Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Ok, will try this again....this web site has been giving me fits this morning. First it loaded one post at a time, then it had a long delay as I typed, and finally, it would not post!! ARGGGG. Don't know what I'd do without 'force quit'!

    Ed, enjoy your pool party today...sending you all my 'will power', so your 'wont-power' holds up. And with my 'will power' allocated to you, its guilt free eating for me today! DS2 is coming out for lunch at our Indian Restaurant!!! LOL!!

    Hope Roger is having a good walk, his financial finds will be a let down after yesterday!! Roger, are you still seeing the 'teradactyl' and have you talked to it? They are fun to talk to if they're close to you...they watch you intently and *kitten* their heads first to one side, then the other, as if they were really understanding your conversation!! Its a hoot!!

    OK, need to get moving, a few things to do this morning before my 'company' gets here. :) (that's what my Mom used to call my Dad when he'd come home from work for lunch...) once I caught on, it was funny!


  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hi All
    I do need to go double check my upcoming order today, tomorrow is the last day to do that unless I make a last minute decision to delay it again. With the Holiday in 2 weeks I am ambivalent regarding doing that. OTOH doing that would let me use up more of the on hand food.

    I was walking and what a beautiful day, cool and low humidity and a mild breeze. I walked past 7 deer in three locations, one in a front yard near the brook, and two clusters of three along that brooks parkland. I keep looking for the Owls I hear every day during the walks and have yet to spot one.

    Have A Great Weekend
    Hey Guys!
    Ed answered my questions....stormy afternoon predicted? Oh why not? Soon we'll be so wet we'll have to go out and dry plant roots with a towel....does that thought not make you grin?? I'd sure need a big stack of towels!!

    Roger.....$4.15, wowzza! Makes up for all the 1 cent days doesn't it? I'd say maybe kids dropping lunch money, but its not done that way anymore. At least not here. Parents 'fund' their kids lunches online.... that I learned last spring when I did lunch with Grammie Day.

    General physical late this afternoon. Will be interesting to see my labs. Tune in Saturday!


    Hi Valerie
    My Suspicion is that someone might have dropped it either leaving the banks ATM when they put the money they took out away or when they were headed for one of the bus stops along that highway.

    Since today was a 1 cent day, yesterdays does make a good week despite the 1 cent today.

    FWIW I disagree with having the lunches funded online for more than one reason.
    1. It smacks of Tracking what they eat since they have to check out with a ID card most likely.
    2. How does it teach them to handle money responsibly?
    3. Can they even bring their own lunch?

    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! Need to make something for a pool party this afternoon. I've assembled ingredients for a mac and cheese and chili beans with added bell peppers, jalapeño, onion and black peppers, so that there will be for sure ONE thing that J can eat. As usual the hosts are providing angus burgers/cheeseburgers and "kosher" hot dogs cooked on the same grill. I eat them, not because they're kosher, since after that preparation they're NOT kosher anymore, but rather I eat them because Hebrew National hog dogs are the best! I've been known to unkosher them myself by steaming them and then making them into chili cheese dogs. At the party, I'll be on the lookout for an almost burned, blackened dog. :)

    Then some suitable sides. Maybe a spoonful of baked beans if anyone brings that, three bean salad if it's available (not one of my all time favorites, but a good, healthy selection and I do like it on occasion), oh, no bun(s) with the burger and/or hot dog...so maybe just a bite of potato salad or dessert. Parties can be survived, with a little willpower or, perhaps, won't-power.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    Around here we can buy Bests Hot Dogs and TBH I prefer them over the Hebrew National. However currently I am eating 97% fat Free Hebrew National Hot Dogs @ 45 Calories per dog and using FlatOut Flatbread Light Whole Wheat @90 calories per bread. I use 1/4 per dog as they are pretty large and I also use 1/2 with a Home made Egg Salad using Mount Olive No Sugar Added Sweet Relish that has 0 calories and some light Mayo. The Egg Salad comes out Tasty and the Relish tastes good too.

    FWIW I like my Dogs well cooked too :)

    Enjoy the Pool Party
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning Roger!
    Glad you had a good walk...did you chase the deer out of the yard that you saw munching away? I'd have had to scare it off, but that's just me. :)
    As far as the lunch funding. I thought it was a great idea for the littlest ones, K thru 4. They lose everything, lunch money included. And yes, you can bring your own lunch from home. Especially for Olivia that was a good thing. Jenn could go over the days menu (posted on the schools web site), and if it wasn't what she wanted they had a 'standard' lunch Jenn would pack...so that she knew what the carb lunch was, and could give herself the insulin she needed. Also parent funded give them some 'control' over what the kid eats. I really doubt they were tracking individuals meals, though they could have tracked 'popularity, or lack there of' for entree, fruits, etc. Leading to less wasted food, which would be a good thing. The lunches at that school were excellent. Very nicely apportioned as far as the major 3 were concerned. (carbs, protein, fats), and I know my littles loved them. The kitchen staff was great with the little ones, knew their names, etc.

    I don't know what O's lunches are at her school now. Will have to ask her.

    Hope you have a great day...Order or not to Order? who won? :) Good luck spotting the owls! They are well camouflaged! I'd keep an eye out for a dead tree with a hole/holes, about 15 feet or more up. Binoculars would be a big help, but would seriously slow down your walk time!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,725 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hi Ed
    Around here we can buy Bests Hot Dogs and TBH I prefer them over the Hebrew National. However currently I am eating 97% fat Free Hebrew National Hot Dogs @ 45 Calories per dog and using FlatOut Flatbread Light Whole Wheat @90 calories per bread. I use 1/4 per dog as they are pretty large and I also use 1/2 with a Home made Egg Salad using Mount Olive No Sugar Added Sweet Relish that has 0 calories and some light Mayo. The Egg Salad comes out Tasty and the Relish tastes good too.

    FWIW I like my Dogs well cooked too :)

    Enjoy the Pool Party

    The party was great! Oh, and I love those Hebrew National 97% fat free dogs too. They are usually what I buy for my home use, as I have yet to find any other fat free (or nearly fat free) dogs that taste anywhere NEAR as good. As with the dog at the pool party, I really like to broil them until very dark and nearly crispy, unless I'm making a (rare) chili cheese dog with low fat turkey chili, a reduced calorie (80 calories) high fiber whole wheat bun, and a sprinkle of REAL cheese (because I can't stomach fat free cheese). For the chili cheese dog, I will usually just quickly microwave the dog until it "sings" and then quickly assemble and eat.

    I've used that Mount Olive relish before and loved it but can't find that one at my Kroger anymore. Fortunately Kroger makes their own sugar free sweet relish that is pretty good too, though that is one case where I do prefer the name brand. I like to use it to make a quick tuna salad, with just the tuna, relish, and a little salad dressing or mayo, though it also works well for deviled eggs. I usually put the tuna salad in half a whole wheat pita bread and have that with a small apple for a nice, healthy lunch.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Sunday Morning!
    Cloudy/overcast but cool this morning. (71) Also very humid. We must have had a big storm last night, I woke to thunder and could HEAR the rain. I got up, made sure my Mac Air was unplugged, and went back to bed. I'll go check the rain gauge.....great granny's ghost! my rain gauge has 3 inches of rain in it. If I hadn't been so sleepy headed/foggy/sleep walker, I would have stayed up and watched the storm....it must have been a good one!

    Ed, I'll look to see if Publix has the Mount Olive relish...I know they used to sell it. If I find it will let you know, and arrange to meet you at Trader Joe's???

    BTW you all are making me hungry over these hot dogs. Never something I've eaten a lot of, but used to eat one or two twice a year. I've tried some of the fake kielbasa's, and other sausages and they've not been worth buying again...so I suspect the hot dogs would be about the same....
    And I so agree with Ed...most of the 'fake cheese' out there is horrid! No other nice way to say it!!! Nasty!!!
    I have found a couple varieties of cheese made with cashews that are not horrid, not quite cheese either, at Whole Foods, and yes at premium price.. And they're all fat, no protein, etc. Not sure how you make cheese from cashew's without getting the cashew protein, but.....

    Ok, off to my races. Chores to do, as Ted and I goofed off most of yesterday....and Maya the white 'shedding machine' husky was here. So it starts with the Dyson....

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,725 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! My ears, face and shoulders are just a teeny bit red and I can feel it but we had a good time. Closing tonight, a "short" closing, so a nap with Lilo may be in the works. Dishwasher is running now. They tried to call me in to close last night, as the person scheduled called in unavailable, but we were already well on our way to Braselton for the pool party and NOT in my car. I just said I was out of town and left it at that, not bothering to explain that I was riding with someone else (who, in fact was working at the party, as it was a club event and he was handling registrations as guests came in) and oh, by the way, I had REQUESTED THE DAY OFF IN ADVANCE (which my schedule did reflect) because I already had plans that precluded working. Basically, just told them, truthfully, that I wasn't even in town and couldn't close.

    It was thundering and beginning to rain as I went to sleep last night but I have no idea how much we got.
    Ed, I'll look to see if Publix has the Mount Olive relish...I know they used to sell it. If I find it will let you know, and arrange to meet you at Trader Joe's???

    Oh, you needn't. There is a Publix within walking distance of our house and I do drop in occasionally. At some point if I want that brand badly enough I will look there for it, but as I said, I find the Kroger brand to be acceptable. It's not as if I'm eating it straight out of the jar so that it makes a huge difference! I just put some in deviled eggs, egg salad, potato salad (I make that for J) and tuna or chicken salad. I really can't think of anything else off the top of my head that I use it in, and even a small jar lasts me quite a while.————————————————————————————————————————————————-

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I Walked past the Supermarket and wore my $10 Backpack so I could do some light shopping, 10 Light & Fit Greek Yogurt, They had Strawberry Cheesecake flavor and Boston Creme Pie and Passion Fruit. 5 Bananas and a couple of Crystal Light and 2 cans of Coconut water @30 calories (Impulse Buy) :) Before I left I pulled the Frozen Water bottle out of the freezer, wrapped it in a Bath Towel and used it to ensure the Yogurt stayed cool. 2.89 miles + whatever distance I did walking around the Grocery Store. It would be nice if they had fruits and dairy adjacent instead of at opposite ends of the store, I know why they do that to encourage Impulse Buys.

    A beautiful Morning out, in the 60s with low humidity and still only 69 degrees when I finally got home 2.5 hours later. I weighed the Backpack @ 9.5 pounds and It sure impacted my speed walking. I could not believe I used to carry a lot more than that in excess weight :)

    Have a Great Sunday
    Good Morning Roger!
    Glad you had a good walk...did you chase the deer out of the yard that you saw munching away? I'd have had to scare it off, but that's just me. :)
    As far as the lunch funding. I thought it was a great idea for the littlest ones, K thru 4. They lose everything, lunch money included. And yes, you can bring your own lunch from home. Especially for Olivia that was a good thing. Jenn could go over the days menu (posted on the schools web site), and if it wasn't what she wanted they had a 'standard' lunch Jenn would pack...so that she knew what the carb lunch was, and could give herself the insulin she needed. Also parent funded give them some 'control' over what the kid eats. I really doubt they were tracking individuals meals, though they could have tracked 'popularity, or lack there of' for entree, fruits, etc. Leading to less wasted food, which would be a good thing. The lunches at that school were excellent. Very nicely apportioned as far as the major 3 were concerned. (carbs, protein, fats), and I know my littles loved them. The kitchen staff was great with the little ones, knew their names, etc.

    I don't know what O's lunches are at her school now. Will have to ask her.

    Hope you have a great day...Order or not to Order? who won? :) Good luck spotting the owls! They are well camouflaged! I'd keep an eye out for a dead tree with a hole/holes, about 15 feet or more up. Binoculars would be a big help, but would seriously slow down your walk time!


    Hi Kat
    It was just picking at the Grass, My Walking that way did chase it away, I could tell it was one I had seen before as it has a weird gait. I suspect it and a car may have collided recently. I felt a little bad chasing it the way it was moving too.

    Good Point about the Youngsters. I wonder if they also have to carry some ID to get fed?

    I have looked at the Calendar and my inventory of foods is in the Breakfast Category, I have 26 of those so to maintain a reserve I think I will delay my order until the 30th, Which should process that night. That gives them a week until Labor day to get some food to me

    Have a Good Sunday
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hi Ed
    Around here we can buy Bests Hot Dogs and TBH I prefer them over the Hebrew National. However currently I am eating 97% fat Free Hebrew National Hot Dogs @ 45 Calories per dog and using FlatOut Flatbread Light Whole Wheat @90 calories per bread. I use 1/4 per dog as they are pretty large and I also use 1/2 with a Home made Egg Salad using Mount Olive No Sugar Added Sweet Relish that has 0 calories and some light Mayo. The Egg Salad comes out Tasty and the Relish tastes good too.

    FWIW I like my Dogs well cooked too :)

    Enjoy the Pool Party

    The party was great! Oh, and I love those Hebrew National 97% fat free dogs too. They are usually what I buy for my home use, as I have yet to find any other fat free (or nearly fat free) dogs that taste anywhere NEAR as good. As with the dog at the pool party, I really like to broil them until very dark and nearly crispy, unless I'm making a (rare) chili cheese dog with low fat turkey chili, a reduced calorie (80 calories) high fiber whole wheat bun, and a sprinkle of REAL cheese (because I can't stomach fat free cheese). For the chili cheese dog, I will usually just quickly microwave the dog until it "sings" and then quickly assemble and eat.

    I've used that Mount Olive relish before and loved it but can't find that one at my Kroger anymore. Fortunately Kroger makes their own sugar free sweet relish that is pretty good too, though that is one case where I do prefer the name brand. I like to use it to make a quick tuna salad, with just the tuna, relish, and a little salad dressing or mayo, though it also works well for deviled eggs. I usually put the tuna salad in half a whole wheat pita bread and have that with a small apple for a nice, healthy lunch.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    It sounds as if You had a great time.

    I tried Fat Free Cheese and fat Free Mayo, Yuck is the nicest thing I can say regarding both of them. On of the few times I threw out most of a food. I can usually manage foods that I do not care for but not those. I have also gifted my brother a few of the too hot foods I could not eat either, He looked at me and said "I thought You said they were hot?"

    Have a Good Sunday
    Good Sunday Morning!
    Cloudy/overcast but cool this morning. (71) Also very humid. We must have had a big storm last night, I woke to thunder and could HEAR the rain. I got up, made sure my Mac Air was unplugged, and went back to bed. I'll go check the rain gauge.....great granny's ghost! my rain gauge has 3 inches of rain in it. If I hadn't been so sleepy headed/foggy/sleep walker, I would have stayed up and watched the storm....it must have been a good one!

    Ed, I'll look to see if Publix has the Mount Olive relish...I know they used to sell it. If I find it will let you know, and arrange to meet you at Trader Joe's???

    BTW you all are making me hungry over these hot dogs. Never something I've eaten a lot of, but used to eat one or two twice a year. I've tried some of the fake kielbasa's, and other sausages and they've not been worth buying again...so I suspect the hot dogs would be about the same....
    And I so agree with Ed...most of the 'fake cheese' out there is horrid! No other nice way to say it!!! Nasty!!!
    I have found a couple varieties of cheese made with cashews that are not horrid, not quite cheese either, at Whole Foods, and yes at premium price.. And they're all fat, no protein, etc. Not sure how you make cheese from cashew's without getting the cashew protein, but.....

    Ok, off to my races. Chores to do, as Ted and I goofed off most of yesterday....and Maya the white 'shedding machine' husky was here. So it starts with the Dyson....


    Hi Again
    BTW when You unplug it, Did You pull the charger out of the wall or only out of the computer? The Charger, AKA Power Supply can get zapped too. I have my computers plugged into a power strip and when I am done using them I shut them down or Hibernate and flip off the AC. Then when I need it I just flip on the power strip and with a Bios setting I changed the computers turn themselves on.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    No, Roger I did not pull the Charger thingy... :) Its on a strip that should keep it from getting zapped. (its hard to get to, too.)
    I used to have the same thoughts as you, about how much more I used to lug around before I lost the weight. I could equate mine to 2 big bags of 50 lb dog food.

    since I posted this morning I've gotten another ¾ inch of rain....I 'think' looking at the weather maps, that its over for the day, and they're showing 0% for overnight! Phew!!
    The rain this morning was 'loud' also, and the cats sat at the back door crying...so I let them in. Now I have cat hair to Dyson! If that hairy bear shows up, he's outta luck, cuz I'm not Dyson-ing AGAIN today!! LOL!!

    About the littles and lunches...I'm guessing they do have some kind of ID .... will ask O when I think about it. :)


  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning its Monday!
    And I have first post? Its nearly 10 a.m. Ed closed last night...nevermind....... :)
    Have done nothing this morning. Slept late, (turned the alarm off at 6:30) and have been reading recipe's, researching a tofu press, and reading a couple horticulture sites. My eyes have been busy, does that count? OL! Oh, and the cats have been fed.

    Soon to start moving.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,725 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's magnificent Monday. Off work today so I'm crockpotting some chicken to make chicken and dumplings tonight. Or noodles...or rice...probably dumplings.

    Lilo has long been fed, I've been fed breakfast, still sipping my second cup of tea and browsing the internet. I will start laundry soon.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    When I went out the Door it was looking clear, by the time I left the post office I was starting to see fog, By the time I got home You could barely see the end of the block. That fog & humidity made for a somewhat uncomfortable walk. During the Walk I saw two Deer run out of a front yard in a house across from one of our Elementary Schools.

    Have a Good Monday
    Good Morning its Monday!
    And I have first post? Its nearly 10 a.m. Ed closed last night...nevermind....... :)
    Have done nothing this morning. Slept late, (turned the alarm off at 6:30) and have been reading recipe's, researching a tofu press, and reading a couple horticulture sites. My eyes have been busy, does that count? OL! Oh, and the cats have been fed.

    Soon to start moving.

    Hi Valerie
    I have been up doing things since 5AM, Just not on the Internet :)

    I am a little curious is it worth making Your own Tofu?

    I will be off to split DVDs before shredding them.

    Factoid, With CDs the Data is on the top of the disc and the laser reads through the clear layer. Often the only protection for the data is the Lacquer layer of the label. That is why You can ruin them by writing on top of them with a ball point pen.
    With DVDs the Data layer is sandwiched between two layers of clear plastic and much better protected as a result. So why am I splitting them? To ease the load on the Shredder by only shredding 1/2 the thickness, Label Side. That way the Label and the data is gone. I have a lot of backups I have created over the years to go through, Some I put aside in case as they are fairly current.

    Have a Nice Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    edited August 2015
    No Roger, not making my own Tofu!! Promise. Tofu when taken out of its little container needs to have the water (tofu juice) taken out of the block of tofu. Then it can be marinated, fried, etc..... I, like most, rest that block of tofu on either paper towels, or clean kitchen towels, and then same on top of the block...then comes the fun...
    Needs some kind of weight on top of it to press out the water in the block....everybody has their own ideas and things they use...like my small Lodge iron skillet, etc. You just have to keep watching or the release of water will shift the block of tofu, and issues can happen...like the skillet falling off the tofu, or one side of the block being pressed, but not the other, etc.
    The idea of the tofu PRESS, is just that...a container the size of the tofu block, a piece of press that covers the block, a spring loaded press, and a part that collects the water from the tofu, in a nice compact press that you can stick into the refrigerator, etc. (and it can be used to press frozen and thawed spinach or other veggies).
    It sounded like a good idea, so I did some 'poking' around, and some of those presses are not very sturdy, etc. So, I'm back to wasting paper towels and my trusty iron skillet :) Ah, well...it sounded good...

    I'm sure you can make tofu...(I have NO idea how), and I'm real sure it will never get that cold in either GA or Hell for me to try it! LOL!!! Years ago I had a friend who used to make his own yogurt, and made 'cheese' from some of his yogurt...not happening in my house either!

    I'll mess around with a lot of 'stuff', like my almond milk, make my own peanut butter, cereal mixes, etc. But I do have limits! :)

    Nice to know I'm not the only one who tries to get a few things done before I sit down in front of this time consuming thing known as 'computer'! Right now, I'm heading for the kitchen and get my lunch together! Hungry Girl....
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,725 Member
    I'm back! Laundry and nap are all done (though not in that order) and my chicken and dumplings is delicious! D is still out and about, though I TOLD him dinner would be at 6 or 7...so I've eaten and left the crockpot on LOW pending his return home. My homemade herb egg dumplings came out very nice, even though I did them the "lazy" way this time, just pinching off blobs of dough and flattening them with my fingers before dropping them in the hot broth. Usually I roll them and cut them into small squares with a pizza cutter, but they taste the same regardless. The rolled and cut dumplings just look a bit more professional. Peas and carrots in the mix made this a one pot meal.

    I HAVE made tofu, but not directly from soy beans. I found a tofu powder mix a few years ago that you just added water to and then added the mineral salt at the end to solidify it. I don't remember whether you had to boil the water or what, but the mix actually made a decent tofu and we used it a couple of times for when we didn't have any fresh tofu available. I'd use it again if I happen to see it again. I just haven't looked for it.

    I used an empty tofu box to mix it in so it would still be a large rectangle.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,725 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! Working a long middle today, but it's not supposed to be TOO terribly hot. Chicken and dumplings for breakfast. :)

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Tuesday Morning!
    I've been at this computer all morning! Yesterday Ted sent me 2 folders full of hundreds of pix, that he rescued from my old broken external hard drive! I sent a couple of pix to family, bro's, SIL's, my kids, Jenn's mom, etc...and today I have been answering emails about the pix, as well as reading my 'usual' stuff.

    Any minute now, I'm going to jump up and get my day started. :)

    It is so nice here this morning. 65 when I got up, dry air, beautiful sunshine...I'm enjoying the fresh air with my coffee.

    I see laundry, and a few other things in my future. I will need to cook both lunch and dinner....ugh, but I have a plan! :)

    I'd never heard of 'powdered tofu'...hmmmm. I still don't think I'd make my own. It took me years to come to terms with the stuff you but at the grocery...I'd buy it. sometimes even open it...and then throw it away. I couldn't even touch it. Something about having the texture of dried latex paint, and being dead white....
    I do like it now, if its been 'cooked'...still not crazy about tofu cold in cold salads....
    I have a block now in the refrigerator that I will press and I'm making a scramble for dinner. Quick, easy, tasty!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I got out and walked 3 miles and 14 cents, I did not realize it was that far until I ran the route through Mp My Run.
    While walking on a bridge over one of our Brooks I looked at the water and there was something moving through it, As It got nearer it turned out to be a Turtle with a shell the size of a dinner plate :)

    Fairly warm and Humid today too
    I delayed my order Sunday, I had been uncertain whether to do that or not until I looked at it an d it was showing the Granola cereal as Low inventory, Rather than take a change I delayed an extra week. At that Point I had a four week supply of Shelf Stable on hand so it should be no problem.

    I am working on capturing an old 1982 VHS of a HBO Special that I am sure will not surface anywhere again. Yesterday I captured a VHS of a 1980 HBO Special and am getting ready to turn that into a DVD and Back up the source of Both to a BluRay Disc once today's is captured.

    Have a Great Tuesday
    No Roger, not making my own Tofu!! Promise. Tofu when taken out of its little container needs to have the water (tofu juice) taken out of the block of tofu. Then it can be marinated, fried, etc..... I, like most, rest that block of tofu on either paper towels, or clean kitchen towels, and then same on top of the block...then comes the fun...
    Needs some kind of weight on top of it to press out the water in the block....everybody has their own ideas and things they use...like my small Lodge iron skillet, etc. You just have to keep watching or the release of water will shift the block of tofu, and issues can happen...like the skillet falling off the tofu, or one side of the block being pressed, but not the other, etc.
    The idea of the tofu PRESS, is just that...a container the size of the tofu block, a piece of press that covers the block, a spring loaded press, and a part that collects the water from the tofu, in a nice compact press that you can stick into the refrigerator, etc. (and it can be used to press frozen and thawed spinach or other veggies).
    It sounded like a good idea, so I did some 'poking' around, and some of those presses are not very sturdy, etc. So, I'm back to wasting paper towels and my trusty iron skillet :) Ah, well...it sounded good...

    I'm sure you can make tofu...(I have NO idea how), and I'm real sure it will never get that cold in either GA or Hell for me to try it! LOL!!! Years ago I had a friend who used to make his own yogurt, and made 'cheese' from some of his yogurt...not happening in my house either!

    I'll mess around with a lot of 'stuff', like my almond milk, make my own peanut butter, cereal mixes, etc. But I do have limits! :)

    Nice to know I'm not the only one who tries to get a few things done before I sit down in front of this time consuming thing known as 'computer'! Right now, I'm heading for the kitchen and get my lunch together! Hungry Girl....

    Hi Valerie
    I wonder how the Thai Restaurant does it when they use Tofu? I had no idea that using Tofu was that involved :)

    Good Tuesday Morning!
    I've been at this computer all morning! Yesterday Ted sent me 2 folders full of hundreds of pix, that he rescued from my old broken external hard drive! I sent a couple of pix to family, bro's, SIL's, my kids, Jenn's mom, etc...and today I have been answering emails about the pix, as well as reading my 'usual' stuff.

    Any minute now, I'm going to jump up and get my day started. :)

    It is so nice here this morning. 65 when I got up, dry air, beautiful sunshine...I'm enjoying the fresh air with my coffee.

    I see laundry, and a few other things in my future. I will need to cook both lunch and dinner....ugh, but I have a plan! :)

    I'd never heard of 'powdered tofu'...hmmmm. I still don't think I'd make my own. It took me years to come to terms with the stuff you but at the grocery...I'd buy it. sometimes even open it...and then throw it away. I couldn't even touch it. Something about having the texture of dried latex paint, and being dead white....
    I do like it now, if its been 'cooked'...still not crazy about tofu cold in cold salads....
    I have a block now in the refrigerator that I will press and I'm making a scramble for dinner. Quick, easy, tasty!


    HI Again
    You have nice weather compared to here FWIW.

    Can I suggest Keeping a backup of the Recovered Data?

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    No Walk today and apparently the weather is really good too. I Am feeling poorly and can not stray far from the Kleenex Box. Either I have caught something or the Ragweed Pollen is getting to me for the first time ever.

    Wish Me Luck shaking this thing
    Have a Great Wednesday
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,725 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Working a short middle today, so it shouldn't be too bad. Finished off the last of the chicken and dumplings for breakfast. I'm letting Lilo have a few more minutes of lap time before I evict her to make my second mug of tea.

    I actually didn't have chicken and dumplings for dinner, as I had a hankering for beef stew and made that when I got home, for a rather late dinner. There is, needless to say, quite a bit of that left! D had two bowls and I told him to warm some up for tonight as I'm NOT cooking anything tonight. I'll be having leftover beef stew myself. Silly D asked what the "base" for the stew was and seemed surprised that it was...BEEF BROTH and not one of the pre-mix stew seasoning packets. I do occasionally use those, if they can be purchased on sale or at closeout and I think I may actually have one or two still in the cabinet from the last time I saw some on closeout, but I wanted fully home made stew last night for some reason and I'm glad I did. I can still beat the heck out of any store bought seasoning packet with my eyes closed. ;)

    J is in Kentucky because his grandmother had a stroke while moving to another house. She was already battling lung cancer (inoperable and chemo won't bring it into remission again) and he went up to help so that when she gets out of the hospital she can go home to find that the moving is all finished and she doesn't have to worry about that at least. I hope he can find something to live on besides pizza and eggs while there. Maybe my sister in law will let him cook some nights.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Running out of time today!
    Gym, Walmart for drinks, Whole Foods. Hadn't been in several weeks...walked out for $63.63. Told the guy I got a prize for that number...he suggested Lottery!!!! I love checkers who have a great sense of humor.
    DS1 calling shortly, want to get my shoes off, and some more comfy clothes before that happens!

    Roger, hope its not allergies, and not a cold. Just a stuffy for the day nose!
    Ed, hope all goes well for J's grammie. And that your shift today goes well. Enjoy your beef stew, and maybe somebody should buy D a simple cookbook for Christmas! He doesn't have to cook, but he can read recipe's and maybe get the hang of what's in stuff??

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,725 Member
    Leftover stew came out quite nicely. D is just now having his. I decided I would cook some garlic bread to go with it, as work gave all employees a FREE loaf of French bread, retail value 1.99. In addition a free bag of ground coffee, 10 oz, and a free box of cookies that I'll save for J when he gets home. There is a free bottle of some Italian soda pop too but I didn't see any so will look at another Kroger tomorrow for that, and see if they have a diet soda. If not, then I'll get a sugar one for D to drink. Now I'm pondering making some of the coffee for after dinner. :)

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...