The Five-Letter Game
Makes a kitten especially special.
K I T T Y0 -
Knitting is thoroughly tantalizing you.
K N I T S0 -
Kangaroos need insects to survive.
R O O S E0 -
Really, only one sees elephants.
S H O N E0 -
Stop hogging Owen's Neapolitan eggs.
O W E N S0 -
Owen wanted excellent news soon.
E X E L L0 -
Even xylophones expel loud lyrics.
Look yonder - right in corner.
R I G H T0 -
Little yellow roses in circles
Really irate gorillas have tantrums.
Sweet tarts are really sweet.
I R A T E0 -
Incidentally, ripe avocados totally evacuate.
TMI? ha ha ha
T O T A L0 -
Tom only took a little.
T A K E S0 -
Take away Ken's edamane supply.
C U A T E0 -
Cucumber under a tomato eaten.
C U K E S0 -
Calculated Union's kit eels skin.
U N I O N0 -
Undercooked noodles isn't optimum now.
U N D E R0 -
Usually Nancy does eat radishes.
N A N C Y0 -
Nancy and Norma can't yo-yo.
N O R M A0 -
No one remembers my athleticism.
S H O N E0 -
Sheryl has often needed eggs.
O F T E N0 -
Ollaf forgets to elude novels.
O L L A F0 -
Ollaf likes lentils and falafel.
0 -
Yaks use many muscles yawning.
M U S E S0 -
Music uses stimulation easily, sensibly.
U T I L E0 -
Untactful Tally is likely expressed.
B R E A D0 -
Uncle Tom is liking eating.
U N C L E0 -
I get another 2-fer...
BREAD: Be really educated and dedicated.
UNCLE: Uncle Ned collects little eggs.
T A M M Y0 -
Tomorrow Alice may make yams.
A L I C E0 -
Alice likes Ice Cream eating.
C R E A M0 -
Can't really eat a moose.
M O O S E0