Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    I looked outside a minute ago when I was going to check on whether I needed to put out kibble for the cats. I forgot to put out the kibble because I got distracted.


    Then I had to go look out the through the garage door.


    Now I really AM going to put out kibble for the cats. And then maybe think about a small amount of salad and pizza for lunch.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Things I thought of while reading today's posts...

    No, or minimal expected accumulation of snow in ATL. 38 degrees all day.. I heard what sounded like thunder…we really don’t need ‘thunder snow’. But the snow, for the moment has stopped.

    Ed, so very sorry you have this cold, but your sense of humor is admirable! Please do croak at the cats! I think their reaction would be interesting.
    I sent the cartoon of the cats being read to via email to Marietta and to Ted. That just cracked me up…If I had Tyler’s email addy I’d have sent it to him as well since he started this ‘reading aloud’ business anyway!

    I received one of those calls from ‘New York jury duty that I’d missed’. It was a voice mail, as I hadn’t answered the phone call…I just hit ‘delete’. ATL is long way from NY!!! This has been going on almost as long as my Nigerian uncle I didn’t know I had….

    New dinosaur looks like odd mix of duck, croc, ostrich, swan..I’ll admit to not reading this one, but my initial thought was “Turducken” once lived!!! Which would be true, to a point! :)

    Roger, you said you had a bit of ‘real’ pizza, and that it was delicious! Was it last year or the year before I had ‘real’ pizza at a place on HHI that I’d eaten at years ago…the pizza wasn’t anything to get excited about. Either the business is deteriorating, or I’ve totally lost my taste for it???

    I'm really comfy right now..the furnace thermostat is set at 68, my jammies are fleece, and I have on my really heavy and warm, but very ratty looking blue bathrobe...however I think I should be dressed before noon, so.....
    and here comes the snow again. This time small flakes. LOL!

    Ed stay in, and rest...Roger take care tomorrow when you get your turn at the snow...I believe you said maybe an inch accumulation...(that would make ATL go crazy...all milk, bread, egg, etc isles would be sold out before tonite!) And may actually happen here, as panic buying often comes before snow.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I looked outside a minute ago when I was going to check on whether I needed to put out kibble for the cats. I forgot to put out the kibble because I got distracted.


    Then I had to go look out the through the garage door.


    Now I really AM going to put out kibble for the cats. And then maybe think about a small amount of salad and pizza for lunch.
    Hi Ed
    I suspect that will be outside here tomorrow based on today's weather forecasts :(
    I'm guessing that means a no drive anywhere day guaranteed for You and Valerie?

    Stay Safe
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited December 2017
    Things I thought of while reading today's posts...

    No, or minimal expected accumulation of snow in ATL. 38 degrees all day.. I heard what sounded like thunder…we really don’t need ‘thunder snow’. But the snow, for the moment has stopped.

    Ed, so very sorry you have this cold, but your sense of humor is admirable! Please do croak at the cats! I think their reaction would be interesting.
    I sent the cartoon of the cats being read to via email to Marietta and to Ted. That just cracked me up…If I had Tyler’s email addy I’d have sent it to him as well since he started this ‘reading aloud’ business anyway!
    Hi Valerie
    I hope the snow melts away really quickly for Your area. It can happen, Thunder Snow happens :)

    I liked it too, Feel free.
    I received one of those calls from ‘New York jury duty that I’d missed’. It was a voice mail, as I hadn’t answered the phone call…I just hit ‘delete’. ATL is long way from NY!!! This has been going on almost as long as my Nigerian uncle I didn’t know I had….

    New dinosaur looks like odd mix of duck, croc, ostrich, swan..I’ll admit to not reading this one, but my initial thought was “Turducken” once lived!!! Which would be true, to a point! :)
    I am guessing even if nothing else did that it being for NY raised a few red flags :)

    I had a question occur to me since it did not say in the article, The Voice mail, was it in a accented voice or Good Ole American ?

    Your parents never told You about that uncle, Hmm
    Roger, you said you had a bit of ‘real’ pizza, and that it was delicious! Was it last year or the year before I had ‘real’ pizza at a place on HHI that I’d eaten at years ago…the pizza wasn’t anything to get excited about. Either the business is deteriorating, or I’ve totally lost my taste for it???

    I'm really comfy right now..the furnace thermostat is set at 68, my jammies are fleece, and I have on my really heavy and warm, but very ratty looking blue bathrobe...however I think I should be dressed before noon, so.....
    and here comes the snow again. This time small flakes. LOL!

    Ed stay in, and rest...Roger take care tomorrow when you get your turn at the snow...I believe you said maybe an inch accumulation...(that would make ATL go crazy...all milk, bread, egg, etc isles would be sold out before tonite!) And may actually happen here, as panic buying often comes before snow.


    It was something he picked up along State Highway 22 East out west of us near the closest Stewarts Root Beer Stand. While he was out that way he stopped and picked up what he described as a Giant Burrito and what he also called a pound of Double Fried French Fries. This is the best way as I understand it to get the best crispy fries.
    He was happy but Puzzled as to how the scale showed he lost weight this morning, I call it good luck.

    You would not have liked the Pizza, one slice was Chunks of Sausage and one with Meatballs. The Perfect ratio of ingredients too with a slightly sweet tomato sauce.

    I am not sure if Panic Man will be out for this snow. I also have never understood buying Bread, Eggs and Milk as a part of the panic buying. Don't people keep that sort of thing on hand? At least a dozen Eggs and Plenty of milk and Bread ? Color me puzzled, Hmm, What color would that be I wonder as my mind wanders :)

    Enjoy staying inside looking out at the white crud
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Yeah...I'm not driving anywhere today. Atlanta folks go nuts when they see a snowflake.

    As for the bread, eggs, and milk....I guess people make a lot of French Toast when snowed in? Or bread pudding? It always confused me too, as I buy all three of those things when I NEED them, not waiting until a snowstorm.

    Then again, I have occasionally happened to need them at the same time as a snowstorm and always hate it when that happens because there is generally a very limited selection by the time I can get to the store. I can make bread if I need it and can live without for a few days too. Milk and eggs I can live without too, but I don't like it when I have to.

    I had to croak at Dinah to keep her off the table while I was eating my salad for lunch.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    My current forecast is calling for snow around 1 inch but doesn't specify how much will/might stick around on the ground. As it's been pretty warm up to now, I don't expect much of it will hang around for very long.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    LOL. I went out (had to) just to get the mail, which basically entailed putting on shoes and hoofing it down the driveway. At that time there was well over an inch of snow on the mailbox.

    I came back in and looked at the "forecast" to see that it had been updated from the "about one inch" earlier forecast to "1 to 3 inches" and I guess if it gets over the 3 inches then they'll update the "forecast" again. I think they're using Val's weather rock for these predictions!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    edited December 2017
    And now....drum roll...the forecast is calling for accumulation of 3 to 5 inches! I'm so glad I didn't need to go anywhere today, or, worse, have to come BACK from somewhere today. J doesn't come back until Sunday night and hopefully all this will be melted off by then.

    If he needs to stay an extra day or two that's fine too.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Weather rock no longer working....its totally covered up by the snow! LOL! This just gets worse and worse...
    I expect the bread and milk, & eggs is mostly bought by people who 1. have little kids, 2. people who have gas stoves, or 3. people who can't cook!
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's satisfactory Saturday! 32 out there now with an expected high of 39 and 90% chance of snow showers through about 9:45, with accumulation up to 1 inch. I presume they mean 1 additional inch since there's a lot more than 1 inch already down!

    I'll see how it looks when it gets a bit brighter.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    In keeping with the weather, How It's Made: Snowplows

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    How It's Made: Road Salt and Solar Salt

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    A slightly ironic weather update on one news site from yesterday:

    1:51 p.m.: Snow has forced the cancellation of the Symphony on the Square Concert in Marietta and the closure of Snow Mountain in Stone Mountain.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    edited December 2017
    Getting brighter out and still snowing pretty decently. Not hard, but what they call snow showers. A great big "shower" of snow fell on the roof last night. At least it sounded like snow, and there was no big CRACK or explosive sort of sound like a branch breaking would likely make...I presume the tree branches dipped enough to drop a load onto the roof. When it gets still lighter I'll look to make sure. No way I was trying to get out there last night. I did look up in the attic and shined a flashlight as far as I could see and all looked OK. May wait until this afternoon when there's been some melt off, to actually look on the roof.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member






  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I went out walking once again this Morning. The temperature this morning was 34 on the porch and 35 on the cable channel. The Weather forecast from last night shows that we should have some snow arriving later today. No snow as of 8AM, It is also a dark dreary looking day and the moon was completely hidden by clouds.

    Police Dashcam Captures Fireball Streaking Across New Jersey Sky
    By Greg Argos, December 7, 2017 at 5:20 pm

    Mystery US 'booms' explained? Claims supersonic jets on ‘secret missions’ causing noise
    By Rachel O'Donoghue / Published 7th December 2017

    Newly Revealed Experiment Shows How F-35 Could Help Intercept ICBMs
    By Patrick Tucker, December 6, 2017

    Church under fire for comparing Roy Moore to Jesus
    Updated: Wednesday, December 6, 2017 11:43 AM EST
    Adam McDonald, Digital Producer, Meredith

    Tidalgate: Climate Alarmists Caught Faking Sea Level Rise
    by James Delingpole Dec 2017

    Be careful: 'Typosquatting' scammers hope you make a typo
    Ken Colburn, Published 7:00 a.m. MT Aug. 11, 2017

    Have a Really Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Yeah...I'm not driving anywhere today. Atlanta folks go nuts when they see a snowflake.

    As for the bread, eggs, and milk....I guess people make a lot of French Toast when snowed in? Or bread pudding? It always confused me too, as I buy all three of those things when I NEED them, not waiting until a snowstorm.

    Then again, I have occasionally happened to need them at the same time as a snowstorm and always hate it when that happens because there is generally a very limited selection by the time I can get to the store. I can make bread if I need it and can live without for a few days too. Milk and eggs I can live without too, but I don't like it when I have to.

    I had to croak at Dinah to keep her off the table while I was eating my salad for lunch.
    Hi Ed
    I have seen news reports about the south in general not dealing well with snow on the roads :)

    I had not thought about French Toast or Bread Pudding, Both sound good to me FWIW.
    And now....drum roll...the forecast is calling for accumulation of 3 to 5 inches! I'm so glad I didn't need to go anywhere today, or, worse, have to come BACK from somewhere today. J doesn't come back until Sunday night and hopefully all this will be melted off by then.

    If he needs to stay an extra day or two that's fine too.
    The News Broadcast I saw Friday night showed an snowy scene from Atlanta. I do not know what part, You might know OTOH. The showed a scene looking in the Direction of Ferris Wheel.

    I just love it when they keep changing the forecast like that as it is happening. I wonder how many people thought they would be OK and then the snowfall total was upped after they were out on the road.
    Better safe than sorry, I much prefer looking out the window at falling snow and snow covered roads to driving the car or the 18 wheeler on them.
    Howdy y'all. It's satisfactory Saturday! 32 out there now with an expected high of 39 and 90% chance of snow showers through about 9:45, with accumulation up to 1 inch. I presume they mean 1 additional inch since there's a lot more than 1 inch already down!

    I'll see how it looks when it gets a bit brighter.
    I suppose calling it a fabulous Saturday would not work...
    I believe Your surmise regarding it meaning an additional inch is correct.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Weather rock no longer working....its totally covered up by the snow! LOL! This just gets worse and worse...
    I expect the bread and milk, & eggs is mostly bought by people who 1. have little kids, 2. people who have gas stoves, or 3. people who can't cook!

    Hi Valerie
    You managed to break Your weather rock :)

    I can manage to fry an egg...
    We have a Mixed kitchen, Gas stove and Electric oven...
    Thursday I made a sort of Fruit Cake mix Bundt cake. We had left over ready to use fruit mix from the Fruit Cakes my brother makes every year. It was not enough to be a full recipe so the Bundt cake was a experiment that did not get spritzed with Brandy like the fruit cakes do.
    Friday we dropped it off along with the Frozen Pecan Pie that was a freebie with the Dried Fruits and Nuts order. The Pecan pie was for the freezer until next week. Thus we got rid of temptation :)

    Bread, Butter, Peanut Butter and Jelly and Bananas would make sense for kids. You could make PB&J and PB&B (Banana) sandwiches. I love a PB&B sandwich more than the old standby PB&J.

    Stay Safe and Warm
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Well, now that it's brighter out I can see that a branch from a neighbor's pine tree came down and is lying across the fence and part of the roof of our house. It's not what I'd call a really large branch but I won't be able to assess whether there is any roof damage until later. It's small enough that I can hope there won't be much, if any damage, and I'm pretty sure I can get it down without having to call anyone to cut it down for me. But I'll make that assessment when it's a bit warmer and dryer out there...I will shine the light around in the attic again though.