The Five-Letter Game
Such objects like uniting together.
U N I T S0 -
Uniting never instigates terrible situations.
U N I T E0 -
Should others loathe unique tubas
0 -
Talking under bridges always slushes.
U N D E R0 -
Umpires need dopey elephant rants.
R A N T S0 -
Rainbows are naturally too super.
S U P E R0 -
Snappy umpires plunk eggs rapidly.
P L U N K0 -
Pull lightly unless not knuckling.
L I G H T0 -
Let's initiate gracious humanity training.
T R A I N0 -
Toys remain about Inez' nest.
A B O U T0 -
All but our units tighten.
L O U I S0 -
Laughing Ollie usually is smiling.
O L L I E0 -
Only little lies instigate elusiveness.
I N S T I0 -
^ good one Debora.
Initiating nice situations takes initiative.
T A K E S0 -
Two appetites keenly eat smoothly.
Thanks0 -
Some Mommys only offer Twinkies.
T W I N K0 -
Too wink it not kind.
S K I N S0 -
Skinned kangaroo is not sought.
S K I N S0 -
Skinned kangaroo is nasty sight
(yes, I copied most my answer, too early to think on my own this morning)0 -
Probably the only time we'll see back to back skinned kangaroos. Now I'll skin a trout...
Ned ate skinned trout yesterday.
T R O U T0 -
Try red octopus until Tuesday.
U N T I L0 -
Utilizing necessay tranquility is luxurious.
C A L M S0 -
Can always leave my sanity
C R A Z Y0 -
Crazy Ray always zaps you.
Z A P P Y0 -
Zoos always pretend penquins yelp.
T E N D S0 -
Terrible Enid needs dental surgery.
E N I D S0 -
Even nerds ink dummy signatures
N E R D S0 -
No-one eats red donuts sadly.
D O N U T0 -
Donuts once nourished uppity tourists
T O U R S0 -
Take on unusual red suspenders.
S U S P E0