Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Thursday Morning!
    Beautiful morning again today! Makes me smile!!!
    Gym, and a trip to the bank....the rest is work at home. So, I should have a busy, but not stressful day.
    Barely finished lunch yesterday in time for DS1's call... there may be a hockey game Saturday morning, and there is a grandparents lunch scheduled with Nate at his school. Retired now, so I can finally go!! Will be fun.
    Have some beans on soaking, will cook with some sofrito for a nice tasty pot of beans, and I have my rice out, but not yet cooking. WIll make a big pot so I can freeze several one cup bags. And there are a few other items I'd like to cook today, will make for a simple meals for a few days.
    Off to finish cleaning bathrooms and other assorted fun.....
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,725 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! No work today, but opening tomorrow. I've been up for hours and hours but distracted by breakfast, feeding Lilo, moving money around to try to pay the power bill, etc. Didn't get out to the other Kroger though, just came on home and had lunch.

    Nap time with Lilo soon!

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    Still feeling Poorly, A bit better than Yesterday however. I looked in the refrigerator and decided to walk to the Produce Store for Fruits, Bananas, Tangerines, Apples, Also three things for my Brother. Total walk 1 mile + whatever in the Produce store and Dollar Store. It was not bad out until the Sun started coming out from behind the clouds. Just Sitting here listening to music from the war years, Marlene Dietrich, Vera Lynn, Vaughn Monroe etc.

    NSV last weekend too, I Bought some new Pocket Tees a size smaller and they fit rdb.gif.

    Have a Good Thursday
    Running out of time today!
    Gym, Walmart for drinks, Whole Foods. Hadn't been in several weeks...walked out for $63.63. Told the guy I got a prize for that number...he suggested Lottery!!!! I love checkers who have a great sense of humor.
    DS1 calling shortly, want to get my shoes off, and some more comfy clothes before that happens!

    Roger, hope its not allergies, and not a cold. Just a stuffy for the day nose!
    Ed, hope all goes well for J's grammie. And that your shift today goes well. Enjoy your beef stew, and maybe somebody should buy D a simple cookbook for Christmas! He doesn't have to cook, but he can read recipe's and maybe get the hang of what's in stuff??


    Hi Valerie
    I suspect a Summer Cold, Somewhat better today. However I will be brief as I am feeling it in my eyes today.

    I have actually had my tab ring up at an $10 a few times. I couldn't do that if I tried :)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,725 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! I'm up obscenely early because the boss needed to attend a funeral. One of her husband's cousins. I'll be opening this morning. I'm just so thrilled...

    Not up to eating anything yet. Just water for now.————————————————————————————————————————————————-

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good late morning!
    I started a new e-book last night, and was really late..like today already when I put it down. Then I got a cramp in my foot, and then up for the usual trip to the loo...so even though I didn't roll out until 9, I really haven't had a very good, or restful nights sleep....and that is unusual!

    Roger, I do hope you're cold goes quickly. I understand you can sell a cold, if you can find a likely buyer...:) I've never had any luck finding a buyer!
    You were listening to some great music! And huge congrats on the smaller size T-shirts! That's a darling (don't know how to spell it...) the little congrats thingy thats clapping and cheering... guess I'll have to google that later.

    Ed, I remember being up in those wee hours....the good side is you get off work really early. (Not a big incentive when your bleary eyed and stumbling around trying to make sense of the world.) Hopefully you found something to eat before you left for work. All those peeps you sell gas to early this morning are thankful that you got up early, or some of them would be walking to work!

    Lunch today with M, and If I hop up here soon as I finish my breakfast banana I will retrieve my trash containers, and maybe do a round with the '20 minute lawn mower'. I'm calling a service later today, or Monday that is a mobile repair place, and they can come FIX the darn thing. I'm over it. And if its a big expense to fix it....then I'd rather spend my money on a cheap, light weight one, and I'll give this dog to DS1 who has the same Toro, except his self-propelled stuff wore out, and he removed it. He can have mine!!!! I will miss the self propelled and electric ignition features, but I'd rather have a smaller, lighter unit that I can maneuver around all my little quirky flower beds, shrubs, etc.

    Enough, or I'll never get anything done!....

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    Still somewhat under the weather but I walked anyway.......... It was so cool it was almost cold, Parts of NJ hit the 40s overnight, a nearby town was in the 50s. Shorts and a T-Shirt did not really cut it until I got warmed up and caffeinated.

    Now I am officially tired :)

    We pulled the fuel tank off of the Roto Tiller for cleaning, The Fuel was really old 10+ years and did not even smell anything remotely like gas. Picked up new fuel hose as the old hose was cracked and leaking. I believe it will be fine with new fuel as it did run on starting fluid. Hopefully I will not have to rebuild the carburetor too.

    Don't forget, Only two more days to buy the $59.99 NS Gift Cards Via Costco

    Have a Good Friday
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! I'm up obscenely early because the boss needed to attend a funeral. One of her husband's cousins. I'll be opening this morning. I'm just so thrilled...

    Not up to eating anything yet. Just water for now.————————————————————————————————————————————————-

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    I know what You mean I had a job where one week You might be on Nights, Mornings or Afternoons. That made it impossible to get a great nights sleep for one thing.

    I hope Your day went OK
    Good late morning!
    I started a new e-book last night, and was really late..like today already when I put it down. Then I got a cramp in my foot, and then up for the usual trip to the loo...so even though I didn't roll out until 9, I really haven't had a very good, or restful nights sleep....and that is unusual!

    Roger, I do hope you're cold goes quickly. I understand you can sell a cold, if you can find a likely buyer...:) I've never had any luck finding a buyer!
    You were listening to some great music! And huge congrats on the smaller size T-shirts! That's a darling (don't know how to spell it...) the little congrats thingy thats clapping and cheering... guess I'll have to google that later.

    Ed, I remember being up in those wee hours....the good side is you get off work really early. (Not a big incentive when your bleary eyed and stumbling around trying to make sense of the world.) Hopefully you found something to eat before you left for work. All those peeps you sell gas to early this morning are thankful that you got up early, or some of them would be walking to work!

    Lunch today with M, and If I hop up here soon as I finish my breakfast banana I will retrieve my trash containers, and maybe do a round with the '20 minute lawn mower'. I'm calling a service later today, or Monday that is a mobile repair place, and they can come FIX the darn thing. I'm over it. And if its a big expense to fix it....then I'd rather spend my money on a cheap, light weight one, and I'll give this dog to DS1 who has the same Toro, except his self-propelled stuff wore out, and he removed it. He can have mine!!!! I will miss the self propelled and electric ignition features, but I'd rather have a smaller, lighter unit that I can maneuver around all my little quirky flower beds, shrubs, etc.

    Enough, or I'll never get anything done!....


    Hi Valerie
    Hopefully it just overheating from a critter nest, easily cleaned out if You are handy with tools. If it is a Briggs and Stratton You could call them and have them email You a link to the service manual for the engine.

    I think You are referring to the Smiley. I found a lot of them here:
    It even gives code You can paste into a website to use them in Your posts.
    Here is an example
    smiley-happy110.gif Pasted in from their site. smiley-happy014.gif
    These are the directions they give, Easy Peasey!

    To use the free smileys on this page, follow these instructions:

    Forum Code
    If you are posting on a forum or are adding a smiley to your sig on a forum that supports BB code then use the Forum Code.
    HTML Code
    If you are posting on a blog, myspace type site or on your own website then use the HTML Code box.
    Use the URL box for everything that isn't covered by the two options above.
    Some email clients such as Outlook Express and online webmail such as msn hotmail allow you to right click the smiley you want to use on this site,selecting copy and then right click in the email you want to insert it into and just paste the smiley faces direct.

    Just left click the code box under the smiley you want to use and the link will be highlighted for you.

    (If you have Javascript disabled you will need to left click in the box with the code of the smiley you want to use and either drag the cursor from one end of the box to another or simply press CTRL A to select everything in the box at once).

    Then, press CTRL C to copy the smiley code into the computers clipboard memory then CTRL V on the page where you want the smiley to appear.

    Good Luck
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,725 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! Working a short middle today. Y has called in EVERY SINGLE SHIFT for the last three weeks, at the last minute, and not shown up. As I left yesterday, I found out she had called in again (to not show up for closing last night) and I told my boss right then that I was not coming back later to fill in. I'm too old for this s***! I'm of the opinion that they should just not be putting her on the schedule any more. I understand she's moving and all but really, it's not possible to be having a crisis every single time. She was only scheduled two nights a week anyway and, moving or not, she can plan her time better than that! Why do I feel that she's not calling in to her other, full time job? Because she's probably not, that's why. Once in a great while, OK. Maybe you have a genuine crisis and can't come in or are too sick. But not every time for this long. If you're not going to come in then just @#$%^&* QUIT already so we can plan around that instead of scrambling at the last minute every time.

    She's NOT scheduled to come in after me tonight...I'm seriously considering telling the boss if she IS scheduled to come in after me at any time in the near future, I'm just shutting the place down and going home when it's time, whether she's there or not...and if they fire me, it's worth it. I'll find a job with more reliable co-workers...

    OK. Rant finished...for now.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning....its Saturday!!
    Ed, don't let somebody's else's short comings short circuit your brain! Unless Kroger has improved their pay rates, or unless Fuel Center gets paid a whole heck of a lot more than Starbucks Kiosk did....just not worth it!!

    I'm going out and cut grass for 5 minutes. :(, and then I'm coming in and calling the repair van that will come to my house and fix the d@$*# thing. Totally over it.

    Have had a nice leisurely morning, cats and I have eaten, dishwasher is almost finished washing, and there is a load of laundry to be folded. Do the folding, and hit the floors with the Dyson, and I'm home free for the day!!

    Roger thanks for the smiley instructions....more involved than I expected it to be. Hope you're feeling much better today.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I went walking this morning, Weather was nice and cool, It does not feel like August, Nearby town was in the 50s overnight.

    Feeling Somewhat better today, still not 100% :(

    Have a Great Weekend
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! Working a short middle today. Y has called in EVERY SINGLE SHIFT for the last three weeks, at the last minute, and not shown up. As I left yesterday, I found out she had called in again (to not show up for closing last night) and I told my boss right then that I was not coming back later to fill in. I'm too old for this s***! I'm of the opinion that they should just not be putting her on the schedule any more. I understand she's moving and all but really, it's not possible to be having a crisis every single time. She was only scheduled two nights a week anyway and, moving or not, she can plan her time better than that! Why do I feel that she's not calling in to her other, full time job? Because she's probably not, that's why. Once in a great while, OK. Maybe you have a genuine crisis and can't come in or are too sick. But not every time for this long. If you're not going to come in then just @#$%^&* QUIT already so we can plan around that instead of scrambling at the last minute every time.

    She's NOT scheduled to come in after me tonight...I'm seriously considering telling the boss if she IS scheduled to come in after me at any time in the near future, I'm just shutting the place down and going home when it's time, whether she's there or not...and if they fire me, it's worth it. I'll find a job with more reliable co-workers...

    OK. Rant finished...for now.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    I Agree with Valerie, Not worth it. I used to let things get to me and where did it get me? Nowhere :)

    Good Luck
    Good Morning....its Saturday!!
    Ed, don't let somebody's else's short comings short circuit your brain! Unless Kroger has improved their pay rates, or unless Fuel Center gets paid a whole heck of a lot more than Starbucks Kiosk did....just not worth it!!

    I'm going out and cut grass for 5 minutes. :(, and then I'm coming in and calling the repair van that will come to my house and fix the d@$*# thing. Totally over it.

    Have had a nice leisurely morning, cats and I have eaten, dishwasher is almost finished washing, and there is a load of laundry to be folded. Do the folding, and hit the floors with the Dyson, and I'm home free for the day!!

    Roger thanks for the smiley instructions....more involved than I expected it to be. Hope you're feeling much better today.


    Hi Valerie
    Good Luck getting the mower fixed, Cheaply too.
    I just put a load of laundry in myself.
    I rarely have dishes to do with the NutriSystem foods. I rinse out the Plastic trays and recycle them, Likewise with the Yogurt Cups. I use a Paper plate to hold my Plain Lettuce and Fruit. I am getting my coffee during my walks and the Utensil I eat with is a pretty quick clean. OTOH my Brother uses tons of things but washes his own so........

    Enjoy the Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,725 Member
    edited August 2015
    As I was eating my portion of home made shepherds pie tonight, I suddenly wondered why NS never (to my knowledge) tried that, or at least cottage pie (made from ground beef, rather than lamb) as an entree. It seems like it would be a great fit and wouldn't be too difficult to have made in a shelf stable form, though the mashed potato "crust" on top wouldn't be nicely browned unless you ran it under the broiler after heating it.

    I love to make it, as it's dinner in one dish and my technique uses one pound of ground lamb to make four nice, meaty servings, each with its complement of peas and carrots and topping of garlic mashed potatoes. And I've always found lamb (or sheep, or goat) to be a very filling meat, so one can eat a relatively small portion and still feel quite satisfied.

    Two hours after eating my dinner, blood glucose was 123. Can't complain about that!

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,725 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! Working that relatively short close tonight. Definitely getting in a nap today...maybe in just a few minutes. Lilo wanted her breakfast so I got on up and warmed up some leftover shepherds pie for myself too, to eat with my morning vitamins.

    I think I could have easily just gone back to sleep instead.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    edited August 2015
    Good Sunday Afternoon!
    Yay for the BG, postprandial! Great reading.
    I don't know if NS ever did a shepards pie, but I do remember one shelf stable that came with mashed potatoes.. I tried it ONCE, the potatoes really didn't taste bad...but they were GRAY. YUCK! I just don't do gray potatoes!! LOL!!

    I've fed cats, and me, drove 50 minutes to Cumming GA, watched Nate score a goal, (and get 2 penalties, my little bad boy! just like his father!) His team won so it was a happy morning. Rained as we left the rink, so everybody got a bit 'damp' I faired the best, I had on my new purple rain coat! :) My red umbrella was, however, in the car...so I couldn't lend it to anybody. Rained the whole drive to Whole Foods, slowed to a sprinkle while I was in the store, and then quit completely for my drive home, until I drove into the garage and it started raining again. Have half inch in the gauge since I left home this morning. :)
    Picked up 3 ears of my non-GMO corn on the cob, some amall amounts of veggies from the salad bar to sauteé for my dinner add ins, they had that darned, and delicious vegan chocolate mousse....Yes, dessert tonite!
    I've had lunch.

    Roger, I don't know if the fix for the mower will be cheap, but it will be fixed! and it will be cheaper than buying a new mower.

    Sat with my DIL's Mom, and it occurred to me that starting when my boys were little, (Nate's age), I have been going to early morning Ice Hockey games for 40 years!!! NO WONDER I'm so tired! LOL!! and heading in to read for a short while and have a nice rainy day nap!!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    Feeling somewhat better each day so far.

    In Addition to walking Yesterday Morning, After a Not 100% Day I decided to walk in the Evening too. So Saturday ended up being early Morning & Evening walks, each 2.75 miles. Then I walked this morning another 2.75 miles. The weather was warm last night and comfortable this morning. Since We seems to be heading into above average temperatures for today and the next 4 days I suspect that today was the last nice morning for a little while. I am officially tired now.

    Have a Really Good Sunday

    Hi Ed
    I agree with Valerie that all the NS Shelf Stable meals that I have tried that have mashed potatoes, The potatoes are at best very poor. Two different iterations of Meatloaf and Mashed, Homestyle beef and Mashed etc.

    The Shelf Stable Loaded Baked potato in a cup where You add water is OK, Basically instant Mashed potatoes. I was surprised when I ordered it since I had not read the cooking directions and thought it was some sort of small whole Baked potato :)

    I have seen and saved multiple recipes for Shepard's pie using the Loaded Baked Potato from users on the old NS forum however.


    Hi Valerie
    Time to run for Dinner so I will be brief. Gray Mashed, Brown Mashed and reddish mashed potatoes in the SS dinners I tried and all more or less inedible too.

    Good Luck with the Mower, I though they were supposed to come and fix it on premises the other day?
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,725 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! Working a long middle today. Bleah. Got to bed about 12:30 and have to be back at work by 10:30. Might be late. She's there until 12:45 so if I'm late, she can just get over it. She's the one who scheduled this.————————————————————————————————————————————————-

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I Walked again this morning 2.75 Miles & 25 cents, warm at 76 degrees, Dew Point in the 70s making it humid too.
    We worked on the Roto Tiller yesterday, New Fuel line, flushed the tank. Runs on a prime in the carburetor only. It looks like I need to order a rebuild kit for the Carb. Not totally unexpected, it sat for over 10 years with fuel in the tank, My brother forgot to run it dry when it was put away. Oh Well :)

    Have a Really Great Monday
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning, its Monday. I hid in bed as long as I could..LOL!!
    I think I have about 60 pages of this book to finish, and I promise I will not start another until at least next week. Somebody's gotta work around here, and I can't get these lazy cats to do anything!!!!

    I thought about you yesterday Roger! I was thumbing thru my fb news feed, and some guy found $20 and used that money to play the lottery....and won. Talk about a return on your investment!!! So, save up your change, and when you see a 'lucrative' lotto pot...buy some tickets!!! :smiley:
    No, the other day I found the place, today I will call them...then we will know how busy they are, by how many days before they can come here to fix it!.

    Ed, what a schedule error on her part. I've seen that appear (rarely) on my schedule, and balked loudly!

    I think I need another cup of coffee, and then its time to get some chores started. BTW, it is nearly eleven oclock, and its only 72 outside. It was in the 60's when I got up around 9 a.m. Nice!!! Doors open....doesn't seem to be a breeze, but the cool air is seeping in. :)


  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Welllll, thats a disappointment....
    My mobile repair van is a franchise...and they don't have a franchise in GA!! POOP!!! :(
    DS1 found another uTube and he's coming Sunday to try it....after that I call the local guy and pay for the pick up.
    I'm frankly OVER this d@)($% lawn mower, and I'm sure you're all tired of hearing about it. Sorry!
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,725 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! Long middle again today. J is supposed to be coming home tonight! Yay!

    We actually get that scheduling "error" often, though it's usually an 11:30 turnaround, rather than 10:30. That's a little easier to accomplish, though 10:30 is do-able. It is better than when I sometimes had to work 16 hours (someone called in) at the little grocery (35 years ago) and then have only 8 hours off and have to be back again.————————————————————————————————————————————————-

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I was out walking today, slightly better conditions than Yesterday for walking :)

    I pulled the next 5 days food from the cupboard and created menus for those days. I have a couple of frozen dinners and 8+ Frozen Lunches left that I am working on using up. My Order closed out Sunday at 6PM. I wonder if it will make it here before the Labor Day holiday. My NutriSystem orders have been processing slower than When I started with them.

    Have a Great Tuesday
    Welllll, thats a disappointment....
    My mobile repair van is a franchise...and they don't have a franchise in GA!! POOP!!! :(
    DS1 found another uTube and he's coming Sunday to try it....after that I call the local guy and pay for the pick up.
    I'm frankly OVER this d@)($% lawn mower, and I'm sure you're all tired of hearing about it. Sorry!

    Hi Valerie
    I saw that news article on the TV, $20 found and won a Million Dollars, Darn good return on found money :)

    It is a nuisance cleaning the engine on Our Mower, It turns out to only be a few bolts and voila the cover is off and a Can of Computer Blow Out Air, A Lot Cheaper than having paying to have it done every year or two. I have the procedure down to where I think I'll do it every year as a precaution. On Mine it is, One Bolt, Pull (Pry) the Plastic cover over the Rope Pull start. Remove several Bolts, lift off the metal shroud and there it is. That nest that was in there was also blocking the governor and causing the engine to race.

    On Mine there is a plastic cover that the pull rope come through that is held on with one screw and then the metal shroud as shown below.

    Good Luck
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! Long middle again today. J is supposed to be coming home tonight! Yay!

    We actually get that scheduling "error" often, though it's usually an 11:30 turnaround, rather than 10:30. That's a little easier to accomplish, though 10:30 is do-able. It is better than when I sometimes had to work 16 hours (someone called in) at the little grocery (35 years ago) and then have only 8 hours off and have to be back again.————————————————————————————————————————————————-

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    Not having enough time between shifts can be a major cause of fatigue, I hope You are OK.

    Good Luck
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,725 Member
    edited September 2015
    Well, today was even worse! When I got there the AC in the kiosk was broken. It was 86 degrees already in there and felt like a sauna. I told the lead, as soon as I walked in, literaly, NO F****** WAY could I stay out there very long. The store sent out a medium sized box fan, but that (and the small fan that I brought out several months ago) were totally unable to cope. All they did was move hot air. Very hot air. There are no vents if the AC isn't working. No windows that can open. I told management as well that there was no way I could be out there for 8 hours (minus the profanity) and I started by working in the store, replenishing the stock for the fuel center, and then tried to work out there for as long as I could, while the lead went home to recover, having drank the Powerade that I told her to drink whether she thought she needed it or not.

    When I started feeling REALLY ICKY, after a couple of hours mostly in there, (I did step out whenever I could but customers kept coming to the kiosk so I had to go back in) I called in and they sent someone out to take over. At that time it was 90 degrees in there and they realized that it was really impossible. For her they propped the door open, and put a waste basket full of ice in front of the box fan.

    Aside from getting OUT OF THE HEAT, I knew what else I needed to do so I sat up in the break room drinking more Powerade Zero (third bottle and began a fourth bottle) until I felt well enough to go home, whereupon they called and told me that it was fixed (but no, they didn't expect me to come back) so I'd know it was safe to come back tomorrow. And to make sure I got home OK. Then I laid down until nearly dinner time. At that point I made dinner and I finished off the last Powerade with dinner. Feeling pretty human now, but it took time, rest and plenty of fluids. I think the lead realized after I told her to drink the Powerade, just how much fluid she was losing via sweat. She stayed out there as it got hotter and hotter while I was doing the replenish. By the time I got that done, it was getting into afternoon and REALLY hot.

    Working a long close tomorrow, assuming it stays fixed...and then maybe 4 hours in the middle Thursday and then OFF through the entire Labor Day week. I'm ready...————————————————————————————————————————————————-

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...