Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! 45 out there now with an expected high of 58 and 10% chance of rain.

    I've been up since 20 minutes to 7:00 (with brief periods of wakefulness during the night) and this morning Kiara was next to me, snoozing away. Both cats, of course, followed me to the kitchen to see what might be up.

    I finished off the rest of the sliced HoneyBaked ham, fried, for breakfast with a small, home made, very short, buttermilk biscuit and two fluffy, scrambled eggs.

    I have a separate, other brand, of ham, but only a few slices, that I purchased for Thansgiving, and haven't opened up yet. If I feel the need for more, with leftovers, then I'll pull a little HoneyBaked out of the freezer. I'm doing a lazy Thanksgiving this year.

    I'm planning sliced turkey breast (two kinds, sliced, purchased, but not a lot of either. Maybe enough to get me through the weekend as leftovers, also not opened yet. Ham, as mentioned above, also purchased.

    Some kind of green vegetable. That may be green beans or broccoli, or could even be kale. I have all of those in the freezer. I think there may be some green peas in there too. That give me plenty of options to choose from.

    Home made stuffing/dressing, from stuffing mix, but spiced and seasoned by me, and onion and garlic of course, by me. I have a bag of cornbread mix and a bag of light/sourdough mix and will put them together with some butter, some broth, and of course the onion, garlic, and seasoning, and whatever else I decide to throw in. Maybe some jalapeño and the kitchen sink, and that will be baked to a lovely golden brown and served with some turkey gravy, from a mix as well, as even Eduardo can't make gravy from pre-sliced turkey and I am not actually cooking any turkey this year.

    I have a small, Golden Nugget pumpkin/squash that I will either just have as mashed pumpkin with a little butter, salt and pepper, or may make into creamy pumpkin bisque, which I love, and use that as the starter. Even a lazy Thanksgiving for me usually involves one or two items that are home made. I may, once, have had a Thanksgiving at home so lazy that nothing was actually home made, but that would be unusual. I've run the gamut from EVERYTHING being home made (a lot of work) to nothing being home made, usually hitting somewhere in the middle with some home made and some purchased and warmed.

    Dessert will be Edwards pecan pie, from the freezer section at the supermarket. I bought a small (2 slice) box and each slice will be cut in half so I can have four pie desserts over the course of the weekend with either a small scoop pumpkin pie ice cream or frozen topping from a tub.

    For bread, maybe some canned biscuits. That's REALLY lazy, but there are only five "junior" biscuits in the can, and I do expect to get at least five meals from the food.

    No potatoes in the plan. Pumpkin, stuffing (with gravy!), a biscuit, and dessert are already more than enough carbs for the Thanksgiving meal, which tends to be very carb heavy, unless one is very careful with the planning. If I manage go heavy on the green vegetable with reasonable portions of ham, turkey, and everything else, I'll feel like I win the holiday.

    If J were going to be home this year, then I'd also be making deviled eggs, a broccoli rice cheese casserole, and possibly some kind of potato casserole, all of which I'd taste, of course, but those would be mostly to fill out the ovo-lacto vegetarian dinner with enough food. J will be visiting family in Kentucky for the weekend.

    Now, let me see if I can find some interesting videos or funny stuff.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member
    Here's an early after Christmas commercial that works just as well for Thanksgiving really, as turkey is bigger at Thanksgiving than it is at Christmas.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member
    And you want me to WHAT? Commercial.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member
    Things you do online that would be creepy in real life.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Score - window 1, contractor 0






    Might not end well, Poor Parenting ?
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking this Morning. The temperature this morning was 30 on the porch and 37 on the cable channel.

    I was out at CostCo to pick up some paper goods and Frozen Vegetables :) I ended up with a case of Charmin, I am sure that the 36 rolls in the case will last a while :)
    Yesterday evening around 7PM I got the call, Nutrisystem called saying that my frozen order had shipped and should be delivered in the next 3 days. As I thought a quick look at email this morning shows it is out for delivery on the truck. Supposedly the Non frozen portion is shipped also on Monday, OTOH the tracking number for that shows nothing beyond that the shipping label was created and I have doubts that the anticipated delivery date for it of today will happen. Not a problem as I have some left. I already cleared the freezer earlier this past weekend so I'm good to go that way. It will be handy knowing what freezer space I have left so I can put other frozen items that we are baking ahead and the leftover Thanksgiving that I anticipate into it too.

    This was a little weird IMO
    'Stop saying Christmas' Priest warns Christians to abandon the word
    By Ben Weich, 10:15, Mon, Nov 20, 2017
    UPDATED: 10:25, Mon, Nov 20, 2017

    oy Grenade Causes Scare, Evacuation At Miami International Airport
    November 19, 2017 7:31 AM

    How could that happen :)
    Disaster claims soar in year of calamities
    Associated Press Saturday November 18, 2017 07:02 PM

    Ancient sea monster hunted to extinction mysteriously reappears on remote Russian island
    The remains of the Steller's sea cow were found by nature reserve officials on the far flung Commander Islands in the Bering Sea.
    By Will Stewart, 20th November 2017, 9:03 am
    Updated: 20th November 2017, 9:03 am

    Upsurge in big earthquakes predicted for 2018 as Earth rotation slows
    Robin McKie, Saturday 18 November 2017 17.00 EST

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member
    edited November 2017
    Making Amy's vegetarian black bean enchiladas. I don't know WHY they start with a picture of a beef enchilada, as that is not what they make in the video.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! 45 out there now with an expected high of 58 and 10% chance of rain.

    I've been up since 20 minutes to 7:00 (with brief periods of wakefulness during the night) and this morning Kiara was next to me, snoozing away. Both cats, of course, followed me to the kitchen to see what might be up.

    I finished off the rest of the sliced HoneyBaked ham, fried, for breakfast with a small, home made, very short, buttermilk biscuit and two fluffy, scrambled eggs.

    I have a separate, other brand, of ham, but only a few slices, that I purchased for Thanksgiving, and haven't opened up yet. If I feel the need for more, with leftovers, then I'll pull a little Honey Baked out of the freezer. I'm doing a lazy Thanksgiving this year.
    Hi Ed
    There is Rain in the forecast for tomorrow morning, The figure I saw is 50% OTOH the future-cast he used showed NJ covered with the rain so ....

    A tasty breakfast IMO :)
    I'm planning sliced turkey breast (two kinds, sliced, purchased, but not a lot of either. Maybe enough to get me through the weekend as leftovers, also not opened yet. Ham, as mentioned above, also purchased.

    Some kind of green vegetable. That may be green beans or broccoli, or could even be kale. I have all of those in the freezer. I think there may be some green peas in there too. That give me plenty of options to choose from.

    Home made stuffing/dressing, from stuffing mix, but spiced and seasoned by me, and onion and garlic of course, by me. I have a bag of cornbread mix and a bag of light/sourdough mix and will put them together with some butter, some broth, and of course the onion, garlic, and seasoning, and whatever else I decide to throw in. Maybe some jalapeño and the kitchen sink, and that will be baked to a lovely golden brown and served with some turkey gravy, from a mix as well, as even Eduardo can't make gravy from pre-sliced turkey and I am not actually cooking any turkey this year.
    Nothing wrong with using a Stuffing mix and seasoning it to taste. We do the same thing. It is a lot easier than in days gone by when we used to dry bread, break it up and then go to work. So much easier to open a bag and go to work.

    We do have the large 23+ pound turkey to cook. It has to be a Whole Turkey for my brother. Which works out well as he prefers dark meat & I prefer the breast meat so no waste. He looked at a 25 pound turkey when he picked up the free turkey and decided against it as he was not sure if it would fit into the roaster we have. It has been sitting in the refrigerator slowly thawing since Sunday and when I poked it is still partially frozen.

    If You consider them Vegetables we will be having Sweet Potatoes and Mashed Russet Potatoes as well as a Salad and fresh Asparagus. Home made Turkey gravy naturally :)

    I wonder if You could use a can of Turkey Broth as a base for Home made gravy and dice a little of the turkey into it ?
    I have a small, Golden Nugget pumpkin/squash that I will either just have as mashed pumpkin with a little butter, salt and pepper, or may make into creamy pumpkin bisque, which I love, and use that as the starter. Even a lazy Thanksgiving for me usually involves one or two items that are home made. I may, once, have had a Thanksgiving at home so lazy that nothing was actually home made, but that would be unusual. I've run the gamut from EVERYTHING being home made (a lot of work) to nothing being home made, usually hitting somewhere in the middle with some home made and some purchased and warmed.

    Dessert will be Edwards pecan pie, from the freezer section at the supermarket. I bought a small (2 slice) box and each slice will be cut in half so I can have four pie desserts over the course of the weekend with either a small scoop pumpkin pie ice cream or frozen topping from a tub.

    For bread, maybe some canned biscuits. That's REALLY lazy, but there are only five "junior" biscuits in the can, and I do expect to get at least five meals from the food.

    No potatoes in the plan. Pumpkin, stuffing (with gravy!), a biscuit, and dessert are already more than enough carbs for the Thanksgiving meal, which tends to be very carb heavy, unless one is very careful with the planning. If I manage go heavy on the green vegetable with reasonable portions of ham, turkey, and everything else, I'll feel like I win the holiday.

    If J were going to be home this year, then I'd also be making deviled eggs, a broccoli rice cheese casserole, and possibly some kind of potato casserole, all of which I'd taste, of course, but those would be mostly to fill out the ovo-lacto vegetarian dinner with enough food. J will be visiting family in Kentucky for the weekend.

    Now, let me see if I can find some interesting videos or funny stuff
    So far we have a Nuts.com pecan pie in the freezer, It was free with the order, I will mention that they have a large selection of Nuts and dried fruits and more FWIW. Also a Sweet Potato Pie, Pumpkin Pies to be baked Wednesday, Sweet Potato Bread in the freezer so a large selection of desserts AKA Diet Killers :):(

    I agree with the Two types of Potatoes, Stuffings, Probably a Home made bread and Home made gravy it will will be carb heavy.

    Good Luck Winning the Holiday Meal battle
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Valerie

    Ed, BTW, I loved the Bugs Bunny image, I already reused it to family and friends
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    This was a little weird IMO
    'Stop saying Christmas' Priest warns Christians to abandon the word
    By Ben Weich, 10:15, Mon, Nov 20, 2017
    UPDATED: 10:25, Mon, Nov 20, 2017

    That is an interesting sort of "reversal" of the imaginary "war on Christmas" as, while he's correct that the holiday has long since been lost to commercialism, his suggestion that people STOP saying "Christmas" instead of trying to say it more to combat that imaginary war is rather strange. Christmas has, indeed, long since ceased to be a Christian holiday, but that particular holiday, while secular, is still going to be called Christmas by those who celebrate it and telling people to not say the word "Christmas" is just a bit off the wall. It's not going to happen, in my opinion.
    RogerToo wrote: »
    oy Grenade Causes Scare, Evacuation At Miami International Airport
    November 19, 2017 7:31 AM

    I'm rather surprised that anyone would allow a child's toy grenade to be even packed up to go to the airport. On the other hand, some kid may have packed it, without a parent's knowledge, and the parent noticed it afterward and decided to dispose of it or some prankster may have deliberately placed it to cause a panic.
    RogerToo wrote: »
    How could that happen :)
    Disaster claims soar in year of calamities
    Associated Press Saturday November 18, 2017 07:02 PM

    Well since the fad seems to be to blame either the current or prior administration for everything, including disasters, regardless of which administration they happen in, I guess we should all say, "It's *****'s fault!"
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Ancient sea monster hunted to extinction mysteriously reappears on remote Russian island
    The remains of the Steller's sea cow were found by nature reserve officials on the far flung Commander Islands in the Bering Sea.
    By Will Stewart, 20th November 2017, 9:03 am
    Updated: 20th November 2017, 9:03 am

    That clickbait headline strongly suggested that a LIVE creature was found at/on the island. Deliberately, I'm sure.
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Upsurge in big earthquakes predicted for 2018 as Earth rotation slows
    Robin McKie, Saturday 18 November 2017 17.00 EST

    I guess we must all wait and see whether the administration (of non-scientists) says we should believe this or not. Even if it happens, I'm sure there will be other theories on why. At any rate, we have yet to find ways to prevent earthquakes so I guess I'll worry about how to deal IF one happens where I live, rather than worrying about whether one will happen, other than to keep up my usual level of preparedness, to have a couple of weeks worth of food and water on hand...which I admit I am sometimes a bit lax on.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    Sun is shining, though rather weakly..hopefully it will brighten up a bit.
    Last call for the groceries...mainly the salad greens. I want them to be good and fresh, but I don't want that so much that I'd go tomorrow!!! :)

    I had a most interesting stuffing last Saturday from the hot bar at WF...it was pretty much a standard stuffing, with Lentils added and stirred into it. And it was wonderfully good...so I bought a bag of stuffing yesterday, and am planning to make stuffing Friday or Saturday. If J eats lentils that might make a good stuffing for him as well?? And while thinking about Thursdays meal...potatoes, sweet, russet, red, white, and blue are all vegetables. :)

    All went well with the new hearing aids. Though I will admit that by the end of the evening my left ear was a bit uncomfortable from the in physical part of the aid that goes into my ear. I think that will improve with wearing them a few days. I will need to do a lot of practicing to quickly and efficiently to do adjusting that is more complicated than changing the channels from 'normal, quiet, auditorium, or any presets I may make.
    I think I'll tell the littles that my new 'ears' are so great that I can hear what they are THINKING!
    That should fly for about 30 seconds! Long enough though to see the looks on their faces! LOL!!

    I haven't shared the Bugs cartoon, but you can be sure I will. I know two Bugs Bunny cartoon nuts! They will love it!

    Ok, time to get my act together...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! 46 out there now with an expected high of 64 and 0% chance of rain.

    Need to get laundry done since I forgot yesterday, and need to get to the store for a few things. Kroger WILL be open tomorrow so if I forget anything it's not a big deal.

    Sink is cleared. I've eaten, and the cats will be eating shortly.

    Now to see if I can find anything else interesting or funny, besides my face.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member

    Irish people taste WEIRD Thanksgiving foods.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member
    Can chefs make broccoli haters change their minds?

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member
    People try Christmas food from around the world. These are adults so you may hear some strong language. Haven't watched it myself yet.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member
    edited November 2017
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member




