Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I got out the Door at 5:20AM, Sunrise was at 5:47, It was semi comfortable with the Humidity, However I did beat the heat of the day and Only had sun on my back as I was heading to home. 2.75 Miles, 14 Cents and sweating. The temperatures today are suppose to hit near 90, tomorrow is supposed to be in the 90s and a THI in the triple digits.

    I just did a quick run to the produce store, hot outside now.

    Have a Good Day
    Good Morning Roger!
    Wat a kute poem! (also checker passed LOL!!)

    I'm having lunch, and a bit ticked at My Fitness Pal right this minute. I was able to log my breakfast banana, (got distracted and didn't eat anything else!) But as soon as I attempt to log a food onto my lunch it goofs up. I get a postage size gif of a hardwood floor, and thats ALL I get...so I clicked on the floor, and its an ad for Stanley Steamer...arg!!! Maybe later...

    Your park sounds great Roger. I am happy to live in a GA county that has made parks a priority, and there are Many of them...within a 5 mile drive I have at least 3 parks...one being the home of the Senior Citz. Haven't gone there, yet.

    Ok, my spinach and pasta has cooled enough that I can eat it. I threw in the last of my shelled edamame, and at the end some minced lemon zest from a lemon I cut to put in my water pitcher...of course there is a boat load of onion, and a clove of chopped garlic in there too... now, if I could only post it for a calorie and nutritional count!


    Hi Valerie
    Strangely chequer fails in the FireFox Spell Checker. But I posted it all anyway :)

    There are 5 parks or Playgrounds within a 30 minute walk of the house and there may be more I have not walked past yet.

    I wonder what happened with MFP? I will admit to only using the menu planner every 4 or 5 days and usually planning the current days menu and the next 3 or 4 days in one go.

    Plus I use foods from the same set of foods in the planning, maybe that is why?

    Good Luck
    Good Sunny Tuesday Morning!
    Its gonna be another scorching GA day! Some folks, in the city and on the west side got cooling rain..not in my yard!

    Agenda...load of light color clothes to wash, trip to the gym.... and whatever...

    Months ago when Ted was out, (DS2) we went to the H Mart near my house, an Asian/Korean market. He was looking for something I remember not just what, but we happened upon fresh Lychee's. There was another similar fruit, and when we asked they rattled off a name neither of us had ever heard of... I though and thought all day long and couldn't remember what I thought the American name might be..... and today as I was reading a web site about whole foods nutrition that I subscribe to the 'main/featured in season' fruit was raspberries! In season, nicely nutritious, etc and part of the Rosaceae family along with apples, pears, apricots, peaches, plums, almonds (yep almonds)..... and loquats, LOQUATS!!! the missing word! So started the search...pictures of loquats lychees', longans, etc. Its been an interesting, informative, enjoyable morning in my brain!!! (thank you Google) :):lol:
    It has also left me hungry....so time for breakfast...


    Hi Kat
    Why are You shipping the heat my way? :)

    Tomorrow looks to be the start of a heatwave. Overnights in the 70s at best and days in the 90s.

    Have a Nice Day and stay inside under the AC.
    FWIW We sometimes have four units running in the heat. Two Window units one wall unit in a Windows and a wall unit in the Living Room that can cool most of the floor on most days.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    I am not guilty Roger...I promise. We have our share of hot temps as well. Sorry you will have to 'weather' this nasty heat. (pun intended)

    Gym done, eating lunch. I did the last step to total retirement..today I turned in all the keys to 'everything' at the gym, including keys to the owners office!

    I was able to use MFP to log food this morning. Whatever it was is fixed!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,711 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Working a long middle today. Not much else on. Lilo said NO SLEEPING IN this morning.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Wednesday Morning!
    Off to the shower in just a few, then into town for my hair cut and curl, back out to county for a late lunch/dinner at Sweet Tomatoes, a one item stop at the grocery, and home to feed the cats.! I don't see gym in there, do you?

    Have a great day...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi All
    I got out the door at 5:45AM, I did not beat the heat of course, but it was not too bad until a little ways into the walk so I ended up walking 2.7 Miles :) I worked up a fair sweat despite getting home at 7AM it was already hot.
    Getting out early is the only way to beat the worst of the heat and beat the sun beating down on me too.

    Bad Luck this afternoon. I was in the middle of a post when the Computer Died. From the Symptoms the Power supply on it has failed. I just ordered a new One, Time will tell when it is delivered.

    Have a Nice Day
    I am not guilty Roger...I promise. We have our share of hot temps as well. Sorry you will have to 'weather' this nasty heat. (pun intended)

    Gym done, eating lunch. I did the last step to total retirement..today I turned in all the keys to 'everything' at the gym, including keys to the owners office!

    I was able to use MFP to log food this morning. Whatever it was is fixed!


    Hi Valerie
    Welcome to Retirement !

    I am sure You will enjoy it

    Have a Good Day

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Roger 'Positively New Jersey' is a positively wonderful presentation! Thanks for the share.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,711 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! No work for FOUR glorious days, but we are going camping this weekend.

    Breakfast today was tomato and roasted red pepper soup, with some cheese and crackers. No clue what lunch will be as yet.

    I need to water all the indoor plants soon.

    The name (change) game is still going on. One bank seems to have gotten it ALMOST right but has omitted the hyphen for a space, which would not be showing the correct last name. I sent a note to customer service and hopefully they can correct that without my having to visit the branch again. It was a 25 minute discussion and paperwork when I went on Monday and the guy assured me that the hyphen was in the system even though it seemed to be missing in some places on the paperwork...

    But my legal last name is S...-M... now, not S... M..., which would look like my last name is actually M... so I hope they can get that fixed.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Its Thursday. Sorry I can't say Good Morning....my keurig is not dispensing the hot water thru the k cup...I have not have coffee. This is not good!!!!!! Its sitting and stewing in vinegar right this minute. My house smells like a pickle factory :smile:

    Ed, 4 days off!! Great! Camping in the mountains I hope, too hot down here in the lower levels!
    Was your Tomato and Roasted Red Pepper made by Pacific? I used to love that soup in the winter!!
    Sorry about the name issues. Don't you just 'love' incompetence. I think I'd be looking for that guy, and let him fix it again.
    I need to be doing some outdoor watering. For all the weather predictions and the sky rumblings I haven't had rain in a week...things are looking pretty 'wilty' out there.

    Roger should be getting in from his walk, I hope....its hot in NJ!! And if that afore mentioned weather predictor is anywhere near right, it could be hotter in NJ tomorrow and today than it is here. (and I still deny sending it )

    Need to make a grocery run. Only need a couple things but want to get it done before it gets blistering out there.

    Ok on with my coffee-less day. (yes I could perk a pot...but I only drink a cup or maybe two in the summer, so it would be really wasteful. (and I don't like cold or iced coffee)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I must be crazy :) despite the humidity and heat I went walking, I did do a new route so I could cut the run short and get home quickly from any point. That Meant I was doing an unmapped, unknown distance. I ended up going 2.84 miles and was soaked by the time I got home. Oh well, another day done.

    Yesterday was a day!
    We had the refrigerator repair coming on Tuesday but somewhere between Amana (Whirlpool) and the repair center it went astray and Ended up Wednesday after I called Amana and said I called the repair people and they have no record of an appointment? I am hopeful this will be a permanent fix. It seems that the original design was a problem in use. What would happen is that the water from the defrost cycles would stop draining into the pan and start running out of the freezer onto the floor. The repair involved installing a new design part that should be clog resistant.

    The Yesterday The other computer just shut off. Based on what I know based on the symptoms it appears that the power supply has gone bad. I have ordered a replacement. It should be here sometime next week, Until then I have no way to print as that was the only one set up to use the printer.

    Have a Great Day
    Roger 'Positively New Jersey' is a positively wonderful presentation! Thanks for the share.

    Hi Valerie
    We had NJN a network that signed off around midnight and that was the sign-off before it went to a test pattern.
    Eventually they went to a 24 hour a day format NJN = New Jersey Network, that was started by the sate and covered the state. Recently it was sole to a PBS station, WNET in New York. And is now called NJTV, New Jersey’s public television network, brings quality arts, education and public affairs programming to all 21 counties in New Jersey and its tri-state neighbors. So far so good.

    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! No work for FOUR glorious days, but we are going camping this weekend.

    Breakfast today was tomato and roasted red pepper soup, with some cheese and crackers. No clue what lunch will be as yet.

    I need to water all the indoor plants soon.

    The name (change) game is still going on. One bank seems to have gotten it ALMOST right but has omitted the hyphen for a space, which would not be showing the correct last name. I sent a note to customer service and hopefully they can correct that without my having to visit the branch again. It was a 25 minute discussion and paperwork when I went on Monday and the guy assured me that the hyphen was in the system even though it seemed to be missing in some places on the paperwork...

    But my legal last name is S...-M... now, not S... M..., which would look like my last name is actually M... so I hope they can get that fixed.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    You sure are having troubles. I seem to recall problems with prescriptions in the past?
    My Brother had problems with one bank where they said one thing and did another in the past :(

    Good Luck
    Its Thursday. Sorry I can't say Good Morning....my keurig is not dispensing the hot water thru the k cup...I have not have coffee. This is not good!!!!!! Its sitting and stewing in vinegar right this minute. My house smells like a pickle factory :smile:

    Ed, 4 days off!! Great! Camping in the mountains I hope, too hot down here in the lower levels!
    Was your Tomato and Roasted Red Pepper made by Pacific? I used to love that soup in the winter!!
    Sorry about the name issues. Don't you just 'love' incompetence. I think I'd be looking for that guy, and let him fix it again.
    I need to be doing some outdoor watering. For all the weather predictions and the sky rumblings I haven't had rain in a week...things are looking pretty 'wilty' out there.

    Roger should be getting in from his walk, I hope....its hot in NJ!! And if that afore mentioned weather predictor is anywhere near right, it could be hotter in NJ tomorrow and today than it is here. (and I still deny sending it )

    Need to make a grocery run. Only need a couple things but want to get it done before it gets blistering out there.

    Ok on with my coffee-less day. (yes I could perk a pot...but I only drink a cup or maybe two in the summer, so it would be really wasteful. (and I don't like cold or iced coffee)


    Hi Again
    FWIW the McDonald's Coffee is not bad and is $1 for any size cup here.
    As You can see from my opening I did walk this morning. I have drunk a Extra Large coffee from Quick Chek on my walk, then when I got home 3/4 of a liter of water to work on replacing what I sweated out :)

    We are supposed to be getting Thunderstorms this afternoon followed by slightly cooler temperatures tomorrow with lower Humidity so it seems that today may be the worst day of the week. When I say lower temperatures forecast to be only 90 the next two days and then a 89 and 90 again. :(

    I use two banks, One uses a Drip type coffee maker and the other has a Piped in Keurig, I have seen it being serviced recently.

    Good Luck with the Vinegar and the Keurig
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Coffee Update! :) I must have run that vinegar thru the machine at least 6 times....some, but not a lot of improvement. I was checking the prices for new online, and decided one LAST try...One other thing in the book was to clean the little needle that pierces the bottom of the k-cup. Just need to stick a paper clip thru it. I'd done that earlier, but with one of the larger paper clips, this time I rooted around in my desk drawer til I found one normal sized one... tried it again, ran another vinegar thru it...and lo and behold a cup of vinegar came back out. (this is all AFTER lunch as I had to run by my bank, where they have a Keurig..I'd forgotten, or I would have made a much earlier trip to the bank...anyhow, did my other errands, etc, and it was nearly 4p before I got a full cup return) SO, ran a cup of water thru it, and put in one of the two k-cups I'd tried to brew this morning....I got coffee! Set it down to cool a bit, took a sip....well!!! try to imagine pickled coffee!!! I don't think you could sell it. YUCK!!
    Rinsed X2, and I now am drinking my morning coffee! Bet I don't sleep tonite, but I'm having it anyhow!

    Roger, I was just being "MO Mule Headed" this morning. I have Dunkin Donuts, McDonalds, and Publix coffee with in a mile or less of my house. Just like I am being now, determined, no matter what, to drink a cup of MY coffee!!!

    And no, this MO Mule Headedness, did not come with age....:) Both my boys also got this 'gene', even the one that was born in VA!!! We are a real hoot when we try to work together! Everybody has their own ideas on how we should do the project at hand....not pretty! LOL!!!

    Lets all have a good evening!

    Um, Roger...your water drinking is excellent after walk, but I'd feel a lot better if you had at least an 8 ounce glass of water before you leave home. Peeps get somewhat dehydrated over night, and then in the heat, and your sweating.... better safe than sorry...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,711 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! No work today, but need to get all the food prepped for the Lilo and the treats for both cats, etc, before we leave. Ariel's food is on an automatic feeder.
    Ed, 4 days off!! Great! Camping in the mountains I hope, too hot down here in the lower levels!
    Was your Tomato and Roasted Red Pepper made by Pacific? I used to love that soup in the winter!!
    Sorry about the name issues. Don't you just 'love' incompetence. I think I'd be looking for that guy, and let him fix it again.

    Camping IS indeed in the mountains, or at least hills. Don't know that we have anything around here I'd call actual mountains.

    The bank responded to my online query saying they'd fixed the problem but I still don't see the hyphen online. I'll wait and see if the credit cards and check books look correct before I complain any more...and then it WILL be in person.

    I don't even want to think about getting the name change fixed with the pharmacies and insurance...hopefully the retirement office will take care of all that, or at least most of it.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,711 Member
    edited July 2015
    For those pondering updating to Windoze...er Windows 10, well, if you are on 8 I'd say do it as 10 beats 8 out, but it's still Windows...I'm on it now in a virtual machine. I played with some of the preview builds as I like to keep my hand in, and then got the full upgrade when available, but am glad I didn't have to pay for the upgrade...I'll still stick to my Macbook mostly I think.


    No windows were harmed in the posting of this message, though it was posted using Google Chrome, from my virtual machine, running Windows 10. ;)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I got out and walked my usual 2 3/4 miles. I was out the door early before Sunrise and beat the worst of the heat and Yahoo, The Humidity is down too.

    The Censored Deer are still eating things, the latest is they ate most of the leaves off of the pepper plants, Left the Peppers that were growing, why? They also nibbled off the top of a tomato plant and ate some of the leaves off of a Rose Bush. It seems they can work around the thorns :(

    Have a Great Friday
    Coffee Update! :) I must have run that vinegar thru the machine at least 6 times....some, but not a lot of improvement. I was checking the prices for new online, and decided one LAST try...One other thing in the book was to clean the little needle that pierces the bottom of the k-cup. Just need to stick a paper clip thru it. I'd done that earlier, but with one of the larger paper clips, this time I rooted around in my desk drawer til I found one normal sized one... tried it again, ran another vinegar thru it...and lo and behold a cup of vinegar came back out. (this is all AFTER lunch as I had to run by my bank, where they have a Keurig..I'd forgotten, or I would have made a much earlier trip to the bank...anyhow, did my other errands, etc, and it was nearly 4p before I got a full cup return) SO, ran a cup of water thru it, and put in one of the two k-cups I'd tried to brew this morning....I got coffee! Set it down to cool a bit, took a sip....well!!! try to imagine pickled coffee!!! I don't think you could sell it. YUCK!!
    Rinsed X2, and I now am drinking my morning coffee! Bet I don't sleep tonite, but I'm having it anyhow!

    Roger, I was just being "MO Mule Headed" this morning. I have Dunkin Donuts, McDonalds, and Publix coffee with in a mile or less of my house. Just like I am being now, determined, no matter what, to drink a cup of MY coffee!!!

    And no, this MO Mule Headedness, did not come with age....:) Both my boys also got this 'gene', even the one that was born in VA!!! We are a real hoot when we try to work together! Everybody has their own ideas on how we should do the project at hand....not pretty! LOL!!!

    Lets all have a good evening!

    Um, Roger...your water drinking is excellent after walk, but I'd feel a lot better if you had at least an 8 ounce glass of water before you leave home. Peeps get somewhat dehydrated over night, and then in the heat, and your sweating.... better safe than sorry...

    Hi Valerie
    My Brother is a stubborn cuss too so I know exactly what You mean.

    Congratulations on getting the coffee machine fixed.

    I have a sip of water before I leave and then I do have a Large or extra large coffee near the start of the walk. The Quick Chek is only 4 blocks from home. I also do know that if I stop sweating that is a bad sign. :)
    I carry a 1/2 liter bottle of water with me just in case, The Cargo(?) Shorts have tons of pockets and a couple that are really large. I fit a entire Folding Umbrella in one pocket along with the other items usually in it if there is a chance of rain.

    I hope You sleep well tonight.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    For those pondering updating to Windoze...er Windows 10, well, if you are on 8 I'd say do it as 10 beats 8 out, but it's still Windows...I'm on it now in a virtual machine. I played with some of the preview builds as I like to keep my hand in, and then got the full upgrade when available, but am glad I didn't have to pay for the upgrade...I'll still stick to my Macbook mostly I think.


    No windows were harmed in the posting of this message, though it was posted using Google Chrome, from my virtual machine, running Windows 10. ;)

    Hi Ed
    I have warned my brother not to take it. Some of the hardware was almost impossible to find windows 7 drivers for and I would be afraid to jump to windows 8 or 10 on that machine. If he would give up on his 800 series HP inkjet, it is so old it only has a parallel port for the printer interface. He has had it since Windows 95 or 98 days.

    I actually do like windows 8 since I installed s/w to add the start button. How did the licensing go with windows 10?

    Thank You
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Saturday Morning!!
    Roger, I took your advise...and slept, and slept again!! Many many hours! Thanks! I feel rested and great.

    Yesterday was a fun day, and a great day in the North Ga mountains. We got Marietta's peaches for her Sunday School teachers, and I got a jar of Chow Chow, not quite sure why...to try it mostly. I also picked up a peck of apples, and beautiful grown in Delonaga GA tomatoes! 4 big beauties. There will be more tomato sandwich lunches!!

    Ed should be in, or heading for the mountains.. I was hoping he was going to NC, as the mountains there are really spectacular. Not the Rockies mind you, but beautiful old mountains. (all our east coast mountains are old and worn!)

    I hear lawn mowers going, so I guess its ok for me to head outdoors with mine...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I walked a slightly different route and walked 2.8 miles today. It was much nicer out today than Yesterday, When I started out it was before Sunrise and the Blue Moon was out with a few wispy clouds drifting across it. I came home, Cooled off and went back out around 8AM and mowed the Lawn. 9682 steps so far today according to the FitBit Zip including the mowing. I am now officially tired :)

    My Brother commented that it looks like the Censored Deer was back and ate some more overnight. I have seen them in the woody area below the lake and I saw two or three Yesterday along the edge of another park that has a wooded area along a brook. Them dang things are all over anymore. I do not know how they manage to avoid the thorns on the rose bush they have been nibbling on.

    Whats a fella to do, You can not string Razor Wire around the property :)

    Joy, Joy, I fixed my Main floor computer last Night too. I thought it was the power supply and the Mailman delivered the new one. Long story cut short, When it still turned on and right off I diagnosed deeper, pulled the back, drives and memory. It turned out to be one of the memory chips I installed as a Memory Upgrade, I left it out and put back the original one and one of the newer ones and voila it is working again. Hmmm.... Not so short a story after all.

    Have a Good Weekend
    Good Saturday Morning!!
    Roger, I took your advise...and slept, and slept again!! Many many hours! Thanks! I feel rested and great.

    Yesterday was a fun day, and a great day in the North Ga mountains. We got Marietta's peaches for her Sunday School teachers, and I got a jar of Chow Chow, not quite sure why...to try it mostly. I also picked up a peck of apples, and beautiful grown in Delonaga GA tomatoes! 4 big beauties. There will be more tomato sandwich lunches!!

    Ed should be in, or heading for the mountains.. I was hoping he was going to NC, as the mountains there are really spectacular. Not the Rockies mind you, but beautiful old mountains. (all our east coast mountains are old and worn!)

    I hear lawn mowers going, so I guess its ok for me to head outdoors with mine...

    Hi Valerie
    Why let the clock rule Your life :) The way I look at it I am retired and beholding to no one except myself. I am glad the rest helped. I think I was the first one out mowing today. The Tomatoes and Beans are in production now. The Deer did not get them all, so far, so good.

    I need to blanch a bunch of Yellow beans and Green beans and vacuum seal most of them for the freezer so they will be nice and fresh later when the plants are done for.

    Have a Great Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I walked a slightly different route for 2.8 miles today, Weather was Cool and low humidity, Tomorrow the Humidity goes back up, oh well.

    I suspect that the four legged appetite was back nibbling the flowers and vegetables. I say that since it looks like more damage and the Potted Petunias were knocked over despite no wind last night.

    Have a Good Sunday
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hey Roger!
    Ed's in the mountains, not sure if he's back tonite, or Monday. So it just You and Me kid!!! :) Who's line was that anyhow?

    Low humidity again here today, felt wonderful, and like yours, humidity will return overnight. Boo!
    Busy running errands, but I have managed some chores, and a trip to the gym. I needed a few more steps on the FitBit!.

    Watering my moss lawn and a raised bed under one of the maple trees, and it time to go turn it off,
    So ....
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,711 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! We've been back from the hills for some time. Not quite to the mountains but close. Hilly enough that after walking the trails Friday and Saturday, my calves are KILLING me.

    We've been back since about 11:15 or so but I got busy doing most of the laundry from the trip, along with putting things away and taking a good, long nap with my precious Lilo! There is still some laundry left but I think it will wait until another day. The bulk of it is finishing in the dryer now.

    Back to work tomorrow. Bleah.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Ed, glad you had a great time...you picked a perfect weather weekend!
    I agree with back to work tomorrow...it is BLEAH! Short shift I hope....