Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning all..its Wednesday!
    Ed, what a terrible experience. I think they broke every labor law in the book! Hopefully that is an experience you will never have to re-live.

    It looks like I was MIA yesterday. Sorry. Chores, gym, Walmart, and Olivia's gymnastics put quite a dent in my day.

    Roger, thanks for all the lawn mower help. Since the mower worked, and worked well until August, and since it lives in my garage, I don't think it has any critter nests, and there is no way I can get out my wrenches and such and do anything much. Not being able to get on ones knees, struggle getting not only up, but down onto the floor, etc, and the arthritis in my right hand pretty much precludes my days of mechanical adventure! (nice thing about tractors, they're tall, and all the good stuff is at least waist high! except axles :) )

    Today, soon to get ready for trip to ATL and my chiro, and a Whole Foods/Midtown experience, home, quick trip out to get my lotto tickets for the next 2 weeks, and then my late afternoon chat with DS1. (he had a meeting and was not at O's gymnastics last night).

    I had the local news on my iPad earlier, while I was still dozing, and I think we're in for some much cooler day time temps for a couple days. 70's ? if I heard right... wow!!!

    Ok, off to the shower...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,725 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Working that long close tonight but if the AC is working, won't mind a bit. Company is coming in tonight but J will be picking them up at the Marta station. Then tomorrow night we all go downtown and check into hotels, though the other couple will be in a different hotel, for DragonCon. From that point, any calls from the store will be unanswered and any messages left for me will be, perhaps, briefly considered, then laughed off. Vacation means NO, YOU DON'T GET TO CALL ME IN so there!

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Ed, love your morning post! So why don't we have a 'like' button? Enjoy DragonCon!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hi All
    I Went out walking earlier today, 5:21AM, It was better than yesterday, Whew!

    several blocks from the house a Walking Appetite AKA Deer ran out of a front yard on down the side street heading towards the brook over that way. We suspect that they live in the brush and trees along the brooks here in town.

    I see that I have a NS Shipment out for delivery today or tomorrow, that answers my question will anything ship before the Holiday. It did not indicate what is out for shipment unfortunately, Frozen, Shelf Stable or both. I seem to only get a email on whichever of them is the first to ship :)

    Have a Nice Wednesday
    Well, today was even worse! When I got there the AC in the kiosk was broken. It was 86 degrees already in there and felt like a sauna. I told the lead, as soon as I walked in, literaly, NO F****** WAY could I stay out there very long. The store sent out a medium sized box fan, but that (and the small fan that I brought out several months ago) were totally unable to cope. All they did was move hot air. Very hot air. There are no vents if the AC isn't working. No windows that can open. I told management as well that there was no way I could be out there for 8 hours (minus the profanity) and I started by working in the store, replenishing the stock for the fuel center, and then tried to work out there for as long as I could, while the lead went home to recover, having drank the Powerade that I told her to drink whether she thought she needed it or not.

    When I started feeling REALLY ICKY, after a couple of hours mostly in there, (I did step out whenever I could but customers kept coming to the kiosk so I had to go back in) I called in and they sent someone out to take over. At that time it was 90 degrees in there and they realized that it was really impossible. For her they propped the door open, and put a waste basket full of ice in front of the box fan.

    Aside from getting OUT OF THE HEAT, I knew what else I needed to do so I sat up in the break room drinking more Powerade Zero (third bottle and began a fourth bottle) until I felt well enough to go home, whereupon they called and told me that it was fixed (but no, they didn't expect me to come back) so I'd know it was safe to come back tomorrow. And to make sure I got home OK. Then I laid down until nearly dinner time. At that point I made dinner and I finished off the last Powerade with dinner. Feeling pretty human now, but it took time, rest and plenty of fluids. I think the lead realized after I told her to drink the Powerade, just how much fluid she was losing via sweat. She stayed out there as it got hotter and hotter while I was doing the replenish. By the time I got that done, it was getting into afternoon and REALLY hot.

    Working a long close tomorrow, assuming it stays fixed...and then maybe 4 hours in the middle Thursday and then OFF through the entire Labor Day week. I'm ready...————————————————————————————————————————————————-

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    being dehydrated will get You every time. I have Driven tractor trailers with no AC and on the really hot days even a fan just blows hot air as You stated. I worked with someone that had to be rescued from the heat under those conditions, He passed out sitting in traffic :) No Accident luckily.

    Good Morning all..its Wednesday!
    Ed, what a terrible experience. I think they broke every labor law in the book! Hopefully that is an experience you will never have to re-live.

    It looks like I was MIA yesterday. Sorry. Chores, gym, Walmart, and Olivia's gymnastics put quite a dent in my day.

    Roger, thanks for all the lawn mower help. Since the mower worked, and worked well until August, and since it lives in my garage, I don't think it has any critter nests, and there is no way I can get out my wrenches and such and do anything much. Not being able to get on ones knees, struggle getting not only up, but down onto the floor, etc, and the arthritis in my right hand pretty much precludes my days of mechanical adventure! (nice thing about tractors, they're tall, and all the good stuff is at least waist high! except axles :) )

    Today, soon to get ready for trip to ATL and my chiro, and a Whole Foods/Midtown experience, home, quick trip out to get my lotto tickets for the next 2 weeks, and then my late afternoon chat with DS1. (he had a meeting and was not at O's gymnastics last night).

    I had the local news on my iPad earlier, while I was still dozing, and I think we're in for some much cooler day time temps for a couple days. 70's ? if I heard right... wow!!!

    Ok, off to the shower...

    Ed, love your morning post! So why don't we have a 'like' button? Enjoy DragonCon!

    Hi Kat
    When I worked on the Lawnmower and Rototiller I rolled them over where I could sit on the Picnic table bench to do the work for the same reason, to get down to their level :)

    Real Life comes before forum life :)

    Have You asked for a Like button? I believe it is a simple configuration thing they can do easily. I could also be wrong too.

    Have a Nice day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I see I'm first today :)

    I was walking this morning, Ended up walking Three miles & 6 Cents due to having to change routes on the fly. We have not had to much lawn mower noise lately, Most of the lawns are a nice brown due to lack of rain :)
    Some leafs have been falling already too, possibly the same root cause.

    Whee, My Delivery is out for delivery today, I will find out what it is when it is delivered, SS, Frozen or both.

    Have a Great Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,725 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! Working a short middle today and then off to check into a downtown hotel. We are NOT driving downtown today. There are supposed to be 65,000 people downtown for a big game and several thousand MORE for another, not as big game, and the vice president will be driving around at about the same time!

    We are taking the Marta in, DURING the games so it will hopefully not be too crowded, as the crowds will already be seated watching the games, and the vice president's drive shouldn't affect the train much, if at all.

    The air conditioning was working well enough yesterday at work, and it was a reasonably pleasant 8 hour closing. When I got there it was 74 degrees, and it mostly bounced between 75 and 77 as the afternoon and evening progressed, finally getting back down to 74 and eventually to 72 (where it was set) by late in the evening, after dark. Don't know if the repaired system will be able to maintain that temperature, but the "old" one usually kept it below 75. We'll see. 77 is acceptable with enough air movement, as long as the AC dries the air out enough, and it was. Every time it went UP a degree I checked to make sure it was actually blowing cold air. Didn't want any sneaky surprises.

    Nice that your delivery is arriving today, Roger! But you still don't know which one?

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    edited September 2015
    Where did my Morning post go?? Did you two steal it? LOL!!!
    Perhaps I didn't hit the post button....I dunno!!
    All well here. Raining here at the moment.
    Most of my chores done, or in the works.
    Lawn mower being picked up tomorrow evening, Maintenance will be done, which includes cleaning carb, and sharpening blade. If more work needs to be done they'll call first. Should be home in a week. All OK by me!

    Ok, Cats fed, I think I'm next!

    Ed have a great time. I looked at the downtown events calendar for today...Marta is a GREAT choice LOL!! Enjoy DragonCon!!

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good FRIDAY morning!
    Since Ed's got the day off from work, and Roger and I are retired, TGIF is sorta a non-issue today! :)
    70 humid degrees outside, I just heard the garbage truck(s), cats fed, me next. Coffee this morning at a coffee place Marietta saw and wants to try. Maybe lunch.
    I need to run to the store for banana's (how could I forget banana's? ), and a few minutes at the gym would be a good thing too! So, that's my day in a nutshell... tomorrow is early morning hockey with Nate.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I was out walking this morning, I stopped at the 7Eleven, No lids for the extra large coffee cups so I suggested pulling the empty cups until they have lids, It was done right away. Why it did not occur to the clerk, I do not know?

    Yesterday after the bank opened I walked up there, 4 blocks each way in addition to the morning walk. Then my BBB came and I spent some time checking it in and marking it. I marked it with a delivery number and calorie count on each item. This way I can look in the cupboard and pull a balanced days foods. Thus if I have a High calorie dinner I can look at a low calorie Breakfast or lunch. This works for me since I lay out my food ahead of time

    I am getting ready to head off to CostCo for Frozen vegetables and Dannon L&F greek Yogurt 16 pack and maybe Fruit.

    Have a Great Friday
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! Working a short middle today and then off to check into a downtown hotel. We are NOT driving downtown today. There are supposed to be 65,000 people downtown for a big game and several thousand MORE for another, not as big game, and the vice president will be driving around at about the same time!

    We are taking the Marta in, DURING the games so it will hopefully not be too crowded, as the crowds will already be seated watching the games, and the vice president's drive shouldn't affect the train much, if at all.

    The air conditioning was working well enough yesterday at work, and it was a reasonably pleasant 8 hour closing. When I got there it was 74 degrees, and it mostly bounced between 75 and 77 as the afternoon and evening progressed, finally getting back down to 74 and eventually to 72 (where it was set) by late in the evening, after dark. Don't know if the repaired system will be able to maintain that temperature, but the "old" one usually kept it below 75. We'll see. 77 is acceptable with enough air movement, as long as the AC dries the air out enough, and it was. Every time it went UP a degree I checked to make sure it was actually blowing cold air. Didn't want any sneaky surprises.

    Nice that your delivery is arriving today, Roger! But you still don't know which one?

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    I do now that it has arrived, it arrived at 12:49 according to FedEx tracking, All shelf stable, That is OK as I was getting a little low on a couple of things. The President or VP tie up the metro NY area all the time too.
    As far as I am concerned they should stay in Washington :)

    I have my fingers crossed that the AC keeps doing the job for You.

    Where did my Morning post go?? Did you two steal it? LOL!!!
    Perhaps I didn't hit the post button....I dunno!!
    All well here. Raining here at the moment.
    Most of my chores done, or in the works.
    Lawn mower being picked up tomorrow evening, Maintenance will be done, which includes cleaning carb, and sharpening blade. If more work needs to be done they'll call first. Should be home in a week. All OK by me!

    Ok, Cats fed, I think I'm next!

    Ed have a great time. I looked at the downtown events calendar for today...Marta is a GREAT choice LOL!! Enjoy DragonCon!!


    Hi Valerie
    I have forgot to post, sometimes I do the preview to be sure I got everything and then then close it, Ooops.
    Good FRIDAY morning!
    Since Ed's got the day off from work, and Roger and I are retired, TGIF is sorta a non-issue today! :)
    70 humid degrees outside, I just heard the garbage truck(s), cats fed, me next. Coffee this morning at a coffee place Marietta saw and wants to try. Maybe lunch.
    I need to run to the store for banana's (how could I forget banana's? ), and a few minutes at the gym would be a good thing too! So, that's my day in a nutshell... tomorrow is early morning hockey with Nate.


    Hi Again
    So true about TGIF OTOH for the last 16 years of work I worked Monday through Saturday so mine was TGIS. And the 14 years of work before that was not a traditional Monday to Friday job either. Since it was in operation 7 days a week excluding some Holidays You could be off on Saturday and work Sunday or whenever.

    My brother picked up Bananas the other day for me, I blended the last one into a Vanilla Protein Shake as it was way ripe. They are delicious that as a Banana Shake however so no loss that way.

    Have a Good Weekend
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,725 Member
    Howdy y'all from beautiful downtown Burbank. Er, I mean Atlanta! You bet your sweet bippy! (Let's see how many people get THOSE references...)

    It's fabulous Friday! I'm skipping my usual signature block this morning as that paste-in is on my other computer at home and I'm on the mini-Dell this morning. I found an acceptable (though expensive) breakfast downstairs a while ago and am about to shower and get on with the day. Sipping tea now.

    OK. J is out of the shower so in I go!

    Later gators!

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Found a nice, bright, clean coffee shop...Asian..LOADS of sweet desserts, and nice coffee's. Several sandwiches, and even a grilled veggie with balsamic vinegar. Also a veg friendly salad.
    That was nice.
    Then there was an 'Internet Cafe'..which M had to stick her head in to believe what it was. The word 'cafe' ..and she was SURE there was at least sandwiches. :) Not.
    The 3rd place was also Asian...bakery goods, and more luscious looking cases of desserts, cakes, etc.
    So, I guess we will be seeing little 'round' Asians, soon, if they go there often!! LOL!

    Ok, Ed...
    Gary Owens announced the Rowan & Martin show from 'Beautiful Downtown Burbank'...and See You Later Gator was from Bill Haley and the Comets...from the movie Rock Around the Clock.
    And you can Bet Your Sweet Bippy, was another Rowan & Martin buzz phrase. I loved the Rowan & Martin show.
    So, now we know for sure I'm 72!!! LOL!!

    Its HOT here, Ed be glad you're in AC in town!!!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I was out walking again, Later today a recycle run, Need to check and see if they are open first. It is cooler this morning than yesterday, still feels a bit humid however.

    I asked the clerk at the Quick Chek, Who gets stuck working Monday? His answer, Everybody, No Holidays here.

    Have a Great Weekend and Holiday
    Howdy y'all from beautiful downtown Burbank. Er, I mean Atlanta! You bet your sweet bippy! (Let's see how many people get THOSE references...)

    It's fabulous Friday! I'm skipping my usual signature block this morning as that paste-in is on my other computer at home and I'm on the mini-Dell this morning. I found an acceptable (though expensive) breakfast downstairs a while ago and am about to shower and get on with the day. Sipping tea now.

    OK. J is out of the shower so in I go!

    Later gators!


    Hi Ed
    I watched that show back when. Here comes the Judge and The Flying Fickle Finger of Fate.
    Oh wait, I think I'm showing my age. My first TV set was a used RCA B&W with a 10" round screen.

    Found a nice, bright, clean coffee shop...Asian..LOADS of sweet desserts, and nice coffee's. Several sandwiches, and even a grilled veggie with balsamic vinegar. Also a veg friendly salad.
    That was nice.
    Then there was an 'Internet Cafe'..which M had to stick her head in to believe what it was. The word 'cafe' ..and she was SURE there was at least sandwiches. :) Not.
    The 3rd place was also Asian...bakery goods, and more luscious looking cases of desserts, cakes, etc.
    So, I guess we will be seeing little 'round' Asians, soon, if they go there often!! LOL!

    Ok, Ed...
    Gary Owens announced the Rowan & Martin show from 'Beautiful Downtown Burbank'...and See You Later Gator was from Bill Haley and the Comets...from the movie Rock Around the Clock.
    And you can Bet Your Sweet Bippy, was another Rowan & Martin buzz phrase. I loved the Rowan & Martin show.
    So, now we know for sure I'm 72!!! LOL!!

    Its HOT here, Ed be glad you're in AC in town!!!


    Hi Valerie
    I think I would be afraid to stick my head in those Coffee shops, Just the aroma and I might gain weight :)
    I saw that movie FWIW. Not in the cinema of course but I love the oldies. One of our PBS stations used to show silent movies with a Live Piano accompaniment.

    Today and Tomorrow we get decent fairly cool weather before heading back to the nineties later in the upcoming week. September?

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,725 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! 50% chance of scattered showers today, and a bit cooler. I ran into an old friend and his boyfriend in one of the crosswalk bridges the other night but we were moving in heavy crowds, in opposite directions. There was just time for a quick HELLO shouted across and then we were gone. I sent him a message telling him where we're staying in case they want to get together later. They live in Tucker but we never see each other. Isn't that just the way of the world?

    We were up really late last night, as we had to Marta back toward home to feed the sugar gliders. There was an elderly woman on the train who looked like she was not feeling well and her luggage kept falling over (and she kept putting her head between her legs and apparently falling asleep) but she insisted she was all right, just tired. However, when I asked her where she was going she mumbled something about Kroger (with two big rolling suitcases? I think not) and when pressed said she was getting off at 5 points (which she had passed before J and I ever got on the train.

    I kept an eye on her until we reached our stop at the end of the line and then J stayed with her while I paged the train operator. She had removed herself from the train by then but the operator took over for us and convinced her to get back on and we left her in his capable hands...at least I hope they were capable. When we got back to the station about an hour and a half later, he was operating the train we were riding back downtown and waved at me as he walked by.

    We've seen all sorts of interesting costumes, including Peter Pan's shadow, running around without him.


  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Saturday day!!! ;)
    Early hockey, game won. Nate's team is 2 for 2!!! Spent a good bit of my time stopping at every Walmart and Publix I saw on the way back...Nobody has my Sobe Lifewater/Yumberry. Makes me think its a production or distribution problem. Oh, well...
    Have had my lunch, and am headed for the gym!

    Ed, sounds like you are having great fun. I hope your Tucker friend did get in touch with you later in the evening.
    Which line do you get on when you ride Marta? Glad you could help the poor old soul. (Roger, I swear it was not me!!) :)

    Roger, those desserts looked amazing. But I know better than to look too long, or heavens forbid, eat. One of the biggest lies told is....'I'll just have a little sliver', or 'I"ll just one bite'. Right up there with 'I'll remember, I don't have to right it down,' LOL!!

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Just read my post from yesterday. I must have been more tired than I realized.... make that last statement say
    "I don't have to WRITE it down".
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Sunday Morning!
    Watched church, cats fed, first coffee gone, need to get a.) another cup of coffee, and b.) find my breakfast. Both simple chores as I know how fast the Keurig is, and I know just what I'm going to eat!

    Beautiful morning here. Sun shining thru the trees its about 72 degrees and a very slight breeze..just enough to ruffle those leaves on the tree. Screened door open, and the cats must be satisfied as they've both gone...(you know they're somewhere napping) :)

    My only agenda today is to start on those two book cases in my room. This is going to be a LONG chore, as I hate parting with books...yes, even the ones that are dust covered that I haven't looked at in years. This may prove to be Almost as hard as quitting smoking was 15 years ago. Not only that but then what to do with them. I think Goodwill or Salvation Army will be gifted with a bounty of books!

    Hope everyone has a great day. OH, by chance did either of you see the Nebraska vs BYU game yesterday evening? I tuned in about 6:30 or so, just in time to see the last 5 minutes of the game...Nebraska ahead by one point, game seemingly in the books, and then, while texting/chatting with my friend from Nebraska, watched the unthinkable.
    That was quite an ending...not so happy in Nebraska...oh no!!!
    Being from MO, Nebraska was ALWAYS a foe! Huskers needed to be stopped at all costs, etc. But that ending brought me no real joy... I must be getting old???? hmmmmm

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I was out walking & 5Cents, Temperatures around 56 Degrees when I started out. On my return to the house and opened a front window and a back window to get some fresh air. After Breakfast I cleaned the Grill and Filter on the Living Room Wall mount AC. I still need to call or Email NutriSystem. The NutriChocolates in my BBB were melted together and the Latest Bear has a big open seam where the head joins the Body in the front. Since they did not substitute for the Granola Cereal Now I wish I had not lowered the quantity :)

    Have a Great Holiday Weekend
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! 50% chance of scattered showers today, and a bit cooler. I ran into an old friend and his boyfriend in one of the crosswalk bridges the other night but we were moving in heavy crowds, in opposite directions. There was just time for a quick HELLO shouted across and then we were gone. I sent him a message telling him where we're staying in case they want to get together later. They live in Tucker but we never see each other. Isn't that just the way of the world?

    We were up really late last night, as we had to Marta back toward home to feed the sugar gliders. There was an elderly woman on the train who looked like she was not feeling well and her luggage kept falling over (and she kept putting her head between her legs and apparently falling asleep) but she insisted she was all right, just tired. However, when I asked her where she was going she mumbled something about Kroger (with two big rolling suitcases? I think not) and when pressed said she was getting off at 5 points (which she had passed before J and I ever got on the train.

    I kept an eye on her until we reached our stop at the end of the line and then J stayed with her while I paged the train operator. She had removed herself from the train by then but the operator took over for us and convinced her to get back on and we left her in his capable hands...at least I hope they were capable. When we got back to the station about an hour and a half later, he was operating the train we were riding back downtown and waved at me as he walked by.

    We've seen all sorts of interesting costumes, including Peter Pan's shadow, running around without him.


    Hi Ed
    Good Job of looking out for others, Thumbs Up!
    Good Sunday Morning!
    Watched church, cats fed, first coffee gone, need to get a.) another cup of coffee, and b.) find my breakfast. Both simple chores as I know how fast the Keurig is, and I know just what I'm going to eat!

    Beautiful morning here. Sun shining thru the trees its about 72 degrees and a very slight breeze..just enough to ruffle those leaves on the tree. Screened door open, and the cats must be satisfied as they've both gone...(you know they're somewhere napping) :)

    My only agenda today is to start on those two book cases in my room. This is going to be a LONG chore, as I hate parting with books...yes, even the ones that are dust covered that I haven't looked at in years. This may prove to be Almost as hard as quitting smoking was 15 years ago. Not only that but then what to do with them. I think Goodwill or Salvation Army will be gifted with a bounty of books!

    Hope everyone has a great day. OH, by chance did either of you see the Nebraska vs BYU game yesterday evening? I tuned in about 6:30 or so, just in time to see the last 5 minutes of the game...Nebraska ahead by one point, game seemingly in the books, and then, while texting/chatting with my friend from Nebraska, watched the unthinkable.
    That was quite an ending...not so happy in Nebraska...oh no!!!
    Being from MO, Nebraska was ALWAYS a foe! Huskers needed to be stopped at all costs, etc. But that ending brought me no real joy... I must be getting old???? hmmmmm


    Hi Valerie
    Several Options, Charity as You mentioned, The own Library here takes book donations and sells them off at different prices for Paperbacks or Hardcover. Either way they get some benefit as do the patrons. Or sell them on eBay, if any are hard to get out of print there may be a demand. I had to buy a couple of Out of Print books for my brother a while back, Not too many choices either.

    Have a Great Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,725 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! We slept in this morning but then we were up past 4:00 with the late late showing/performance of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Barry Bostwick (who played Brad in the movie, 40 years ago) was a special guest before the show.

    Finally got up and to brunch at about 11:00. Fortunately the Corner Bakery Cafe serves breakfast any time.

    Off to see if I can snag a copy of "Leonardo's Cat" at the art show and sale. If I do, I'll post a picture of it later. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I got out walking this morning a hour before Sunrise, a little warmer than Yesterday but still comfortable.

    Have a Great Holiday
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,725 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! Happy Labor Day! Last morning of Dragon Con here. We are getting all cleaned up and ready to check out. The vendors area of the con is supposed to stay open (at least some of the vendors) until 5 or so and we'd like to go through there when it's, hopefully, less crowded and crazy. We have strolled through a couple of times but it was just too crazy for words. J bought something but I haven't bought anything from that side as yet. I did buy something from the art area but that was in a different building. I'll take a photo of the cat (in the Mona Lisa pose) for y'all later.

    Lilo will be thrilled to have me home again for more than just a few minutes each night!