Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking this Morning. The temperature this morning was 44 on the porch and 49 on the cable channel. It was nice and dry when I headed out for my walk, Shortly before the midpoint it started to drizzle and by the halfway mark the rain picked up so I pulled out the disposable Poncho. It stopped by the time I arrived home.

    My frozen order did arrive yesterday, They substituted for the Pork Dinner Entree which I did want to try :(
    The Non frozen portion shows
    11/22/2017 - Wednesday
    7:26 am On FedEx vehicle for delivery CARTERET, NJ

    This was also a little weird IMO
    Self-taught rocket scientist plans to launch over ghost town
    By PAT GRAHAM, Yesterday

    BOOM! Mystery blasts rattling the globe
    From Alabama to Idaho to Michigan to Russia to Denmark

    Published: 3 days ago

    Retailers desperately trying to lure holiday shoppers
    By DANIELLE WIENER-BRONNER, Posted: 6:47 AM, November 20, 2017
    Updated: 8:20 AM, November 20, 2017

    Interesting read
    Scientists might have been wrong about the Chernobyl disaster
    By James Rogers, November 20, 2017 | 12:10pm

    Fox News' Jeanine Pirro charged for driving 119 mph upstate
    BY Kenneth Lovett, NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
    Monday, November 20, 2017, 1:40 PM

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    This was a little weird IMO
    'Stop saying Christmas' Priest warns Christians to abandon the word
    By Ben Weich, 10:15, Mon, Nov 20, 2017
    UPDATED: 10:25, Mon, Nov 20, 2017

    That is an interesting sort of "reversal" of the imaginary "war on Christmas" as, while he's correct that the holiday has long since been lost to commercialism, his suggestion that people STOP saying "Christmas" instead of trying to say it more to combat that imaginary war is rather strange. Christmas has, indeed, long since ceased to be a Christian holiday, but that particular holiday, while secular, is still going to be called Christmas by those who celebrate it and telling people to not say the word "Christmas" is just a bit off the wall. It's not going to happen, in my opinion.
    RogerToo wrote: »
    oy Grenade Causes Scare, Evacuation At Miami International Airport
    November 19, 2017 7:31 AM

    I'm rather surprised that anyone would allow a child's toy grenade to be even packed up to go to the airport. On the other hand, some kid may have packed it, without a parent's knowledge, and the parent noticed it afterward and decided to dispose of it or some prankster may have deliberately placed it to cause a panic.
    RogerToo wrote: »
    How could that happen :)
    Disaster claims soar in year of calamities
    Associated Press Saturday November 18, 2017 07:02 PM

    Well since the fad seems to be to blame either the current or prior administration for everything, including disasters, regardless of which administration they happen in, I guess we should all say, "It's *****'s fault!"
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Ancient sea monster hunted to extinction mysteriously reappears on remote Russian island
    The remains of the Steller's sea cow were found by nature reserve officials on the far flung Commander Islands in the Bering Sea.
    By Will Stewart, 20th November 2017, 9:03 am
    Updated: 20th November 2017, 9:03 am

    That clickbait headline strongly suggested that a LIVE creature was found at/on the island. Deliberately, I'm sure.
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Upsurge in big earthquakes predicted for 2018 as Earth rotation slows
    Robin McKie, Saturday 18 November 2017 17.00 EST

    I guess we must all wait and see whether the administration (of non-scientists) says we should believe this or not. Even if it happens, I'm sure there will be other theories on why. At any rate, we have yet to find ways to prevent earthquakes so I guess I'll worry about how to deal IF one happens where I live, rather than worrying about whether one will happen, other than to keep up my usual level of preparedness, to have a couple of weeks worth of food and water on hand...which I admit I am sometimes a bit lax on.
    Hi Ed
    Instead of saying ignore, IMO he should have said call it Christ Mass Day or Christ's Mass Day.

    I suspected that they found it ahead of the security check and disposed it it that way. I wonder if they thought to make sure there was no DNA or Fingerprints on it? Common Sense, What's that :)

    Whatever it it is, blame the current administration...
    In Puerto Rico despite firing a company working to restore power, No one is protesting that action. The news broadcasts at the time said that firing would delay power restoration.

    Which was why I included the part that said remains had been found, Journalistic sensationalism at its best. Also the reason I debated using it or not.

    So true no way to prevent a earthquake, all You can do is try and build quake proof and keep reserves. I had relatives in California and they kept big jugs of water in the garage, Any furniture that might topple was decured to the wall etc.
    I have plenty of NS non refrigerated food on hand and we usually have three 24 pack cases of water around.
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! 46 out there now with an expected high of 64 and 0% chance of rain.

    Need to get laundry done since I forgot yesterday, and need to get to the store for a few things. Kroger WILL be open tomorrow so if I forget anything it's not a big deal.

    Sink is cleared. I've eaten, and the cats will be eating shortly.

    Now to see if I can find anything else interesting or funny, besides my face.
    Green Turkey ? Yuck
    WKRP was a show I liked.

    The 50% rain in yesterdays forecast arrived so I'm now going with 100% chance of rain, The rain is done for the day, The high is forecast to be 56 today and 46 Thanksgiving day.

    I expect McDs to be open for Breakfast Tomorrow and then close. The 7-Eleven never closes. And the Quick Chek convenience store will be open with reduced hours, As for the grocery stores I have no idea if or how long they will be open.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning!
    Sun is shining, though rather weakly..hopefully it will brighten up a bit.
    Last call for the groceries...mainly the salad greens. I want them to be good and fresh, but I don't want that so much that I'd go tomorrow!!! :)

    I had a most interesting stuffing last Saturday from the hot bar at WF...it was pretty much a standard stuffing, with Lentils added and stirred into it. And it was wonderfully good...so I bought a bag of stuffing yesterday, and am planning to make stuffing Friday or Saturday. If J eats lentils that might make a good stuffing for him as well?? And while thinking about Thursdays meal...potatoes, sweet, russet, red, white, and blue are all vegetables. :)

    All went well with the new hearing aids. Though I will admit that by the end of the evening my left ear was a bit uncomfortable from the in physical part of the aid that goes into my ear. I think that will improve with wearing them a few days. I will need to do a lot of practicing to quickly and efficiently to do adjusting that is more complicated than changing the channels from 'normal, quiet, auditorium, or any presets I may make.
    I think I'll tell the littles that my new 'ears' are so great that I can hear what they are THINKING!
    That should fly for about 30 seconds! Long enough though to see the looks on their faces! LOL!!

    I haven't shared the Bugs cartoon, but you can be sure I will. I know two Bugs Bunny cartoon nuts! They will love it!

    Ok, time to get my act together...
    Hi Valerie
    My brother bought something called a Organic Spring Mix Salad since he got tired of Iceberg Lettuce :)

    If I wanted to make a Nice stuffing with a bag of stuffing I would use Turkey Broth, In Your case I suspect vegetable Broth would work well too.

    Telling them that You can hear them thinking might be really funny if they believe it.

    I'm happy You are enjoying Your new ears, We get adds in the mail for hearing tests all the time. Counterproductive in our case as we never buy something based on unsolicited mailings.

    BTW I got a small box from Amazon yesterday with a Fruit Bar Sample and coupon in it, Did Anyone else get such a thing, a Pressed by Kind Strawberry Apple Bar, 110 calories.

    Have a Nice Holiday
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hey! Happy Pre Thanksgiving Day! I'm just finishing a meal...since I missed breakfast, but then its also noon...?? My rice and bean burrito...(with cheeze, salsa, and avocado=whole meal!!) But I also heated up some squash...just a little bit...maybe a bit less than a quarter of an acorn squash! And I feel FINE!. I tried small bites on one that I roasted a couple weeks ago with no ill effects. There is hope I can eat winter squash again?!?!?!? I hope!

    Going to the gym, and then we'll see how much energy I have left...I'd like to check WF for fried tofu...and stopping at Publix for Annie's lite Honey Mustard salad dressing...to take tomorrow to go with the salad I'm bringing. I have some but its been open for awhile, and I'd rather not make them all sick!

    And I'll prep salad vegetables tonite, wash the greens etc. Tomorrow should be a piece of cake, so to speak.

    Local interstate moving a lot of cars, but no traffic woes. (yet) Pix on the news from Cobb county I 75, north of ATL....is a mess! Glad I'm not making any long trips, flying, etc.

    Ok, time to get going.... Oh, Roger, yes, Veg broth boiled to reduce volume and increase flavor makes a great gravy. I've done that for years...somebody looked at the gravy one T day after we'd eaten, and the traditional gravy was like a 'lump'...we could stick a spoon in it and it stood straight up....cooked flour and fat...Pudding? Last time I made a pan gravy! Yuck. Tasty when hot though :)

    Ed...is there a new kitty in your future, or has there been a problem with the adoption? hope you're just waiting for the holiday to end and J to be home.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member
    Dinah's surgery went well Monday. She is recuperating with her foster family, who, I believe, also have two of her 4 kittens. I will be picking Dinah up from the foster on Friday, so she'll be all mine for part of the weekend.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member
    Well, J is about halfway to the family in Shelbyville. My dinner tonight was some quick and easy chicken and noodles. 2 cups of chicken bouillon, a couple of handfuls of noodles, two chicken tenders, quickly baked from frozen in the toaster oven, some peas and carrots, a pinch of crushed rosemary, ok...two pinches. I like rosemary. A pinch each of saffron and turmeric, mostly for color but also a little flavor, and maybe a quarter teaspoon of poultry seasoning. It was delicious, with salt and pepper added to taste. That and some white wine made a lovely solo dinner.

    Tomorrow, of course, is Happy Bird Day to us all!

    I have everything I think I need and even decided, at the last minute, to get some pre-baked croissants and save those refrigerator biscuits for something else. One croissant for each of 6 meals will be nice.

    In the morning, all I need to do is prepare the dressing/stuffing and bake it, make the gravy, steam a green vegetable and set my Edwards pecan pie slices out to thaw. I guess also set out the frozen whipped topping. I should probably put that up into the refrigerator now.

    The rest is all just warm up and enjoy. I will work something out for breakfast but likely will go pretty light on that meal since I KNOW that no matter how frugal I am with my serving size, the Thanksgiving dinner will be a bit heavy and I need to plan for that.

    Oh, and I have to cook that small pumpkin too, but that won't take very long. Not sure yet whether I'll be making soup or just mashed pumpkin.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member
    edited November 2017
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday. 42 out there with an expected high of 58 and no chance of rain. Happy Bird Day, everyone! Even those who don't eat birds. :)

    I haven't watched The Unsinkable Molly Brown yet for this Thanksgiving so will be doing that at some point today. I would have yesterday but there was an old movie I just received in the mail about penguins and I watched that instead.

    And I may go back to bed after breakfast, for a nap...I got MYSELF up early this morning and can't blame the cats.

    Now I need to go work on that breakfast.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member
    edited November 2017
    Milo references a Christmas bird in this strip, but it's still applicable.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member
    Some of the funniest Thanksgiving moments from old sitcoms. One may be a repeat.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member
    And happy Thanksgiving to the pets! Here is what our cats are having for breakfast today:

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member
    edited November 2017
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member



    And all the painter had to do was look at the stop sign to know how to spell it



    Left over image
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited November 2017
    I was out walking again this Morning + 1 cent. The temperature this morning was 28 on the porch and 33 on the cable channel. This mornings weather forecast said that the wind chill would be in the teens, I looked out before leaving and no wind and none came up while I was walking :)
    It is a clear Blue Sky with a forecast in the 40s for This Thanksgiving.
    I walked past the the local Grocery Store, Bagel Shop and a Dunkin Donuts as I was curious, All were open, not great for the workers :(
    My Non Frozen NS order arrived Yesterday.


    This was Interesting to me
    Irish beach returns overnight after vanishing in storms 12 years ago
    Tom Embury-Dennis, Tuesday 21 November 2017 10:51 GMT

    Giant swastika unearthed in Germany
    Associated Press•November 21, 2017

    In these dark times, Hallmark Channel's golden glow beckons
    Hannah Schlomann, November 21, 2017
    I can understand this being true

    Sacramento Regional Transit Systems Hit By Hacker
    November 20, 2017 11:51 PM

    U.S. hospitals feeling the pain of physician burnout [Reuters]
    By Julie Steenhuysen, Reuters • November 21, 2017

    Teachers Resign Due To Student Violence
    November 21, 2017 9:12 AM
    Not a surprise to me

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited November 2017
    Hey! Happy Pre Thanksgiving Day! I'm just finishing a meal...since I missed breakfast, but then its also noon...?? My rice and bean burrito...(with cheeze, salsa, and avocado=whole meal!!) But I also heated up some squash...just a little bit...maybe a bit less than a quarter of an acorn squash! And I feel FINE!. I tried small bites on one that I roasted a couple weeks ago with no ill effects. There is hope I can eat winter squash again?!?!?!? I hope!

    Going to the gym, and then we'll see how much energy I have left...I'd like to check WF for fried tofu...and stopping at Publix for Annie's lite Honey Mustard salad dressing...to take tomorrow to go with the salad I'm bringing. I have some but its been open for awhile, and I'd rather not make them all sick!
    Hi Valerie
    Rice and beans is a traditional dish in many areas. Just curious do You also make a Spanish Rice ?
    Would a Winter Squash Allergy also include Pumpkin as in Pumpkin Pie or Pumpkin Bread, Both Tasty IMO.

    As long as the green fur on the salad dressing is short it should be fine :)

    Despite the markings on the Bottle to refrigerate after opening my Brother persists in leaving it out once opened thus I have a separate Ketchup bottle in the refrigerator to use for things like the NS Hamburger and NS Meatloaf Sandwich, OTOH I also use BBQ Sauce or Thousand Island dressings on them.
    And I'll prep salad vegetables tonite, wash the greens etc. Tomorrow should be a piece of cake, so to speak.

    Local interstate moving a lot of cars, but no traffic woes. (yet) Pix on the news from Cobb county I 75, north of ATL....is a mess! Glad I'm not making any long trips, flying, etc.

    Ok, time to get going.... Oh, Roger, yes, Veg broth boiled to reduce volume and increase flavor makes a great gravy. I've done that for years...somebody looked at the gravy one T day after we'd eaten, and the traditional gravy was like a 'lump'...we could stick a spoon in it and it stood straight up....cooked flour and fat...Pudding? Last time I made a pan gravy! Yuck. Tasty when hot though :)

    Ed...is there a new kitty in your future, or has there been a problem with the adoption? hope you're just waiting for the holiday to end and J to be home.

    When I went to get ready to walk this morning at 6AM we had just put the Turkey in the Oven after stuffing it with the Dressing made last night. It would not fit in the usual Roaster being to plump :) Luckily we also had this one that did work.
    The Rack in this one is great for lifting the turkey out too, and it keeps the bird off of the bottom.
    The Potatoes have been prepped and are sitting in a pan to be cooked later

    Traditional Gravy is tasty, I know it gets a little thick when cold, that never bothered me.

    Traffic on a Holiday, Nah :)
    They did the usual airport reporting large crowds and they did no look that crowded to me.
    There was some heavier than usual traffic Wednesday, This morning there was almost none on the road although A few cars and trucks rumbled past me.

    Enjoy the Holiday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Dinah's surgery went well Monday. She is recuperating with her foster family, who, I believe, also have two of her 4 kittens. I will be picking Dinah up from the foster on Friday, so she'll be all mine for part of the weekend.
    Hi Ed
    Hopefully all goes as planned with no Hiccups.
    Well, J is about halfway to the family in Shelbyville. My dinner tonight was some quick and easy chicken and noodles. 2 cups of chicken bouillon, a couple of handfuls of noodles, two chicken tenders, quickly baked from frozen in the toaster oven, some peas and carrots, a pinch of crushed rosemary, ok...two pinches. I like rosemary. A pinch each of saffron and turmeric, mostly for color but also a little flavor, and maybe a quarter teaspoon of poultry seasoning. It was delicious, with salt and pepper added to taste. That and some white wine made a lovely solo dinner.
    Here where I am it is called Chicken cooking Stock, Bouillon cubes are the High Sodium little cubes You desolve in Boiling water. I'm guessing that You used what we call cooking stock ?
    Tomorrow, of course, is Happy Bird Day to us all!

    I have everything I think I need and even decided, at the last minute, to get some pre-baked croissants and save those refrigerator biscuits for something else. One croissant for each of 6 meals will be nice.

    In the morning, all I need to do is prepare the dressing/stuffing and bake it, make the gravy, steam a green vegetable and set my Edwards pecan pie slices out to thaw. I guess also set out the frozen whipped topping. I should probably put that up into the refrigerator now.

    The rest is all just warm up and enjoy. I will work something out for breakfast but likely will go pretty light on that meal since I KNOW that no matter how frugal I am with my serving size, the Thanksgiving dinner will be a bit heavy and I need to plan for that.

    Oh, and I have to cook that small pumpkin too, but that won't take very long. Not sure yet whether I'll be making soup or just mashed pumpkin.
    We decided to skip Biscuits or home made bread as the starch load will be high anyway with the Bread Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes, Homemade Gravy, Sweet Potatoes and Homemade Pumpkin Pie with Homemade Whipped Cream :) We left the Sweet Potato Pie and the Pecan Pie in the freezer, Enough is enough.

    I suspect that Overeating is in the future for today, Oh well.
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday. 42 out there with an expected high of 58 and no chance of rain. Happy Bird Day, everyone! Even those who don't eat birds. :)

    I haven't watched The Unsinkable Molly Brown yet for this Thanksgiving so will be doing that at some point today. I would have yesterday but there was an old movie I just received in the mail about penguins and I watched that instead.

    And I may go back to bed after breakfast, for a nap...I got MYSELF up early this morning and can't blame the cats.

    Now I need to go work on that breakfast.
    Warmer there than here today.

    TV, No CBS on the satellite as the contract to carry it ran out and they want more money and channels they own carried, Thus no DVR for it, I could watch on our basic Cable with no DVR, Nah. It appears that I could watch it on the Internet on cbs.com with commercials :(

    I do not recall if You used the Thanksgiving video You linked or not. Thanks

    Have a Nice T-Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Dinah's surgery went well Monday. She is recuperating with her foster family, who, I believe, also have two of her 4 kittens. I will be picking Dinah up from the foster on Friday, so she'll be all mine for part of the weekend.
    Hi Ed
    Hopefully all goes as planned with no Hiccups.
    Well, J is about halfway to the family in Shelbyville. My dinner tonight was some quick and easy chicken and noodles. 2 cups of chicken bouillon, a couple of handfuls of noodles, two chicken tenders, quickly baked from frozen in the toaster oven, some peas and carrots, a pinch of crushed rosemary, ok...two pinches. I like rosemary. A pinch each of saffron and turmeric, mostly for color but also a little flavor, and maybe a quarter teaspoon of poultry seasoning. It was delicious, with salt and pepper added to taste. That and some white wine made a lovely solo dinner.
    Here where I am it is called Chicken cooking Stock, Bouillon cubes are the High Sodium little cubes You desolve in Boiling water. I'm guessing that You used what we call cooking stock ?
    Tomorrow, of course, is Happy Bird Day to us all!

    I have everything I think I need and even decided, at the last minute, to get some pre-baked croissants and save those refrigerator biscuits for something else. One croissant for each of 6 meals will be nice.

    In the morning, all I need to do is prepare the dressing/stuffing and bake it, make the gravy, steam a green vegetable and set my Edwards pecan pie slices out to thaw. I guess also set out the frozen whipped topping. I should probably put that up into the refrigerator now.

    The rest is all just warm up and enjoy. I will work something out for breakfast but likely will go pretty light on that meal since I KNOW that no matter how frugal I am with my serving size, the Thanksgiving dinner will be a bit heavy and I need to plan for that.

    Oh, and I have to cook that small pumpkin too, but that won't take very long. Not sure yet whether I'll be making soup or just mashed pumpkin.
    We decided to skip Biscuits or home made bread as the starch load will be high anyway with the Bread Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes, Homemade Gravy, Sweet Potatoes and Homemade Pumpkin Pie with Homemade Whipped Cream :) We left the Sweet Potato Pie and the Pecan Pie in the freezer, Enough is enough.

    I suspect that Overeating is in the future for today, Oh well.
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday. 42 out there with an expected high of 58 and no chance of rain. Happy Bird Day, everyone! Even those who don't eat birds. :)

    I haven't watched The Unsinkable Molly Brown yet for this Thanksgiving so will be doing that at some point today. I would have yesterday but there was an old movie I just received in the mail about penguins and I watched that instead.

    And I may go back to bed after breakfast, for a nap...I got MYSELF up early this morning and can't blame the cats.

    Now I need to go work on that breakfast.
    Warmer there than here today.

    TV, No CBS on the satellite as the contract to carry it ran out and they want more money and channels they own carried, Thus no DVR for it, I could watch on our basic Cable with no DVR, Nah. It appears that I could watch it on the Internet on cbs.com with commercials :(

    I do not recall if You used the Thanksgiving video You linked or not. Thanks

    Have a Nice T-Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member
    edited November 2017
    Well, I've managed to have a lovely Thanksgiving day meal and I don't feel TOO terribly stuffed. But I did eat a bit more than intended, and probably a bit too much.

    I started with home made squash bisque, made from a small Golden Nugget Squash/Pumpkin.

    The main meal included sliced turkey breast with dressing, gravy, sliced ham, steamed green beans, and a buttered croissant.

    Dessert was just a sliver, maybe three good bites, of pecan pie with a generous blob of extra creamy whipped topping.

    All this was washed down with half a bottle of Pinot Noir.

    Now I may take a nap...





  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fantastic Friday! 34 out there now with an expected high of 62 and no chance of rain.

    Need to get the cats fed and then at noonish I am supposed to pick up Dinah in a parking lot.

    I already got the sink cleared and I've had my breakfast.

    I did take a break, for breakfast, from Thanksgiving leftovers, so I won't get burned out on that too quickly. :)