums and my blouses are huge. I have a suitcase of smaller sizes but they are from 10 years ago at least. More like 15 so......I want new and 3 sizes down. I was 22(UK)18(USA) and am close to 18UK(14USA) now. Be great if I can get those comfortably or (gasp!) a size 16UK. I think the last time I wore a 16 was.....well, I think dinosaurs were still around!

    I have tried playing around with my macros on the ketocalculator but I dont understand how much above the protein amount the fat has to be to stay in ketosis?? Anyone know? If i want to hit that it seems I have to cut my cals and fats to 1200. Thats a bit low for me calorie wise and I wouldnt have enough fats not to be hungry. I would be feeling deprived and I gave that up when I started LCHF...dont want that again! Dont know what to do apart from just carry on as I have been. Any one got any suggestions or idea they would be very welcome. I refuse to 'diet' this is a lifestyle although I will tweek things!

    Hope you are all having a good week, enjoying the weather(?) and seeing results on the scales. :)B)<3

  • RisiM
    RisiM Posts: 180 Member
    Hi Jane, I'm back
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    Hurray! Welcome back Iris! How have you been? Alls well I hope?
  • RisiM
    RisiM Posts: 180 Member
    Good thanks, but probably a bit heavier lol
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    I've always been a positive, optimistic, rosy outlook kind of gal. Almost dying just makes me want to live every day as happy and healthy as I can.

    A novelette sounds like a great idea!

    I just found out my new guy is going to weight watchers!! I am going to convert him to this way of eating soon enough...

    I tried on my bikini from the early eighties this morning and the bottoms were too loose - top too snug but I got in it. Too bad my abdomen is still a mess from surgery. I'm 15-20 lbs heavier than I was when I used to wear it.
  • pondsbb
    pondsbb Posts: 172 Member
    fangirlish wrote: »

    Question for everyone: do you use a Fitbit or other device to help track your activity? I'm considering getting one and wondered if anyone has recommendations on what might be a good choice. Are there any devices other than bracelets? I don't like wearing anything around my wrist (no watch, etc.) so would prefer something that might clip on to a strap or waistband, if such a thing is available.

    Hi all I'm new but just ordered a fitbit "zip" and it clips to your clothes. Not sure how they work , as I haven't received it yet.
  • pondsbb
    pondsbb Posts: 172 Member
    Oh and I'm new and keep setting my macros here and they keep resetting themself. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    Hi pondsbb - I am rather new to this thread too. I cannot answer your question about the macros, but I just reset mine and will let you know if the changes stick.

    I do not know much about the fitbit. I will have to look at the fitbit zip.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    Good to see you back @RisiM !

    Well, my knight in shining armour came through and gave up his office for me. There were some technical difficulties yesterday and today, but now I'm mostly set up. I still don't have the rest of my stuff, but have a way nicer place to work now even if still impaired. I feel like he saved me from a bad situation. It was very kind of him to do that. He just said that someone had to take care of me. My boss sure wasn't happy to find me in his office though. She just looked at me in disgust and shook her head repeatedly.

    By inappropriate Jane, I don't mean age-wise, since I'd love to join you with a similar set up, lol ! I don't even mean that it would be inappropriate for co-workers to become involved. But he's married ! That's a shame because he is so sweet. He did give me a back rub today though, and it's nice to be located so close to someone so upbeat, encouraging and easy on the eyes. :) It's just a good thing for him that he's married ! Yes, come Jane and teach me how to prowl !

    Well bad news. I did so much running around over the past few days, lugging my work stuff everywhere, and had so much stress that something was bound to happen. I wasn't even doing anything strenuous when it happened, but it was after I had filled laundry baskets up with supplies to deliver to the floors.....I just bent over and twisted the wrong way, and knew instantly that I had hurt my lower back again, on the lower right hip. It's hard to stand up straight and walk. I should know better than that. I know proper body mechanics, but obviously didn't employ those skills at the right moment today. I'll see how I feel tomorrow. Good thing it's a Dr Randy day tomorrow. I had to break down and take some Advil tonight. The crummy thing is that starting Thursday I have 6 days off in a row, but I hadn't planned on having an injury. I have a lot to do around the house and garden, so I'm hoping to recover soon.
  • fortunebc
    fortunebc Posts: 24 Member
    @Fortune Your care for your husband is a beautiful portrait of the marriage commitment. Blessings on both of you!

    @Cindy I didn't know WD40 can be used to clear out wasps! Thanks for the fyi, and I'm glad they're no longer a problem for you.

    @Karla I'm shaking my head. A 16 lb increase is almost unbelievable. It reminds me of "The Little Engine That Could" chugging up the hill saying "I think I can, I think I can!" I can't wait to see what happens when your body decides to release it again! Can hardly imagine a 16 lb woosh---whoa!! Yay for your perseverance and determination!!! <3 Cheering you on!!!
    Kitnthecat wrote: »
    I can see why you strayed from the topic....hard to stay focused with that image in your mind running around in short shorts. Holy Smokes, it's a wonder either one of you get any work done at all ! (....whistles...)

    I hope you two have a wonderful getaway ! I don't think there's much chance of you seeing the sunrise..
    Kitnthecat wrote: »
    I can see why you strayed from the topic....hard to stay focused with that image in your mind running around in short shorts. Holy Smokes, it's a wonder either one of you get any work done at all ! (....whistles...)

    I hope you two have a wonderful getaway ! I don't think there's much chance of you seeing the sunrise..
    Kitnthecat wrote: »
    Wow, May....I read all the posts, but couldn't begin to answer everyone, they all touch me. I want to stretch out on Cindy's hammock, that was so pretty and relaxing looking.

    Just a little thought....I have my alarm set to go off at 5:30 am daily. But I am rarely still asleep to hear the alarm go off. I start to wake up naturally at 5:00. My daughter's alarm goes off at 5:25, I hear her get up and switch mine off so it doesn't scare me lol, then I get up. I am on the treadmill about 6........
    Batlady49 wrote: »
    Hello. I am on a low carb 60< 140 protein and 60-70 fat. by my doc because i have metabolic syndrome. I think my 66 is closer to the older women (LOL). Anyway, with having more limitation on my mobility (exercise) I get frustrated with that part, but struggle real hard to get the 140g. I don't know who can do 20 of carbs, and 100+ of fats? wow. Any way I do think the older I am getting the harder it is to lose, regardless if it is diet or exercise. Any way that's my comment
    Sk8Kate wrote: »
    Good morning/evening ladies. It's a beautiful morning here, but going to be a scorcher today. (Around 30 Celsius).
    @ May love the miniatures! The time, talent, & patience you must have. Wish I'd found this group sooner, i would've commissioned wedding decorations from you, lol. (Shipping might've been impossible, tho.)
    @ Jane sometimes I find my moods are cycling like TOM, even tho there's no parts left & I've been menopausal for years now. I'm snappy & very quick tempered & even tho you know you're being a witch you can't seem to stop. I hit a deer 10 yrs ago & my daughter (10 at the time) was with me. She wanted me to go find it & take it to vet. Had to get someone to look for it to appease her (didn't tell her it had run off & died).
    @ Karla you've been such an inspiration, motivator, & great help please don't let yourself get too down over this increase. I am still going to send you pics of the Atkins package carb stuff as soon as daughter shows me how.
    @ Janice at least you're chiropractor is fully on board even if your Dr is a little unsure. Too bad you got so worked up about the appt when it looks like it went well. I was looking forward to making some chokecherry wine, but between oodles of blossoms & now looks like I'm not going to have much fruit. I'll have soom with you when Ellen & I come for borscht.
    @krazyforyou please send the maid my way when you're done. I have stuff strewn all over. Am just putting blinkers on til after wedding & kids get into their own place. Forgot how much crap comes with a baby, lol.
    @cdpits we smoke the hornets out at night. Nothing else seems to work. My inlaws house has bees in walls & beekeeper came out & vacuumed them. Seriously, hooked up a shop vac & sucked away. Worked for 2 yrs, now seem to be coming back. Think when we tear place down some walls will only be held up by honey & honeycombs.
    Well my son is driving around like madman trying to get my water going, so I should give him a hand. He just got off a night shift & is a little out of sorts. Have a great day/evening
    I should add. David has rung once or twice each day when we can't visit so it's not like we've ignored them.

    On happier news, I was down a sudden 300 grams this morning (6½ lbs). That's the last thing I expected, but after a week of 'short nights' (not enough sleep) I did have a bit more last night. Good sleep often seems to help the scale results.
    Hi all, welcome newbies your gonna love it here. I have decided that I'm just plain lazy. I don't even get enjoyment from cooking any more, so that leads to cooked chicken any ordering out for steaks and such. This simply must come to an end, cost too damn much money to order Longhorn. Hope all of you are doing well. @Ellen just keep the faith, it will turn around. @Janice we needs pics of your garden. It will inspire us. @Jumana, Dubai how exciting to just be there. Would love to hear all about it. Well gotta run, see ya soon. Another working weekend is here.
    canadjineh wrote: »
    @wheatlessgirl66 : I had the same problem when I was losing weight on Keto (under 30g net carb) - after a while I became ill, fatigued, and just felt 'off.' AND I stopped losing weight/inches. When I bumped my carbs up a bit to 50g net I felt tons better, had more energy, and began to lose fat weight again. Not trying to push you off your program, but it could be something to consider. Our bodies are all so different and it takes a lot of tweaking to find your 'sweet spot.'
    @krazyforyou : You could try 'binge cooking', lol. Designate one day to just cook a bunch of freezable meals or base items like roasted chicken, or bacon, or whatever and then you can just take it out and nuke it when you don't feel like cooking. That way you only have to do it once or twice a week.
    cdpits wrote: »
    Good morning my beautiful friends ! I've been slacking on posting, super busy weekend with a 3 dog show weekend here and incredible heat !! It was over 100 on Sunday and there are so many forest fires burning that the sky is grey from smoke and the sun and moon are an orange colour ! Thankfully none are terrible close to my home. I live on a mountain and it's always a big worry when it's so dry here with all the trees around me.
    @jane , yes, my husband was killed in a single vehicle accident about 2 kms from our home. Nothing in autopsy to indicate why health wise, just will never know the cause. I do all the things we enjoyed together while at the same time, rediscovering who "I" am and what "I" like to do after almost 30 years of being "we". Always trying to keep moving forward. About 4 months after he passed was the turning point of my weight loss journey. He loved me unconditionally and never told me to lose weight or made comments about it. I topped out at 380lbs and the light bulb went on one day and I told myself there's no one here to take care of me so I better figure it out and get healthy! I have 5 acres to take care of and most of the time that is my "gym" LOL!
    The baby birds are growing well and I did peek at them on the weekend, I try to leave the area alone but will try and take a picture today !
    The pool has been a blessing with this heat, I have even had the dogs in for a dip to cool down :)

    This is one of my girls, G/C II Scylla, taking the Champion of Champions cup this past weekend :)

    fangirlish wrote: »
    Hi there, is it OK for a latecomer to join the discussion? Confession time: I'm generally not a big contributor to online forums and boards, but this seems like a lovely group who face many of the same issues I do.

    I'm 63 years old and have been using low carb eating to control diabetes. I began eating lower carb in 2010 (about 75 grams/day) and progressed to very low carb/keto (about 20 grams/day) in about 2012 or maybe early 2013. I have found the lower the carb content, the better I can manage my blood sugars. I've also discovered that LCHF is a delicious way to eat and pretty easy to maintain.

    I've lost 50 pounds over these past 5 years, 28 or so since I joined MFP a couple years ago. Not a fast weight loss, certainly, but I don't mind that. My primary interest is in regulating blood sugar levels and also lipids. I take occasional breaks from logging and exact weighs and measures, but generally not for too long. My eyeball estimates tend to get larger over time and I always have to come back to precision and logging.

    I have found that much higher caloric intake with extremely high fat, with a ketogenic ratio consistently over 2, seems to work well for me. My blood sugars are stable, I seem to lose weight slowly but consistently and I generally feel better. However, to placate my doctor I am currently on a much lower calorie and macro level, with this month's upcoming lab tests to determine which approach works better for me, at least medical test-wise.

    Getting enough water is my biggest struggle.

    I look forward to getting to know y'all and learning from you. :)

    To answer your questions:
    @Jane The Heart Calm is made by Vital Biologics. You can read all about it on their website: http://www.vitalbiologics.com/ . I ordered mine from Amazon. Took my second dose this morning. No flutters so far. Could be just a fluke, but so far so good. And yes, I'll continue to research cortisol and work to heal it myself. Thanks for caring and encouraging me to be proactive. :)

    @May I've been on higher calories for 2 days (this is my 3rd). The first day I lost 1.2 lbs, but since I had just gained 3, it was just coming down from that. I've stayed the same the other two mornings. Yay. No gain from the added calories so far. What I'm looking for is a Brand New Loss! You'll hear me holler when I do that! Hope you're having a wonderful holiday!!

  • pondsbb
    pondsbb Posts: 172 Member
    krazyforyou wrote: »
    Hi all, welcome newbies your gonna love it here

    Thanks, I decided I needed to try and stay in the low carb forum since I am new to all aspects of LCHF and the different information in the main forum, along with everything else , is too confusing for me.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    Welcome @pondsbb ! This is the best group here. You will get a lot of help and support here.
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    Welcome @pondsbb. This is a lovely group. In the absence of May who started the group and is away on her holidays I will ask you in her place....if you would like to share you name, birthday and location with us, not to mention your story so far we would be happy to know. We tend to use names rather than nicknames on here if you are happy with that!

    The MFP goals section for filling in macros is a ****. As its favours calories in and out over carbs if you let it do it by itself it gives crazy things. Even if you want to customise it, it doesnt give you anything more than the option of 5% etc etc not 3 or 7. I dont know if you have found it or not but a lot of us use the macros from this site http://keto-calculator.ankerl.com/
    I just use the MFP ones as a gudeline. We can never been 100% accurate about things anyway!

    I think loads of us would advise you....stay away from the main forums!!! Lol. Just stick with the Low Carb one or Keto. There are a lot of people who dont approve ore understand this way of eating on the main forums and can be upsetting, demotivating or even downright aggressive when you mention it. On the is forum you get loads of info, support and knowledge and on this thread...so much more shared apart from the 'special' problems us post/close to menopausal ladies face.
    Any questions...just ask us!

    @fortunebc......sweety, your post was just segments of our posts copied....no messages from you at all. If you need any help working it all out just ask....took me ages to suss it all out as I am far from tech-savvy. Be nice to hear from you.

    @Janice, very glad you are settling into the office and the stress is reducing! I guess it was inevitable something was going to give! Sure Dr Randy will set you right again!