Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,311 Member
    Measure King digital "tape" measure review.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,311 Member
    edited March 2018
    Ashen's Easter Special, 2018! You never know what he's likely to say. Fair warning.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Oh Good Morning, good morning!
    I've just spent over an hour reading posts, watching vid's, following links, etc. A small part of which was I watched the iron skillets, and followed up with how they mfg pressure cookers and professional pots and pans, and why if I eat outdated food, and walk slowly I'll become demented and die younger that I should!!!!! LOL!

    Ok, Roger...the Honda folk recommend a blanket replacement of those filters every 15,000 miles. No science there...just 100% pure sales! Now if I drove as much as a 'normal' person I'd be on at least my 5th set of filters at about $100 a set! Nice for the Honda company.....
    Fabric is not cheap. Some day when you're bored go to a fabric store......back in the day you could save a bundle by making your own clothes...not any more. The pattern alone is $15, the fabric has a wide range of price per yard...Even the remnants of fabric (end of bolt, etc. usually about a yard, or less) are about $5 bucks...so Livy's cutting up old clothes, well, people have been doing it for centuries.... AND...my lawn mower has a gasoline engine. The tools I just bought are all electric. Ted did look at battery run lawn mowers, but they still need some 'time' before they would make sense for me to own.

    What an odd collection of Easter 'stuff'...do they not still make chocolate bunnies, candy eggs, (remember 'duck eggs' in vibrant colors, jelly beans, and chocolate covered marshmallow eggs etc??? Sugar overload!!! Wheeeee! So, what part of the chocolate bunny do you eat first? :) I was easy...just bite off an ear!!!

    Ok, morning is escaping and I'm not even dressed in street clothes...whoops! Gotta get it together!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member






  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking and no cents. The temperature this morning was 47 degrees and dry when I started out then a very light rain started falling that never became heavier.

    ‘Cheaper To Call An Uber’: Woman Fined, Fakes Pregnancy To Get Ambulance Ride Back To Hometown

    The Mystery of the Terrifying Xanax Resurgence in America


    April 2019 Tax Bills May Catch Some Americans Off Guard

    Legally change your gender to retire 5 years earlier in Argentina

    Self-Driving Car Ticketed; Company Disputes Violation

    Fraudulent Web Traffic Continues to Plague Advertisers, Other Businesses

    Have a Good Friday AKA
    Good Friday and the first Day of Passover too
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! 56 now with an expected high of 73 and 40% chance of precipitation.

    I did get out to Aldi yesterday and bought the essential items. I still have a few things on the list, and might get out to Ingles today to buy the rest. The weather may help me on deciding whether to go or not, and when. It's looking like they're not really expecting any rain until nearly dinner time this evening so getting out to Ingles is looking pretty likely. I'll probably run some laundry today too as I need to do the towels, if nothing else, and I usually combine those with the whites, and usually just go ahead and do all the available laundry when doing laundry so that means at least two loads, and sometimes three.

    I need to get yesterday's cat bowls cleaned and feed the cats too.
    Hi Ed
    Today I walked on a 3rd route in the last three days, Wednesday I saw two Deer on my way to get coffee then at the 1/2 way mark I saw four more heading down towards the water. Thursday on a second route I saw 4 Deer running along a stream and then today I saw two Deer, likely the same two as Wednesdays on my way for coffee then on a third route I saw 4 different Deer in a yard, likely eating the landscaping.

    Yesterday I went to the new Whole Foods that is now open to look around. I did sample some of the hot & cold foods, I was not impressed by the Cardboard boxes available to use, They did not keep the food warm. WF seems to have an aversion to plastic including the bags used to pack the purchases. The Fancy fresh baked breads did look tasty if Calorie laden. FWIW the Hot & cold foods were $8.99 a pound.

    I do need to do some laundry, I have waited too long and am running out of underclothes :(
    Fortunately We do have a High capacity Washer/dryer set I can use.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Oh Good Morning, good morning!
    I've just spent over an hour reading posts, watching vid's, following links, etc. A small part of which was I watched the iron skillets, and followed up with how they mfg pressure cookers and professional pots and pans, and why if I eat outdated food, and walk slowly I'll become demented and die younger that I should!!!!! LOL!

    Ok, Roger...the Honda folk recommend a blanket replacement of those filters every 15,000 miles. No science there...just 100% pure sales! Now if I drove as much as a 'normal' person I'd be on at least my 5th set of filters at about $100 a set! Nice for the Honda company.....
    Fabric is not cheap. Some day when you're bored go to a fabric store......back in the day you could save a bundle by making your own clothes...not any more. The pattern alone is $15, the fabric has a wide range of price per yard...Even the remnants of fabric (end of bolt, etc. usually about a yard, or less) are about $5 bucks...so Livy's cutting up old clothes, well, people have been doing it for centuries.... AND...my lawn mower has a gasoline engine. The tools I just bought are all electric. Ted did look at battery run lawn mowers, but they still need some 'time' before they would make sense for me to own.
    Hi Valerie
    If I said I do not agree entirely or partially with some of the conclusions in the articles I link, I present them to allow You and Ed to draw Your own conclusions. Some foods may be expired and completely safe to eat such as Dried Beans and others such as expired Dairy and Meats not.

    That is my feeling that the filter recommendations are designed to bring in revenue for the dealers and Honda as the parts provider.

    I have not looked at cloth, My one Aunt did make a lot of clothes for herself from patterns and Another Aunt and Grandmother Quilted :smiley:

    FWIW a Electric is easier to get going to mow with, Just hook up the battery and go :wink:
    OTOH I would think that a Gas powered Weed Whacker vs one that needs electric cord run, Or use one that runs on a rechargeable battery which would be quieter.
    What an odd collection of Easter 'stuff'...do they not still make chocolate bunnies, candy eggs, (remember 'duck eggs' in vibrant colors, jelly beans, and chocolate covered marshmallow eggs etc??? Sugar overload!!! Wheeeee! So, what part of the chocolate bunny do you eat first? :) I was easy...just bite off an ear!!!

    Ok, morning is escaping and I'm not even dressed in street clothes...whoops! Gotta get it together!


    I am sure they make Chocolate Easter Bunnies, My Brother brings home a small one and Jelly Beans for Easter and of course the traditionally colored Yellow Peeps. Cadbury Eggs !
    What part do You eat first off of the Chocolate Bunny, Why the ears of course.

    Have a Good Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,311 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fantastic Friday! 56 out there with an expected high of 64 and 0% chance of rain.

    Need to clean up yesterday's cat bowls and fold the laundry from yesterday. I ended up only doing a "whites and towels" load as there was very little in the "regular clothes" bin. Neither of us has been going out much and "sitting around at home" clothes don't take up nearly as much room as it's usually just gym shorts and a tee. The tee goes in with the whites, so they got washed but a few pairs of gym shorts wasn't worth running a load for. When it's a few more pairs, and some other regular clothes, it will get a run.

    I got my notice this morning of the data breach at MyFitnessPal. While it does cause some minor concern, I don't have any sensitive data on this site and can't really imagine that anyone other than us would find my postings to be of any interest whatsoever, even if they do crack the password file.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,311 Member
    Why you should perhaps reserve a little of your pasta water...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,311 Member
    Emmy tries another field ration. From Norway!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,311 Member
    Big City Slider Station. Does it work for Emmy?

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,311 Member
    I like Ethiopian food, but some of it is awfully spicy! There are some dishes I'd definitely NOT give the kids to try.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,311 Member
    I remember one neighbor in Memphis who had an electric mower with a cord. She ran over the cord and that ended the mowing for that day...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    I swear I started this nearly 2 hours ago...and phone calls, text's, and my brunch all happened....totally missed breakfast this morning.
    I did change my password this morning after reading my email...I also noticed I had a friend request from a stranger who wants to do a meet and eat type group...I declined! She was in Alpharetta, longish trip, don't like those kinds of things, and who knows who she really is...nope, sorry!

    Roger I've had, and this spring replaced, the battery powered weed whacker...it just didn't have the strength, and the batteries (it came with 2) wear out. So, back to the electric weed eater!

    Ed running over electric cords seems to be a problem! Jack cut his power cord with his hedge trimmer. Said it just made a little pop noise...and of course ruined the electric cord! :)
    I'm sure that sometime or another I will do that, just hopefully not anytime soon!

    I know I mentioned Honda wanting to change my air filters...did I happen to mention that they also strongly said I need new tires. Which they will be happy to replace for me...to the tune of about $700. My Thinking....Tires are 5 years old, like the car...so there's the age issue, but the car is approaching only 23,000 miles. Really...do tires wear out THAT quickly? Have either of you purchased tires from Costco? My Saturn got new shoes from Kauffman tires.
    I can see I have some shopping around to do! I think I do not want another set of the Dunlop tires that came on the car. Less than 23 thousand miles...surely the Michelin tires advertised at Pep Boys would wear better, and tires themselves about $200 less. (I will guess that would not include mounting, and warranties, etc. So price wise probably about the same...
    Welcome any personal input.

    Now, its nearly 2:30, and sad to say I'm still in my bathrobe....I have to get this day moving or I'll be late to bed tonite!! LOL!!



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member






  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking and no cents. The temperature this morning was 38 degrees and the sky was clear with a bright moon lighting the way as I walked.

    Looking out the window Friday after I had posted here on MFP I see a Male & Female Duck in the yard eating some of the Bird Food I spread on the ground when I refilled the Bird Feeder.

    The Firestarter: What Happens When the Government Lies About You in Court?

    Shock as Starbucks and other coffee brands MUST carry cancer warning – judge rules

    Army of the FUTURE: US Marines train with prototype DRONE-KILLER lasers

    Woman’s abdominal pain turned out to be 2,350 gallstones

    Peeps, pensions and a lawsuit threaten to upend the American retirement system

    Canada's last destroyer leaves Halifax harbour, headed for scrap heap

    Have a Good Saturday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fantastic Friday! 56 out there with an expected high of 64 and 0% chance of rain.

    Need to clean up yesterday's cat bowls and fold the laundry from yesterday. I ended up only doing a "whites and towels" load as there was very little in the "regular clothes" bin. Neither of us has been going out much and "sitting around at home" clothes don't take up nearly as much room as it's usually just gym shorts and a tee. The tee goes in with the whites, so they got washed but a few pairs of gym shorts wasn't worth running a load for. When it's a few more pairs, and some other regular clothes, it will get a run.

    I got my notice this morning of the data breach at MyFitnessPal. While it does cause some minor concern, I don't have any sensitive data on this site and can't really imagine that anyone other than us would find my postings to be of any interest whatsoever, even if they do crack the password file.
    Hi Ed
    I did get my Laundry washed, dried and folded yesterday so that chore is done.

    I got the notice too, One reason that occurred to me as a reason to change the password is to prevent someone using my account to spam the site, change my settings or more.
    Why you should perhaps reserve a little of your pasta water...
    I have heard the chefs on the cooking contest shows mention saving the pasta water as a useful thing to do

    Have a Good Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,311 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! 39 with an expected high of 67 and no chance of precipitation.

    Need to get yesterday's cat bowls washed, and get the cats fed. There is also still some folding of laundry to be done, but I DID get a little over half of it done yesterday and all of it is out of the dryer. It's just sitting on top, waiting to be folded.

    We may go to Marietta today for a flea market benefiting the Good Mews Foundation, a large cat rescue operation. As far as I know they are not adopting out cats, but just selling stuff to make money. We may go, just to see what kind of stuff people have donated for the sale. Sure don't want to bring back any fleas from the flea market though!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I swear I started this nearly 2 hours ago...and phone calls, text's, and my brunch all happened....totally missed breakfast this morning.
    I did change my password this morning after reading my email...I also noticed I had a friend request from a stranger who wants to do a meet and eat type group...I declined! She was in Alpharetta, longish trip, don't like those kinds of things, and who knows who she really is...nope, sorry!

    Roger I've had, and this spring replaced, the battery powered weed whacker...it just didn't have the strength, and the batteries (it came with 2) wear out. So, back to the electric weed eater!

    Ed running over electric cords seems to be a problem! Jack cut his power cord with his hedge trimmer. Said it just made a little pop noise...and of course ruined the electric cord! :)
    I'm sure that sometime or another I will do that, just hopefully not anytime soon!
    Hi Valerie
    Using a power cord operated mower does require being careful with the cord not to mention the possibility of getting tangled in the cord as a trip hazard :wink:

    My problem with anything needing a power cord outdoors is that we have no outdoor outlets and the breaker box is full.
    I know I mentioned Honda wanting to change my air filters...did I happen to mention that they also strongly said I need new tires. Which they will be happy to replace for me...to the tune of about $700. My Thinking....Tires are 5 years old, like the car...so there's the age issue, but the car is approaching only 23,000 miles. Really...do tires wear out THAT quickly? Have either of you purchased tires from Costco? My Saturn got new shoes from Kauffman tires.
    I can see I have some shopping around to do! I think I do not want another set of the Dunlop tires that came on the car. Less than 23 thousand miles...surely the Michelin tires advertised at Pep Boys would wear better, and tires themselves about $200 less. (I will guess that would not include mounting, and warranties, etc. So price wise probably about the same...
    Welcome any personal input.

    Now, its nearly 2:30, and sad to say I'm still in my bathrobe....I have to get this day moving or I'll be late to bed tonite!! LOL!!

    From Here: https://www.michelinman.com/US/en/help/do-I-need-new-tires.html
    A few milestones and tips:
    1- Keep five years in mind

    After five years or more in use, your tires should be thoroughly inspected at least once per year by a professional.
    2- Ten years is a maximum

    If the tires haven't been replaced 10 years after their date of manufacture, as a precaution, Michelin recommends replacing them with new tires. Even if they appear to be in usable condition and have not worn down to the tread wear indicator.
    This applies to spare tires as well.

    And a basic google search showed this
    Every tire has a birth date—the day it was manufactured—and an expiration date that is six years from that manufacture date. Most automobile manufacturers warn drivers to replace vehicle tires after six years. To wait any longer than that is a gamble with tire integrity and is risky for drivers.

    Newer tires will grip the road better when the road is wet and slippery due to the tread material being softer.

    The second link shows how to tell how new the new tires actually are. Having said that they are likely to be newer form a high volume seller. CostCo comes to mind for that.

    Have a nice day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,311 Member
    Kids try burgers from 10 states.
