

  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I'm new to this forum/group. Hello to everyone! I'm also in keto group, but I wanted to ask what is the normal or should I say average amount of carbs for a low carb (not keto) diet? What are some of your daily carb target/goals?

    I kind of drift in and out of keto so half the time I say keto and the other half I identify as LCHF. It really has a lot of variables that come into play. For example I got up and ran six miles today and can tell I am in ketosis now (after lunch). Most days I am not in ketosis and I try to stay at 50g or less carbs.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    I'm new to this forum/group. Hello to everyone! I'm also in keto group, but I wanted to ask what is the normal or should I say average amount of carbs for a low carb (not keto) diet? What are some of your daily carb target/goals?

    I am LC not keto and I shoot for 100g total. Sometimes I'm a little over or under, but since I'm not pursuing ketosis, it doesn't matter as long as I prioritize nutrients over sugar or starch.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    This thread is available any time via the Open Threads sticky. It's the 1st one under Motivational at the bottom. The more stickies we have, the fewer discussions we'll have on the front page. We already have a plenitude of stickies. If you guys would love to keep this thread near the top, then keep it bumped with all your good news. :smile: Or suggest which sticky will be removed to make room. I try to keep the ones most important to the largest number of members up. But the platform limits how much I get to do.