The Five-Letter Game
Move over onto Sue's enclosure.
S H O V E0 -
Shared housing openly views everyone.
Vending is entirely wasted space.
S P A C E0 -
Some people always continue eating.
L U R K S0 -
Leon usually requires kangaroo steaks.
S T E A K0 -
Sheryl takes eating aardvark keenly.
0 -
Ethel always travels east route.
E T H E L0 -
Ethel tugs her ears lobes.
L O B E S0 -
Look over Ben's east shoulder.
L E A S T0 -
Large eggs are special treats.
L A R G E0 -
Lurking around really gets exciting.
Q U E S T0 -
Quietly, Ursela entered stealthily tonight.
Q U I E T0 -
Quit using it every Tuesday.
E V E R Y0 -
Every Valentines evening Rudy's yours.
Y O U R S0 -
Yvonne only understands rural Spanish.
R U R A L0 -
Randy uses rabbits and lions.
L I O N S0 -
Lions instinctively only need steaks.
O R D E R0 -
Don't ignore niceties every Sunday
E V E R Y0 -
Eden very energetically rankled you.
R A N K S0 -
Rudolph announced no knives sought.
K N I V E0 -
Ken never insisted Val eat.
N E V E R0 -
Not everyone validates early rising.
E A R L Y0 -
Early apples rarely last years.
Alice puts purple lists everywhere.
L I S T S0 -
Lentils indicate super tasty suppers.
S U P E R0 -
Superintendents usually post each rule.
D E N T S0 -
Donald eludes negative Trump slayer.
T R U M P0 -
The real unicorn makes popcorn.
M A K E S0 -
Mike and kin, extra special.
X R A Y S0 -
Xeroxing really absolves your solution.
S O L U T0