March Chat



  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    RLF022012 wrote: »
    I've been doing good with my diet and exercise. After reaching my goal, I was able to go a couple of pounds lower so that takes the pressure off. And, as long a I stay within my normal calorie range and keep getting my walking in every day, I'm doing fine. :D I have to say that I love my Fitbit for keeping track of my exercise. It keeps me honest and on track.

    I may have more comments once I can read thru the posts here, but I hope everyone is doing okay. It's good to be back!


    Getting to goal is huge and dropping a couple of extras is AWESOME.


  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    edited March 2015
    Crisbtrue wrote: »
    Good morning!
    I haven't checked in for awhile--nothing much to report. ahem.
    But. Today I can tell you that I'm FINALLY down 10 lbs since January.

    Now. I only have to do this about five more times. Maybe six.

    I did actually lose about 30 lbs--during this time, but unfortunately, it was the same 3 lbs--10 times...

    I hear you on losing the same lbs. over and over. But eventually it does add up on the downward side. Congrats on 10 lost this year.

    Nice to have ya back.
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Rose, welcome back and congrats on being not only at, but below goal! Extra insurance is always good :D ~Kathy
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Well, I did it. Ate 3/4 jar of cashew butter :s
    It doesn't matter what plan I eat if I do stupid things like that I am not going to lose. So today is a new day but I MUST get a hold on this again.

    I will be gone all day but hopefully will "see" each of you tonight!

    Have a wonderful Friday - Onward and Downward!!
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Thanks for letting us know, Rebamae. You know we have all been there ... it's all about "you can start over anytime" - as many restarts as it takes until you get in the groove. ~ Kathy
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!! I am determined to smile as much as possible today :) I am SO TIRED OF SNOW :s This has been a too long too cold of a winter. I am also going to check out Gym costs. I know our insurance gives some "perks" if you use a gym. Might as well look into it!! Rebamae, do not be too hard on yourself. I've been there done that many times myself. Kathy is right you can start over anytime, the important fact is that we continue to STRIVE towards the goal.
    Also, I know you have been on the Paleo Plan, I work with a couple of nurses that are also eating that way. They have been successful but have told me "every now and then they CRAVE carbs and give in" How ever they make a fresh start the next day! So you will make it I'm sure
    Have a fantastic Friday everyone!!
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    I'll never pretend that it's easy. I wish there was a Willpower Pill. I feel your pain, Rebamae, but DO NOT beat yourself up over it. And don't let it continue to get you down.

    I do know that I get depressed and down during the winter and... I EAT.
    I love to bake, so I'll make a coffeecake and nibble it down to GONE all by myself.
    And this winter.. well. :s

    One thing that hit me lately--well, ok. Two.
    My inlaws, who are in their late 80's, are both in a Skilled Nursing Facility.
    I know that just "eating right" isn't going to stave off any possible "mechanical" difficulties or obstacles like kidney failure or Parkinson's disease.
    But it is a BIG reminder to me that I've got a better chance of, shall we say.. living a strong life and then dying on my own terms, in my own bed rather than being hit by a stroke, heart attack, etc etc., if I actually DO something about this excess weight and GET RID OF IT. Gadzooks. I've been at this since I was a teenager. What a slow learner. DUH.

    The other factor is that one of the diabetes meds I'm taking is VERY Expensive and I need to eliminate that. I don't think I'll be able to eliminate all my meds (dream on) but..
    I am reminding myself that this stuff is costing us at least part of a yearly vacation if I stay on it. Bah.

  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Have had a strange week here..... hit more than 25,000 steps on Tuesday...was at a funeral on Wednesday, a friend who was the same age as me...very sad. Having a new bathroom fitted so have a house full of plumbers, plasterers, electricians...accidentally bought packets of biscuits for them, most of which I seem to have eaten myself!!! Still below goal not all bad........despite my plumber having cracked three ribs so the job has slowed down! :\

  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Hi all, I know I've been missing for s week or so, dealing with a health issue. Good news is that I'm okay and their scale says I'm down about a pound. We'll see if that bears out come Monday LOL.

    Crisbtrue, congratulations on your weight loss. That is fantastic. I'm right there with you and trying to do the right thing so I can remain healthy, happy and mobile for a long time.

    Jean, it sounds like you have a lot going on right now with some construction/remodeling. But you are still doing s great job!

    Rebamae, I've been eating junk food for a couple of days, at least cashew butter is reasonably healthy! You'll get back on track and so will I.
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Good morning!
    I just found this and thought I'd share the giggle. (I am getting better at not doing it! )

  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 402 Member
    Lol. Guilty! :blush:
