Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Fast food fries taste test.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    I know they're not REALLY 100 years old, but I think I'll pass anyway...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    We're all getting of an age where this one could be important to us! How it's made: Walking sticks.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday!

    35 out there now with an expected high of 50 and no chance of precipitation.

    Probably need to get out to the grocery today but really just want to chill at home.

    Need to get the cats fed in a while. Dinah is already being vocal about it.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member







  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking this Morning, It was chilly to say the least. The temperature this morning was 14 on the porch and 13 on the cable channel. It could be worse the wind that was blowing yesterday has abated. There is a possibility of flurries this afternoon with either a coating to an inch or 1 to 3 inches for where I am depending on which forecast is correct :(

    Social Security Beneficiaries Hit Record 61,859,250
    By Terence P. Jeffrey | December 27, 2017 | 8:51 AM EST

    Burnt bagel blamed for St. Louis airport evacuation
    Associated Press•December 27, 2017

    Leaving the house linked to longevity in older adults
    By Carolyn Crist, ,Reuters•December 26, 2017

    [Fishermen in Mexico shoot down environmental group's drone
    Associated Press•December 27, 2017[/b]

    Have a Great Friday
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    When I was working for the IRS some burnt food in the child care center caused an evacuation. Fortunately, it wasn't 11 degrees outside, as all the children, as well as the adults in the building, day care or otherwise, had to leave.

    I think all of us get out of the house regularly and I intend to continue that habit!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Going to respond to Roger before I leave this page, and see what's on the next page... Roger I LOST, yep, lost my Fitbit. My own fault. I was running late, and instead of clipping it on to my jeans pocket, I just dropped it into my front pocket....
    I knew I had it while in the lobby at O's gymnastics place... after that who knows where it dropped out of my pocket. (the pockets in women's clothes are not very deep..hence causes problems with my iPhone, and other stuff, including the FitBit.)
    So, that's the story of the FitBit...

    Hi Valerie
    That Stinks, I have have pants that I wear when we work in the garden, The pockets are to shallow to be useful, Designers :(
    I'm guessing You checked Lost and found to see if anyone turned it in...
    Here is a off the wall suggestion, did You check with FitBit to see if it been synced by anyone else ?
    Hi! Watched them make fleece, and the Pizza test. I've decided that if I ever have something unfixable, or otherwise unable to recover from I'm going to eat Pizza for breakfast, Wendy's Cheeseburgers for lunch, and haven't really settled on dinners...fried chicken? lobster? maybe just desserts... suicide by Food!!!! LOL!!

    What a story to tell that elderly woman has to tell...and a warning. Smoking is definitely bad for your health!

    I think now I'm going to make a pot of Sassafras Tea! And make a soup to go with my lunch. I read a whole long post on my news feed from The NYTimes about how to make soups...I think I made soup in my sleep all night long! So, soup it will be.

    Roger stay warm out there when you walk early in the morning. I really can't imagine even going to the mail box in your windy cold...let alone willingly walking any distance!


    Greasy Foods, Whee, So yummy in some ways. I love many Deep fried foods despite that they are not that healthy. I tried the Fried Donuts and Wontons from the Chinese take out and Yum. Yes I know that traditional Donuts are deep fried, The Chinese seem to do them a little differently :) I have opened the Fries taste test and the delivery pizza taste test and paused them. I shall watch them while I heat and eat my breakfast later, Thanks Ed.

    That was a bit weird, Who knew that smoking could do that to You... Lucky woman.
    Sassafras Tea, It has been a while since I had that, I go through periods where I drink tea and then go off it for a period.

    It was colder Wednesday due to the wind chill, I was able to go further today despite the temps being more or less the same as the wind has died down thankfully.

    I will say that even on high the heated mittens could have been warmer, thus I pulled out the the rechargeable hand warmer that I carry just in case the batteries run down and put it in the mitten too :wink:

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday!

    35 out there now with an expected high of 50 and no chance of precipitation.

    Probably need to get out to the grocery today but really just want to chill at home.

    Need to get the cats fed in a while. Dinah is already being vocal about it.
    Hi Ed
    Lucky You and Valerie with such nice warm weather, The extended forecast is for well below normal for the duration and beyond of the extended forecast :(

    Yesterday we were blessed, ? , a friend dropped off 5 or 6 types of homemade cookies and a neighbor brought over Hickory Farms treats and Crackers for the Cheese and Summer Salami She dropped off and Picked up some of our Home Made Fruitcake in Cupcake format as well as well Million Dollar bars and York Peppermint Patties :)

    We have been mulling over what to do for food for New Years Eve. Possibilities would be a tray of different foods from the Grocery Store Deli Department of frozen things, Possibly Chinese or a Pizza would be a really big change or Nothing as that is the one thing that would be helpful.

    No Grocery run today as my brother did that yesterday and Will do one Sunday as that is his Shopping Day :smiley:

    Enjoy the Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Well, I did make it out to Aldi. I could have walked except that I knew I was buying one bulky item and a few somewhat heavy items that would have been really difficult to walk home with, so I drove.

    I got out spending less than $40 so I think I won. Sort of. Didn't look like very much stuff for the amount of money. But that's normal nowadays.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    I fiddled around all day, and didn't even go to the gym...but at 5p.m I did decide to run over to Krogers!! Oh my heavens!! I did not expect the crowd, said the woman who goes mornings or early afternoons! Got everything I need, but may make an Aldi's run for their $1.25 black berries and raspberries:). I picked up a bag of chips on the 'reduced' isle...Falafel Chips. Organic, yadda yadda, I didn't see the word 'SPICY' until I had one in my mouth! I was as funny as those kids trying spicy hot foods. I think they might be good...not too sure, as they're too hot to tell...SO ED! if you'd like to meet an old lady behind Trader Joe's next week, boy do I have a hot gift for you!!! LOL!!!
    ALso I really scored with my Kroger coupons...I had one for $5.00 and one for a free Sabra Hummus, (valued at $3.99) the other 5 or 6 were more in the $1.25 range...so when it was all totaled up my savings was $22.39 if you included the store card savings...or $17.39 if only counting coupons. Then, something I'd never really noticed...at the very bottom after the Fuel points, It says my Annual card savings is $370.36. That's nothing to sneeze at!
    Ok, I'm going to open the refrigerator and pluck out something for dinner!

    Oh, enjoyed the cane making process! Sorry I already have my cane...its metal, dark purple with a shade darker sort of 'marled' pattern. Haven't needed it for quite some time, but keep it handy just in case I do need it again.

    See you tomorrow!
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    edited December 2017
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! 30 degrees out there now with an anticipated high of 47 and 0 percent chance of precipitation. Sounds like a good day to me!

    I guess I should get my smoked, sliced hog jowl out of the freezer, and maybe my meaty ham bone. But I guess those can wait until tomorrow. And then tomorrow I need to remember to put some black eyed peas on to soak so they will be ready to cook on New Years Day. I'll be making a mix of kale and collard greens to go with them and I need to check and make sure I have ingredients for corn bread. I think I can make a non-traditional one with corn flour, and I'm pretty sure I have some in the freezer. I used that when we had hurricane refugees, to go with some white beans and ham, and they LOVED the corn bread.

    Sink is already mostly cleared, except for one frying pan and a spatula. Breakfast this morning was a bit large, by my standards, but I was hungry and wanted a potato. So I sliced up a medium potato, melted a little pure, white, rendered goose fat in the frying pat on medium high, and fried that potato up deliciously, and nicely browned the slices too! While the potato was frying I microwaved some bacon, which, admittedly, is rather wasteful of paper towels, but I didn't want to use another frying pan, and when the potato came out, the remaining goose fat in the pan was used for scrambled eggs.

    Needless to say I enjoyed this breakfast thoroughly! On my first mug of tea now.
    SO ED! if you'd like to meet an old lady behind Trader Joe's next week, boy do I have a hot gift for you!!! LOL!!!

    Oh, enjoyed the cane making process! Sorry I already have my cane...its metal, dark purple with a shade darker sort of 'marled' pattern. Haven't needed it for quite some time, but keep it handy just in case I do need it again.

    Maybe we can have another "suspicious" meeting behind Trader Joe's. Give people something to talk about, the two elderly spies meeting secretly in a parking lot.

    I haven't been to TJ's for a while and I'd like to see if they have any Three Buck Chuck Nouveau, and if so, I can buy a bottle or two.

    I have a collection of canes. One folds up for easy travel, and lives in J's vehicle. One is purely decorative, for fancy dress, as it's not really strong enough to lean on. The first one I got is wooden, the usual curved cane. One is brass colored stainless steel, adjustable, with a comfort grip. One is a brass knobbed wooden walking stick that could also be used as for self defense, with that heavy knob. Several are sword canes, that stay in the closet as I don't have a concealed weapon permit. One of those has a rather heavy knob too. And I have a long wooden sparring staff, that could also be used as a hiking staff in a pinch, though it's unfinished and not really quite suited for it, and a deep dyed, colorful wooden staff with a decorative (and decorated) green glass finial.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    edited December 2017
    Pot pie in a can? I haven't been in a Dollar General in quite some time, and not in any hurry to "cheat" on Dollar Tree and see if I can find a pot pie in a can, because he wouldn't even rate it, it was so...well, watch for yourself. I recall the NS pot pie being quite decent, for what it was, and actually having a CRUST, which this can does not.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Now these pot pies look better.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    This canned pie looks better than the chicken one. I wonder how he got this though, as I didn't think meat products like this could be imported from Great Britain!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    edited December 2017
    VEGAN Tuna in a can? I haven't watched yet, but I'm thinking...no. Just NO. And he paid way too much for it. I can find this for as little as $3.49 on line.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member





    What Were they Thinking, Ramps for Trains Wheels ?

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking this Morning, It was chilly to say the least. The temperature this morning was 16 on the porch and 17 on the cable channel. There are a few snow flakes starting out the window now that I am home with either a coating to an inch or 1 to 3 inches for where I am depending on which forecast is correct :(

    8 Surprising Places That will be Warmer than New Hampshire over the Next Week
    Written by Jeremy Lane on December 27, 2017 3:10 pm

    Chinese Jurassic Park? Perfectly-preserved 130 MILLION year old DINOSAUR EGGS found
    BUILDERS in China have stunned palaeontologists after discovering a hoard of 130 million-year-old dinosaur eggs on Christmas Day.
    By Rachel O'Donoghue / Published 28th December 2017

    Police: Woman ruined $300K worth of art on date with lawyer
    Dec 28, 2017

    Bitter cold across much of northern U.S. turns deadly
    Last Updated Dec 28, 2017 7:32 AM EST

    Have a Great Saturday
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    edited December 2017
    LOL. Already stole the "dirty underwear" and the hazardous waste cleanup cartoons!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Well, I did make it out to Aldi. I could have walked except that I knew I was buying one bulky item and a few somewhat heavy items that would have been really difficult to walk home with, so I drove.

    I got out spending less than $40 so I think I won. Sort of. Didn't look like very much stuff for the amount of money. But that's normal nowadays.
    Hi Ed
    Sadly I have to agree, The dollar does not go far anymore.
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! 30 degrees out there now with an anticipated high of 47 and 0 percent chance of precipitation. Sounds like a good day to me!

    I guess I should get my smoked, sliced hog jowl out of the freezer, and maybe my meaty ham bone. But I guess those can wait until tomorrow. And then tomorrow I need to remember to put some black eyed peas on to soak so they will be ready to cook on New Years Day. I'll be making a mix of kale and collard greens to go with them and I need to check and make sure I have ingredients for corn bread. I think I can make a non-traditional one with corn flour, and I'm pretty sure I have some in the freezer. I used that when we had hurricane refugees, to go with some white beans and ham, and they LOVED the corn bread.

    Sink is already mostly cleared, except for one frying pan and a spatula. Breakfast this morning was a bit large, by my standards, but I was hungry and wanted a potato. So I sliced up a medium potato, melted a little pure, white, rendered goose fat in the frying pat on medium high, and fried that potato up deliciously, and nicely browned the slices too! While the potato was frying I microwaved some bacon, which, admittedly, is rather wasteful of paper towels, but I didn't want to use another frying pan, and when the potato came out, the remaining goose fat in the pan was used for scrambled eggs.

    Needless to say I enjoyed this breakfast thoroughly! On my first mug of tea now.
    As I sit here I can see the snow starting to pick up from just a couple of minutes ago.

    I wonder if I should suggest Corn Bread to my Brother for New Years Day, that does sound so tasty, OTOH the Beer Bread is a very simple quick home made bread and there are a few bottles of the Dark Ale he uses on the shelf.

    If I said I have Paper plates and for something like the bacon I would put a sheet of paper towels wrapped around the Bacon to prevent splattering as much as anything. Being lazy that way I would avoid having to wash a plate.

    I like to put chunks of Potatoes in the skillet and crisp them then scramble the eggs into them.
    Maybe we can have another "suspicious" meeting behind Trader Joe's. Give people something to talk about, the two elderly spies meeting secretly in a parking lot.

    I haven't been to TJ's for a while and I'd like to see if they have any Three Buck Chuck Nouveau, and if so, I can buy a bottle or two.

    I have a collection of canes. One folds up for easy travel, and lives in J's vehicle. One is purely decorative, for fancy dress, as it's not really strong enough to lean on. The first one I got is wooden, the usual curved cane. One is brass colored stainless steel, adjustable, with a comfort grip. One is a brass knobbed wooden walking stick that could also be used as for self defense, with that heavy knob. Several are sword canes, that stay in the closet as I don't have a concealed weapon permit. One of those has a rather heavy knob too. And I have a long wooden sparring staff, that could also be used as a hiking staff in a pinch, though it's unfinished and not really quite suited for it, and a deep dyed, colorful wooden staff with a decorative (and decorated) green glass finial.
    Have a Good Day