Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    The weather was beautiful this morning, I got out for a 2 3/4 mile walk.

    Tomorrow or Friday I think I may walk a little different route so I can go to the Supermarket as I will be using the last Banana Thursday Morning.

    Have a Great Day
    Good Wednesday Morning!
    Two days early in a row!! WOW!
    Late lunch today with M., a quick trip to the grocery, and a couple rounds of Po...doro and my day will be done!

    Cool here this morning. Supposed to be 69 for the low, still at 72 at my back porch, so I think that may be a very quick 69 at best
    Coffee cup about empty, so need to get going.

    Hi Valerie
    In the 60s today when I got out the door also. Much appreciated break for hot & humid!

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    What a Great Morning outside, Overnight temperature was 3 degrees lower than Yesterday. Humidity was still good too. I got out at 5:15 and walked 2.75 miles..........
    Between the McDonalds where I got my coffee and the greens along the brook I saw 4 deer that had to come through that neighborhood to get to where they were munching, Then a little further on 2 more in the greens and then a little further on two more. That area seems to be teeming with those walking appetites :)

    I need to go outside and work on the lawn mower a second time this year, The First part from Amazon which supplies the spark for it had a loose connection that meant that depending on where the wire was if there was spark or not. Amazon has stepped up to the plate and replaced it so Now to install it.

    Have a Great Thursday
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,711 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! Have to see one of the doctors today. Maybe they'll show me how well my clone is growing.

    Other than that, get some boneless, country style, pork ribs into a slow cooker with a little water and ponder side dishes. These came pre-seasoned with lemon pepper seasoning, which I've never tried on pork but I've found it to be acceptable on chicken (though not a favorite) so they should be fine. It's not a combination I would necessarily have chosen but they were in the manager's special bin, since the sell by date was yesterday, and I bought them on the 11th. I figured at that low price I could give them a try. If I love them, I may try deliberately seasoning some that way in the future!

    At some point I'll probably need to take J to pick up his vehicle, and if there's a space in there for a nap, that may be in the books too!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning she said hurriedly before the clock starts chiming yet again!
    Been up for a goodly amount of time. Most of it right here at the computer. Need to get some stuff started before long.
    Roger, your weather is sure liking you! Great that you can get your walks in comfortably. I laughed aloud when you called the deer, Walking Appetites!!! What an apt name! Good luck with the new lawnmower part. Glad Amazon made good on the defective part!

    Ed, Hope all goes well at the doc's for you and your clone! They don't take nearly as much blood from me, maybe because I'm so much shorter than you!?
    It appears to be another wonderful day here. Quite warm, but very little humidity.

    Back to my project, and I'll try thinking about dinner while I'm working. I may just duck into Poona's and see what's on their buffet. Feeling lazy...will cook this evening. maybe....

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,711 Member
    My doctor said ALL my numbers looked great! Cholestero (total and good/bad ratio) were great, triglycerides were normal, A1C was 63 (I'd like to get that lower, but that's acceptable - we'll see what my endo thinks) and basically keep doing whatever I'm doing! And he says he wishes I could come in and talk to some of the "younger" patients and help teach them that they can't just keep pretending that taking their meds for their conditions is optional!

    Well, maybe when they go blind or worse...but let's hope it doesn't come to that!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Great News ED!! And how was your clone today?

    Wind has just picked up here...its been dark for awhile...I thought all this had passed over me. Hmmmm.


  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,711 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's finally Friday! Short middle today, and hopefully it will be nice and easy...my right arm is really sore from the pneumovax shot yesterday. But at least now I'm all caught up on my "over 50" vaccinations. I keep telling them I'm only 39 but they don't listen and insist on all this folderol.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning! TGIF
    Enjoying my coffee and the cool morning air. Cats have eaten and are already in their napping places. So, soon I need to get going.
    Watching the monkeys this afternoon after school, and I do need to run the sweeper, but other than that, armed with all of my preparatory hints and tips I'm going to make that trip to Aldi's. Mostly to 'look', but I also need some fruit... Aldi's is about half a block from Walmart, so if I don't find what I want I can always run over there, or come back toward home to Publix.
    I did get a pretty good storm yesterday. It just took forever to get here. But once finally arrived it was with a lot of wind, more noisy thunder, and finally rain!!
    Ok, going to round up some breakfast for ME, and hit the shower..then I'm off on my Aldi adventure! :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I was walking this morning 2.8+ miles. I picked up my Coffee at the Quick Chek, Then went over to the Pathmark Grocery Store for Bananas and a Bag of frozen vegetables, I was not impressed by the price on the frozen vegetables, It was much higher than at the ShopRite Grocery Store. I can see why they are struggling. The selection did not impress me either.

    Have a Great Day
    Good Morning she said hurriedly before the clock starts chiming yet again!
    Been up for a goodly amount of time. Most of it right here at the computer. Need to get some stuff started before long.
    Roger, your weather is sure liking you! Great that you can get your walks in comfortably. I laughed aloud when you called the deer, Walking Appetites!!! What an apt name! Good luck with the new lawnmower part. Glad Amazon made good on the defective part!

    Ed, Hope all goes well at the doc's for you and your clone! They don't take nearly as much blood from me, maybe because I'm so much shorter than you!?
    It appears to be another wonderful day here. Quite warm, but very little humidity.

    Back to my project, and I'll try thinking about dinner while I'm working. I may just duck into Poona's and see what's on their buffet. Feeling lazy...will cook this evening. maybe....


    Hi Valerie
    It took Amazon two tries to get it right, the first time they sent the wrong item.

    And the weather was even cooler this morning. Saturday Through Monday is supposed to get hotter and much more humid, Oh well.

    My doctor said ALL my numbers looked great! Cholestero (total and good/bad ratio) were great, triglycerides were normal, A1C was 63 (I'd like to get that lower, but that's acceptable - we'll see what my endo thinks) and basically keep doing whatever I'm doing! And he says he wishes I could come in and talk to some of the "younger" patients and help teach them that they can't just keep pretending that taking their meds for their conditions is optional!

    Well, maybe when they go blind or worse...but let's hope it doesn't come to that!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    Taking meds is not an optimal solution for something that can be managed by Diet either. I got my A1C down with Diet (NutriSystem) :)

    Good Morning! TGIF
    Enjoying my coffee and the cool morning air. Cats have eaten and are already in their napping places. So, soon I need to get going.
    Watching the monkeys this afternoon after school, and I do need to run the sweeper, but other than that, armed with all of my preparatory hints and tips I'm going to make that trip to Aldi's. Mostly to 'look', but I also need some fruit... Aldi's is about half a block from Walmart, so if I don't find what I want I can always run over there, or come back toward home to Publix.
    I did get a pretty good storm yesterday. It just took forever to get here. But once finally arrived it was with a lot of wind, more noisy thunder, and finally rain!!
    Ok, going to round up some breakfast for ME, and hit the shower..then I'm off on my Aldi adventure! :)

    Hi Again
    Funny that You should mention the sweeper, I put out Shredded paper for the recycle pickup Yesterday Morning and one of the bags had a hole in it and I have little bits of shredded paper in a arm chair and on the floor by it to vacuum up today. :)

    Have a Nice Shopping trip

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    edited August 2015
    Aldi shopping experience! Carts were lent for a quarter, fortunately there was a lady just ahead of me, and I watched what she did...easy peasy.
    Fruit looked good...I got an Althena cantaloupe, blueberries, grapes, organic banana's @ 0.69 a pound, pineapple (will ripen by about Sunday), there were peaches, kiwi's and a whole lot more. The veg produce all looked great too, I did pick up some mushrooms, a nice looking head of cauliflower, lettuces, the usual...:)
    And there was the rest....:) I actually bought another cheap mandolin for less than $5. It's either going to be good, or replaced.
    Its a fairly small store, but had most anything I'd buy. I did make 3 'what the heck' purchases. The afore mentioned mandolin, a small throw rug to put by the porch door, and farfalle (aka bow ties) that were too cute to pass up...they are white and spinach dye green striped!! Just too cute! Have no idea how they'll taste. But I have half a container of alfredo 'cheeze' that is pretty good...so I think this may be dinner tomorrow.
    All in all, it was a pretty fun trip. I'll watch their flyer.
    Takes less than 10 minutes to get there, the store is new, so everything is clean and neat.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,711 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! Working a semi-long middle today. I need to water the indoor stuff too.

    Later, gators!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hi All
    I went walking this morning, 2.75 miles. So far the days weather is OK, Humidity is starting to rise and temperatures are going up. It was comfortable however as I was out before the sun came up and home before it had much heat to it.

    Then I Loaded the car and We made the recycle run with Shredded Paper, Shredded DVDs etc. More stuff to shred now that I have a new shredder replacing the Dead one. Why Shred DVDs? They have old data backups on them or Software that was bought over the internet and saved with the Product Key Email.

    Have a great Weekend
    Aldi shopping experience! Carts were lent for a quarter, fortunately there was a lady just ahead of me, and I watched what she did...easy peasy.
    Fruit looked good...I got an Althena cantaloupe, blueberries, grapes, organic banana's @ 0.69 a pound, pineapple (will ripen by about Sunday), there were peaches, kiwi's and a whole lot more. The veg produce all looked great too, I did pick up some mushrooms, a nice looking head of cauliflower, lettuces, the usual...:)
    And there was the rest....:) I actually bought another cheap mandolin for less than $5. It's either going to be good, or replaced.
    Its a fairly small store, but had most anything I'd buy. I did make 3 'what the heck' purchases. The afore mentioned mandolin, a small throw rug to put by the porch door, and farfalle (aka bow ties) that were too cute to pass up...they are white and spinach dye green striped!! Just too cute! Have no idea how they'll taste. But I have half a container of alfredo 'cheeze' that is pretty good...so I think this may be dinner tomorrow.
    All in all, it was a pretty fun trip. I'll watch their flyer.
    Takes less than 10 minutes to get there, the store is new, so everything is clean and neat.

    Hi Valerie
    It sounds as if You enjoyed Your trip to Aldis :)
    I am waiting to see what the new grocery store that will be opening soon is like, Hopefully inexpensive and a good selection. And it is fairly near the house too. I am not sure how their produce selection and price will be since there is a produce store in the mall already.

    I know that when where I worked moved one of the conditions in the lease was that no other store of the same type could be in the same mall.

    Enjoy the Weekend
    In a while Crocodile
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,711 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! Closing tonight, a relatively short shift. Sunday closings are usually not too busy. Usually. There are always exceptions, but I hope tonight isn't one.

    Had some pulled pork for breakfast with barbecue sauce. If I'd added rice it would have been a lot like that old NS dish (though the NS dish was beef) but I always found the NS dish a bit too strong on some flavor that I wasn't totally fond of. Never did identify exactly what that was, and I did enjoy it on occasion.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Sunday Morning.
    Note to Lilo....take a nice nap with Ed today, he has to stay up late. (something tells me she'll be a good kitty and enjoy an afternoon nap!)
    Very nice morning here. little hazy sun, but cool and not overly humid.
    Have been up for a very long while. Dabbling in 'this and that' and breakfast. About time to get myself together and make a run to Walmart to see if by any chance they have my fav. flavor of Sobe water. I promise if they do, I'll buy every last bottle of it.
    Maybe a little outdoor time, but want to get back to my 'tidying' project today. Didn't happen on Saturday.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    Walked again today, The Temperatures are climbing as is the humidity, I survived it. 2.75 miles and 11 cents, at this rate I'll be rich in 100 years :)

    Have a Really Good Sunday

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    edited August 2015
    Roger, 'here's to your next 100 years and prosperity'! :smile:
    Just curious, all pennies or do you find other coin as well? And, don't give up hope. I mostly found quarters and pennies...once I found a $20 bill near the street in my flower bed! So don't give up hope, you could be rich sooner than expected! :wink:
    Heading out to my room, and a round or three of throwing away clutter....
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Roger, 'here's to your next 100 years and prosperity'! :smile:
    Just curious, all pennies or do you find other coin as well? And, don't give up hope. I mostly found quarters and pennies...once I found a $20 bill near the street in my flower bed! So don't give up hope, you could be rich sooner than expected! :wink:
    Heading out to my room, and a round or three of throwing away clutter....

    HI Valerie
    The Largest I have found is a Quarter, twice. Usually Pennies, nickels and mow and then a dime.
    Don't feel bad, I have been slowly de-cluttering for over two years. Last Week I started a small storage room in the basement. There is stuff in there going back to the 70s :)

    Have a Nice Evening
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    The 70's...wow! there could be 'treasure' in that 'stuff'...
    I've moved about 4 times since 1970, so I don't think my good junk goes back quite that far...with an exception here and there.
    It does take awhile...many things have personal meaning, and some are just hard to part with clutter status or not! I have a L.O.N.G way to go...but, it will get done! Heartening to know that it has taken others a fair amount of time also! I was hoping for about 6 months...but beginning to think that's maybe a bit ''short'...

    Ok, off to get some sleep, and see if Ted has beaten me AGAIN at Scrabble! I have the worst luck....I had a wonderful bingo...and NO place to play it. I probably frowned in my sleep that night! Oh, well...keeps the brain from molding! :)

    See you in the morning...have a good walk!
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,711 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! Working a long close tonight, and it's supposed to be stormy but maybe that will cut into business.

    Meanwhile, for your Monday enlightenment, here's a piece I wrote for Facebook this morning:

    Why do I NOT GET UPSET when I read articles with scary headlines like

    "500 Other Foods Besides Subway Sandwich Bread Containing Yoga Mat Chemical

    Your grocery store shelves are crawling with them."

    Because it's usually (not always, but USUALLY) someone getting upset (or just trying to create news where there isn't any) about something that's NOT A PROBLEM AND NEVER WAS. Many ingredients in food also have non-food uses. Vinegar and baking soda are used for cleaning. Just because an ingredient has a non-food use does not mean that the ingredient is dangerous if found in food. So the "yoga mat chemical" that is found in food? Meh...

    Case in point. I could write a VERY SCARY article about ... let's say... a chemical commonly found in many de-icing products and also used in many industrial processes and even in exfoliants and shampoo. SODIUM CHLORIDE.


    Did you know that SODIUM CHLORIDE is in the large majority of the foods and drinks you consume?

    Yes, a chemical that is made from caustic SODIUM and CHLORINE (yes, the same chlorine found in BLEACH) is in almost all the foods that you eat and most of the beverages you drink.

    This same chemical compound is used in many de-icing products, many industrial processes, such as making tires and drilling for oil, and is also found in shampoos, exfoliants and many other non-food items!

    Whatever you had for lunch, it's very likely that you ingested some sodium chloride! Sodium! Chlorine! And you ate and/or drank it!

    Sodium chloride has long been know to cause water retention and has been implicated in high blood pressure in humans, though studies on the latter are still being conducted.

    The food industry is very clever in hiding this potentially lethal ingredient in the products you buy and consume. They will often list this as something that sounds innocuous, like salt, but it's really sodium chloride, and is often found in staggering amounts in the foods you eat!

    Write your congressman TODAY and demand more regulation on sodium chloride in food! Why hasn't the FDA done something about this?


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Monday Morning!
    While you're at it Ed...explain to me why MUFA'a are now considered great fats, when in the 60's or early 70's they were banned from baked goods, and other shelf stable foods? I'm asking cuz I really don't know. I read what they say about them today (coconut oil, avocado, etc) but I remember the big stink about them from long ago, and the USDA? saying they had to be removed from food, and the mfg's screaming how it would cut short the shelf life of baked goods, bread, chips, etc....it was a big deal. So, question remains how did they go from bad for you to acceptable or even good for you? LOL! Food Science is not a static thing!!

    I stayed up til about 4:30 this morning reading a novel my DIL lent me on Friday night...Now I'm tired, and anticipating a long afternoon nap...soon as I eat something. I'm thinking avocado toast...MUFA's be damned! :)

    Still nicely cool this morning. Guess our rains are coming later today, and tomorrow, and thru Friday? or Thursday....whatever. We can use the rain. Hope it makes your days at the pumps easier too Ed!!!

    I'll check in later and see if Roger's been here. :) Maybe he found a winning lottery ticket on his morning walk, and has now boarded a flight to some exotic location to live the life of Reilly!
