


  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Marcie, the tree that was removed out front was also leaning and we removed it because if it were to fall, it would fall on our neighbor's house. Plus it was huge and shaded that whole area, I wanted some sun for the garden. The Sequoia that I posted photos of is in the pasture and still standing as long as it's chained to a post. I believe we will eventually remove it because the root system is so shallow due to the water table being so high.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited May 2015
    sannferris wrote: »
    Marcie, the tree that was removed out front was also leaning and we removed it because if it were to fall, it would fall on our neighbor's house. Plus it was huge and shaded that whole area, I wanted some sun for the garden. The Sequoia that I posted photos of is in the pasture and still standing as long as it's chained to a post. I believe we will eventually remove it because the root system is so shallow due to the water table being so high.

    I hate when we lose trees, but sometimes it's gotta be. We've had to remove 8 trees from our property (3 were huge palm trees...we still have five more) since we moved here in 1998.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    I got in over 17,000 steps today. My high so far. I had over 9000 steps by the time I left work, and did 8000 more tonight. Lots of walking today. Fitbit says my next goal is 20,000 steps. That will be tough.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Sheryl, that's a lot of lawn.

    Marcie, that's cool that you can do youtube on any of the TVs. I could do it on one but it's in the same room as the computer, so.... You've removed 8 trees. Your yard doesn't seem that big. Hope the other 5 have long lives.

    Wow, you worked up to 17000 steps a lot faster than I did. Good push for me. Good thing my foot is doing better. It just hurt a little this morning and I'm trying out the new shoes I bought last week. The only fitbit goal I have is to do 70000 a week. I am slowly upping my totals from the last two weeks but I have other things to do too. Good job on your steps. My high one day was 25,000 but that will not happen much. I figure I won't get many at all on Thursday since we'll be in the car 6-10 hours and I'll be with Ralph who doesn't like to walk any more than he has too.
    Loved you writing your potbelly stuff here. That's how my mind works too.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    arobed53 wrote: »
    Sheryl, that's a lot of lawn.

    Marcie, that's cool that you can do youtube on any of the TVs. I could do it on one but it's in the same room as the computer, so.... You've removed 8 trees. Your yard doesn't seem that big. Hope the other 5 have long lives.

    Wow, you worked up to 17000 steps a lot faster than I did. Good push for me. Good thing my foot is doing better. It just hurt a little this morning and I'm trying out the new shoes I bought last week. The only fitbit goal I have is to do 70000 a week. I am slowly upping my totals from the last two weeks but I have other things to do too. Good job on your steps. My high one day was 25,000 but that will not happen much. I figure I won't get many at all on Thursday since we'll be in the car 6-10 hours and I'll be with Ralph who doesn't like to walk any more than he has too.
    Loved you writing your potbelly stuff here. That's how my mind works too.

    We have 5 more palm trees, plus 8 other trees. Whoever had our house before us really overplanted.

    I was stuck in a 2.5 hour meeting this morning (Bomb Incident Familiarization Training...really scary and interesting), so I didn't get my morning walk in. I doubt I'll hit the same number of steps today!

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    I finally hit 20,000 steps today (20,563 to be exact). I walk around the city during my breaks at work today, then when I went to get my car in the parking garage to go home, I did 4 laps around the garage. I went to the store after work and parked way out for more steps. After dark I walked around the neighborhood for about 90 minutes, and when I got home, Cisco was waiting for me to take him for a walk, so we walked around the block...of course he had to poop in the only yard where there were people around! When we got home I noticed I was just shy of 20,000 steps for the day, so after I parked the dog I walked to the end of the block and back. I'm putting my feet up now! :#
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Wow - way to go.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Marcie, love your persistence to walk, even after walking Cisco, you walk some more. You deserve to put your feet up.

    Yesterday, John and I walked also. More details of the day at the water cooler, but here, I'll say that we walked a 1.5 mile loop at the wildlife refuge. It was great. I forgot to check the time though, before and after, to see how long it took us. We didn't "hustle" because we were looking at all the scenery, but we started out "brisk" and gradually slowed down. With lots of stops/starts. I thought we'd just walk a little ways down the trail and turn around and come back, but ended up walking the entire loop. I chuckled to myself, as I compared John to Cisco...stopping at every little thing to look, touch, and "sniff" it. I almost expected him to pee on it. ha ha ha

    It was great, as we do this more, I'll keep better track of time/distance so I can log it properly.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    edited May 2015
    Sheryl, cool that you and John had such a nice walk in the wildlife refuge. I think you should be safe with John as long as he doesn't start barking. It was a fun place for John to use his improved eye.

    I knew Marci was challenging me with her steps but Elaine is also a fitbit friend and her knees are working great. She has passed me up in the 7 day total they post. I'm happy for her. She said today's push is because Fitbit has a challenge to do your best step day ever. I had seen that and figured with all our activities today I would ignore that challenge. But I did go down and walk 3 miles with Leslie to help me get a few more steps. So I hope to end the day with at least 15000 steps. (Not my best day but a good one). Most of the rest of the walking has been my house pathway.

    I am a little bummer that I "lost" about 500 steps. When we got home I changed, came out and walked and then realized I had not put the fitbit back on. :( Fixed that quickly.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Yesterday, I managed to get in most of my PT exercises, but not much else. I wonder if this is my new normal...very active one day and do absolutely nothing the next.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Your PT exercises are nothing to sniff at. Are you done going in now or do you have another time or two? Your body may need that day to rest after a good workout.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Yesterday I met my 10,000 daily step goal, but my steps were pitiful today. Didnt even make 3,000! Too much lazing around the house. For once I'm actually glad the work week is starting. I seem to do better during the work week with the walking during breaks.

    Christina S. (from NM) sent me an invite for a Fitbit challenge yesterday. It was just for Saturday, and the challenge was to meet my daily step goal. I wasnt planning on going for a walk last night, but I needed another 4,000 steps to meet my goal, so I made myself go! I didnt want to see my name on the leader board as not completing the challenge! Ha!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited May 2015
    Debora, I have a fitbit question for you. I don't quite understand the leaderboard (pic below). We're at the start of a new week, but it shows I've walked over 60,000 steps already (I wish!) and you and Judy over 100,000. Does the leaderboard not reflect the total steps for the week?


    Christina S. from NM sent me another Challenge this morning. Apparently this one is a "Workweek Hustle" step challenge. It looks like these challenges require a fitbit app on a mobile device. If you have a Fitbit app for iOS, Android, or Windows Phone, you can join. Not sure if you have a smart phone with the fitbit app, but I sent you an invite if you are interested in joining that challenge. I joined up, and after my long walk this morning around the city of nearly 8,000 steps, I shot to the top of that leaderboard. With that group, I'm sure I won't be there for long!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    That number is the total steps for the last 7 days. So each day it drops off one day and starts adding your new one. It doesn't start over each week.

    I've been thinking about how much time I spend walking (which is good to do) but have some other projects I don't get to so may slow down a bit and just aim for 12000 or a little more a day. Every once in awhile I need to change up how I do things. It may only last a few days. You never know. That should keep me at a 10000 average since some days I do less. They say we should rest one day so that's what you did on Sunday. While the two girls were watching a show and the boys were sleeping, I did do some walking around Lindsey's house so that helped me some today.

    I don't have a fitbit ap on a mobile device so guess I'm out of that one. Sounds like you are off to a good start on it.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Guess I'm not cutting back today - just saw I've made it to 16000 steps today and I'm sure I'll do a few more this evening. Off to fix supper now.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    You guys are amazing! Keep up the great work!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    I haven't updated on the pushups - most days I can do 3 now - 4 not at all. Sheryl has the upper body strength.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Every day is a victory Debora. Keep trying - you'll get there.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited May 2015
    I can do "wall" pushups. Debora, 3-4 real pushups is way more than I can do! I'm all twitchy this morning because I left my FitBit at home and all those steps I'll be taking at work today won't be recorded! I've been number 1 on the leaderboard in the Workweek Hustle fitbit challenge since Monday night, but that will end today. Courtney (from NM) was on my heals last night, so I'm sure she's taken the top spot by now. :s
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    And mine may not be real pushups - my knees are on the ground - not my feet but it's my strengthening exercise. Wall pushups count too. Bummer on leaving your fitbit at home. At least it's a NM person who will be in the top spot. You'll be back and going tomorrow with steps that count. :)