The Five-Letter Game
Drought is not excellent situation.
N O D U H0 -
New Odors destroy unreliable hounds.
Hounds often unearth nutritious dinners.
E A R T H0 -
Every aardvark rests then hunts.
Each volcano explodes - ready Yvonne.
P L O D E0 -
Please leave oven door erect.
E R E C T0 -
Every round egg can talk.
T A L K S0 -
Together all lurkers keep smiling.
S M I L I N G0 -
7 letters Tammy?! Ok, I accept the challenge...
Small minded Icelanders love imitating needy gorillas.
S M A L L0 -
So many antelopes love llamas.
L L A M A0 -
Llama love actually meets approval
A R C A N E0 -
Now Sheryl is giving 6 letters! Ha!
A really cold apple needs eating.
E A T E N0 -
Oh My, I sure did! must be why I couldn't sleep tonight.
Easy Anna travels every night
A L B U M0 -
I did a 21 letter word in a game out in the main forum once. That one hurt my head!
A little bunny usually mates.
M A T E S0 -
21 letters is one long sentence.
Maybe apples taste eerily super.
S U P E R0 -
Susan upsets Peter every rodeo.
U P S E T0 -
Sorry about the 7 letter word, I was having trouble thinking of a good 5 letter word.
Until puffy stays eager today.
P U F F Y0 -
Patsy utilizes french fried yams.
P A T S Y0 -
Put all tasty snacks yonder.
Y I E L D0 -
Yellow insects enthusiastically love daffodils.
B U Z Z Z0 -
Billy uplifted zappy zebras zipper
Z E B R A0 -
Buck under zero zany zoos.
U N D E R0 -
2-fer time....
- ZEBRA: Zippy elephants bruised Rick's ankle.
- UNDER: Upstart Ned doesn't ever rest.
0 -
Sheryl's tacky actions resists temptations.
A C T O R0 -
A cantankerous toddler often runs.
K I D D O0 -
Kindness is desired decision only.
K I N D S0 -
Kindness is never done sluggishly.
S L U G S0 -
Sheryl's lovely umbrella gives sparkles.
G I V E S0 -
Giggly Isabella, very energetically smiles.
S M I L E0 -
Sue makes Italian lasagna everyday.
M A K E S0