Daily Check-In



  • Falconidae
    Falconidae Posts: 10 Member
    The smoke finally cleared out of the skies so I went hiking for an hour and a half yesterday. Being stuck inside has made me antsy, yikes. It felt great to finally be free outside. Looking forward to doing more this weekend :)

    I'm excited for next Wednesday. I get a paycheck and then I can do the membership fee for the 24-hour gym nearby! Weight-lifting here I come :)
  • ryanp_942
    ryanp_942 Posts: 44 Member
    Falconidae wrote: »
    I'm excited for next Wednesday. I get a paycheck and then I can do the membership fee for the 24-hour gym nearby! Weight-lifting here I come :)

    I just joined a new gym as well that happens to be a 2 minute walk from my house (so no excuses for me!) I went last night at 'peak' time and it was wonderfully empty aside from 3 or 4 other people which bodes well :) I may have been a bit too keen though... my legs are very reluctant to walk this morning :#
  • vollans
    vollans Posts: 106 Member
    Mine's in the basement at work, so I just set off for work a little earlier, get it done first thing - it's nice and quiet at 6am - and then in to my job. It certainly helps make it part of a routine and difficult to avoid.
  • awaywewander
    awaywewander Posts: 124 Member
    edited September 2015
    Yesterday was my first day back on MFP. I was under my calories for the day but felt grumpily hungry all day. I am sure that will get better as days go by. I am just getting my day started today. I had some breakfast and am waiting on my girlfriend to get home so we can go hiking somewhere new in town.

    A little about myself; I am a 26 year old transgender male and I live in Texas. I moved to the Austin area in January and began working for amazon shortly after. Previous to working for amazon pretty much all i did was work out but since starting work in April that has kind of fallen to the back burner. I have put on about 10 pounds in that period of time and would like to get back on track. I don't have the time to exercise as much as I use to but I would like to at least get a routine going. My goals are more muscle gain oriented than weight loss oriented but there is a small amount of weight that I would like to drop. I will be keeping track of my body fat % and paying more attention to that than the scale. Feel free to friend me if you'd like.
  • nuttyengineer
    nuttyengineer Posts: 112 Member
    It's been a little while since I've checked in...

    I've sort of given up on trying to reach my calorie goals because I will do great for a few days, and then there will be that one day where I stayed at work too late and just really want to stop and but a frozen pizza on the way home. I'm still trying to keep track though. The good news is I'm still managing to stay within the same 5 lb range, even if it is a little overweight.

    I've been doing a lot of field work this summer, which has been nice because the gear that I could barely lift with two hands a few months ago I can now carry around one handed. So that's one good thing.
  • becknomad
    becknomad Posts: 63 Member
    Yay for an LGBT group! Hello from Oregon. I'm new to MFP. Me and my wife are focused on losing about 60lbs. Each. We have a 2 and a 4 year old. Now that they are out of the baby years we are ready to focus on us and OUR health again! :wink:
  • awaywewander
    awaywewander Posts: 124 Member
    Yesterday's hike ended up being much harder than anticipated and it kicked my butt! 2.31 miles; burned 2,002 calories. Other than work today I am taking it easy. Started the day out with 15 minutes of beginner's yoga and working on getting food in my body now.
  • vollans
    vollans Posts: 106 Member
    I'm feeling pretty brilliant today. I thought I still had about 13kg or so to go to *just* enter normal from overweight.

    Yesterday I went for a DEXA scan as my PT reckoned there was no way I needed to lose that much. And he's right. Body fat is just over 25%, and I need to lose about 0.5kg of fat to be OK, and about 2-3kg of fat to be good and hopefully get the Android-Gynoid ratio on the right side. Anything after that's a bonus. That's a whole heap better! And even better I discovered my lean muscle mass is sitting at about 70%! Plus the scan revealed that I don't have any deep visceral fat pockets, or "stubborn" areas, being pretty even everywhere, except my right arm... Yup, I have a fat right arm. LOL

    So I've spent a chunk of today with my PT going over the results and starting to work out our plan of attack for the next few months, so it'll be a little while longer trying to shed a few kilos, then working on improving my fitness generally as I am now, and tightening up all those wobbly bits that need it, and any further fat loss at that point becomes a major bonus.
  • HedgeHaug
    HedgeHaug Posts: 223 Member
    Yea, nuttyengineer! So good to see you again! Terrific, notsosecretl... and welcome back! How is Oregon this time of year, becknomad? vollans, hard work pays off! I am joyous for you!
  • HedgeHaug
    HedgeHaug Posts: 223 Member
    vollans, Lady in the Water (movie) came to mind when you mentioned your right arm....smiling
  • vollans
    vollans Posts: 106 Member
    Ok, I'm going to have to look up that movie now.
  • awaywewander
    awaywewander Posts: 124 Member
    Started today with taking measurements for myself and my girlfriend. I would like to see some numbers get larger and some smaller. First step is getting my eating right... I work later today but I am going to try getting some exercise in before.
  • HedgeHaug
    HedgeHaug Posts: 223 Member
    LOL, vollans!
  • HedgeHaug
    HedgeHaug Posts: 223 Member
    good morning, All! Have a productive, positive day! Now, it's off to work I go!
  • ryanp_942
    ryanp_942 Posts: 44 Member
    What. A. Week.

    Started my new job on Monday, been waking up every day at 6am to be in work for 8am-4pm, commute home and go to the gym from 6pm-7:30ish, eat dinner and then collapse into bed at 10pm. One more day 'til the weekend! B)

    I've managed to put in 4 5km runs since last week and even though it kills me to do it I have to say I'm noticing the results. My legs are looking quite toned and my stomach is probably the flattest it's ever been so I'm happy. Exhausted but happy :)
  • acstl
    acstl Posts: 32 Member
    Good job, Ryan!
  • vollans
    vollans Posts: 106 Member
    Indeed, excellent! It's great when you feel yourself turn that corner and start to really see and feel the progress. This last few weeks I've felt my progress really take off - times on equipment at the gym have been tumbling, times on things like hovers and leg holds have been rapidly increasing, recovery time shortening I've been almost disappointed when the time is up for the session and I could do more, if only I didn't have to go to work. I always scoffed at people who said this fitness lark was addictive; I'm starting to think they may be right...
  • awaywewander
    awaywewander Posts: 124 Member
    Finally off work for the week. Planning a hiking trip for tomorrow with the girlfriend! I went for a 2.81 mile bike ride this morning and did some weight training after work. All that is left for tonight is getting some dinner in. I also made a list of goals that I would like to work towards in September.

    -Reach 213 (currently at 214.2, started this month at 217.4)-
    -Increase amount of weight I can lift-
    -Decrease my body fat (currently at 27.1%)-
    -Stay under my calories for at least 25 of 30 days-
    -Exercise at least 4 times a week-
    -Increase my hip measurements (currently at 40 inches) I NEED TO GROW A BUTT!-
  • awaywewander
    awaywewander Posts: 124 Member
    Weight as of this morning is 213.6! I have had success my first week back on track. I usually hit a wall around 208 and then lose motivation...hopefully I can manage to get past that wall this time.
  • ryanp_942
    ryanp_942 Posts: 44 Member
    Cheers @acstl & @vollans ! I agree, nothing like seeing results to motivate you to carry on :blush: Have a good weekend everyone!