Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    edited February 2018
    Ok, so I saw Roger's links...(of which some were funny, sort of) But where the heck did they hide Ed's posts???

    Funny if you read thru the headlines...New crayfish that doesn't need males to mate becomes all-powerful, followed shortly by this...Environment Agency: 'Invasive disease kills UK crayfish' :) hmmmmmm
    Most of the others were in my news feed from Apple. Except for the sick lady who woke up from a coma I suspect speaking a foreign language...I've heard of that happening before. So? how do you suppose that happens??? I didn't read the article and will go do that now...I have some half thought out ideas...

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    ok..read it. I share some, but thank goodness not ALL of her symptoms.
    "When I was a little girl I used to always go to my mom and say, 'my bones hurt," said Myers.

    She has been to the hospital more times than she can count and the stack of medical records she keeps in the house says she has Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.

    According to the Mayo Clinic, it's a disease that causes easy bruising, rupturing blood vessels and painful joints that are overly elastic to the point of easily dislocating. Best her doctors can tell, it also turned her British."
    My bones hurt was probably my #1 complaint as a kid. My Mother's advise..."Shhh, Valerie don't say that!" obviously we did not darken the doorstep of the local town Doc very often! :)
    At the university they did a whole work up on me because of my ease of bruising. (I know now that they were looking to find cancer. Glad they were wrong. Finally they decided I lacked calcium? And I do have blood vessels (capillary sized ones) that burst in my fingers. I take that to be old age related. And I very very rarely have headaches anymore. Most grateful
    for that!!!!

    Я не думаю, что у меня болезнь ... мои суставы не эластичны, и они никогда не вывихивали
    YA ne dumayu, chto u menya bolezn' ... moi sustavy ne elastichny, i oni nikogda ne vyvikhivali

    (sorry that is not at all funny and not meant to diminish the seriousness of that poor lady's problems and disease, but it just struck me that it would be fun for a minute) Thank you computer translator!!!

    Never did find Ed's post!


  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    OK, THERE'S ED... I swear this was not there this morning!
    I hope you didn't go grocery shopping at Kroger....they are over run with peeps buying flowers and whatnot for Valentines Day. I will remember not to do that next year!
    The massage place is finally OPEN...$60 for an hour massage. Good price.
    My lunch of tofu and vegetables with a fried spring roll and a bowl of soup. Also made it to the gym this morning! Now, I'm ready for some rest. Only I came home turned on the TV to hear about the shooting in a school in Broward County FLA. 14 injured students went to hospital, and there are fatalities That is so sad. Those kids will be traumatized for a very long time, if not for life.

    Well time to head to the kitchen and make use of the bag of WAHOO 1$ tomatoes, and the bag of 5 nice looking portabella mushrooms, also a WAHOO special. Will cook one for breakfast, and another for something tomorrow....not sure after that! LOL!!! I may turn into a fungi...

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member






  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited February 2018
    I'm back from walking again and no cents. The temperature this morning was 46 on the porch and 45 on the cable news channel. The forecast for overnight rain happened and the ground was wet outside, Fortunately the rain had finished by the time I went out the door.

    [/b]Eating Slowly May Be Key To Losing Weight Without Changing Diet, Researchers Say[/b]

    Yellowstone ERUPTION: Supervolcano under 'STRAIN’ - experts find magma chamber pressure

    Earthquake news: Series of tremors shake Pacific plate as Ring of Fire activity returns

    Weird news ahead

    Iran accuses West of using lizards for nuclear spying

    Mailbox Mystery: Magazines From 1960s Delivered to Maryland Home

    Woman climbs into x-ray machine because she didn’t want to leave her bag

    Dog Barred From Race For Kansas Governor

    Self-deprecating humour linked to greater psychological wellbeing, study finds

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday!

    Happy Valentine's Day and also Happy Ash Wednesday. That should get a lot of people awfully conflicted. Beginning of 40 days of deprivation (for those who do Lent) combined with a day that is a traditional day of giving, receiving, and EATING, chocolate and other sweets. Can't exactly have it both ways today, can they?

    A friend said she'd heard that a lot of people were actually asking for church dispensations for Valentine's day but really? That's not exactly how I remember dispensations normally working. One simply didn't ask for a dispensation just so they could eat chocolate or meat on a day when that's not supposed to be done, at least not without a better reason than "because we want to"...oh well, live and let live. I haven't participated in Lent for over 40 years so I'm not going to worry about it. I had a beef patty for breakfast so I'd have already messed up anyway. LOL.

    Easter this year will be on April Fools' Day, so better check closely on what the bunny brings!

    48 degrees out there now with an expected high of 62 and 20% chance of precipitation.

    Need to clear the sink, maybe do some laundry. And might get out to Kroger but might not. We'll see.

    And need to feed the cats. They're not being shy about reminding me either.
    Hi Ed
    As I recall it You would ask for a dispensation for medical reasons as an example.
    The Church made many changes over the year, Switching to English instead of saying the mass in Latin, Exempting Seniors from the Friday restrictions and others.

    I did see that, Easter on April 1, What an opportunity for pranksters.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Wednesday Morning!
    Ok, Ed...I did some reading last night. Now I understand the problem. Once, and only once did I ever give up sweets/chocolate..I was about 12 or so and in our Methodist church people who wanted to participate gave up something for lent. They really pushed the idea with my youth group. Believe me I was on a 'Bunny Watch' that year.

    Yes Roger I too hope that the wealth of blooming going on in my yard is a good sign of Spring!...and yet that nagging picture of daffodils blooming in the snow won't leave the back of my mind..... Even though we are looking for some nice temps and rain. Tomorrow may be the pick of the bunch..forecast as 72 degrees and foggy!

    Ok, I had to take a break there to check on laundry, which led to grabbing the sweeper becasue of lint on the floor, which led to doing the hallway, my bedroom, around the pet food dishes, dishes, ok, unload the hand washing drainer from last night,,,,etc,,,,

    Ah Ha!! The United States just called me! Sometimes the things that come up on my phone are amusing!

    Thats about the 3rd notification from this web site telling me you two are talking which means I will have lots of links, video's, cartoons etc to look at later.

    Glad the lacto kale pix showed up, I'll send a bigger pix when I get back to the computer...

    Hi Valerie
    It is forecast to be around 60 today here, Then back to the freezer this weekend, according to the early forecasts I saw.
    Ok, so I saw Roger's links...(of which some were funny, sort of) But where the heck did they hide Ed's posts???

    Funny if you read thru the headlines...New crayfish that doesn't need males to mate becomes all-powerful, followed shortly by this...Environment Agency: 'Invasive disease kills UK crayfish' :) hmmmmmm
    Most of the others were in my news feed from Apple. Except for the sick lady who woke up from a coma I suspect speaking a foreign language...I've heard of that happening before. So? how do you suppose that happens??? I didn't read the article and will go do that now...I have some half thought out ideas...

    I saw both of those about the Crayfish so I had one link follow the other. I wonder if those crayfish would be acceptable as a food down south.
    ok..read it. I share some, but thank goodness not ALL of her symptoms.
    "When I was a little girl I used to always go to my mom and say, 'my bones hurt," said Myers.

    She has been to the hospital more times than she can count and the stack of medical records she keeps in the house says she has Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.

    According to the Mayo Clinic, it's a disease that causes easy bruising, rupturing blood vessels and painful joints that are overly elastic to the point of easily dislocating. Best her doctors can tell, it also turned her British."
    My bones hurt was probably my #1 complaint as a kid. My Mother's advise..."Shhh, Valerie don't say that!" obviously we did not darken the doorstep of the local town Doc very often! :)
    At the university they did a whole work up on me because of my ease of bruising. (I know now that they were looking to find cancer. Glad they were wrong. Finally they decided I lacked calcium? And I do have blood vessels (capillary sized ones) that burst in my fingers. I take that to be old age related. And I very very rarely have headaches anymore. Most grateful
    for that!!!!

    Я не думаю, что у меня болезнь ... мои суставы не эластичны, и они никогда не вывихивали
    YA ne dumayu, chto u menya bolezn' ... moi sustavy ne elastichny, i oni nikogda ne vyvikhivali

    (sorry that is not at all funny and not meant to diminish the seriousness of that poor lady's problems and disease, but it just struck me that it would be fun for a minute) Thank you computer translator!!!

    Never did find Ed's post!

    I suspect we all have different inherited problems, Easy Nose Bleeds in the family here.

    Off I went to Google translate in my case.
    OK, THERE'S ED... I swear this was not there this morning!
    I hope you didn't go grocery shopping at Kroger....they are over run with peeps buying flowers and whatnot for Valentines Day. I will remember not to do that next year!
    The massage place is finally OPEN...$60 for an hour massage. Good price.
    My lunch of tofu and vegetables with a fried spring roll and a bowl of soup. Also made it to the gym this morning! Now, I'm ready for some rest. Only I came home turned on the TV to hear about the shooting in a school in Broward County FLA. 14 injured students went to hospital, and there are fatalities That is so sad. Those kids will be traumatized for a very long time, if not for life.

    Well time to head to the kitchen and make use of the bag of WAHOO 1$ tomatoes, and the bag of 5 nice looking portabella mushrooms, also a WAHOO special. Will cook one for breakfast, and another for something tomorrow....not sure after that! LOL!!! I may turn into a fungi...

    I visited the Local ShopRite as I nearly out of bread and Frozen Vegetables and did not feel like going to CostCo this week. Maybe if I had created a CostCo shopping list, the only items I could think of were Frozen Vegetable and a case a Kleenex.

    While I was at the ShopRite I did see a lot of Valentines day Balloons and Flowers flowing out the door.

    The news I saw showed that the 14 must have been a preliminary count as the later news showed more than that dead and to many injured.

    The Country has gone Wackadoodle :(
    I do not ever recall shootings in school when I was in school.

    Good Luck using the Tomatoes before they go bad.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday. 60 out there now with an expected high of 69 and 10% chance of precipitation. May actually get some laundry done today, and get out to the store. We'll see.

    Dinner last night was rather disappointing delivery. Someone at the Indian restaurant we ordered from, kind of overcooked the appetizers, though they still tasted OK, and then fell down with the cardamom in both of the main dishes we ordered. The rice was good...and the Aloo Motor Gobi (not my spelling) was better than the Malai Kufta, which J almost couldn't eat, but managed to power his way through anyway. Not sure how the leftovers will fare. Maybe I can eat the Malai Kufta and he can eat the Aloo Motor Gobi...hate to waste "good" food. On the other hand I'm not sure this counts as particularly "good" food, though I'm sure starving children in India would love to have it. If they want to come around to pick it up, they're welcome to it!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    Ernie cooks barbecue pizza!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    How it's made: Glass bottles and cookware

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Ok, quick HI, and out the door....the weather is perfect for warming up the implements of destruction! Shrub and such are about to get trimmed!

    Shoe was so spot on! I was lucky to have gotten all of that, if you count lab coats when I came to ATL and worked for the Red Cross...but that has pretty much fallen by the wayside there too. Which is sad. At least that is true in Atlanta...I don't know that its true in some of the other Red Cross Regions.

    And over dinner I will watch how flat ware and glass cookware is made. Have either of you ever seen glass cooking pots? My Mom used to have a set. They were sorta heavy, but they were great for cooking. I don't at the moment remember the company that made them, or as a kid I may have never paid attention or thought to look!

    Ok, outdoors, here I come..

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    02/15/2018 Not 100%

    I'm back from walking again and no cents. The temperature this morning was 55 on the porch and 57 on the cable news channel. The forecast for overnight of rain happened and the rain is forecast to fall throughout most of the day in a on and off fashion. I geared up for the rain and wore a light long sleeve T-Shirt and was still sweating, most likely due to the humidity.

    I tried the Limited Time Dinner Entree called Chicken Provencal :)
    Three Huge Brussels Sprouts, Chunks of Chicken, Asparagus, Zucchini in a Buttery lemon Garlic Sauce. It was tasty and I am happy I ordered three of them...

    You may find this one interesting ?

    The scale was nicely lower than yesterday morning, again, It seems that the "Time-restricted eating" combined with a 100% NS plan is working really well so far. Whee

    [/b]Chemicals in packaging, carpets and non-stick pans 'may contribute to obesity'

    My Take on this is Use a Cast Iron Skillet and Stainless Steel pans[/b]

    50 Tons Of Human Waste Spills Along I-75 When Semi Loses Load


    Processed foods are driving up rates of cancer: Major study reveals the health threat including cereal, energy bars, sausages and chocolate

    Volcano 'as powerful as Yellowstone' MELTS ice beneath Antarctica

    Six U.S. intelligence agencies warn against using Huawei phones

    a few chickens. Now she is suing to end ‘prosecution fees’ in Indio and Coachella.
    Ramona Morales, 79, filed a class-action lawsuit attacking privatized prosecutions in the eastern Coachella Valley.

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member






  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday. 60 out there now with an expected high of 69 and 10% chance of precipitation. May actually get some laundry done today, and get out to the store. We'll see.

    Dinner last night was rather disappointing delivery. Someone at the Indian restaurant we ordered from, kind of overcooked the appetizers, though they still tasted OK, and then fell down with the cardamom in both of the main dishes we ordered. The rice was good...and the Aloo Motor Gobi (not my spelling) was better than the Malai Kufta, which J almost couldn't eat, but managed to power his way through anyway. Not sure how the leftovers will fare. Maybe I can eat the Malai Kufta and he can eat the Aloo Motor Gobi...hate to waste "good" food. On the other hand I'm not sure this counts as particularly "good" food, though I'm sure starving children in India would love to have it. If they want to come around to pick it up, they're welcome to it!
    Hi Ed
    That is disappointing when You pay good money for something that disappoints :(

    My brother used to have no problems with left overs that no one in the house ate, they got put out where the Dog and cats did a eat em up. However there was one dish they ordered to try from the local Chinese that had Lotus in it that even the Dogs sniffed at and left untouched.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Ok, quick HI, and out the door....the weather is perfect for warming up the implements of destruction! Shrub and such are about to get trimmed!

    Shoe was so spot on! I was lucky to have gotten all of that, if you count lab coats when I came to ATL and worked for the Red Cross...but that has pretty much fallen by the wayside there too. Which is sad. At least that is true in Atlanta...I don't know that its true in some of the other Red Cross Regions.

    And over dinner I will watch how flat ware and glass cookware is made. Have either of you ever seen glass cooking pots? My Mom used to have a set. They were sorta heavy, but they were great for cooking. I don't at the moment remember the company that made them, or as a kid I may have never paid attention or thought to look!

    Ok, outdoors, here I come..

    Hi Valerie
    Sadly I suspect that most areas of the country employers are now considered as disposable.
    I feel bad for the current crop of workers entering the workforce.

    Interesting concept, Glass Pots, Fragile but likely easy to clean. The only glassware for cooking in the house are Pie pans and Rectangular Baking Dishes.

    Have a Good Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fantastic Friday! 64 out there now with an expected high of 72 and 20% chance of precipitation.

    I did get a little laundry done yesterday, and even FOLDED. But it's still sitting on top of the dryer so can't claim total completion. I'm surprised the cats haven't made themselves at home on it. If they haven't. But they don't spend a lot of time in the laundry room and when they do it's usually to sit in the window and look out, hoping to see birds, or the occasional bunny.

    Didn't get out to any grocery but might (MIGHT) today.

    I don't need to say any leftover Valentine candy for sale. I just don't.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    Cat sees owner "drowning" and tries to save owner.
