Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    The most pompous fashion catwalk ever.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member





    It seems that they may be hiring :)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking this Morning, It was a bit of a chilly to say the least. The temperature this morning was 21 on the porch and 20 on the cable channel. Yesterday I mentioned to my Brother that I was fighting the WWII battle, The Battle of the bulge ever since the Three Feasts Holiday starting with Thanksgiving, Christmas and the upcoming New Years Day meal. His answer was that he was fighting the same battle :)

    Cops: Drunken driver ran over Christmas trees in DeKalb church lot
    Ben Brasch The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 12:05 p.m Monday, Dec. 25, 2017


    In Maine, Snow Is Everywhere. But Not Snowplow Drivers.
    The state struggles to fill jobs clearing the roads
    By Jon Kamp, Updated Dec. 25, 2017 6:11 p.m. ET

    Man beats ATM, says it gave too much cash, Cocoa police report
    J.D. Gallop, FLORIDA TODAY Updated 12:22 p.m. ET Dec. 24, 2017

    Telemarketers, Ahoy
    Annoyed by those phone calls pitching solar panels, debt relief, and timeshares? Help is on the way.
    4:00 AM, Dec 22, 2017 | By Tony Mecia
    From the article
    A whopping 56 percent of those taking the survey said they considered telemarketers to have low or very low levels of honesty and ethical standards. The only groups that rated more loathsome were lobbyists (60 percent) and members of Congress (64 percent). :)

    Erie woman receives $284 billion electric bill
    The good news, if you can call it that, was that Horomanski didn’t have to pay the entire $284,460,000,000 until November 2018. Her minimum payment for December was a relatively paltry $28,156.

    Gov’t Website Claims Santa Will Move To The South Pole To Escape Global Warming
    Michael Bastasch, 1:01 PM 12/23/2017

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! Happy Boxing Day!

    30 out there now with an expected high of 48 and no chance of precipitation.

    My breakfast was a miniature version of yesterday's dinner (and yesterday's supper) with all the same stuff, but not so much of it. Dinner was the biggest, and even that wasn't all that big. Supper (late, as dinner was finished about 2:00) was a smaller version but with supper I did finally have that scoop of pumpkin pie flavored ice cream with 2 small spice cookies. Breakfast was an even smaller version, with no ice cream but I did have the spice cookies.

    Moderation. Well, reasonably moderate anyway...

    My dressing was probably the crustiest I've ever baked. Almost TOO crusty but very good. And I'll be eating all this for today and at least tomorrow. The little chunk of ham will run out first I expect. I see 3 more good servings of the green bean casserole and easily as many for the goose meat, dressing and giblet gravy. Any meat, dressing, and gravy left after that may have to be turned into some kind of casserole, possibly with some veggies in the casserole to augment it and make it a complete meal casserole. Or, of course, some steamed veggies on the side.
    Hi Ed
    Now to get back on the Diet Plan to remove the weight I'm sure I picked up over the last two days :)
    Yesterday We finished off the Pumpkin Pie and homemade whipped cream so more temptations are now gone. Today I will have a bit more of the Christmas Ham leftovers, I froze a lot of it yesterday in 6 ounce portions. I will be ignoring the leftover Mashed Potatoes and Ham Gravy.

    I love a crusty Dressing, IMO the crusty part is the tastiest.
    Finishing the fluffing of a pillow in the dryer. Hoping the garbage and recycles will actually be picked up. Normally our pickup is Monday but with the Christmas holiday that wasn't happening. We were told it would be on Tuesday so we'll see. Santa didn't bring much wrapping paper. OK. Not any wrapping paper, but the garbage bin was still kind of full. It could hold more but I'm not sure another week of garbage would fit. The enormous, disposable foil roasting pan for the goose (that was a LOOOONG bird!) is in there, along with extra trash from having company.

    Thank goodness I can't afford to have a goose very often. Though frankly, while I love goose, it is a very rich tasting, filling meat and not one I would want all that often. Nice once every 10 or 20 years maybe. LOL.

    Duck is the same way for me. It's not as awkwardly long and not nearly as expensive as goose, so I've had it a bit more often but still not all that often. The meat is also very rich and filling. I know I've cooked two geese in my life now. I think maybe ... 4 ducks. Along with some frozen duck breasts a couple of times.

    Oh well, I think the dryer stopped so I need to check on that pillow and make another mug of tea.
    Where I live anytime the Holiday falls on garbage pickup day they pick up the next free day. For example they do the town on two days so if it falls on the first of the two days they do the regular pickup on day two and the day one pickup is on day three if I am being clear.

    recycling is handled by the county every two weeks, Garbage pickup is done by the town here, in some towns it is handled by a private service that the homeowner picks out and pays.

    I find that any foil pans I reduce by crumpling them as best I can and then trampling them flat and that save room. I squash boxes before I put them into recycling also. Even the round oatmeal cartons.

    We all deserve a treat now and then in the food area. My brother very now and then picks up something called "Crispy Duck" from the Chinese Take Out. $12.75 with White Rice.
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday, the third day of Christmas and no sign of any French hens around here. I'm sure they'd be delicious though. 35 out there with an anticipated high of 45 and 90% chance of precipitation. Since it also says it's lightly raining now I'd think they would have changed that to 100% but it's never been all that clear how those percentages are calculated. I read somewhere that when they say X% they mean that X% of the AREA will get precipitation. Probably or definitely? I'll go with probably, since I am sure that they can't be all that accurate. We got over 6 inches of "light dusting" a couple of weeks ago, after all. OK, so WHAT area? If it's 90% today for the area, but it's RAINING, then I still say that, at least for MY AREA, it's 100%. Isn't it? What area are they talking about with that 90%? If it's not raining over the whole area, then why are they reporting light rain, while claiming 90% chance?

    Is a puzzlement, as the King of Siam might have said.

    Not a lot to do today, and it's too nasty to get out. Can't go anywhere anyway as the case of wine I ordered is supposed to arrive today and requires an adult signature. I don't think Lilo (who seems to be feeling somewhat better-knock on wood) would be able to sign for me, though she's certainly an adult.
    I always guessed that the French hens were just a French breed of Chicken never having looked them up :)

    The overnight lows are forecast to be in the single digits with a wind chill taking it down to zero :( They are still forecasting Snow for Saturday with the forecast models indicating not much to a significant amount.

    As one humorist said "I just shoveled 6 inches of global warming off of the driveway"

    Oh well, maybe it will come early enough for you to go out if desired.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning!
    I've watched and read and enjoyed your posts. Have reheated my mug of coffee, and toasted a small slice of panettone topped with a slice of smokey vegan Gouda cheeze....MMMMM!!!
    Great Breakfast! :)

    Not sure what I'm up to today....may work at clearing the spices, bottles of vinegars, etc that are now 'clutter' and time to be returned to the cabinets, pantry I and pantry II....til they're needed again.
    And I have one lower cabinet that has all kinds of 'stuff' in it. I may tackle that while I'm in the kitchen...or, I may do none of the above! Don't think I'll go out today... but if I do, I may buy 2 Lottery tickets. Haven't done that in quite awhile... and the jackpots are huge!! mmmmmm.

    Hi Valerie
    I have to remember to try toasting the Panettone when I open it, I am not worried about it going out of date, I just looked and it is good until July 2018 :0

    The problem with spices is that they seem to lose strength as they age :(

    That reminds me where did I put those lottery tickets I bought last week, They may have won something, Hopefully.

    Have a Nice Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    I think most of us are fighting the battle of the bulge, as usual for this time of year. I'm not doing TOO badly, but know I'll have to buckle down after New years.

    At least I have finished off one type of cookie, and have no candy left in the house. I sent some cookies and most of a Kringle with J to Kentucky, but still have some spice cookies and Danish butter cookies left.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Wine has arrived.

    Today's wine booty, received Fed Ex.

    4 each of

    Château Élan Muscadry Blanc, 2015
    Château Élan Muscadry Rosé, 2015
    Château Élan Muscadry Rouge, 2015

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Early Afternoon, said the lazy Georgian! Actually I've been up since 7 a.m.
    Fussy cat, Just stuff kept needing to be done.

    Roger & Brother...Roger said, and brother concurred...I'm back from walking this Morning, Yesterday I mentioned to my Brother that I was fighting the WWII battle, The Battle of the bulge ever since the Three Feasts Holiday starting with Thanksgiving, Christmas and the upcoming New Years Day meal. His answer was that he was fighting the same battle. Then later Ed said he was also fighting the same battle....well, me too! Set a new record high for the year or more...so 'United we Stand' against the same enemy...our mouths!

    I'm about to run out for 2 quick picks one each Power Ball and Mega Millions! Its really about my time to win!!!

    Ed, I take it that Lilo while a bit better is not up to here old normal self....I hope she bounces back soon!
    I offered to get a dog for Tom E. and he got all purr-y (or purr-ie?), now you know its lonesome for him when he'd welcome having a house dog! LOL!!

    Ok, this is as warm as this day is going to get, so I guess I'd better 'get' as well...


  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    OK, got my tickets...planning my get away before anyone knows I've won! Will keep in touch with you two, and my 2 sons.period.

    So glad I don't live in Erie, Penn. Those poor folks. I'd be a shut-in til late spring!
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Well, some days your luck has just abandoned you....I went online first to Amazon and then to Fit Bit's web site....they don't make my Fit Bit One any more. I'm a bit bummed about that. Will be on the lookout for a new tracker I guess. I may just pick up a cheap some kind of pedometer. Probably at Walmart or Target...I just want to know the number of steps. The rest is just 'interesting' but not necessary for what I want. Oh, Well.......such is life!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member






  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking this Morning, It was chilly to say the least. The temperature this morning was 13 on the porch and 14 on the cable channel. Yesterday's forecast was for colder so I guess it could be worse. The wind was blowing so the wind chill was uncomfortable :(

    Winds of worry: US fishermen fear forests of power turbines

    70yo woman blown off balcony by hurricane-like wind, taken to hospital in back of truck
    Published time: 26 Dec, 2017 14:09

    China's Shanghai to battle 'big city disease' by limiting population to 25 mln
    December 25, 2017

    [bExclusive: Iconic White House tree to be cut down
    By Kate Bennett, Updated 7:05 AM ET, Wed December 27, 201[/b]

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I think most of us are fighting the battle of the bulge, as usual for this time of year. I'm not doing TOO badly, but know I'll have to buckle down after New years.

    At least I have finished off one type of cookie, and have no candy left in the house. I sent some cookies and most of a Kringle with J to Kentucky, but still have some spice cookies and Danish butter cookies left.
    Hi Ed
    I'm happy to hear that the battle is going well...

    That is the trick I have found, Get rid of those tasty temptations :)
    Wine has arrived.

    Today's wine booty, received Fed Ex.

    4 each of

    Château Élan Muscadry Blanc, 2015
    Château Élan Muscadry Rosé, 2015
    Château Élan Muscadry Rouge, 2015
    Ah, Pirate Booty :)
    Enjoy the Wine. I wonder if they ever have breakage ?

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Early Afternoon, said the lazy Georgian! Actually I've been up since 7 a.m.
    Fussy cat, Just stuff kept needing to be done.

    Roger & Brother...Roger said, and brother concurred...I'm back from walking this Morning, Yesterday I mentioned to my Brother that I was fighting the WWII battle, The Battle of the bulge ever since the Three Feasts Holiday starting with Thanksgiving, Christmas and the upcoming New Years Day meal. His answer was that he was fighting the same battle. Then later Ed said he was also fighting the same battle....well, me too! Set a new record high for the year or more...so 'United we Stand' against the same enemy...our mouths!

    I'm about to run out for 2 quick picks one each Power Ball and Mega Millions! Its really about my time to win!!!

    Ed, I take it that Lilo while a bit better is not up to here old normal self....I hope she bounces back soon!
    I offered to get a dog for Tom E. and he got all purr-y (or purr-ie?), now you know its lonesome for him when he'd welcome having a house dog! LOL!!

    Ok, this is as warm as this day is going to get, so I guess I'd better 'get' as well...

    Hi Valerie
    Re: the battle of the bulge, They do say misery loves company :)I really need to buckle down heading into the New Years day meal. That will be Vacuum sealed leftovers from the freezer. Homemade Lasagna, Bread Dressing, Turkey and Ham at a minimum.
    OK, got my tickets...planning my get away before anyone knows I've won! Will keep in touch with you two, and my 2 sons.period.

    So glad I don't live in Erie, Penn. Those poor folks. I'd be a shut-in til late spring!

    Did You see the news about the Lottery that had a computer glitch and sold too many winners ?
    South Carolina lotto officials suspend game after glitch and lots of winners on Christmas

    Thursday, December 28, 2017 05:25AM
    GREENVILLE, South Carolina (KTRK) --
    A supposed Christmas miracle may be snuffed out for lottery players who believe they won hundreds and even thousands of dollars.

    The South Carolina Education Lottery said it is investigating its Holiday Cash Add-A-Play game. It said a programming error on Christmas Day of its computer system led to false winners.

    I hope You have better luck than those people.
    Well, some days your luck has just abandoned you....I went online first to Amazon and then to Fit Bit's web site....they don't make my Fit Bit One any more. I'm a bit bummed about that. Will be on the lookout for a new tracker I guess. I may just pick up a cheap some kind of pedometer. Probably at Walmart or Target...I just want to know the number of steps. The rest is just 'interesting' but not necessary for what I want. Oh, Well.......such is life!
    Has Your FitBit died ? If You mentioned it I must have forgotten it.

    Good Luck finding a replacement
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! 33 out there now with an expected high of 42 and no chance of precipitation.

    Need to water J's greenhouse today and maybe get out to the store for some cheese and butter.

    I finished off the last of Christmas yesterday, except for the remaining cookies. And who knows what J might bring home with him this weekend. Sometimes his mother sends him home with a chocolate pie or a pecan pie.

    A nap also sounds delightful, as I got up a bit earlier than I'd rather.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    How it's made: Polyester fleece.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Delivery pizza taste test. Don't think it includes my favorite, Marco's.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    edited December 2017
    Keith eats everything at McDonalds. EVERYTHING! OK. Not really, but a LOT of things.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Going to respond to Roger before I leave this page, and see what's on the next page... Roger I LOST, yep, lost my Fitbit. My own fault. I was running late, and instead of clipping it on to my jeans pocket, I just dropped it into my front pocket....
    I knew I had it while in the lobby at O's gymnastics place... after that who knows where it dropped out of my pocket. (the pockets in women's clothes are not very deep..hence causes problems with my iPhone, and other stuff, including the FitBit.)
    So, that's the story of the FitBit...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hi! Watched them make fleece, and the Pizza test. I've decided that if I ever have something unfixable, or otherwise unable to recover from I'm going to eat Pizza for breakfast, Wendy's Cheeseburgers for lunch, and haven't really settled on dinners...fried chicken? lobster? maybe just desserts... suicide by Food!!!! LOL!!

    What a story to tell that elderly woman has to tell...and a warning. Smoking is definitely bad for your health!

    I think now I'm going to make a pot of Sassafras Tea! And make a soup to go with my lunch. I read a whole long post on my news feed from The NYTimes about how to make soups...I think I made soup in my sleep all night long! So, soup it will be.

    Roger stay warm out there when you walk early in the morning. I really can't imagine even going to the mail box in your windy cold...let alone willingly walking any distance!
